On config.yml you can set:
- AutoUpdate: Enable/Disable auto update checking (Default: true)
- AutoDownloadUpdate: Enable/Disable auto downloading new updates, when disabled warns you about new versions (Default: false)
- Interval: Pooling interval in seconds. (Default: 3)
- DisableTab: Disable the tab portion of the plugin. (Default: false)
- ShowPluginNameOnMessages: Show the plugin name on messages sent to the players and console. Please leave this option enabled so more people will know about this plugin! (Default: false)
- ColoredPingParameter: Make the %ping parameter on messages to be automatically colored based on it's value.
- GoodPing: Pings below this number will be printed as green in the /ping command. (Default: 200)
- MediumPing: Pings below this number will be printed as gold in the /ping command. If the ping gets above this number, it will be printed in red. (Default: 500)
- OwnPingMessage: Message that is sent to the player when he check it's own ping with /ping. Color codes are supported using & character. (Default: "Your ping is %pingms")
- PingMessage: Message that is sent to player when he check anothe player's ping with /ping. Color codes are supported using & character. (Default: "%playername's ping is %pingms")
- Parameters:
- %playername - Player Name;
- %ping - Ping Measured;
- AlertPlayers: Alert players about high latency (Default: true)
- AlertThreshold: Players with the ping higher than this will be alerted (Default: 500)
- AlertInterval: The interval, in minutes, for the alerts to be sent (Default: 5)
- AlertMessage: The message that will be sent to the user on the alert event. Color codes are supported using & character. (Default: "%playername, your latency of %ping is above %threshold!")
- Parameters:
- %playername - Player Name
- %ping - Ping Measured
- %threshold - Threshold Set
Default config.yml |