本帖最后由 青蛙hjyuhh 于 2012-10-30 21:20 编辑
Dynmap - Real-time Minecraft maps:
版本:V0.90 Version: v0.90
IRC:#dynmap irc.esper.net IRC: irc.esper.net #dynmap
Dynmap提供了一个在浏览器中,如谷歌地图,地图MINECRAFT世界。 Dynmap provides an in-browser map, like Google Maps, of your Minecraft world. 在实时更新的地图,而你有你的浏览器打开并显示目前的球员,地区的地图和游戏中的消息。 It updates the map in realtime while you have your browser opened and shows the current players, regions and in-game messages on top of the map. 它也允许观众的地图,玩家在游戏中聊天,从他们的浏览器。 It also allows viewers of the map to chat from within their browser with players in-game.
常问问题 FAQ
产品特点: Features:
版本0.90 Version 0.90
版本:V0.90 Version: v0.90
IRC:#dynmap irc.esper.net IRC: irc.esper.net #dynmap
Dynmap提供了一个在浏览器中,如谷歌地图,地图MINECRAFT世界。 Dynmap provides an in-browser map, like Google Maps, of your Minecraft world. 在实时更新的地图,而你有你的浏览器打开并显示目前的球员,地区的地图和游戏中的消息。 It updates the map in realtime while you have your browser opened and shows the current players, regions and in-game messages on top of the map. 它也允许观众的地图,玩家在游戏中聊天,从他们的浏览器。 It also allows viewers of the map to chat from within their browser with players in-game.
常问问题 FAQ
产品特点: Features:
版本0.90 Version 0.90
版本0.80 Version 0.80
Dynmap - Real-time Minecraft maps:
版本:V0.90 Version: v0.90
IRC:#dynmap irc.esper.net IRC: irc.esper.net #dynmap
Dynmap提供了一个在浏览器中,如谷歌地图,地图MINECRAFT世界。 Dynmap provides an in-browser map, like Google Maps, of your Minecraft world. 在实时更新的地图,而你有你的浏览器打开并显示目前的球员,地区的地图和游戏中的消息。 It updates the map in realtime while you have your browser opened and shows the current players, regions and in-game messages on top of the map. 它也允许观众的地图,玩家在游戏中聊天,从他们的浏览器。 It also allows viewers of the map to chat from within their browser with players in-game.
常问问题 FAQ
产品特点: Features:
- 不同类型的可配置的地图 Configurable maps of different types
- 配置颜色方案。 Configurable color-schemes.
- 在地图上实时播放器(肖像) Realtime players (with portraits) on map
- 标记的地方,将显示在地图上。 Mark places that will show on the map.
- 通过网络和MINECRAFT双向聊天。 Two-way chatting through web and Minecraft.
- 在地图上的时间 Time on map
- 在地图上的天气 Weather on map
- 渲染支持各种流行的MINECRAFT多器官功能障碍综合征(1.2.5水平 - WIP 1.3.2支持) Rendering support for a variety of popular Minecraft Mods (at 1.2.5 level - WIP on 1.3.2 support)
- BuildCraft
- IndustrialCraft 2
- Red Power 2
- ComputerCraft
- Equivalent Exchange 2
- Ender Storage
- Extrabiomes XL
- Extrabiomes - Bunyan
- Forestry
- Advanced Machines for IC2
- Charging Bench for IC2
- Compact Solars for IC2
- Iron Chest
- LC Trees++
- NetherOres
- SuperSlopes
- Tubestuff
- ~
- 支持的浏览器:Firefox 4 +,Chrome浏览器10 +,歌剧11 +,Internet Explorer 9的+,Safari 5的+。 Supported browsers: Firefox 4+, Chrome 10+, Opera 11+, Internet Explorer 9+, Safari 5+. 任何旧版本可能无法正常工作。 Any older version might not work. 解决的办法是升级! The solution is to UPGRADE!
版本0.90 Version 0.90
- 添加纹理HD洞穴着色器,和的标准着色器定义(“stdtexture洞穴) Add texture-based HD cave shader, and standard shader definition ('stdtexture-cave')
- 更新MOD的支持 - 完全支持多器官功能障碍综合征的动态检测和他们所有的配置块ID(Tekkit / MCPC相关) Update mod support - fully dynamic detection of supported mods AND all their configured block IDs (Tekkit/MCPC related)
- 修复破损SuperSlopes支持 - 更新SuperSlopes V4 Fix breaks in SuperSlopes support - update for SuperSlopes v4
- 防止陷阱保存的渲染工作尚未开始 Prevent trap on save of render job that hasn't started yet
- 更新MODS支持1.3.2 MOD的名称,配置标识 Update mods support for 1.3.2 mod names, config IDs
- 修复标记初始化的问题 Fix problem with marker initialization
- 添加消息时,浏览器中的JavaScript被禁用 Add message when javascript is disabled in browser
- 删除虚假异常消息 Remove bogus exception message
- 支持延迟dynmap启动,在需要的时候让脱粒机块被注册,而不会干扰他们的初始化 Support delaying dynmap startup when needed to let Spout blocks be registered, without interfering with their initialization
- 内部服务器只信任X-转发,从本地主机(由于mickael9!) Make internal server only trust X-Forwarded-From for localhost (thanks to mickael9!)
- 提高天气显示的图标和行为上的数字时钟(Kimax!) Improve icons and behavior of weather display on digital clock (thanks to Kimax!)
- 各种性能优化更新 Various performance tuning updates
- 正确设置为TubeStuff支持的 Correct setting for TubeStuff support
- 修复CancellationExceptions被抛出Bukkit调度程序 Fix CancellationExceptions being thrown by Bukkit Scheduler
- 从唠叨如果mcstats.org是保持度量 Keep metrics from nagging if mcstats.org is offline
版本0.80 Version 0.80
版本0.70.3 Version 0.70.3
- 不要取消的作业除了在关断期间(无害的,但恼人的报告) Don't report cancelled jobs exception during shutdown (harmless but annoying)
- 等价交换2块渲染支持 Add Equivalent Exchange 2 block render support
- 支持添加的ExtraBiomesXL本仁块渲染 Add support for ExtraBiomesXL-Bunyan block rendering
- 添加支持ExtraBiomesXL块“ Add support for ExtraBiomesXL blocks
- 扩展自定义纹理的限制,到2000年(1000不够的Tekkit +其他器官功能障碍综合征) Extend limit on custom textures to 2000 (1000 not enough for Tekkit + other mods)
- 新增支持为匿名mcstats.org的使用情况指标 Add support for anonymous mcstats.org usage metrics
版本0.70.2 Version 0.70.2
- 修复打破由于CB的1.3.1-R2.1内部(1.2.5至1.3.1-R2.1支持) Fix break due to changes in CB 1.3.1-R2.1 internals (1.2.5 through 1.3.1-R2.1 supported)
版本0.70.1 Version 0.70.1
- CB 1.3.1块卸载问题的解决方法 Workaround for CB 1.3.1 chunk unload issue
- 删除控制台垃圾邮件的纹理U,V断言 Remove console spam from texture U,V assert
- 小的性能调整 Minor performance tweaks
版本0.70 Version 0.70
- 回头装载无人居住块 - 标志不会出现在CB可靠地工作 Turn back on loading of unpopulated chunks - flag in CB doesn't appear to work reliably
- 防止罕见的例外,由于边界像素的经纬度超过纹理的边缘 Prevent rare exception due to boundary case of pixel coord exceeds edge of texture
- 切换到与码头相匹配的servlet API - 内部服务器启动修复区域问题 Switch to servlet API matched with Jetty - fixes locale issue in internal server startup
- 降低记忆体流失 - 减少不必要的临时内存的使用 Reduce memory churn - less unnecessary temporary memory use
版本0.60 Version 0.60
- 更新吐支持 - 选项来启用/禁用,使用现有的纹理更快的启动,加载其他脱粒机多器官功能障碍综合征在dynmap之前,清理时禁用 Update spout support - option to enable/disable, use-existing-textures (faster startup), load other Spout mods before dynmap, cleanup when disabled
- 处理龙头MODS更好地与破碎的块名称 Handle Spout mods with broken block names better
- 添加支持为AsyncPlayerChatEvent - 傻1.3.1唠叨STFU Add support for AsyncPlayerChatEvent - make silly 1.3.1 nagging STFU
- 简化块加载/卸载,忽略无人居住块 Streamline chunk load/unload, ignore unpopulated chunks
- 更新内部的Web服务器,更好的资源使用限制(DOS攻击) Update internal web server, better restrict resource usage (DOS attacks)
- 添加纹理映射为“方向的”日志 Add texture mappings for 'directionless' logs
版本0.50 Version 0.50
- 添加当前和最大玩家数显示在网页 Add current and max player count display on web
- 更换config.js的基于配置的自动生成的替代品,包括自定义的URL部分,configuration.txt Replace config.js with configuration-based automatically generated alternative, including custom url section in configuration.txt
- 播放器设置API支持 - 支持播放基于分组(当球员信息保护)看到其他玩家的能见度,以及API,用于检测球员信息保护设置 Add Player Visibility Set API support - support players seeing other players based on groupings (when player info protected), as well as API for detecting player info protected setting
- 侧身日志和返工绊钩模型(V1.3支持) Add sideways logs and rework tripwire hook models (v1.3 support)
- 转换SuperSlopes模型/纹理到补丁渲染(光滑的斜坡) Convert SuperSlopes models/textures to patch renderer (smooth slopes)
- 切换球员的位置,根据眼睛/头部位置 - 修复问题与hideifundercover时,在车 Switch player position to be based on eye/head position - fix problem with hideifundercover when in cart
版本0.40 Version 0.40
- 新的补丁渲染器 - 允许块体模型,更好地满足本地客户端,更好地利用质感的包 New patch renderer - allows block models that better match native client, better use of texture packs
- 许多现有的分块模型转换到新的修补程序的渲染器,包括植物,苗木,火炬,杆,导轨,仙人掌,藤蔓,梯子,铁栅栏,红石线,门,breing立场,火灾和其他 Converted many existing block models to new patch renderer, including plants, saplings, torches, levers, rails, cactus, vines, ladders, iron fences, redstone wire, doors, breing stands, fire and others
- 支持添加IC2核控制块渲染 Add support for IC2 Nuclear Control block rendering
- 安德存储块渲染的支持 Add support for Ender Storage block rendering
- 支持IronChest块渲染 Add support for IronChest block rendering
- 支持TubeCraft块渲染 Add support for TubeCraft block rendering
- 修正错字tiles.php - 可以影响能见度的保护夜间/日间地图 Fix typo in tiles.php - can affect visibility of protected night/day maps
- 皮肤url设置 - 允许自定义的源URL播放器皮肤 Add skin-url setting - allows custom source URL for player skins
- 防止平移和世界上隐藏玩家在地图菜单切换时,点击 Prevent panning and world switching when clicking on hidden players in map menu
- 修复聊天脱色 - 删除的大胆和其他控制序列 Fix chat color stripping - also remove bold and other control sequences
- “重构”目录结构,器官功能障碍综合征与股票质地包中所使用的相匹配的标准材质包 - 更轻松 Refactor directory structure in standard texture pack for mods to match that used in stock texture packs - easier
,使用MOD支撑的纹理包 to use mod-supporting texture packs- 排序播放列表上地图视图按字母顺序排列(感谢Pneumatus!) Sort player list on map view alphabetically (thanks to Pneumatus!)
- 从破碎的大块大块负载Bukkit上处理异常 - 让他们被杀害的 Handle exceptions from Bukkit on chunk loads of broken chunks - keep from being killed by them
- 添加的“blockredstone”触发(默认情况下禁用 - 请小心使用!) Add 'blockredstone' trigger (disabled by default - use with care!)
版本0.39 Version 0.39
- 修复陷阱,可能会发生若干块顶部的世界 Fix traps that could happen with certain blocks at top of world
- 避免陷阱,由于一些没有块发送BlockBreak事件的坏多器官功能障碍综合征... Avoid traps due to some bad mods sending BlockBreak events with no block...
- 返修胸部渲染 - 使用的项目/ chest.png的,新的胸部取向数据,并支持enderchest(1.3) Rework chest rendering - use item/chest.png, new chest orientation data, and support enderchest (1.3)
- 初步支持所有新的1.3次盖帽(的12w25a) Add preliminary support for all new 1.3 blocks (as of 12w25a)
- 加载一些模块定义为ID 256以上的修复问题 Fix issues with loading some block definitions to IDs above 256
- 支持添加RailCraft立方型块(混凝土,世界锚) Add support for RailCraft Cube-type blocks (concrete, world anchors)
- 防止IE浏览器缓存错误的更新负载 Prevent IE caching of bad update loads
- 解决潜在的问题,如果微秒向上舍入为1000毫秒 Fix potential issue if microseconds rounds up to 1000 milliseconds
- 改进作风上的登录按钮(感谢LimeByte!) Improve style on login buttons (thanks to LimeByte!)
- updates.php重试的情况下更新数据不可用(防止偶尔更新错误) Make updates.php retry in case update data isn't available (prevent occasional update errors)
版本0.38 Version 0.38
- '商标'设置组件的位置,允许多个实例 Make 'logo' component position settable, allow more than one instance
- 添加“hiddenids”设置HD洞着色器 - 控制块应被视为固体 Add 'hiddenids' setting to HD Cave shader - control which blocks should be treated as solid
- 修复标记的JSON模式时,登录活跃,任何受保护的世界 Fix markers when JSON mode, login active, and any protected worlds
- 修复安全检查瓷砖和配置夜/天世界 Fix security check for tiles and configuration from night/day worlds
- IC2的紧凑型Solars支持 Add IC2 Compact Solars support
- 做适当的转义编码的字符串到PHP文件中生成 Do proper escape encoding for string generated into PHP files
- 更新了jQuery 1.7.2 - 修复IE9愚蠢 Update jQuery to 1.7.2 - fix IE9 stupidity
- 修复Chrome浏览器的行为时,登录使用URL参数(假的配置错误) Fix Chrome behavior when login while using URL parameters (bogus configuration error)
- 禁用hideifundercover虚空(一切都在盖有) Disable hideifundercover on nether (EVERYTHING is under cover there...)
- 修复照明超过128 KzedMap Fix lighting above 128 on KzedMap
- 修复保存登录时的URL参数驱动或被迫 Fix preservation of URL parameters when login is driven or forced
- 世界上的滚动按钮添加点触摸的支持,球员名单 Add touch support for scroll buttons on world, player lists
- 修复hideifundercover完 Fix hideifundercover on The End
- 林业支持的标志,configuration.txt Add forestry-support flag to configuration.txt
版本0.37 Version 0.37
- 解决各种PHP JSON文件模式(没有登录启用的问题) Fix various PHP issues with JSON file mode (with and without login enabled)
- 修复整数/双不匹配异常时,使种子在世界的数据 Fix integer/double mismatch exception when render seeds set in world data
- 修复会话在up.php问题 Fix session issue in up.php
- 修复up.aspx工作职位(聊天消息)(感谢bytemr!) Fix up.aspx to work with POSTs (chat messages) (thanks to bytemr!)
- 初始化login.html专注于用户ID栏 Initialize focus on login.html to user ID field
- 更新RailCraft支持 - 新的实用程序块 Update RailCraft support - new utility blocks
版本0.36.3 Version 0.36.3
- 加入“保护玩家信息”选项ClientUpdateComponent - 启用登录保护球员的位置和健康(只看到自己除了登录的dynmap.playermarkers.showall许可) Add 'protected-player-info' option for ClientUpdateComponent - enables login protection of player positions and health (only see self except for logins with dynmap.playermarkers.showall permission)
- 设置“blockphysics和”blockfromto“被禁用(默认情况下CB一点用处都没有太多触发器触发) Set 'blockphysics' and 'blockfromto' triggers to be disabled by default (too many triggers on CB that are not useful)
- 为世界的“保护”选项 - 如果设置,只有登录与“dynmap.world。<world-id>许可,可以看到对于给定的世界地图 Add 'protected' option for worlds - if set, only logins with 'dynmap.world.<world-id>' permission can see maps for given world
- 加入“保护”的选项地图 - ,如果集,只有dynmap.map。<world-id>登录。<map-id>许可给定的世界地图上可以看到 Add 'protected' option for maps - if set, only logins with 'dynmap.map.<world-id>.<map-id>' permission can see given map on given world
- LC树+ +渲染支持 Add LC Trees++ rendering support
- 修复处理未知生物群落(MODS的添加新的生物群落) Fix handling of unknown biomes (for mods that add new biomes)
- 添加支持为KzedMap和FlatMap 256个高世界(1.2 +) Add support for KzedMap and FlatMap with 256 high worlds (1.2+)
- 保留URL参数使用时登录/注册 Preserve URL parameters when Login/Register is used
- 修复面辅料的处理不透明度 Fix handling of face accessories with no transparency
- 防止异常标记删除标记图标 Prevent exceptions with markers with deleted marker icons
- 防止异常时,目录中删除,同时使 Prevent exceptions when directories deleted while rendering
- 修正了PHP错误时,没有JSON文件和登录启用 Fix PHP error when no JSON files and login enabled
- 固定格式无效消息面板(谢谢,ST-DDT!) Fix formatting on inactive message panel (Thanks, ST-DDT!)
- 从消隐瓷砖,避免锁冲突缩小文件 Prevent lock conflicts on zoom out files from blanking tiles
- 按住Shift键的配置URL处理主线程(API安全) Shift configuration URL processing to main thread (API safety)
- 饼块的修复模型 Fix model for cake block
版本0.36.2 Version 0.36.2
- ,修复登录注册过程中JSON文件模式 Fix login registration process in json file mode
- 添加chatlengthlimit设置 - 限制网络聊天消息的大小 Add 'chatlengthlimit' setting - limit size of chat messages from web
- 保留登录用户ID的情况下(不小写所有的时间) Preserve login user ID case (don't make lowercase all the time)
- 防止异常时,播放器的皮肤是无效的大小 Protect against exception when player skin is invalid size
- 修复登录网页上的错别字 Fix typos on login web page
版本0.36.1 Version 0.36.1
- 修复bPermissions和PermissionsBukkit支持 Fix bPermissions and PermissionsBukkit support
- 添加“网上聊天,permisisons”设置 - 默认情况下禁用检查为dynmap.webchat许可 Add 'webchat-permisisons' setting - disable checking for dynmap.webchat permission by default
- 添加模型的胸部 Add model for chests
版本0.36 Version 0.36
- 修复处理自定义照明龙头块,新的世界高度,喷口自定义模块 Fix handling of lighting of custom Spout blocks, new world height with Spout custom blocks
- 避免的问题时,脱粒机加载失败 Avoid issues when Spout fails to load
- 回溯+网上聊天需要登录修复chatbox.js例外 Fix chatbox.js exception with scrollback+webchat-requires-login
- 移除额外的逗号map.js(KenanY的) Remove extra comma from map.js (KenanY)
- 支持适当的渲染v1.2.x门的位置 Support proper rendering of v1.2.x door positions
- 没有地图,从地图菜单中删除世界 Remove worlds with no maps from map menu
- json文件的配置和世界的更新为了更新修复潜力 Fix potential out of order update of json file configuration and world updates
- gettiles.php脚本 - 选项,以避免对外部服务器404错误记录 Add gettiles.php script - option to avoid logging 404 errors on external servers
版本0.35 Version 0.35
- 新增用户ID的登录Web界面,包括游戏中的注册命令/ dynmap webregister Add user-ID based login for web interface, including in-game registration command /dynmap webregister
- 添加dynmap.webchat权限,以允许基于权限的限制,网络聊天(登录名和ID,通过基于IP的用户ID) Add dynmap.webchat permissions to allow permission-based restriction of web chat (login and ID-by-IP based user IDs)
- 强制登录Web访问(登录)选项强制登录的网络聊天(网上聊天登录所需的选项) Option for mandatory login for web access (login-required) and option for mandatory login for web chat (webchat-login-required)
- 避免潜在的线程安全问题与JVM的ImageIO类 Avoid potential thread safety issues with JVM's ImageIO class
- 添加特定的支持适用于PermissionsEx,bPermissions的,PermissionsBukkit Add specific support for PermissionsEx, bPermissions, PermissionsBukkit
- 更新纹理和添加新块1.2.4(彩色木板,新的砂岩) Update textures and add new blocks for 1.2.4 (colored planks, new sandstone)
- 防止陷阱嘴自定义模块 Prevent traps with some spout custom blocks
- 修复CF IndustrialCraft 2 - 泡沫质地是索引到terrain.png的,! Fix CF Foam texture for IndustrialCraft 2 - was indexing into terrain.png!
- 处理零地图的世界更干净 Handle zero map worlds more cleanly
- 添加杂项/ swampgrasscolor.png的和MISC / swampfoliagecolor.png支持 Add misc/swampgrasscolor.png and misc/swampfoliagecolor.png support
- 处理自定义水的颜色底纹(MISC / watercolorX.png)的(例如米萨质地) Handle custom water color shading (misc/watercolorX.png) (eg Misa texture)
- 解决线程安全问题在JSONFileUpdate(罕见的例外) Fix thread safety issue in JSONFileUpdate (rare exception)
- 修复客户端IP up.php转发聊天消息 Fix client IP on up.php forwarded chat messages
- fillOpacity = 0区/圈的折线与区域 Make fillOpacity=0 areas/circles polylines versus area
- 修复圆圈标记 - 被忽略的X,Z坐标的中心 Fix circle marker - was ignoring x,z coord of center
- 的URL,它可以覆盖的sidebaropened的选项 Make it possible to override the sidebaropened option from the URL
- 的修复/ dynmap updaterender <mapname>的 - 只提供选择地图 Fix /dynmap updaterender <mapname> - only render selected map
版本0.34 Version 0.34
- 添加圆/椭圆区域标记(/ dmarker addcircle,/ updatecircle / deletecircle / listcircles的支持) Add support for Circle/Ellipse Area Markers (/dmarker addcircle/updatecircle/deletecircle/listcircles)
- 更新到1.2风格的的生物群落阴影(1.1将做到这一点 - 对不起) Update to 1.2-style biome shading (1.1 will do this too - sorry)
- 退休老的测试渲染选项(正确的生物群落的阴影,平滑的生物群落的的阴影,waterbiomeshaded,swampshaded,围栏块加入) Retire old beta render options (correct-biome-shading, smooth-biome-shading, waterbiomeshaded, swampshaded, fence-to-block-join)
- 解决问题的时候,他们的藏身之全玻璃块部分是顶部的块 Fix problem with hiding all-glass chunk sections when they are top of chunk
- 修复协调搞砸了重生标记(感谢,fernferret!) Fix coordinate screw up on spawn marker (thanks, fernferret!)
- 添加“visiblelines”客舱“ - ”设置控件可见的空间聊天记录 Add 'visiblelines' setting for 'chatbox' - control visible space for chat history
- 添加添加映射到另一个世界的地图列表中的选项(append_to_world上HDMaps属性) Add option to add maps to other world's map list (append_to_world attribute on HDMaps)
- 添加“hiddenids的选项来控制隐藏块地形渲染,添加地形noplants着色器的隐藏树木/植物 Add 'hiddenids' option to control hiding of blocks in topographic renderer, add topo-noplants shader to hide trees/plants
- 修复着色范围地形着色器:加入topo256世界256地势高的着色器 Fix coloring range on topo shaders : add topo256 shader for worlds generated with 256-high terrain
- 经纬度箱增长,在需要的时候 Make coord box grow when needed
- 防止在渲染非常罕见的空异常 Prevent very rare null exception in render
- 支持较新的自定义水/熔岩布局的质地包(的ANIM /目录的纹理包) Support newer custom water/lava layout in texture packs (anim/ directory in texture packs)
- 圆圈标记的API Add circle marker APIs
- 修复标记API和命令行的行为与归一化的世界名 Fix marker API and command line behavior with normalized world names
- 处理以上世界顶级的照明检查 Handle lighting checks above world top
版本0.33 Version 0.33
- 完成支持1.2.3 CB(CB 1.1-R3或更高版本仍然支持) Finish support for CB 1.2.3 (CB 1.1-R3 or later still supported)
- 渲染非常大的性能提升,在CB 11 CB 1.2世界(50-100%) Very large performance boost on rendering, both on CB 11 and CB 1.2 worlds (50-100% faster)
- 在1.2中修复渲染的幽冥 Fix render of nether in 1.2
- 删除侦听器禁用触发器,在可能的情况下(帮助大型服务器的性能在繁忙的触发器) Drop listeners on disabled triggers, where possible (help performance on big servers on busy triggers)
- 支持添加“blockgrow”触发 - 各种植物的生长活动 Add support for 'blockgrow' trigger - various plant growth events
- 支持全世界名称中包含'/'名称 Support world names containing '/' in name
- 丛林树苗,上半部分地砖,新石砖块 Add jungle saplings, top-half slabs, new stone brick blocks
- CB 1.2次盖帽在传统的渲染 Add CB 1.2 blocks on legacy renderers
- 丛林和丛林丘陵生物群落支持 Add jungle and jungle-hills biome support
- 添加渲染ComputerCraft块的支持 Add support for rendering ComputerCraft blocks
- 修正一些Windows机器上的端口绑定问题 Fix port binding issue on some Windows boxes
版本0.32 Version 0.32
- 更新到新的1.1事件系统(1.1-R5准备) Update to new 1.1 event system (1.1-R5 ready)
- 更新内部Web服务器(码头v8.1.1) Update internal web server (Jetty v8.1.1)
- 添加禁用的空气污染指数内部聊天,网络处理(Dynmap-HeroChat准备) Add disable API for internal chat-to-web processing (prep for Dynmap-HeroChat)
- 禁用现有的HeroChat的组成部分(不符合新的事件模型 - Dynmap-HeroChat支持HeroChat V5.5) Disable existing HeroChat component (incompatible with new event model - Dynmap-HeroChat will support HeroChat v5.5)
- 使UI处理非标准世界的高度和海平面值 Make UI handle non-standard world heights and sea level values
- 在性能上“blockphysics”和“blockfromto”的触发大的改善 - 少很多不必要的渲染触发 Big improvements in performance on 'blockphysics' and 'blockfromto' triggers - much fewer unneeded render triggers
- 添加可选的发送消息客舱组件的Web UI(按钮) Add optional send message push button for web UI (chatbox component)
- 延迟播放器加入网站消息,报告略,使球员隐藏MODS像VNP的时间隐藏播放器之前,我们的报告 Delay player join web message reporting slightly, so that player hiding mods like VNP have time to hide player before we report
- 添加图像格式的全局设置 - 改变所有HDMaps没有自己的图像格式设置 Add global setting for image-format - changes all HDMaps that don't have their own image-format setting
- 新增支持目前的1.2抢鲜块,包括转楼梯,红石灯。 Add support for current 1.2-prerelease blocks, including inverted stairs, redstone lamps.
- 添加默认着色器的明亮的洞穴,洞穴认为,只有显示与照明的洞穴 Add default shader 'lit-cave' for cave view that only shows caves with lighting
- 有质感的包装与custom_water_still.png解决问题,但没有custom_water_flowing.png Fix problem with texture packs with custom_water_still.png but no custom_water_flowing.png
- 添加平滑的移动播放器的图标在地图上视图 Add smooth movement of player icons on map view
- 解决问题/ DMAP worldset <world>中心:在这里, Fix problem with /dmap worldset <world> center:here
- 修正错误没有列出玩家关于残疾人的世界 Fix error with not listing players on disabled worlds
- 修复“stokeWeight错字区域和折线标记 - 被妥善保存保存自定义笔触粗细 Fix 'stokeWeight' typo in Area and Polyline markers - kept custom stroke weight from being preserved properly
版本0.31: Version 0.31:
- 增加了“structuregrow”触发 - 更新育林树,种植蘑菇巨人 Added 'structuregrow' trigger - update on sapling growing to tree, mushroom growing giant
- assertPlayerVisbility()API(其他插件) Add assertPlayerVisbility() API (for other plugins)
- 添加多折线标记 - 多线段的地图标记(标记类的东西raile路线,道路等) Add Poly-Line Markers - multi-line-segment map markers (for marking things like raile routes, roads, etc)
- 新的1.1事件系统(休息兼容性与CB 1.0.1及更早版本迁移事件处理) Migrate event handling to new 1.1 event system (breaks compatibility with CB 1.0.1 and earlier)
- 添加'maxofflinetime“设置了老”离线播放器“标记”标记“组件 - 年龄 Add 'maxofflinetime' setting to 'markers' component - age out old 'offline player' markers
- 柔和的灯光支持(通过“平稳照明设置 - 全局设置,每照明设置) - 使照明和阴影非常流畅(没有块状边) Add smooth lighting support (via 'smooth-lighting' setting - global setting and per-lighting setting) - makes lighting and shadows very smooth (no blocky edges)
- 品牌光滑的沼泽生物群落阴影的额外平滑“(如柔和的灯光 - 没有块边缘) Make smooth swamp biome shading 'extra smooth' (like smooth lighting - no block edges)
- 支持添加/ dmarker外接和/ dmarker的更新支持明确的坐标(X,Y,Z,世界上) Add support for /dmarker add and /dmarker update supporting explicit coordinates (x, y, z, world)
- / dmarker添加角落命令现在需要的Y坐标时增加使用明确的坐标 /dmarker add corner command now requires Y coordinate when adding using explicit coordinates
- 林业模渲染一些初步的支持(资源,矿石) Some initial support for Forestry mod rendering (resources, ores)
- 添加用于控制显示/隐藏标记贴纸标记集(相对于全球)的支持,通过“showlabels”atttribute Add support for controlling show/hide of marker labels per marker set (versus just globally), via 'showlabels' atttribute
- 修复includehiddenplayers:真正的“问题 - 引起所有玩家的标记被隐藏 Fix 'includehiddenplayers: true' problem - caused all player markers to be hidden
- 添加的默认灯光下的定义使用柔和的灯光(阴影流畅,夜间光滑的,等) Add default lighting definitions for using smooth lighting (shadows-smooth, night-smooth, etc)
版本0.30.1: Version 0.30.1:
- 新增地图/国际配置命令- / DMAP的命令(见https://github.com/webbukkit/dynmap/wiki/Configuring-Maps-and-Worlds-using-dmap ) Add map/world configuration commands - /dmap commands (see https://github.com/webbukkit/dynmap/wiki/Configuring-Maps-and-Worlds-using-dmap )
- 退休/删除'chunkloaded“触发,为'playermove”触发警告 Retire/remove 'chunkloaded' trigger, add warning for 'playermove' trigger
- 修复打破在1.1版的更新/事件处理时使用/ dynmap重装 Fix break in update/event processing on 1.1 when using /dynmap reload
- 修正不正确的取消的聊天信息报告网络 Fix incorrect reporting of cancelled chat messages to web
- 添加assertPlayerInvisibility API(允许其他插件来隐藏/显示玩家) Add assertPlayerInvisibility API (allow other plugins to hide/show players)
- 添加“显示MCR”选项,为“经纬度控制(显示MCR文件名) Add 'show-mcr' option for 'coord' control (show MCR file names)
- 修复HeroChat 4.x版支持 Fix HeroChat v4.x support
- 修复/改善脱粒机支持自定义块 - 不仅仅是SpoutMaterials的支持 Fix/improve Spout custom block support - more than just SpoutMaterials support
- 添加支持大于128的世界(上改装成可换股债券) Add support for greater-than-128 high worlds (on modded CBs)
- 添加渲染支持Kaevator的SuperSlopes Add render support for Kaevator's SuperSlopes
- 提供支持RailCraft块 Add render support for RailCraft blocks
- 修正了罕见的错误,JSON文件更新(并发修改错误) Fix rare error with JSON file update (concurrent modification error)
- 限制等待正常关机的Web服务器为10秒 Limit wait on graceful shutdown of web server to 10 seconds
- 解决信息重复JSON网站消息,由不同的服务器上运行时sendmessage.php Fix message duplication on JSON web messages when sendmessage.php run by different server
- 修复计数逻辑“fullrenderplayerlimit Fix counting logic on 'fullrenderplayerlimit'
- 加入“电网规模的上TexturePackHDShader选项 - 可以选择在地图上绘制网格 Add 'grid-scale' option on TexturePackHDShader - optionally draw grid on maps
- 在关闭过程中,修复偶有例外的Web服务器 Fix occasional exceptions in web server during shutdown
- 解决问题处理一些非字母数字字符,在Windows的网络路径或瓷砖路径 Fix problem with handling some non-alphanumeric characters in web path or tiles path on Windows
- 偶然的瓷砖边缘文物修复HD使(缺少部分水块) Fix occasional edge-of-tile artifacts on HD renders (missing partial water blocks)
版本0.30: Version 0.30:
- 防止不必要的码头异常显示在服务器控制台 Prevent display of unnecessary jetty exceptions in server console
- 解决方法离奇的自定义块纹理处理在某些版本中脱粒机和SpoutMaterials的 Workaround bizarre custom block texture handling in some versions of Spout and SpoutMaterials
- 初步支持MC V1.2块 - ​​丛林中的树木和树叶 Add preliminary support for MC v1.2 blocks - jungle trees and leaves
版本0.29.2: Version 0.29.2:
- 更换内部Web服务器与Eclipse码头(感谢FrozenCow!) Replace internal web server with Eclipse Jetty (Thanks to FrozenCow!!)
- 完全支持1.1.0特点:光滑的沼泽生物群落的阴影(设置平滑生物群落的底纹:真),5个新的生物群落 Fully support 1.1.0 features: New smooth swamp biome shading (set smooth-biome-shading: true), 5 new biomes
- 支持工业工艺2电源转换器MOD Add support for Industrial Craft 2 Power Converters mod
- 添加工业工艺2台MOD充电 Add support for Industrial Craft 2 Charging Bench mod
- 支持工业工艺先进的生产设备模 Add support for Industrial Craft 2 Advanced Machines mod
- 添加支持NetherOres模“ Add support for NetherOres mod
- 全身播放器图标添加选项(showplayerbody:真) Add option for whole-body player icons (showplayerbody: true)
- 支持喷口定制模块(SpoutMaterials) Support Spout custom blocks (SpoutMaterials)
- 保持的JSON配置和更新的同步 - 避免GUI循环错误时,服务器关闭 Keep JSON config and updates in sync - avoid GUI cycling bug when server shutdown
- 更改低分辨率表面地图模板“阴影”照明 Change lowres surface map template to 'shadows' lighting
- 修复弹出文本区域标记IE9 Fix popup text for area markers on IE9
- 庞大的代码重构 - 分割代码可以移植到其他服务器 Huge code refactor - split code to allow porting to other servers
版本0.29.1 Version 0.29.1
- 修正了0.29.1渲染设置被重新加载正确地在/ dynmap的重载的问题 - 可以搞砸了积极的渲染依赖于它们被设置为“真”。 Fix for problem with 0.29.1 render settings not being reloaded properly during /dynmap reload - can screw up active renders that depend on them being set 'true'.
- 完成主线程 - 队列处理到另一个线程的最小化事件处理 Minimize event processing done on main thread - queue processing to another thread
- 修复网络配置缓存的争用条件可能导致Web UI周期 Fix race condition on web configuration cache that could cause web UI to cycle
- 修复的UI异常时,showlayercontrol'是假的。 Fix UI exception when 'showlayercontrol' is false.
版本0.29 Version 0.29
- 进行新的渲染改进,这需要全图,使使地图看起来不错,默认情况下,对现有的安装(默认configuration.txt将启用它们,将加入以下设置configuration.txt,),禁用: Make new render improvements, which require full map renders to make the maps look right, disabled by default on existing installs (the default configuration.txt will enable them, as will adding the following settings to configuration.txt):
代码: Code:
使用生成的纹理:真 use-generated-textures: true 正确的水照明:真 correct-water-lighting: true 正确的生物群落底纹:真 correct-biome-shading: true
版本0.28 Version 0.28
- 添加了一堆的渲染改进和期权,以图更好地满足本地客户端: Add a bunch of render improvements and options, to make maps better match native client:
- 添加纹理发电机火,熔岩,水 - Add texture generators for fire, lava, water
- 修正了水的灯光和生物群落的阴影,以配合MC客户端 - Fix water lighting and biome shading to match MC client
- 修正了百合,桦木,松木叶阴影,以配合客户端 - Fix lily, birch, pine leaf shading to match client
- 加入“草”设置 - 允许草和雪被渲染为BetterGrass模 - Add 'better-grass' setting - allows grass and snow to be rendered as done by BetterGrass mod
- 生成原生UI相同的方向图案,睡莲 - Generate lily pads with same orientation pattern as native UI- 支持添加RedPower2块 Add support for RedPower2 blocks
- 支持添加剪裁块ID RedPower2,IndustrialCraft2,BuildCraft支持与configuration.txt设置 Add support for tailoring block IDs in RedPower2, IndustrialCraft2, and BuildCraft support with configuration.txt settings
- ,添加/ dynmap updaterender命令 - 呈现在选定的位置开始,一直持续到瓷砖不需要更新达到 Add /dynmap updaterender command - renders starting at selected location and continuing until tiles not needing update are reached
- 新增支持相关的播放器登录自己的IP地址,并使用此标签(块)网络聊天(通过使用播放器登录的IP,需要玩家登录的IP块禁止玩家聊天设置) Added support for correlating player logins with their IP addresses, and using this to label (and even block) web chat (via use-player-login-ip, require-player-login-ip, block-banned-player-chat settings)
- 添加/ dynmap的附加ID-IP和/ dynmap的DEL-ID的IP允许手动添加和删除播放器的ID到IP的映射,并/ dynmap IDS-IP和/ dynmap IPS-ID查询的数据。 Add /dynmap add-id-for-ip and /dynmap del-id-for-ip to allow manual add and remove player ID to IP mappings, and /dynmap ids-for-ip and /dynmap ips-for-id to query the data.
- 增加了“链接”UI组件 - 添加“链接”按钮来生成URL当前窗口的视图与所有视图敏感的参数(世界地图,缩放,位置) Added 'link' UI component - adds 'link' button to generate URL for current window view, with all view-sensitive parameter (world, map, zoom, position)
- “blockfromto和'blockphysics'触发器 - 所需要的熔岩和水流动的驱动更新 Add 'blockfromto' and 'blockphysics' triggers - needed for lava and water flowing driven updates
- hideifsneaking选项隐藏玩家,偷偷/蜷缩 Add hideifsneaking option for hiding players that are sneaking/crouching
- 添加支持可选的产卵床层(显示玩家的产卵床)(showspawnbeds,spawnbed设置) Add support for optional spawn-bed layer (show player's spawn beds) (showspawnbeds, spawnbed* settings)
- 点击侧边栏使用,而不是徘徊在移动设备(感谢FrozenCow!) Made the sidebar use clicking instead of hovering for mobile devices (thanks FrozenCow!)
- 添加'followmap'和'followzoom'允许设置的地图和变焦时,用户选择应遵循 Add 'followmap' and 'followzoom' to allow setting of map and zoom when a user is selected to be followed
- 增加了“hidechat的URL参数 - 关闭所有聊天组件的加载窗口 Added 'hidechat' URL parameter - turns off all chat components on loaded window
- “寄托”为showlayercontrol选择:设置 - 显示发泡层选择的时间 Add 'pinned' choice for showlayercontrol: setting - show expanded layer selection all the time
- 通用代码结构的工作,准备好其他的服务器端口的代码 General code structure work, prepping code for other server ports
- 更新时间的样图worlds.txt是HD地图 Updated sample maps in worlds.txt to be HD maps
- “玩家”和“地图类型”UI标签添加定制/翻译 Add customization/translation for "Players" and "Map Types" UI labels
- 在网络聊天中修复jQuery的与双questionmarks问题(?) Fix jQuery problem with double questionmarks (??) in web chat
- 提高浏览器的缓存行为砖(缓存更多的时候) Improve browser cache behavior with tiles (cache more often)
- 防止缓存的配置URL JSON文件模式 Prevent caching of configuration URL on JSON file mode
- 支持二维轮廓的Y坐标比y = 64 Make 2D outlines support Y coordinates other than y=64
- 重新活跃命令输出到播放器后,重新启动,注销/登录 Reconnect active command output to player after restart, logoff/logon
- 修复缓慢的内存泄漏块快照缓存(大地图乡亲的重要FIX) -为寻找合适的地方,这让我感谢@ snowleo (@ essentialsteam )! Fix for slow memory leak in chunk snapshot cache (IMPORTANT FIX for folks with large maps) - thanks to @ snowleo (in @ essentialsteam ) for getting me looking the right place for this!
- 添加“minzoom”设置为标记集 - 允许标记集才可以看到在设定的最低水平放大。 Add 'minzoom' setting for marker sets - allows markers in set to only be visible at settable minimum zoom in level.
- 相应的API支持'minzoom“ Corresponding API support for 'minzoom'
- 添加“chatname的URL参数,允许聊天网站名称,可以通过web用户(需要trustclientname:真正的”设置,以及新的“allowurlname:真正的”上“聊天”compnent的供应) Add 'chatname' URL parameter, to allow web chat name to be supplied by web user (requires 'trustclientname: true' setting, as well as new 'allowurlname: true' on 'chat' compnent)
- “发球”URL参数,让网站将推出一个给定的播放器 Add 'playername' URL parameter, to allow web to be launched following a given player
- 修复办案时,生物群落的材质包的图像(grasscolor.png,foliagecolor.png,watercolor.png)是透明的(如在绘画的纹理包) Fix handling of cases when biome texture pack images (grasscolor.png, foliagecolor.png, watercolor.png) are transparent (as in Painterly texture packs)
- 处理边界瓷砖的问题,有时显示为白色,JPG图像格式 Handle issues with border tiles sometimes showing as white with JPG image-format
- 新增基本/尼克风格的彩色编码的播放器的显示名称(&0 - &F代码被剥离的处理) Add handling of Essential /nick style color coding in player display names (&0-&f codes are stripped)
- 现在合并,与现有shaders.txt,perspectives.txt,和lightings.txt中新的默认着色器,观点和照明 - 添加缺少的,但不会覆盖现有(可能是定制的)。 New default shaders, perspectives, and lightings are now merged with existing shaders.txt, perspectives.txt, and lightings.txt - adds missing ones, but doesn't overwrite existing (possibly tailored) ones.
2021.12 数据,可能有更多内容
Dynmap - Real-time Minecraft maps:版本:V0.90 Version: v0.90
IRC:#dynmap irc.esper.net IRC: irc.esper.net #dynmap
Dynmap提供了一个在浏览器中,如谷歌地图,地图MINECRAFT世界。 Dynmap provides an in-browser map, like Google Maps, of your Minecraft world. 在实时更新的地图,而你有你的浏览器打开并显示目前的球员,地区的地图和游戏中的消息。 It updates the map in realtime while you have your browser opened and shows the current players, regions and in-game messages on top of the map. 它也允许观众的地图,玩家在游戏中聊天,从他们的浏览器。 It also allows viewers of the map to chat from within their browser with players in-game.
常问问题 FAQ
产品特点: Features:
- 不同类型的可配置的地图 Configurable maps of different types
- 配置颜色方案。 Configurable color-schemes.
- 在地图上实时播放器(肖像) Realtime players (with portraits) on map
- 标记的地方,将显示在地图上。 Mark places that will show on the map.
- 通过网络和MINECRAFT双向聊天。 Two-way chatting through web and Minecraft.
- 在地图上的时间 Time on map
- 在地图上的天气 Weather on map
- 渲染支持各种流行的MINECRAFT多器官功能障碍综合征(1.2.5水平 - WIP 1.3.2支持) Rendering support for a variety of popular Minecraft Mods (at 1.2.5 level - WIP on 1.3.2 support)
- BuildCraft
- IndustrialCraft 2
- Red Power 2
- ComputerCraft
- Equivalent Exchange 2
- Ender Storage
- Extrabiomes XL
- Extrabiomes - Bunyan
- Forestry
- Advanced Machines for IC2
- Charging Bench for IC2
- Compact Solars for IC2
- Iron Chest
- LC Trees++
- NetherOres
- SuperSlopes
- Tubestuff
- ~
- 支持的浏览器:Firefox 4 +,Chrome浏览器10 +,歌剧11 +,Internet Explorer 9的+,Safari 5的+。 Supported browsers: Firefox 4+, Chrome 10+, Opera 11+, Internet Explorer 9+, Safari 5+. 任何旧版本可能无法正常工作。 Any older version might not work. 解决的办法是升级! The solution is to UPGRADE!
版本0.90 Version 0.90
- 添加纹理HD洞穴着色器,和的标准着色器定义(“stdtexture洞穴) Add texture-based HD cave shader, and standard shader definition ('stdtexture-cave')
- 更新MOD的支持 - 完全支持多器官功能障碍综合征的动态检测和他们所有的配置块ID(Tekkit / MCPC相关) Update mod support - fully dynamic detection of supported mods AND all their configured block IDs (Tekkit/MCPC related)
- 修复破损SuperSlopes支持 - 更新SuperSlopes V4 Fix breaks in SuperSlopes support - update for SuperSlopes v4
- 防止陷阱保存的渲染工作尚未开始 Prevent trap on save of render job that hasn't started yet
- 更新MODS支持1.3.2 MOD的名称,配置标识 Update mods support for 1.3.2 mod names, config IDs
- 修复标记初始化的问题 Fix problem with marker initialization
- 添加消息时,浏览器中的JavaScript被禁用 Add message when javascript is disabled in browser
- 删除虚假异常消息 Remove bogus exception message
- 支持延迟dynmap启动,在需要的时候让脱粒机块被注册,而不会干扰他们的初始化 Support delaying dynmap startup when needed to let Spout blocks be registered, without interfering with their initialization
- 内部服务器只信任X-转发,从本地主机(由于mickael9!) Make internal server only trust X-Forwarded-From for localhost (thanks to mickael9!)
- 提高天气显示的图标和行为上的数字时钟(Kimax!) Improve icons and behavior of weather display on digital clock (thanks to Kimax!)
- 各种性能优化更新 Various performance tuning updates
- 正确设置为TubeStuff支持的 Correct setting for TubeStuff support
- 修复CancellationExceptions被抛出Bukkit调度程序 Fix CancellationExceptions being thrown by Bukkit Scheduler
- 从唠叨如果mcstats.org是保持度量 Keep metrics from nagging if mcstats.org is offline
版本0.80 Version 0.80
- 不要取消的作业除了在关断期间(无害的,但恼人的报告) Don't report cancelled jobs exception during shutdown (harmless but annoying)
- 等价交换2块渲染支持 Add Equivalent Exchange 2 block render support
- 支持添加的ExtraBiomesXL本仁块渲染 Add support for ExtraBiomesXL-Bunyan block rendering
- 添加支持ExtraBiomesXL块“ Add support for ExtraBiomesXL blocks
- 扩展自定义纹理的限制,到2000年(1000不够的Tekkit +其他器官功能障碍综合征) Extend limit on custom textures to 2000 (1000 not enough for Tekkit + other mods)
- 新增支持为匿名mcstats.org的使用情况指标 Add support for anonymous mcstats.org usage metrics
- 修复打破由于CB的1.3.1-R2.1内部(1.2.5至1.3.1-R2.1支持) Fix break due to changes in CB 1.3.1-R2.1 internals (1.2.5 through 1.3.1-R2.1 supported)
- CB 1.3.1块卸载问题的解决方法 Workaround for CB 1.3.1 chunk unload issue
- 删除控制台垃圾邮件的纹理U,V断言 Remove console spam from texture U,V assert
- 小的性能调整 Minor performance tweaks
- 回头装载无人居住块 - 标志不会出现在CB可靠地工作 Turn back on loading of unpopulated chunks - flag in CB doesn't appear to work reliably
- 防止罕见的例外,由于边界像素的经纬度超过纹理的边缘 Prevent rare exception due to boundary case of pixel coord exceeds edge of texture
- 切换到与码头相匹配的servlet API - 内部服务器启动修复区域问题 Switch to servlet API matched with Jetty - fixes locale issue in internal server startup
- 降低记忆体流失 - 减少不必要的临时内存的使用 Reduce memory churn - less unnecessary temporary memory use
- 更新吐支持 - 选项来启用/禁用,使用现有的纹理更快的启动,加载其他脱粒机多器官功能障碍综合征在dynmap之前,清理时禁用 Update spout support - option to enable/disable, use-existing-textures (faster startup), load other Spout mods before dynmap, cleanup when disabled
- 处理龙头MODS更好地与破碎的块名称 Handle Spout mods with broken block names better
- 添加支持为AsyncPlayerChatEvent - 傻1.3.1唠叨STFU Add support for AsyncPlayerChatEvent - make silly 1.3.1 nagging STFU
- 简化块加载/卸载,忽略无人居住块 Streamline chunk load/unload, ignore unpopulated chunks
- 更新内部的Web服务器,更好的资源使用限制(DOS攻击) Update internal web server, better restrict resource usage (DOS attacks)
- 添加纹理映射为“方向的”日志 Add texture mappings for 'directionless' logs
- 添加当前和最大玩家数显示在网页 Add current and max player count display on web
- 更换config.js的基于配置的自动生成的替代品,包括自定义的URL部分,configuration.txt Replace config.js with configuration-based automatically generated alternative, including custom url section in configuration.txt
- 播放器设置API支持 - 支持播放基于分组(当球员信息保护)看到其他玩家的能见度,以及API,用于检测球员信息保护设置 Add Player Visibility Set API support - support players seeing other players based on groupings (when player info protected), as well as API for detecting player info protected setting
- 侧身日志和返工绊钩模型(V1.3支持) Add sideways logs and rework tripwire hook models (v1.3 support)
- 转换SuperSlopes模型/纹理到补丁渲染(光滑的斜坡) Convert SuperSlopes models/textures to patch renderer (smooth slopes)
- 切换球员的位置,根据眼睛/头部位置 - 修复问题与hideifundercover时,在车 Switch player position to be based on eye/head position - fix problem with hideifundercover when in cart
- 新的补丁渲染器 - 允许块体模型,更好地满足本地客户端,更好地利用质感的包 New patch renderer - allows block models that better match native client, better use of texture packs
- 许多现有的分块模型转换到新的修补程序的渲染器,包括植物,苗木,火炬,杆,导轨,仙人掌,藤蔓,梯子,铁栅栏,红石线,门,breing立场,火灾和其他 Converted many existing block models to new patch renderer, including plants, saplings, torches, levers, rails, cactus, vines, ladders, iron fences, redstone wire, doors, breing stands, fire and others
- 支持添加IC2核控制块渲染 Add support for IC2 Nuclear Control block rendering
- 安德存储块渲染的支持 Add support for Ender Storage block rendering
- 支持IronChest块渲染 Add support for IronChest block rendering
- 支持TubeCraft块渲染 Add support for TubeCraft block rendering
- 修正错字tiles.php - 可以影响能见度的保护夜间/日间地图 Fix typo in tiles.php - can affect visibility of protected night/day maps
- 皮肤url设置 - 允许自定义的源URL播放器皮肤 Add skin-url setting - allows custom source URL for player skins
- 防止平移和世界上隐藏玩家在地图菜单切换时,点击 Prevent panning and world switching when clicking on hidden players in map menu
- 修复聊天脱色 - 删除的大胆和其他控制序列 Fix chat color stripping - also remove bold and other control sequences
- “重构”目录结构,器官功能障碍综合征与股票质地包中所使用的相匹配的标准材质包 - 更轻松 Refactor directory structure in standard texture pack for mods to match that used in stock texture packs - easier
,使用MOD支撑的纹理包 to use mod-supporting texture packs - 排序播放列表上地图视图按字母顺序排列(感谢Pneumatus!) Sort player list on map view alphabetically (thanks to Pneumatus!)
- 从破碎的大块大块负载Bukkit上处理异常 - 让他们被杀害的 Handle exceptions from Bukkit on chunk loads of broken chunks - keep from being killed by them
- 添加的“blockredstone”触发(默认情况下禁用 - 请小心使用!) Add 'blockredstone' trigger (disabled by default - use with care!)
- 修复陷阱,可能会发生若干块顶部的世界 Fix traps that could happen with certain blocks at top of world
- 避免陷阱,由于一些没有块发送BlockBreak事件的坏多器官功能障碍综合征... Avoid traps due to some bad mods sending BlockBreak events with no block...
- 返修胸部渲染 - 使用的项目/ chest.png的,新的胸部取向数据,并支持enderchest(1.3) Rework chest rendering - use item/chest.png, new chest orientation data, and support enderchest (1.3)
- 初步支持所有新的1.3次盖帽(的12w25a) Add preliminary support for all new 1.3 blocks (as of 12w25a)
- 加载一些模块定义为ID 256以上的修复问题 Fix issues with loading some block definitions to IDs above 256
- 支持添加RailCraft立方型块(混凝土,世界锚) Add support for RailCraft Cube-type blocks (concrete, world anchors)
- 防止IE浏览器缓存错误的更新负载 Prevent IE caching of bad update loads
- 解决潜在的问题,如果微秒向上舍入为1000毫秒 Fix potential issue if microseconds rounds up to 1000 milliseconds
- 改进作风上的登录按钮(感谢LimeByte!) Improve style on login buttons (thanks to LimeByte!)
- updates.php重试的情况下更新数据不可用(防止偶尔更新错误) Make updates.php retry in case update data isn't available (prevent occasional update errors)
- '商标'设置组件的位置,允许多个实例 Make 'logo' component position settable, allow more than one instance
- 添加“hiddenids”设置HD洞着色器 - 控制块应被视为固体 Add 'hiddenids' setting to HD Cave shader - control which blocks should be treated as solid
- 修复标记的JSON模式时,登录活跃,任何受保护的世界 Fix markers when JSON mode, login active, and any protected worlds
- 修复安全检查瓷砖和配置夜/天世界 Fix security check for tiles and configuration from night/day worlds
- IC2的紧凑型Solars支持 Add IC2 Compact Solars support
- 做适当的转义编码的字符串到PHP文件中生成 Do proper escape encoding for string generated into PHP files
- 更新了jQuery 1.7.2 - 修复IE9愚蠢 Update jQuery to 1.7.2 - fix IE9 stupidity
- 修复Chrome浏览器的行为时,登录使用URL参数(假的配置错误) Fix Chrome behavior when login while using URL parameters (bogus configuration error)
- 禁用hideifundercover虚空(一切都在盖有) Disable hideifundercover on nether (EVERYTHING is under cover there...)
- 修复照明超过128 KzedMap Fix lighting above 128 on KzedMap
- 修复保存登录时的URL参数驱动或被迫 Fix preservation of URL parameters when login is driven or forced
- 世界上的滚动按钮添加点触摸的支持,球员名单 Add touch support for scroll buttons on world, player lists
- 修复hideifundercover完 Fix hideifundercover on The End
- 林业支持的标志,configuration.txt Add forestry-support flag to configuration.txt
- 解决各种PHP JSON文件模式(没有登录启用的问题) Fix various PHP issues with JSON file mode (with and without login enabled)
- 修复整数/双不匹配异常时,使种子在世界的数据 Fix integer/double mismatch exception when render seeds set in world data
- 修复会话在up.php问题 Fix session issue in up.php
- 修复up.aspx工作职位(聊天消息)(感谢bytemr!) Fix up.aspx to work with POSTs (chat messages) (thanks to bytemr!)
- 初始化login.html专注于用户ID栏 Initialize focus on login.html to user ID field
- 更新RailCraft支持 - 新的实用程序块 Update RailCraft support - new utility blocks
- 加入“保护玩家信息”选项ClientUpdateComponent - 启用登录保护球员的位置和健康(只看到自己除了登录的dynmap.playermarkers.showall许可) Add 'protected-player-info' option for ClientUpdateComponent - enables login protection of player positions and health (only see self except for logins with dynmap.playermarkers.showall permission)
- 设置“blockphysics和”blockfromto“被禁用(默认情况下CB一点用处都没有太多触发器触发) Set 'blockphysics' and 'blockfromto' triggers to be disabled by default (too many triggers on CB that are not useful)
- 为世界的“保护”选项 - 如果设置,只有登录与“dynmap.world。<world-id>许可,可以看到对于给定的世界地图 Add 'protected' option for worlds - if set, only logins with 'dynmap.world.<world-id>' permission can see maps for given world
- 加入“保护”的选项地图 - ,如果集,只有dynmap.map。<world-id>登录。<map-id>许可给定的世界地图上可以看到 Add 'protected' option for maps - if set, only logins with 'dynmap.map.<world-id>.<map-id>' permission can see given map on given world
- LC树+ +渲染支持 Add LC Trees++ rendering support
- 修复处理未知生物群落(MODS的添加新的生物群落) Fix handling of unknown biomes (for mods that add new biomes)
- 添加支持为KzedMap和FlatMap 256个高世界(1.2 +) Add support for KzedMap and FlatMap with 256 high worlds (1.2+)
- 保留URL参数使用时登录/注册 Preserve URL parameters when Login/Register is used
- 修复面辅料的处理不透明度 Fix handling of face accessories with no transparency
- 防止异常标记删除标记图标 Prevent exceptions with markers with deleted marker icons
- 防止异常时,目录中删除,同时使 Prevent exceptions when directories deleted while rendering
- 修正了PHP错误时,没有JSON文件和登录启用 Fix PHP error when no JSON files and login enabled
- 固定格式无效消息面板(谢谢,ST-DDT!) Fix formatting on inactive message panel (Thanks, ST-DDT!)
- 从消隐瓷砖,避免锁冲突缩小文件 Prevent lock conflicts on zoom out files from blanking tiles
- 按住Shift键的配置URL处理主线程(API安全) Shift configuration URL processing to main thread (API safety)
- 饼块的修复模型 Fix model for cake block
- ,修复登录注册过程中JSON文件模式 Fix login registration process in json file mode
- 添加chatlengthlimit设置 - 限制网络聊天消息的大小 Add 'chatlengthlimit' setting - limit size of chat messages from web
- 保留登录用户ID的情况下(不小写所有的时间) Preserve login user ID case (don't make lowercase all the time)
- 防止异常时,播放器的皮肤是无效的大小 Protect against exception when player skin is invalid size
- 修复登录网页上的错别字 Fix typos on login web page
- 修复bPermissions和PermissionsBukkit支持 Fix bPermissions and PermissionsBukkit support
- 添加“网上聊天,permisisons”设置 - 默认情况下禁用检查为dynmap.webchat许可 Add 'webchat-permisisons' setting - disable checking for dynmap.webchat permission by default
- 添加模型的胸部 Add model for chests
- 修复处理自定义照明龙头块,新的世界高度,喷口自定义模块 Fix handling of lighting of custom Spout blocks, new world height with Spout custom blocks
- 避免的问题时,脱粒机加载失败 Avoid issues when Spout fails to load
- 回溯+网上聊天需要登录修复chatbox.js例外 Fix chatbox.js exception with scrollback+webchat-requires-login
- 移除额外的逗号map.js(KenanY的) Remove extra comma from map.js (KenanY)
- 支持适当的渲染v1.2.x门的位置 Support proper rendering of v1.2.x door positions
- 没有地图,从地图菜单中删除世界 Remove worlds with no maps from map menu
- json文件的配置和世界的更新为了更新修复潜力 Fix potential out of order update of json file configuration and world updates
- gettiles.php脚本 - 选项,以避免对外部服务器404错误记录 Add gettiles.php script - option to avoid logging 404 errors on external servers
- 新增用户ID的登录Web界面,包括游戏中的注册命令/ dynmap webregister Add user-ID based login for web interface, including in-game registration command /dynmap webregister
- 添加dynmap.webchat权限,以允许基于权限的限制,网络聊天(登录名和ID,通过基于IP的用户ID) Add dynmap.webchat permissions to allow permission-based restriction of web chat (login and ID-by-IP based user IDs)
- 强制登录Web访问(登录)选项强制登录的网络聊天(网上聊天登录所需的选项) Option for mandatory login for web access (login-required) and option for mandatory login for web chat (webchat-login-required)
- 避免潜在的线程安全问题与JVM的ImageIO类 Avoid potential thread safety issues with JVM's ImageIO class
- 添加特定的支持适用于PermissionsEx,bPermissions的,PermissionsBukkit Add specific support for PermissionsEx, bPermissions, PermissionsBukkit
- 更新纹理和添加新块1.2.4(彩色木板,新的砂岩) Update textures and add new blocks for 1.2.4 (colored planks, new sandstone)
- 防止陷阱嘴自定义模块 Prevent traps with some spout custom blocks
- 修复CF IndustrialCraft 2 - 泡沫质地是索引到terrain.png的,! Fix CF Foam texture for IndustrialCraft 2 - was indexing into terrain.png!
- 处理零地图的世界更干净 Handle zero map worlds more cleanly
- 添加杂项/ swampgrasscolor.png的和MISC / swampfoliagecolor.png支持 Add misc/swampgrasscolor.png and misc/swampfoliagecolor.png support
- 处理自定义水的颜色底纹(MISC / watercolorX.png)的(例如米萨质地) Handle custom water color shading (misc/watercolorX.png) (eg Misa texture)
- 解决线程安全问题在JSONFileUpdate(罕见的例外) Fix thread safety issue in JSONFileUpdate (rare exception)
- 修复客户端IP up.php转发聊天消息 Fix client IP on up.php forwarded chat messages
- fillOpacity = 0区/圈的折线与区域 Make fillOpacity=0 areas/circles polylines versus area
- 修复圆圈标记 - 被忽略的X,Z坐标的中心 Fix circle marker - was ignoring x,z coord of center
- 的URL,它可以覆盖的sidebaropened的选项 Make it possible to override the sidebaropened option from the URL
- 的修复/ dynmap updaterender <mapname>的 - 只提供选择地图 Fix /dynmap updaterender <mapname> - only render selected map
- 添加圆/椭圆区域标记(/ dmarker addcircle,/ updatecircle / deletecircle / listcircles的支持) Add support for Circle/Ellipse Area Markers (/dmarker addcircle/updatecircle/deletecircle/listcircles)
- 更新到1.2风格的的生物群落阴影(1.1将做到这一点 - 对不起) Update to 1.2-style biome shading (1.1 will do this too - sorry)
- 退休老的测试渲染选项(正确的生物群落的阴影,平滑的生物群落的的阴影,waterbiomeshaded,swampshaded,围栏块加入) Retire old beta render options (correct-biome-shading, smooth-biome-shading, waterbiomeshaded, swampshaded, fence-to-block-join)
- 解决问题的时候,他们的藏身之全玻璃块部分是顶部的块 Fix problem with hiding all-glass chunk sections when they are top of chunk
- 修复协调搞砸了重生标记(感谢,fernferret!) Fix coordinate screw up on spawn marker (thanks, fernferret!)
- 添加“visiblelines”客舱“ - ”设置控件可见的空间聊天记录 Add 'visiblelines' setting for 'chatbox' - control visible space for chat history
- 添加添加映射到另一个世界的地图列表中的选项(append_to_world上HDMaps属性) Add option to add maps to other world's map list (append_to_world attribute on HDMaps)
- 添加“hiddenids的选项来控制隐藏块地形渲染,添加地形noplants着色器的隐藏树木/植物 Add 'hiddenids' option to control hiding of blocks in topographic renderer, add topo-noplants shader to hide trees/plants
- 修复着色范围地形着色器:加入topo256世界256地势高的着色器 Fix coloring range on topo shaders : add topo256 shader for worlds generated with 256-high terrain
- 经纬度箱增长,在需要的时候 Make coord box grow when needed
- 防止在渲染非常罕见的空异常 Prevent very rare null exception in render
- 支持较新的自定义水/熔岩布局的质地包(的ANIM /目录的纹理包) Support newer custom water/lava layout in texture packs (anim/ directory in texture packs)
- 圆圈标记的API Add circle marker APIs
- 修复标记API和命令行的行为与归一化的世界名 Fix marker API and command line behavior with normalized world names
- 处理以上世界顶级的照明检查 Handle lighting checks above world top
- 完成支持1.2.3 CB(CB 1.1-R3或更高版本仍然支持) Finish support for CB 1.2.3 (CB 1.1-R3 or later still supported)
- 渲染非常大的性能提升,在CB 11 CB 1.2世界(50-100%) Very large performance boost on rendering, both on CB 11 and CB 1.2 worlds (50-100% faster)
- 在1.2中修复渲染的幽冥 Fix render of nether in 1.2
- 删除侦听器禁用触发器,在可能的情况下(帮助大型服务器的性能在繁忙的触发器) Drop listeners on disabled triggers, where possible (help performance on big servers on busy triggers)
- 支持添加“blockgrow”触发 - 各种植物的生长活动 Add support for 'blockgrow' trigger - various plant growth events
- 支持全世界名称中包含'/'名称 Support world names containing '/' in name
- 丛林树苗,上半部分地砖,新石砖块 Add jungle saplings, top-half slabs, new stone brick blocks
- CB 1.2次盖帽在传统的渲染 Add CB 1.2 blocks on legacy renderers
- 丛林和丛林丘陵生物群落支持 Add jungle and jungle-hills biome support
- 添加渲染ComputerCraft块的支持 Add support for rendering ComputerCraft blocks
- 修正一些Windows机器上的端口绑定问题 Fix port binding issue on some Windows boxes
- 更新到新的1.1事件系统(1.1-R5准备) Update to new 1.1 event system (1.1-R5 ready)
- 更新内部Web服务器(码头v8.1.1) Update internal web server (Jetty v8.1.1)
- 添加禁用的空气污染指数内部聊天,网络处理(Dynmap-HeroChat准备) Add disable API for internal chat-to-web processing (prep for Dynmap-HeroChat)
- 禁用现有的HeroChat的组成部分(不符合新的事件模型 - Dynmap-HeroChat支持HeroChat V5.5) Disable existing HeroChat component (incompatible with new event model - Dynmap-HeroChat will support HeroChat v5.5)
- 使UI处理非标准世界的高度和海平面值 Make UI handle non-standard world heights and sea level values
- 在性能上“blockphysics”和“blockfromto”的触发大的改善 - 少很多不必要的渲染触发 Big improvements in performance on 'blockphysics' and 'blockfromto' triggers - much fewer unneeded render triggers
- 添加可选的发送消息客舱组件的Web UI(按钮) Add optional send message push button for web UI (chatbox component)
- 延迟播放器加入网站消息,报告略,使球员隐藏MODS像VNP的时间隐藏播放器之前,我们的报告 Delay player join web message reporting slightly, so that player hiding mods like VNP have time to hide player before we report
- 添加图像格式的全局设置 - 改变所有HDMaps没有自己的图像格式设置 Add global setting for image-format - changes all HDMaps that don't have their own image-format setting
- 新增支持目前的1.2抢鲜块,包括转楼梯,红石灯。 Add support for current 1.2-prerelease blocks, including inverted stairs, redstone lamps.
- 添加默认着色器的明亮的洞穴,洞穴认为,只有显示与照明的洞穴 Add default shader 'lit-cave' for cave view that only shows caves with lighting
- 有质感的包装与custom_water_still.png解决问题,但没有custom_water_flowing.png Fix problem with texture packs with custom_water_still.png but no custom_water_flowing.png
- 添加平滑的移动播放器的图标在地图上视图 Add smooth movement of player icons on map view
- 解决问题/ DMAP worldset <world>中心:在这里, Fix problem with /dmap worldset <world> center:here
- 修正错误没有列出玩家关于残疾人的世界 Fix error with not listing players on disabled worlds
- 修复“stokeWeight错字区域和折线标记 - 被妥善保存保存自定义笔触粗细 Fix 'stokeWeight' typo in Area and Polyline markers - kept custom stroke weight from being preserved properly
- 增加了“structuregrow”触发 - 更新育林树,种植蘑菇巨人 Added 'structuregrow' trigger - update on sapling growing to tree, mushroom growing giant
- assertPlayerVisbility()API(其他插件) Add assertPlayerVisbility() API (for other plugins)
- 添加多折线标记 - 多线段的地图标记(标记类的东西raile路线,道路等) Add Poly-Line Markers - multi-line-segment map markers (for marking things like raile routes, roads, etc)
- 新的1.1事件系统(休息兼容性与CB 1.0.1及更早版本迁移事件处理) Migrate event handling to new 1.1 event system (breaks compatibility with CB 1.0.1 and earlier)
- 添加'maxofflinetime“设置了老”离线播放器“标记”标记“组件 - 年龄 Add 'maxofflinetime' setting to 'markers' component - age out old 'offline player' markers
- 柔和的灯光支持(通过“平稳照明设置 - 全局设置,每照明设置) - 使照明和阴影非常流畅(没有块状边) Add smooth lighting support (via 'smooth-lighting' setting - global setting and per-lighting setting) - makes lighting and shadows very smooth (no blocky edges)
- 品牌光滑的沼泽生物群落阴影的额外平滑“(如柔和的灯光 - 没有块边缘) Make smooth swamp biome shading 'extra smooth' (like smooth lighting - no block edges)
- 支持添加/ dmarker外接和/ dmarker的更新支持明确的坐标(X,Y,Z,世界上) Add support for /dmarker add and /dmarker update supporting explicit coordinates (x, y, z, world)
- / dmarker添加角落命令现在需要的Y坐标时增加使用明确的坐标 /dmarker add corner command now requires Y coordinate when adding using explicit coordinates
- 林业模渲染一些初步的支持(资源,矿石) Some initial support for Forestry mod rendering (resources, ores)
- 添加用于控制显示/隐藏标记贴纸标记集(相对于全球)的支持,通过“showlabels”atttribute Add support for controlling show/hide of marker labels per marker set (versus just globally), via 'showlabels' atttribute
- 修复includehiddenplayers:真正的“问题 - 引起所有玩家的标记被隐藏 Fix 'includehiddenplayers: true' problem - caused all player markers to be hidden
- 添加的默认灯光下的定义使用柔和的灯光(阴影流畅,夜间光滑的,等) Add default lighting definitions for using smooth lighting (shadows-smooth, night-smooth, etc)
- 新增地图/国际配置命令- / DMAP的命令(见https://github.com/webbukkit/dynmap/wiki/Configuring-Maps-and-Worlds-using-dmap ) Add map/world configuration commands - /dmap commands (see https://github.com/webbukkit/dynmap/wiki/Configuring-Maps-and-Worlds-using-dmap )
- 退休/删除'chunkloaded“触发,为'playermove”触发警告 Retire/remove 'chunkloaded' trigger, add warning for 'playermove' trigger
- 修复打破在1.1版的更新/事件处理时使用/ dynmap重装 Fix break in update/event processing on 1.1 when using /dynmap reload
- 修正不正确的取消的聊天信息报告网络 Fix incorrect reporting of cancelled chat messages to web
- 添加assertPlayerInvisibility API(允许其他插件来隐藏/显示玩家) Add assertPlayerInvisibility API (allow other plugins to hide/show players)
- 添加“显示MCR”选项,为“经纬度控制(显示MCR文件名) Add 'show-mcr' option for 'coord' control (show MCR file names)
- 修复HeroChat 4.x版支持 Fix HeroChat v4.x support
- 修复/改善脱粒机支持自定义块 - 不仅仅是SpoutMaterials的支持 Fix/improve Spout custom block support - more than just SpoutMaterials support
- 添加支持大于128的世界(上改装成可换股债券) Add support for greater-than-128 high worlds (on modded CBs)
- 添加渲染支持Kaevator的SuperSlopes Add render support for Kaevator's SuperSlopes
- 提供支持RailCraft块 Add render support for RailCraft blocks
- 修正了罕见的错误,JSON文件更新(并发修改错误) Fix rare error with JSON file update (concurrent modification error)
- 限制等待正常关机的Web服务器为10秒 Limit wait on graceful shutdown of web server to 10 seconds
- 解决信息重复JSON网站消息,由不同的服务器上运行时sendmessage.php Fix message duplication on JSON web messages when sendmessage.php run by different server
- 修复计数逻辑“fullrenderplayerlimit Fix counting logic on 'fullrenderplayerlimit'
- 加入“电网规模的上TexturePackHDShader选项 - 可以选择在地图上绘制网格 Add 'grid-scale' option on TexturePackHDShader - optionally draw grid on maps
- 在关闭过程中,修复偶有例外的Web服务器 Fix occasional exceptions in web server during shutdown
- 解决问题处理一些非字母数字字符,在Windows的网络路径或瓷砖路径 Fix problem with handling some non-alphanumeric characters in web path or tiles path on Windows
- 偶然的瓷砖边缘文物修复HD使(缺少部分水块) Fix occasional edge-of-tile artifacts on HD renders (missing partial water blocks)
- 防止不必要的码头异常显示在服务器控制台 Prevent display of unnecessary jetty exceptions in server console
- 解决方法离奇的自定义块纹理处理在某些版本中脱粒机和SpoutMaterials的 Workaround bizarre custom block texture handling in some versions of Spout and SpoutMaterials
- 初步支持MC V1.2块 - &#8203;&#8203;丛林中的树木和树叶 Add preliminary support for MC v1.2 blocks - jungle trees and leaves
- 更换内部Web服务器与Eclipse码头(感谢FrozenCow!) Replace internal web server with Eclipse Jetty (Thanks to FrozenCow!!)
- 完全支持1.1.0特点:光滑的沼泽生物群落的阴影(设置平滑生物群落的底纹:真),5个新的生物群落 Fully support 1.1.0 features: New smooth swamp biome shading (set smooth-biome-shading: true), 5 new biomes
- 支持工业工艺2电源转换器MOD Add support for Industrial Craft 2 Power Converters mod
- 添加工业工艺2台MOD充电 Add support for Industrial Craft 2 Charging Bench mod
- 支持工业工艺先进的生产设备模 Add support for Industrial Craft 2 Advanced Machines mod
- 添加支持NetherOres模“ Add support for NetherOres mod
- 全身播放器图标添加选项(showplayerbody:真) Add option for whole-body player icons (showplayerbody: true)
- 支持喷口定制模块(SpoutMaterials) Support Spout custom blocks (SpoutMaterials)
- 保持的JSON配置和更新的同步 - 避免GUI循环错误时,服务器关闭 Keep JSON config and updates in sync - avoid GUI cycling bug when server shutdown
- 更改低分辨率表面地图模板“阴影”照明 Change lowres surface map template to 'shadows' lighting
- 修复弹出文本区域标记IE9 Fix popup text for area markers on IE9
- 庞大的代码重构 - 分割代码可以移植到其他服务器 Huge code refactor - split code to allow porting to other servers
- 修正了0.29.1渲染设置被重新加载正确地在/ dynmap的重载的问题 - 可以搞砸了积极的渲染依赖于它们被设置为“真”。 Fix for problem with 0.29.1 render settings not being reloaded properly during /dynmap reload - can screw up active renders that depend on them being set 'true'.
- 完成主线程 - 队列处理到另一个线程的最小化事件处理 Minimize event processing done on main thread - queue processing to another thread
- 修复网络配置缓存的争用条件可能导致Web UI周期 Fix race condition on web configuration cache that could cause web UI to cycle
- 修复的UI异常时,showlayercontrol'是假的。 Fix UI exception when 'showlayercontrol' is false.
- 进行新的渲染改进,这需要全图,使使地图看起来不错,默认情况下,对现有的安装(默认configuration.txt将启用它们,将加入以下设置configuration.txt,),禁用: Make new render improvements, which require full map renders to make the maps look right, disabled by default on existing installs (the default configuration.txt will enable them, as will adding the following settings to configuration.txt):
代码: Code:
使用生成的纹理:真 use-generated-textures: true正确的水照明:真 correct-water-lighting: true正确的生物群落底纹:真 correct-biome-shading: true
- 添加了一堆的渲染改进和期权,以图更好地满足本地客户端: Add a bunch of render improvements and options, to make maps better match native client:
- 添加纹理发电机火,熔岩,水 - Add texture generators for fire, lava, water
- 修正了水的灯光和生物群落的阴影,以配合MC客户端 - Fix water lighting and biome shading to match MC client
- 修正了百合,桦木,松木叶阴影,以配合客户端 - Fix lily, birch, pine leaf shading to match client
- 加入“草”设置 - 允许草和雪被渲染为BetterGrass模 - Add 'better-grass' setting - allows grass and snow to be rendered as done by BetterGrass mod
- 生成原生UI相同的方向图案,睡莲 - Generate lily pads with same orientation pattern as native UI - 支持添加RedPower2块 Add support for RedPower2 blocks
- 支持添加剪裁块ID RedPower2,IndustrialCraft2,BuildCraft支持与configuration.txt设置 Add support for tailoring block IDs in RedPower2, IndustrialCraft2, and BuildCraft support with configuration.txt settings
- ,添加/ dynmap updaterender命令 - 呈现在选定的位置开始,一直持续到瓷砖不需要更新达到 Add /dynmap updaterender command - renders starting at selected location and continuing until tiles not needing update are reached
- 新增支持相关的播放器登录自己的IP地址,并使用此标签(块)网络聊天(通过使用播放器登录的IP,需要玩家登录的IP块禁止玩家聊天设置) Added support for correlating player logins with their IP addresses, and using this to label (and even block) web chat (via use-player-login-ip, require-player-login-ip, block-banned-player-chat settings)
- 添加/ dynmap的附加ID-IP和/ dynmap的DEL-ID的IP允许手动添加和删除播放器的ID到IP的映射,并/ dynmap IDS-IP和/ dynmap IPS-ID查询的数据。 Add /dynmap add-id-for-ip and /dynmap del-id-for-ip to allow manual add and remove player ID to IP mappings, and /dynmap ids-for-ip and /dynmap ips-for-id to query the data.
- 增加了“链接”UI组件 - 添加“链接”按钮来生成URL当前窗口的视图与所有视图敏感的参数(世界地图,缩放,位置) Added 'link' UI component - adds 'link' button to generate URL for current window view, with all view-sensitive parameter (world, map, zoom, position)
- “blockfromto和'blockphysics'触发器 - 所需要的熔岩和水流动的驱动更新 Add 'blockfromto' and 'blockphysics' triggers - needed for lava and water flowing driven updates
- hideifsneaking选项隐藏玩家,偷偷/蜷缩 Add hideifsneaking option for hiding players that are sneaking/crouching
- 添加支持可选的产卵床层(显示玩家的产卵床)(showspawnbeds,spawnbed设置) Add support for optional spawn-bed layer (show player's spawn beds) (showspawnbeds, spawnbed* settings)
- 点击侧边栏使用,而不是徘徊在移动设备(感谢FrozenCow!) Made the sidebar use clicking instead of hovering for mobile devices (thanks FrozenCow!)
- 添加'followmap'和'followzoom'允许设置的地图和变焦时,用户选择应遵循 Add 'followmap' and 'followzoom' to allow setting of map and zoom when a user is selected to be followed
- 增加了“hidechat的URL参数 - 关闭所有聊天组件的加载窗口 Added 'hidechat' URL parameter - turns off all chat components on loaded window
- “寄托”为showlayercontrol选择:设置 - 显示发泡层选择的时间 Add 'pinned' choice for showlayercontrol: setting - show expanded layer selection all the time
- 通用代码结构的工作,准备好其他的服务器端口的代码 General code structure work, prepping code for other server ports
- 更新时间的样图worlds.txt是HD地图 Updated sample maps in worlds.txt to be HD maps
- “玩家”和“地图类型”UI标签添加定制/翻译 Add customization/translation for "Players" and "Map Types" UI labels
- 在网络聊天中修复jQuery的与双questionmarks问题(?) Fix jQuery problem with double questionmarks (??) in web chat
- 提高浏览器的缓存行为砖(缓存更多的时候) Improve browser cache behavior with tiles (cache more often)
- 防止缓存的配置URL JSON文件模式 Prevent caching of configuration URL on JSON file mode
- 支持二维轮廓的Y坐标比y = 64 Make 2D outlines support Y coordinates other than y=64
- 重新活跃命令输出到播放器后,重新启动,注销/登录 Reconnect active command output to player after restart, logoff/logon
- 修复缓慢的内存泄漏块快照缓存(大地图乡亲的重要FIX) -为寻找合适的地方,这让我感谢@ snowleo (@ essentialsteam )! Fix for slow memory leak in chunk snapshot cache (IMPORTANT FIX for folks with large maps) - thanks to @ snowleo (in @ essentialsteam ) for getting me looking the right place for this!
- 添加“minzoom”设置为标记集 - 允许标记集才可以看到在设定的最低水平放大。 Add 'minzoom' setting for marker sets - allows markers in set to only be visible at settable minimum zoom in level.
- 相应的API支持'minzoom“ Corresponding API support for 'minzoom'
- 添加“chatname的URL参数,允许聊天网站名称,可以通过web用户(需要trustclientname:真正的”设置,以及新的“allowurlname:真正的”上“聊天”compnent的供应) Add 'chatname' URL parameter, to allow web chat name to be supplied by web user (requires 'trustclientname: true' setting, as well as new 'allowurlname: true' on 'chat' compnent)
- “发球”URL参数,让网站将推出一个给定的播放器 Add 'playername' URL parameter, to allow web to be launched following a given player
- 修复办案时,生物群落的材质包的图像(grasscolor.png,foliagecolor.png,watercolor.png)是透明的(如在绘画的纹理包) Fix handling of cases when biome texture pack images (grasscolor.png, foliagecolor.png, watercolor.png) are transparent (as in Painterly texture packs)
- 处理边界瓷砖的问题,有时显示为白色,JPG图像格式 Handle issues with border tiles sometimes showing as white with JPG image-format
- 新增基本/尼克风格的彩色编码的播放器的显示名称(&0 - &F代码被剥离的处理) Add handling of Essential /nick style color coding in player display names (&0-&f codes are stripped)
- 现在合并,与现有shaders.txt,perspectives.txt,和lightings.txt中新的默认着色器,观点和照明 - 添加缺少的,但不会覆盖现有(可能是定制的)。 New default shaders, perspectives, and lightings are now merged with existing shaders.txt, perspectives.txt, and lightings.txt - adds missing ones, but doesn't overwrite existing (possibly tailored) ones.