- # __________________________________________
- # | Backpacks Configuration |
- # | by drew6017 |
- # |__________________________________________|
- # | Information: |
- # | - Change the values to that of your |
- # | choosing to edit its properties. You can |
- # | find help information about a feature |
- # | in the comment above it. |
- # | 【汉化:酷车手BB弹】 |
- # |__________________________________________|
- version: 0.0.6
- # This is the language you want the plugin to be in. Supported languages: English(en), Spanish(sp)
- lang: ch
- # Enabled this to "true" to send players the custom resource pack from your repository link. This is if you want backpacks to have a texture.
- # 设置为true可以让玩家使用自己的材质包
- resource-pack: false
- # Change this to the link you uploaded your custom resource pack to.
- # 改变这个网址,可使用你自己自制的材质包
- resource-link: http://example.com/resource-pack.zip
- # 支持的颜色有:BLACK(黑色), BLUE(蓝色), YELLO(黄色), RED(红色), ORANGE(橙色), PURPLE(紫色), WHITE(白色), AQUA(浅绿色), FUCHSIA(紫红色), MAROON(茶色), GREEN(绿色), GRAY(灰色), SILVER(银色), TEAL(青色), LIME(黄绿色), OLIVE(橄榄色), and NAVY(深蓝色)
- # This is the color of the large backpack.
- # 这是大背包的颜色
- large-color: MAROON
- # This is the color of the small backpack.
- # 这是小背包的颜色
- small-color: BLACK
- # This is the color of the crafting backpack.
- # 这是工作背包的颜色
- craft-color: ORANGE
- # This is the color of the ender backpack.
- # 这是末影背包的颜色
- ender-color: GREEN
- # This is the color of the linked backpack.
- # 这是联动背包的颜色
- linked-color: BLUE
- # The name of the "Large Backpack" item. This custom name can NOT contain numbers.
- # 大背包的名字,不能出现有数字
- large-name: Large Backpack
- # The name of the "Small Backpack" item. This custom name can NOT contain numbers.
- # 小背包的名字,不能出现有数字
- small-name: Small Backpack
- # The name of the "Crafting Backpack" item. This name can contain numbers, but if the name is changed, all crafting backpacks made before the change will no longer work.
- # 工作背包的名字,不能出现有数字,一但更改了名字,在这之前所做出来的都不能再使用
- # Note: This may change in the future.
- craft-name: Crafting Backpack
- # The name of the "Ender Backpack" item. This name can contain numbers, but if the name is changed, all crafting backpacks made before the change will no longer work.
- # 末影背包的名字,不能出现有数字,一但更改了名字,在这之前所做出来的都不能再使用
- # Note: This may change in the future.
- ender-name: Ender Backpack
- # The name of the "Crafting Backpack" item. This name can contain numbers, but if the name is changed, all crafting backpacks made before the change will no longer work.
- # 联动背包的名字,不能出现有数字,一但更改了名字,在这之前所做出来的都不能再使用
- # Note: This may change in the future.
- linked-name: Linked Backpack
- # This is the size of the Large Backpack by number of slots. The slots must go by increments of 9 with a maximum integer being 54. (9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54)
- # 这是大背包的格子数量,必须为9的整数!(9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54)
- large-size: 54
- # This is the size of the Small Backpack by number of slots. The slots must go by increments of 9 with a maximum integer being 54. (9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54)
- # 这是小背包的格子数量,必须为9的整数!(9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54)
- small-size: 27
- # Set this value to "true" to allow players to craft the specified item.
- # 设置为true的可让玩家制作他.
- large-craft: true
- small-craft: true
- key-craft: true
- craft-craft: true
- ender-craft: true
- linked-craft: true
- # This is the crafting recipe of the large backpack. The recipe is layed out as you would see it in a crafting table. Each symbol represents an item. Use '
- to represent no item.
- # 这是大背包的制作方式,使用英文来表示一个格子,使用 $ 表示空出一个格子
- # Replace the crafting table slot with the symbol that represents the item you would like to use. List of supported items:
- # 可使用的列表:
- # Leather Chestplate = a : Leather = b : String = c : Chest = d : Wool = e
- # 皮革外套=a ;皮革=b ;线=c ;箱子=d ;羊毛=e
- large-1: bbb
- large-2: bdb
- large-3: bbb
- # This is the crafting recipe of the small backpack. The recipe is layed out as you would see it in a crafting table. Each symbol represents an item. Use '
- to represent no item.
- # 这是小背包的制作方式,使用英文来表示一个格子,使用 $ 表示空出一个格子
- # Replace the crafting table slot with the symbol that represents the item you would like to use. List of supported items:
- # 可使用的列表:
- # Leather Chestplate = a : Leather = b : String = c : Chest = d : Wool = e
- # 皮革外套=a ;皮革=b ;线=c ;箱子=d ;羊毛=e
- small-1: bbb
- small-2: b$b
- small-3: bbb
- # This is the crafting recipe for the backpack key. The recipe is layed out as you would see it in a crafting table. Each symbol represents an item. Use '
- to represent no item.
- # 这是背包钥匙的制作方式,使用英文来表示一个格子,使用 $ 表示空出一个格子
- # Replace the crafting table slot with the symbol that represents the item you would like to use. List of supported items:
- # 可使用的列表:
- # Leather Chestplate = a : Leather = b : String = c : Chest = d : Wool = e : Iron = f : Feather = g
- # 皮革外套=a ;皮革=b ;线=c ;箱子=d ;羊毛=e ;铁锭=f ;羽毛=g
- key-1: f$f
- key-2: $g$
- key-3: f$f
- # This is the crafting recipe for the backpack key. The recipe is layed out as you would see it in a crafting table. Each symbol represents an item. Use '
- to represent no item.
- # 这是末影背包的制作方式,使用英文来表示一个格子,使用 $ 表示空出一个格子
- # Replace the crafting table slot with the symbol that represents the item you would like to use. List of supported items:
- # 可使用的列表:
- # Leather Chestplate = a : Leather = b : String = c : Chest = d : Wool = e : Iron = f : Feather = g : Ender Chest = h
- # 皮革外套=a ;皮革=b ;线=c ;箱子=d ;羊毛=e ;铁锭=f ;羽毛=g ;末影箱=h
- ender-1: bbb
- ender-2: bhb
- ender-3: bbb
- # This is the crafting recipe for the backpack key. The recipe is layed out as you would see it in a crafting table. Each symbol represents an item. Use '
- to represent no item.
- # 这是联动背包的制作方式,使用英文来表示一个格子,使用 $ 表示空出一个格子
- # Replace the crafting table slot with the symbol that represents the item you would like to use. List of supported items:
- # 可使用的列表:
- # Leather Chestplate = a : Leather = b : Blaze Powder = c : Chest = d : Wool = e : Ender Pearl = f : Feather = g : Ender Chest = h
- # 皮革外套=a ;皮革=b ;烈焰粉=c ;箱子=d ;羊毛=e ;末影珍珠=f ;羽毛=g ;末影箱=h
- linked-1: bcb
- linked-2: fdf
- linked-3: bcb
- # This is the lore of your backpack/key. It can be used to tell users a little about the item.
- # 这是背包和钥匙的lore,使用这个可以改变lore
- large-lore:
- - $7可以装下你一切的东西,是所有背包中最大的!
- small-lore:
- - $7不是最大的背包,但是比你想象中的要好用.
- key-lore:
- - $7这是用于打开背包的钥匙.
- craft-lore:
- - $7可在这个漂亮的背包上工作.
- ender-lore:
- - $7在世界各地都能进入你的末影箱
- - $7来自这个背包.
- linked-lore:
- - $7通过点击箱子,可以使它与箱子相连
- - $7可以在世界各地打开它!
- # This is the auto-saving feature for backpacks. You can set all backpacks to be saved periodically so that if the server crashes, players will not loose everything. Time is in minutes.
- # 自动保存背包数据,如果服务器崩溃了也不会造成数据丢失,单位是分钟
- auto-save: true
- save-time: 10
- # This tells whether or not to you want backpacks to obtain damage when a player is hit while wearing one.
- # 当穿上去后受到攻击是否允许耐久度下降
- allowDamage: false
- # Having this enabled allows the plugin to automatically update itself when the latest version is released. This is HIGHLY recommended.
- # 自动更新(若出现报错请关闭)
- autoupdate: true