龙了个龙 发表于 2015-12-12 18:30
iconomy 和Vault 都有
龙了个龙 发表于 2015-12-13 12:44
#Tax amount (decimal) - Eg, P1 buys $50 worth of stuff from P2. Therefore, P1 loses $50, P2 gains $(1-0.05)*50, and tax-account gains $(0.05)*50.
tax: 0.05
#The fake player who money from taxing people goes to
tax-account: tax
#Whether or not to show taxes paid when selling to a shop
show-tax: false
#Should we log transactions/creations to Bukkit\Plugins\QuickShop\qs.log?
log-actions: true
#Advanced. This chooses which economy to hook into. If it fails, it will fall back to trying vault. Spelling must be exact. Case insensitive.
# Vault - Will hook into anything vault can hook into (Vault is required for this to work)
# Satoshis
# Want yours added? Contact me (Netherfoam) on dev.bukkit.org
economy: Vault
#For item-item based economies that don't use virtual coins.
whole-number-prices-only: false
mysql: false
host: localhost
port: 3306
database: quickshop
user: root
password: passwd
#Limits the number of shops a person can create and own at a single time.
#Disable these if you're not using them! If this is false, the rest of this section is ignored
use: false
#The default number of shops players can make
default: 10
#Players with these permissions can create these amounts of shops.
#Anyone with 'quickshop.vip' permissions, can create 20 shops instead of 10.
quickshop.vip: 20 #Players with quickshop.vip can make 20 shops.
#A list of block (materials) which can be used to create shops.
#By default, chests are added to this list.
#This will only work for blocks which implement InventoryHolder
#in other words, no enderchest shops, no shops on dirt blocks, etc.
#May cause unexpected behaviour with some blocks... Eg don't make a
#shop on a hopper (It sucks the display item in) and furnace shops
#allow players to put whatever item they want in all 3 slots and
#dispenser shops aren't protected from redstone... Etc.
#Cost to make a stall
cost: 10
#Should we refund when their shops are deleted/removed/broken?
refund: false
#Is there a fee for changing prices on a shop (Help deter endless undercutting)
price-change-requires-fee: true
#If price changes require a fee, how much is the fee
fee-for-price-change: 50
#Should we try and lock their shops from other players, so people can't steal from them?
lock: true
#Should we require players be sneaking to create and use shops?
sneak-to-create: false
sneak-to-trade: false
#Should we automatically create the sign for the chest?
auto-sign: true
#If a player owns an unlimited shop, should they receive the cash from it or not?
#If you buy from YOUR unlimited shop, you will NEVER be charged $$, regardless of this setting
pay-unlimited-shop-owners: false
#Should we place display items on the chests?
display-items: true
#Should we place item frames on chests?
frame-items: true
#When someone uses /qs find <item>, how far should we search in blocks?
#This command lets users shop quickly without wasting time searching
#Settings > 100 WILL cause lag. Don't do it, or don't cry when your server lags.
find-distance: 45
#List of items to disallow selling of. Anyone with quickshop.bypass.<itemID> can bypass it
- 7 #Bedrock
2495904552 发表于 2015-12-12 19:12
iconomy 和Vault 都有
OKcf 发表于 2015-12-13 12:49
2495904552 发表于 2015-12-13 12:48
#Tax amount (decimal) - Eg, P1 buys $50 worth of stuff from P2. Therefore, P1 loses $50, P2 gains ...
怎么刷 TAX是配置文件的第一个的吗?