本帖最后由 baizuo 于 2011-6-2 15:23 编辑

1) Open up %appdata%, if you don't know how to do this, start>run, then type in %appdata%
2) Browse to .minecraft/bin
3) Open up minecraft.jar with WinRAR or 7zip.
4) Drag and drop the necessary files into the jar.
5) Delete the META-INF folder in the jar.
6) Run Minecraft, enjoy!

1) Go to Applications>Utilities and open terminal.
2) Type in the following, line by line:
cd ~
mkdir mctmp
cd mctmp
jar xf ~/Library/Application\ Support/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar
3) Outside of terminal, copy the class files into the mctmp directory.
4) Back inside terminal, type in the following:
jar uf ~/Library/Application\ Support/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar ./
cd ..
rm -rf mctmp
5) Run Minecraft, enjoy!

Updated to 1.6.6. Any mod not updated still works, and I know nobody will read this.


注意,大部分的mod都在config目录下提供设置,并且可以更改block ID,避免冲突(大神就是眼界广

ModLoader 1.6.6
A mod, kind of like a mod manager, that stops conflicts with mods that alter rendering, recipes, add entities, gui, smeltables or fuel. If you're a modder, feel free to decompile this and learn how to make mods work with it. Inherit BaseMod and override any methods as necessary. The mod's main class file should be prefixed with 'mod_'. Read the Javadoc for information on methods available.
Download (Adfly) Download (Direct) Decompile Fixes MCP Mapping Javadoc Old Versions

Light Sensor 1.6.4
The Light Sensor mod adds a new craftable block, that is a new input for redstone mechanisms. It turns on if it is hit with a 12 light levels. It is crafted with five redstone powder in a + shape, with four iron, one in each corner. Requires ModLoader Beta 1.6.4.

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Elemental Arrows Beta 1.6.5
The Elemental Arrows mod adds four new types of arrows; explosive arrows, fire arrows, ice arrows, and a joke weapon, egg arrows.. They are crafted the same way as normal arrows, but the head is replaced based on the element; gunpowder for explosive, coal for fire, snowball for ice, and egg for, well, egg. Crafting an explosive arrow only gives you one arrow, and it explodes upon impact. Crafting a fire arrow gives you one arrow, that will ignite stuff upon impact. Crafting an ice arrow gives you one arrow, that will freeze water into ice, lava springs into obsidian, put out fire, and break torches. Egg arrows spawn chickens upon impact with the ground, but there's a secret too. Lightning arrows strike lightning where ever they hit, use diamond in recipe. Homing bow recipe is same layout as regular bow, but diamond instead of sticks. Requires ModLoader Beta 1.6.5.
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More Stackables Beta 1.6.4
This mod makes food stackable up to 16 in stack, saddles, doors, and signs up to 8 in a stack, minecarts and boats up to 4 in a stack. When stacked, food and buckets are unusable, however, everything else is. This is great for storage and for using workbenches, chests, or furnaces, as you no longer consume your food! Requires ModLoader Beta 1.6.4.
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Sign Tags Beta 1.6.5
Type [time] into a sign, and it will show the current time. You can also type [x], [y], or [z] and find the current position of the sign in regards to that axis. [a|b] is a redstone input function for signs, where text replacing 'a' will be shown when the sign is powered, otherwise 'b' is shown. Type [light], and it will show you the current light level of the sign's position. [biome], [temp], [humid] each tell you the biome you're in, the temperature of that area, and the humidity of that area, respectively. [temp], [humid] will no longer function in Nether. [chunk] will tell you where to find the chunk file for this chunk.

[x] [y] [z]:显示对应的全局坐标。比如输入这句话就可以显示全坐标:“([x],[y],[z])”
[a|b]:最好玩的,分支判断语句。一般情况下牌子只显示b,如果有一个红石电路输入则只显示b。我在我的车站控制闸上写了一个这样的牌子,当拉下闸的时候显示“Home”,松开的时候则显示“Mine”;还在矿车自动补给系统门口写了一个牌子, 当正在补给时显示“busy”,补给完成则显示“ready”。所以对于控制系统来说这个指令很有用的。
[chunk] 显示当前的chunk坐标
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Death Chest Beta 1.6.5
When you die, if you have a chest in your inventory, it will be placed where you die, or in the closest available spot. The chest will be filled with as many items as possible. Items stored in the crafting slot are still lost, as usual, and any excess that won't fit in the chest will be dropped.
Download (Adfly) Download (Direct) Old Versions

AudioMod 1.02
AudioMod Beta 1.6.5
AudioMod is an upgrade of sorts, and a modder's utility. Included in this mod is CodecIBXM, created by Paul at, who is the creator of the sound system used in Minecraft. It allows Minecraft to play (in addition to ogg, wav, and mus files), xm, s3m, and mod files. The only readily available feature of this mod is the ability to add new music, however, it adds support for modders to add new records and sound effects. There is a slight increase in load time when using this mod. Using this, you can also use custom sounds, alongside the originals. Custom music and sound goes into the resources folder, music in mod/music. Custom sounds go into mod/sound. For example, if I were to add a new footstep sound effect to stone, I'd put the new stone1.ogg in mod/sound/step. In game, the new sound would occasionally be played, alongside the originals. Custom sounds for things like the menu click and water do not always work, at the moment.
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Floodgate Beta 1.6.5
Floodgate block can be used as either a floodgate, allowing toggleable water and lava falls, or as a trapdoor. When you place the floodgate control block, it will place a gate in front of the control block in the direction you are facing. Applying redstone power to this will remove the gate. Use the control block to open the GUI where you can place supporting blocks that will replace how the gate looks. Requires ModLoader Beta 1.6.5.
Download (Adfly) Download (Direct) Old Versions

Spawner GUI Beta 1.6.4
Adds a GUI to all mob spawners, that will allow you to pick what mob to spawn. I also reallowed mining spawners. You can disable spawners with redstone aswell. Should be compatible with all mobs, but don't expect the mobs with special spawn conditions to work everywhere. Animals require grass, Monsters require darkness, Slimes require being in their special chunks, and 0-16 depth. Requires ModLoader Beta 1.6.4.
Download (Adfly) Download (Direct) Old Versions

Block Distortion Beta 1.6.4
This mod is just an experiment. Everything that is 3D (Mostly noticeable on blocks) has a random distortion. Known issues include: Clouds randomize as they move across the sky, held items look rather odd, and GUI elements may be screwed up. I don't recommend using this mod long.
Download (Adfly) Download (Direct) Old Versions

Griefer Creepers - Not Updated
This mod changes how creepers attack. Instead of blowing itself up, It will disappear and launcher 100 arrows straight into the air, which will rain down on the landscape. These arrows will be 25% fire arrows, 75% explosive arrows..
Download (Adfly) Download (Direct) Old Versions

Recipe Book Beta 1.6.4
This item when used opens up a GUI of every recipe that can be done. The items can not be touched, but you can read tool tip. Left click moves to next recipe. Right click moves to previous recipe. The recipe for recipe book is 1 book, 1 ink sac. It's a shapeless recipe. Requires ModLoader Beta 1.6.4.

Download (Adfly) Download (Direct) Old Versions

Shelf Beta 1.6.5
Ever wanted to store your items in a way you can see them? Here you go. This block allows you to add up to 9 items to it and the items you put in are shown in the world. Requires ModLoader Beta 1.6.5.

Download (Adfly) Download (Direct) Old Versions

Biosphere Beta 1.6.4
This is a new generator. It replaces the surface generator. In this generator, the world is made up of massive spheres with glass domes. Inside these spheres are random biomes. There is a random chance of a lake being placed in the center of each sphere. Usually water, but rarely lava. Bordering this lake you will find sand for water, or gravel for lava. Connecting each sphere is a wooden bridge with fence rail. Beside each sphere is a smaller sphere, which is where you will find diamond and lapis lazuli. These ores only occur here, the others are equally spread throughout the spheres. The cave generator used here is a modified Nether cave generator, where like on the surface, will generate lava below a certain level. if this lava reaches the outside, an obsidian wall will be made to hold it in. Many options can be changed in ".minecraft/config/Biosphere.cfg".
这是一个新的生成器,将普通的替换掉。 这个生成器会生成巨大的球,他们被玻璃罩着。在球里头是随机生成的生态圈(森林,雪地,沙漠等等) 一条河会随机生成在球的中央,一般是水,岩浆也有只是很罕见。 环绕河的是沙子,而岩浆则是沙砾(gravel)。 链接生态球的是一座一座木质的桥和几排栅栏(防止你摔下去,摔下去绝对没救,因为这里地下没地壳的 而是空的,也就说一定程度你会不停减血,而多人模式是无限下落,那里被称谓open air或者void) 在这些大球边上会有小球,能在上面挖到钻石或者天青石(蓝色的那个) 只有小星球上才会有这2种。其他的一般每个大星球下都能挖到的。 矿洞生成器是编辑了地狱的,地面上一般的东西(森林,草地等) 地下一定程度有岩浆,当岩浆要碰到边缘时有黑曜石挡着。 许多设置可以在".minecraft/config/Biosphere.cfg" 中被替换。

Download (Adfly) Download (Direct) Old Versions




回复 akal1989 的帖子

我发现adfly只是一个皮……等一会点右上角的skip ad就好了……实际下载地址好像是任意的……

回复 baizuo 的帖子

我居然没发现skip ad......

akal1989 发表于 2011-5-30 16:20
回复 baizuo 的帖子

我居然没发现skip ad......





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本帖最后由 hdl531179795 于 2011-6-1 19:23 编辑
baizuo 发表于 2011-6-1 19:20
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