本帖最后由 1582952890 于 2017-9-17 06:55 编辑

友情提示:本帖不是站内二转只是汉化了最新版本的Multiverse-Core(当前Build#725)而原帖的汉化最新版为 Build#677


zh-CN中文本  en-US英文原Build#725
zh-CN中文版  en-US英文原Build#722

zh-CN中文版 兼容性未知 自行测试


  1. [AnchorCommand.class]
  2. Create, Delete and Manage Anchor Destinations.=创建, 删除, 管理锚点 (传送点).
  3. {name}={名字}
  4. Allows a player to list all anchors.=允许玩家列出所有锚点.
  5. Allows a player to create anchors.=允许玩家创建锚点.
  6. Allows a player to delete anchors.=允许玩家删除锚点.
  7. You don't have the permission to list anchors!=你没有权限查看锚点!
  8. ====[ Multiverse Anchor List ]=========[ Multiverse 锚点列表 ]====
  9. Sorry...=抱歉...
  10. No anchors matched your filter:=没有锚点匹配关键词:
  11. No anchors were defined.=无被定义的锚点.
  12. Page= 页数
  13. of= /
  14. You don't have the permission to delete anchors!=你没有权限删除锚点!
  15. Anchor '=锚点 '
  16. ' was successfully=' 已成功
  17. deleted!=删除!
  18. You must be a player to create Anchors.=只有游戏中的玩家才能创建锚点.
  19. You don't have the permission to create anchors!=你没有权限创建锚点!
  20. created!=创建!
  21. [CheckCommand.class]
  22. Help you validate your multiverse settings=帮助你检验 multiverse 设置
  23. {PLAYER} {DESTINATION}={玩家} {目的地}
  24. Checks to see if a player can go to a destination. Prints debug if false.=检查玩家能否去该目的地. 如果不能则报告相关信息.
  25. Could not find player=无法找到玩家
  26. Are they online?=他们在线吗?
  27. [CloneCommand.class]
  28. Clone World=克隆世界
  29. {TARGET} {NAME}= {目标} {名字}
  30. -g [GENERATOR[:ID]]= -g [生成器[:ID]]
  31. To clone a world that uses a generator:=克隆世界所用的生成器:
  32. Clones a world.=克隆一个世界
  33. Sorry, Multiverse doesn't know about world=抱歉, Multiverse 不了解世界
  34. , so we can't clone it!=, 所以不能克隆它!
  35. Check the=使用
  36. command to verify it is listed.= 指令以确认它是否在列表内
  37. World Cloned!=世界已克隆!
  38. World could NOT be cloned!=世界不能被克隆!
  39. [ConfigCommand.class]
  40. Configuration=设置
  41. {PROPERTY} {VALUE}={项目} {变量}
  42. Allows you to set Global MV Variables.=允许你设置全局变量
  43. %sSetting '%s' to '%s' failed!=%s设置 '%s' 为 '%s' 时失败!
  44. SUCCESS!=完成!
  45. Values were updated successfully!= 设置值已成功更新!
  46. FAIL!=失败!
  47. Check your console for details!= 查看控制台内的详细信息!
  48. [ConfirmCommand.class]
  49. Confirms a command that could destroy life, the universe and everything.=确认使用该指令, 该指令可能会危及到生命, 世界或其他的东西
  50. If you have not been prompted to use this, it will not do anything.=如果你没有被提示使用它, 它不会做任何事情.
  51. [CoordCommand.class]
  52. Returns detailed information on the Players where abouts.=显示当前玩家所在位置详细信息
  53. --- Location Information ---=--- 坐标信息 ---
  54. World:=世界:
  55. Alias:=别名:
  56. World Scale:=世界比例:
  57. Coordinates:=坐标:
  58. Direction:=朝向:
  59. Block:=方块:
  60. This command needs to be used from a Player.=这个指令只能是玩家使用
  61. [CreateCommand.class]
  62. Create World=创建世界
  63. /mv create %s{NAME} {ENV} %s-s [SEED] -g [GENERATOR[:ID]] -t [WORLDTYPE] [-n] -a [true|false]=/mv create %s{名字} {环境} %s-s [种子] -g [生成器[:ID]] -t [生成器] [-n] -a [true|false]
  64. Creates a new world and loads it.=创建一个新世界并加载
  65. Multiverse cannot create=Multiverse 无法创建,
  66. another=已有世界
  67. world named= 叫那个名字:
  68. A Folder/World already exists with this name!=已有那个名字的文件夹/世界存在!
  69. If you are confident it is a world you can import with /mvimport=如果你确定这个世界能转换, 请使用 /mvimport
  70. That is not a valid environment.=那是一个无效环境
  71. That is not a valid World Type.=那是一个无效世界类型
  72. Invalid generator! '=无效生成器! '
  73. Aborting world creation.=取消世界生成
  74. Starting creation of world '=开始生成世界 '
  75. Complete!=完成!
  76. FAILED.=失败.
  77. [DebugCommand.class]
  78. Turn Debug on/off?=切换调试模式?
  79. Spams the console a bunch.=在控制台显示调试信息
  80. Error=错误
  81. setting debug level. Please use a number 0-3= 调试等级. 请使用数字 0-3
  82. Multiverse Debug mode is=Multiverse 调试模式是
  83. OFF=关闭的
  84. Multiverse Debug ENABLED=Multiverse 调试模式开启
  85. [DeleteCommand.class]
  86. Delete World=删除世界
  87. {WORLD}= {世界}
  88. Deletes a world on your server.=删除服务器内的世界
  89. PERMANENTLY.=永久.
  90. World Deleted!=世界已删除!
  91. World could NOT be deleted!=世界不能被删除!
  92. [EnvironmentCommand.class]
  93. List Environments=环境列表
  94. Lists valid known environments/world types.=列出可用已知环境/世界类型
  95. Valid Environments are:=可用环境:
  96. Valid World Types are:=可用世界类型:
  97. [GeneratorCommand.class]
  98. World Information=世界生成器信息
  99. Returns a list of Loaded Generator Plugins.=列出生成器插件
  100. PLEASE IGNORE the 'Plugin X does not contain any generators' message below!=请无视下面 '插件 X 不包含任何生成器' 的信息!
  101. --- Loaded Generator Plugins ---=--- 已加载的生成器插件 ---
  102. No Generator Plugins found.=没有发现生成器插件
  103. [HelpCommand.class]
  104. Get Help with Multiverse=获取 Multiverse 帮助
  105. Displays a nice help menu.=显示帮助菜单
  106. ====[ Multiverse Help ]=========[ Multiverse 帮助 ]====
  107. Sorry...=抱歉...
  108. No commands matched your filter:=没有找到匹配关键词的指令:
  109. Add a '=添加一个 '
  110. ' after a command to see more about it.=' 于一个指令之后来查看更多信息.
  111. Page=页数
  112. of= /
  113. [FILTER] [PAGE #]=[关键词] [页数 #]
  114. [ImportCommand.class]
  115. Import World=转换世界
  116. {NAME} {ENV}= {名字} {环境}
  117. -g [GENERATOR[:ID]] [-n]= -g [生成器[:ID]] [-n]
  118. To import a world that uses a generator, you'll need the generator:=转换那种世界, 你需要生成器:
  119. Imports a new world of the specified type.=转换一个世界为指定类型
  120. ====[ These look like worlds ]=========[ 可能潜在的世界 ]====
  121. No potential worlds found. Sorry!=没有发现潜在可能的世界!
  122. already knows about '= 已了解那个世界的环境 '
  123. That is not a valid environment.=那不是一个有效的环境类型.
  124. Starting import of world '%s'...=开始转换世界 '%s'...
  125. Complete!=完成!
  126. Failed!=失败!
  127. FAILED.=失败.
  128. That world environment did not exist.=那个世界的环境不存在.
  129. For a list of available world types, type:=查看有效世界类型列表, 输入:
  130. That world folder does not exist. These look like worlds to me:=那个世界的文件夹不存在. 以下是可能的世界:
  131. [InfoCommand.class]
  132. world=世界名
  133. World Information=世界信息
  134. Returns detailed information on the world.=列出世界的详细信息
  135. You must enter a=你必须输入一个指定的
  136. from the console!= 在控制台!
  137. That world exists, but it is unloaded!=那个世界已存在, 但是没有被加载!
  138. You can load it with: %s/mv load %s=你可以使用该指令加载: %s/mv load %s
  139. That world does not exist.=世界不存在
  140. That world exists, but Multiverse does not know about it!=那个世界存在, 但是 Multiverse 无法解读它!
  141. You can import it with=你可以使用转换指令
  142. {ENV}={环境}
  143. For available environments type=将其转换为一个有效环境
  144. General Info=综合信息
  145. World Name:=世界名:
  146. World Alias:=世界别名:
  147. Game Mode:=游戏模式:
  148. Difficulty:=难度:
  149. Spawn Location:=出生点:
  150. World Scale:=世界比例:
  151. Price to enter this world:=进入该世界的价格:
  152. FREE!=免费!
  153. Players will respawn in:=玩家将在该点出生:
  154. !!INVALID!!=!!无效!!
  155. More World Settings=更多世界设置
  156. World Type:=世界类型:
  157. Structures:=建造:
  158. Weather:=天气:
  159. Players will get hungry:=玩家将会饥饿:
  160. Keep spawn in memory:=保持出生记忆:
  161. PVP Settings=PVP 设置
  162. Multiverse Setting:=Multiverse 设置:
  163. Bukkit Setting:=Bukkit 设置:
  164. Monster Settings=Monster 设置
  165. Monsters that=该世界
  166. CAN NOT= 不可生成
  167. spawn:=怪物:
  168. CAN SPAWN:= 可生成:
  169. Monsters that CAN spawn:=可生成的怪物:
  170. ALL=全部
  171. NONE=无
  172. Animal Settings=动物设置
  173. Animals that=动物
  174. Animals that CAN spawn:=可生成的动物:
  175. of= /
  176. [ Page= [ 页数
  177. [ListCommand.class]
  178. World Listing=世界列表
  179. Displays a listing of all worlds that you can enter.=显示所以你能进入的世界
  180. ====[ Multiverse World List ]=========[ Multiverse 世界列表 ]====
  181. Sorry...=抱歉...
  182. No worlds matched your filter:=没找到匹配该关键词的世界:
  183. Page=页数
  184. of= /
  185. [LoadCommand.class]
  186. Load World=加载世界
  187. {WORLD}= {世界}
  188. Loads a world into Multiverse.=加载世界到 Multiverse.
  189. Loaded world '=已加载世界 '
  190. Error trying to load world '=加载该世界时发生错误 '
  191. [ModifyAddCommand.class]
  192. Modify a World (Add a value)=修改世界 (附加一个值)
  193. add {VALUE} {PROPERTY}=add {值} {设置}
  194. Modify various aspects of worlds. See the help wiki for how to use this command properly. If you do not include a world, the current world will be used.=修改世界各个方面的设置. 查看 wiki 学习如何正确使用指令. 如果你没有写入世界名, 当前世界会使用该设置.
  195. From the console, WORLD is required.=本指令在控制台执行时, 世界处 必填.
  196. Nothing changed.=没有变更
  197. That world does not exist!=那个世界不存在!
  198. Sorry, you can't ADD to=抱歉, 你不能增加
  199. Please visit our Github Wiki for more information:请访问 Github Wiki 查看更多信息:
  200. Success!=成功!
  201. was= 已
  202. added to=添加
  203. There was an issue saving worlds.yml!  Your changes will only be temporary!=保存worlds.yml时发生错误!  你所做的变更只是临时的!
  204. could not be added to= 不能增加
  205. [ModifyClearCommand.class]
  206. Modify a World (Clear a property)=修改世界 (清除设置)
  207. clear {PROPERTY}= clear {设置}
  208. Removes all values from a property. This will work on properties that contain lists.=移除所有设置的值. 设置将在所有包含的列表里生效.
  209. From the console, WORLD is required.=本指令在控制台执行时, 世界处 必填.
  210. Nothing changed.=没有变更
  211. That world does not exist!=那个世界不存在!
  212. Sorry, you can't use CLEAR with=抱歉, 你不能使用清除指令
  213. Please visit our Github Wiki for more information:请访问 Github Wiki 查看更多信息:
  214. was cleared. It contains 0 values now.= 已清除. 现在它不包含任何值.
  215. Success!=成功!
  216. was= 已
  217. CLEARED=清除
  218. . It contains=. 它现在包含
  219. values now.= 个值.
  220. There was an issue saving worlds.yml!  Your changes will only be temporary!=保存worlds.yml时发生错误!  你所做的变更只是临时的!
  221. Error:=错误:
  222. NOT=没有
  223. cleared.= 清除.
  224. [ModifyCommand.class]
  225. Modify a World=修改世界
  226. {set|add|remove|clear} ...= {set设置|add添加|remove移除|clear清除} ...
  227. Modify various aspects of worlds. It requires add/set/clear/remove. See the examples below=修改世界各个方面的设置. 需要set设/add添加/remove移除/clear清除. 查看以下示例
  228. [ModifyRemoveCommand.class]
  229. Modify a World (Remove a value)=修改世界 (移除一个值)
  230. remove {PROPERTY} {VALUE}= remove {设置} {值}
  231. Modify various aspects of worlds. See the help wiki for how to use this command properly. If you do not include a world, the current world will be used.=修改世界各个方面的设置. 查看 wiki 学习如何正确使用指令. 如果你没有写入世界名, 当前世界会使用该设置.
  232. From the console, WORLD is required.=本指令在控制台执行时, 世界处 必填.
  233. Nothing changed.=没有变更
  234. That world does not exist!=那个世界不存在!
  235. Sorry, you can't REMOVE anything from=抱歉, 你不能移除
  236. Please visit our Github Wiki for more information:请访问 Github Wiki 查看更多信息:
  237. Success!=成功!
  238. removed from=移除
  239. There was an issue saving worlds.yml!  Your changes will only be temporary!=保存worlds.yml时发生错误!  你所做的变更只是临时的!
  240. There was an error removing=移除时发生错误
  241. [ModifySetCommand.class]
  242. Modify a World (Set a value)=修改世界 (设置一个值)
  243. set {PROPERTY} {VALUE}= set {设置} {值}
  244. spawn=出生点
  245. Modify various aspects of worlds. See the help wiki for how to use this command properly. If you do not include a world, the current world will be used.=修改世界各个方面的设置. 查看 wiki 学习如何正确使用指令. 如果你没有写入世界名, 当前世界会使用该设置.
  246. You must be a player to set the=你必须是游戏中的玩家来设置
  247. Spawn is the only param with no=出生点不需要设置值
  248. Type=输入
  249. For help.= 查看帮助信息.
  250. From the command line, WORLD is required.=本指令在控制台执行时, 世界处 必填.
  251. Nothing changed.=没有变更
  252. That world does not exist!=那个世界不存在!
  253. is not a valid color. Please pick one of the following:= 不是一个有效的颜色. 请在以下示例中选择:
  254. Success!=成功!
  255. Property= 属性
  256. was set to= 已设置为
  257. There was an issue saving worlds.yml!  Your changes will only be temporary!=保存worlds.yml时发生错误!  你所做的变更只是临时的!
  258. Sorry, You can't set: '=抱歉, 你不能设置: '
  259. Valid world-properties:=有效的世界属性:
  260. [PurgeCommand.class]
  261. Purge World of Creatures=清除世界的生物
  262. {all|animals|monsters|MOBNAME}={all全部|animals动物|monsters敌对怪物|生物名}
  263. Removed the specified type of mob from the specified world.=从指定世界清除掉指定类型的生物.
  264. This command requires a WORLD when being run from the console!=在控制台运行此指令时需要填写指定世界名!
  265. It cannot be purged.=它不能被清除.
  266. [RegenCommand.class]
  267. Regenerates a World=重生一个世界
  268. {WORLD}= {世界}
  269. You can use the -s with no args to get a new seed:=你可以使用 -s 不附带种子码来获取一个新的种子码:
  270. or specifiy a seed to get that one:=或指定一个种子码:
  271. Regenerates a world on your server. The previous state will be lost=给你的服务器重新生成一个世界. 之前的东西将会丢失
  272. PERMANENTLY.=永久地!
  273. World Regenerated!=世界已重生!
  274. World could NOT be regenerated!=世界不能重生!
  275. [ReloadCommand.class]
  276. Reload Configs=重载配置
  277. Reloads worlds.yml and config.yml.=重载 worlds.yml 和 config.yml.
  278. Reloading all Multiverse Plugin configs...=正在重载所有 Multiverse 配置...
  279. Reload Complete!=重载完成!
  280. [RemoveCommand.class]
  281. Remove World=移除世界
  282. {WORLD}= {世界}
  283. Unloads a world from Multiverse and removes it from worlds.yml, this does NOT DELETE the world folder.=从 Multiverse 中卸载一个世界并移除worlds.yml内相应世界信息, 这个指令不会删除该世界文件夹.
  284. World removed from config!=世界已从配置文件中移除!
  285. Error trying to remove world from config!=从配置文件中移除该世界时发生错误!
  286. [ScriptCommand.class]
  287. Runs a script.=运行一个脚本
  288. {script} [target]= {脚本} [目标]
  289. That script file does not exist in the Multiverse-Core scripts directory!=那个脚本不在 Multiverse-Core 的scripts目录里!
  290. Script '%s%s%s' finished!=脚本 '%s%s%s' 已完成!
  291. [SetSpawnCommand.class]
  292. Set World Spawn=设置世界出生点
  293. Sets the spawn for the current world.=为当前世界设置出生点.
  294. It looks like that location would normally be unsafe. But I trust you.=看起来所在位置不太安全. 但是我相信你.
  295. I'm turning off the Safe-T-Teleporter for spawns to this world.=正在为这个世界出生点关闭安全传送.
  296. If you want this turned back on just do:=如果你想复原只需这样做:
  297. Spawn was set to:=出生点已设置为:
  298. There was an issue saving worlds.yml!  Your changes will only be temporary!=保存worlds.yml时发生错误!  你所做的变更只是临时的!
  299. Multiverse does not know about this world, only X,Y and Z set. Please import it to set the spawn fully (Pitch/Yaws).=Multiverse 不了解这个世界, 只有 X,Y 和 Z 设置. 请转换它以便接下来设置出生点 (Pitch/Yaws).
  300. You cannot use this command from the console.=你不能在控制台使用这条指令.
  301. [SilentCommand.class]
  302. Turn silent mode on/off?=切换沉默模式 开/关?
  303. Reduces the amount of startup messages.=减少服务器启动时的信息量.
  304. Multiverse Silent Start mode is=Multiverse 沉默启动模式
  305. ON=开
  306. OFF=关
  307. [SleepCommand.class]
  308. Go to Sleep=去睡觉
  309. Takes you the latest bed you've slept in (Currently BROKEN).=把你带到上次睡觉的床睡觉 (当前不可用).
  310. [SpawnCommand.class]
  311. Teleports another player to the spawn of the world they are in.=传送玩家到所在世界的出生点.
  312. Spawn=出生点
  313. Teleports you to the Spawn Point of the world you are in.=传送你到所在世界的出生点.
  314. You don't have permission to teleport another player to spawn. (multiverse.core.spawn.other)=你没有权限把其他玩家送到出生点. (需要权限 multiverse.core.spawn.other)
  315. Teleporting to this world's spawn...=正在传送到这个世界的出生点...
  316. You were teleported by:=你被他传送:
  317. the console=控制台
  318. is not logged on right now!= 现在没有在登入状态!
  319. You don't have permission to teleport yourself to spawn. (multiverse.core.spawn.self)=你没有权限把自己送到出生点. (需要权限 multiverse.core.spawn.self)
  320. From the console, you must provide a PLAYER.=你必须是游戏中的玩家才能使用此指令.
  321. [TeleportCommand.class]
  322. Teleport=传送
  323. {WORLD}= {世界}
  324. Sorry, I couldn't find player: %s%s=抱歉, 没有发现玩家: %s%s
  325. From the console, you must specify a player to teleport=在控制台使用此指令时, 你必须指定一个玩家来传送
  326. Multiverse does not know how to take you to %s%s=Multiverse 不知道如何带你去 %s%s
  327. Doesn't look like you're allowed to go=你不能去
  328. there...=那里...
  329. Doesn't look like you're allowed to send=你不能被传送
  330. to= 到
  331. DOH! Doesn't look like you can get to %s%s %sfrom where you are...=看起来你不能去 %s%s %s从你所在的位置...
  332. DOH! Doesn't look like %s%s %scan get to %sTHERE from where they are...=看起来 %s%s %s不能去 %s从他们所在的位置...
  333. Sorry you don't have permission to go to the world spawn!=你没有权限传送到出生点!
  334. Sorry you don't have permission to send %s to the world spawn!=你没有权限将 %s 送至出生点!
  335. Sorry Boss, I tried everything, but just couldn't teleport ya there!=抱歉老大, 没法传送到那里!
  336. [UnloadCommand.class]
  337. Unload World=卸载世界
  338. {WORLD}= {世界}
  339. Unloads a world from Multiverse. This does NOT remove the world folder. This does NOT remove it from the config file.=从 Multiverse 中卸载一个世界. 这个指令不会删除该世界文件夹. 也不会删除config配置文件内的世界信息.
  340. Unloaded world '=卸载世界 '
  341. Error trying to unload world '=卸载时发生错误 '
  342. [VersionCommand$1.class]
  343. Version info dumped here:=版本信息发送至:
  344. Version info dumped here: %s=版本信息发送至: %s
  345. [VersionCommand.class]
  346. Multiverse Version=Multiverse 版本信息
  347. -[pb]=-[p或b]
  348. Dumps version info to the console, optionally to with -p or with a -b.=已发送版本信息到控制台, 添加后缀-p 发送至, 添加后缀-b 发送至
  349. Version info dumped to console. Please check your server logs.=版本信息已经发送至控制台. 请查看你的服务器日志.
  350. [Multiverse-Core]  debug:=[Multiverse-Core]  调试:
  351. [Multiverse-Core]  firstspawnworld:=[Multiverse-Core]  初生世界:
  352. [Multiverse-Core]  firstspawnoverride:=[Multiverse-Core]  无视初生点:
  353. [Multiverse-Core]  teleportintercept:=[Multiverse-Core] 传送拦截:
  354. [Multiverse-Core]  displaypermerrors:=[Multiverse-Core]  显示错误:
  355. [Multiverse-Core]  enforceaccess:=[Multiverse-Core]  执行:
  356. [Multiverse-Core]  worldnameprefixFormat:=[Multiverse-Core]  世界名前缀格式:
  357. [Multiverse-Core]  worldnameprefix:=[Multiverse-Core]  世界名前缀:
  358. [Multiverse-Core]  teleportcooldown:=[Multiverse-Core]  传送冷却时间:
  359. [Multiverse-Core]  messagecooldown:=[Multiverse-Core]  消息冷却时间:
  360. [Multiverse-Core] Dumping Config Values: (version=[Multiverse-Core] 导出配置数值: (version
  361. [Multiverse-Core] Permissions Plugin:=[Multiverse-Core] 权限插件:
  362. [Multiverse-Core] Economy being used:=[Multiverse-Core] 经济系统:
  363. [Multiverse-Core] Using Vault:=[Multiverse-Core] 使用 Vault:
  364. [Multiverse-Core] Multiverse Plugins Loaded:=[Multiverse-Core] Multiverse加载插件:
  365. [Multiverse-Core] Loaded Worlds:=[Multiverse-Core] 加载世界:
  366. [Multiverse-Core] Bukkit Version:=[Multiverse-Core] 服务器版本:
  367. [Multiverse-Core] Multiverse-Core Version:=[Multiverse-Core] Multiverse-Core 版本:
  368. [WhoCommand.class]
  369. Who?=谁在那里?
  370. States who is in what world.=查看指定世界有哪些玩家.
  371. That world does not exist.=世界不存在.
  372. --- Worlds and their players ---=--- 世界&玩家 ---
  373. No worlds found.=没有发现世界
  374. No players found.=没有发现玩家
  375. [Command.class]
  376. Permission:=权限:
  377. Aliases:=别名:
  378. Examples:=示例:
  379. [CommandHandler.class]
  380. The command=指令
  381. has been halted due to the fact that it could break something!= 被停止执行是由于它可能会破坏某些东西!
  382. If you still wish to execute=如果你执意要执行
  383. please type:=请输入:
  384. will only be available for= 只在
  385. seconds.= 秒内有效.
  386. You do not have any of the required permission(s):=你没有所需权限:
  387. [QueuedCommand.class]
  388. This command has already been run! Please type the original command again if you want to rerun it.=指令已经被运行! 如果你想重新运行请再输入一次.
  389. This command has expired. Please type the original command again.=这个指令已经失效. 请再输入一遍之前的指令.



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