
10月30日 Update Notes 更新说明
Community Announcements - Nelson Sexton社区公告-尼尔森?塞克斯顿
Update Notes:更新说明

Additions: 增加
Added support for interactable world objects.     添加了与世界物体互动的支持
Added ability to open/close fridges.    添加了打开/关闭冰箱的功能
Added ability to raise/lower car lifts when powered.     添加了当供电时升起/调低汽车升降机的功能
Added ability to open/close gates and crossings when powered.    添加了当供电时打开/关闭大门和道口(或者是译为路口)的功能
Added ability to turn traffic lights on/off when powered.   添加了当供电时打开/关闭交通信号灯(红绿灯)的功能
Added ability to open/close wardrobes.     添加了打开/关闭衣柜的功能
Added new input networking system. [Note: 24 maxplayers is still recommended.] 添加了新的输入网络系统[备注:仍然建议最大玩家数为24]
Added new player/vehicle movement buffer.   添加了新的玩家/汽车运动缓冲器
Added new SSAO shader.    添加了新的SSAO渲染(应该是图形选项的抗锯齿选项)
Added new item/object/vehicle outline shader. 添加了新的物品/物体/汽车的轮廓渲染(或者译为外形材质!?)
Added "Outline Quality" graphics option. 添加了"轮廓质量(或者译为外形质量)"的图形选项
Added option to mark object physics material as dynamic or static. 添加了标记物体的物理材料为动态或静态的选项
Added missing streetlights to Washington.添加了消失的路灯到Washington(华盛顿地图)(missing streetlights百度给的翻译是缺少路灯或者是失踪路灯...自己综合了一下给出这个翻译)
Improvements: 改进
Improved key purchase to use Valve's new item store.改进了购买按键来使用Valve的新物品商店

Tweaks: 调整
Removed MSAA due to intention to transition to deferred rendering. 移除了MSAA由于打算过渡到迟时渲染(这个翻译无力..直接照搬百度翻译了)
Tweaked interact hint to search for target recursively. 调整了互动提示搜索目标的递归(还是翻译无力..直接照搬百度翻译)
Tweaked zubeknakov aimed accuracy to be only slightly worse than other ARs. Hipfire is still wider.
调整了zubeknakov的瞄准精度只是比其它ARs(不明= =,也许是枪械吧?)的差. Hipfire仍大(不明= =,自认为可能是弹道宽度保持不变)

Fixes: 修复
Fixed outfit jeans internal name/icon issue. 修复了服装类(物品中)牛仔裤的内部名称/图标(的问题)
Fixed beard appearing in front of hockey mask. 修复了了胡子出现在曲棍球面具前面(的问题)
Fixed pie name to pumpkin pie. 修复了派的名称更改为南瓜派
Fixed saving settings in some cases. 修复了在某些情况下保存设置(的问题)
Fixed farms not dropping pumpkin seeds. 修复了农场不会掉落南瓜种子(的问题)
Fixed buffered unreliable packets sent from client. 修复了从客户端发送不可靠的数据包(的问题)
Fixed some issues with when player is added to vehicle. 修复了当玩家进入车辆的某些问题
Fixed linux 64-bit installscript. 修复了64位linux(这是个操作系统)安装过程
Fixed item icon photobooth origin. 修复了物品图标photobooth起源。(后半句“photobooth origin”翻译有些摸不着头脑)
Fixed vehicle parent after respawning. 修复了车辆刷新后的起源(噗……这个vehicle parent 翻译有些麻烦,parent有父母的意思但是翻译成车辆父母
明显不对,百度翻译parent还给出“先辈; 根源,起源; 保护者;”的意思就采取了起源的翻译)
Fixed splatters on dynamic objects.修复了对动态物体的飞溅。(没明白是什么回事……)

Multiplayer Improvements:多人游戏改进:

The multiplayer input system has been overhauled, and should lead to both much lower latency on servers and smoother movement for players/vehicles. 多人游戏的输入系统已大修(应该就是代码大量修改吧),并且应该会使服务器上的延迟更低,玩家/车辆运动更加流畅

Interactable Objects:物体互动

Several objects in the world can now be interacted with! In the future you can expect many more objects to receive interactability. This feature is also available for modders on the workshop!

11月7日上午10:27 Update Notes        
Community Announcements - Nelson Sexton   社区公告-尼尔森?塞克斯顿
Update Notes:更新说明

Additions: 增加
Added interactable counters. 添加了和柜台的互动
Added interactable coolers.   添加了和冷却器的互动
Added interactable oven.     添加了和烤箱的互动
Added interactable dish washer.   添加了和洗碗机的互动
Added interactable clothing dryer.    添加了和服装烘干机的互动
Added interactable clothing washer.    添加了和洗衣机的互动
Added interactable cargo containers.     添加了和货物集装箱的互动
Added interactable lamps.    添加了和灯的互动
Added interactable roof lights.    添加了和屋顶灯的互动
Added interactable vending machine.    添加了和自动售货机的互动
Added interactable ATM/cash register.    添加了和自动取款(ATM)/收款机的互动
Added safezone radiator. [ID 1050] [Blocks item/zombie spawns.]
添加了安全区域散热器(什么鬼...)[ID 1050][物品方块/僵尸刷新点](百度翻译zombie spawns给的是僵尸怪物....)
Added bill items. [ID 1051-1057]      添加了钞票物品[ID 1051-1057]
Added item spawns inside furniture.    添加了室内家具物品刷新
Added zombie spawns inside buildings.    添加了僵尸(在)建筑物内刷新
Added custom object and barricade example files.      添加了自定义物体和路障的示例文件
Added messages for all possible connection errors.     添加了所有可能的连接错误信息

Improvements: 改进
Improved server to handle world info requests, also helps prevent ESP.
改进了服务器处理世界信息的请求 ,也有助于防止ESP
Improved UI to display nicely on triple monitors.
Improved direct connect to attempt a few times before giving up. 改进了在放弃之前尝试几次直接连接
Improved deleting object/tree assets to fail hash check.改进了hash检查失败删除物体/树的资源(这个翻译无力...)

Tweaks: 调整
Tweaked crossing model usage on each map. 调整了十字路口模型在每个地图上的使用
Tweaked rockets to be craftable.调整了rockets(火箭)现在可以合成

Fixes: 修复
Fixed servers exceeding maxplayers on serverlist. 修复了在服务器列表中服务器超过最大玩家数
Fixed metal material on wardrobe. 修复了在衣柜中的金属材料
Fixed potential issue when closing auth ticket after server shutdown. 修复了潜在的问题当服务器关机后关闭身份验证(的问题)
Fixed a crash related to generators. 修复了与发电机相关的碰撞关系
Fixed order of power checking. 修复了电力供应检查
Fixed loading wrong character on free account. 修复了免费账户加载错误角色(的问题)
Fixed applying initial saved state to objects on server. 修复了物品在服务器中的初始保存状态
Fixed powering interactable objects on server. []      修复了在服务器中(需要)电力交互物体(的问题). []
Fixed updating generator on client. []      修复了客户端中发电机更新(的问题). []
Fixed vehicle fuel request info. []      修复了车辆燃油请求信息. []
Fixed footsteps on path roads. []     修复了在小路上的脚步声(的问题). []
Fixed out of date Linux file. [Thanks fr34kyn01535!] []      修复了过期的Linux文件. [Thanks(感谢) fr34kyn01535!] []

Multiplayer Improvements:多人游戏改进

When the player moves around the map the server will now detect which information they need to know and send it to them, as opposed to beforehand where the client could ask for info allowing some long range ESP cheats.

If connecting to a server fails it will now explain exactly why as opposed to beforehand simply saying auth failure.

Connecting directly to a server makes multiple attempts before cancelling, whereas beforehand you had to manually click connect several times.

Trying to remove objects on a server by deleting the assets will now get a player kicked.

翻译者无聊的话:(get a player kicked百度给的翻译是得到一个球员踢,机器翻译没有结合语境简直要笑死我-_-|||)

Interactable Objects:物体互动

The vast majority of objects in buildings can now be interacted with, and loot that was sitting outside of furniture now has to be actively searched for by opening these new furniture! Zombies will also be guarding the insides of these buildings, so to secure a location place a Safezone Radiator which blocks items and zombies from spawning.
绝大多数建筑物中的物体现在可以与之互动,并且在家具外的战利品现在要积极的打开这些新家具寻找!僵尸们也将保护这些建筑的内部,所以要确保一个位置放置一个安全区散热器这个物品方块,在僵尸刷新(的地方)(so to secure a location place a Safezone Radiator which blocks items and zombies from spawning. 这段翻译无力!)

Phone Call Log #004419:  手机通话记录# 004419:
*ring ring*    (电话响的拟声词,类似于“铃”,请自行脑补英语听力的电话铃= =)
*ring ring*
Developer Nelson: Hello?  开发者Nelson(尼尔森): 你好?
Gamer Nelson: Hey! Sorry, very luckily I'm feeling sick the next few days unfortunately so I won't be able to come in to work on Unturned.
*cough cough*  *咳嗽 咳嗽*
Developer Nelson: Hmm... I don't suppose this has anything to do with the release of some highly anticipated games over the next week?
开发者Nelson(尼尔森):嗯... ... 我不认为这有什么关系,在下个星期发布一些非常期待的游戏吗?
Gamer Nelson: Err...    玩家Nelson(尼尔森):呃...
*guilty cough cough*    *内疚的咳嗽*
Gamer Nelson: Nononono of course not! I think I caught the zombie virus or something? :D
*zombie noise* *僵尸的噪声*
Developer Nelson: Well I suppose it's alright if you take a few days off, wouldn't want you to spread the zombie virus. 开发者Nelson(尼尔森):好吧,我想你也许你休息几天就会好的,(我可)不想让你传播僵尸病毒。
Gamer Nelson: YES! Thanks bye. 玩家Nelson(尼尔森):YES!谢谢,再见
in-background Gamer Nelson: Alright let's play! 在后台(的)玩家Nelson(尼尔森):好啦!让我们(开始)玩(游戏)吧!
*click*     *喀哒*



无名人 发表于 2015-11-7 17:53



[email protected]

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