v44v2 发表于 2015-12-23 01:26
v44v2 发表于 2015-12-23 01:26
FHC红石 发表于 2015-12-27 15:47
好厉害的样子

中间栖姬 发表于 2016-1-1 15:39
哇,樓主真是好厲害啊!佩服的五體投地的說!居然能寫出如此棒的教程來!(笑+1) ...
13012352613 发表于 2016-1-1 15:43
13012352613 发表于 2015-9-30 19:03
我我我帝王 发表于 2016-1-3 12:25
我我我帝王 发表于 2016-1-3 12:23
LZ 为何我在改名字的时候,出现了乱码 中文全是乱码以及颜色代码§
D_ian_D_ian 发表于 2016-1-6 20:22
LZ 为何我在改名字的时候,出现了乱码 中文全是乱码以及颜色代码§
13012352613 发表于 2016-1-6 21:07
13012352613 发表于 2016-1-6 21:07
为何模型丢入mw无效 枪械包里面的model后面也写了模型名字了 大小写都一样 而且模型是class格式的
13012352613 发表于 2015-10-1 18:25
把你的class格式的模型文件丢进去。。。 话说LZ 我小白,你知道咋把图片换成Class格式的吗 我建模是用的ToolBox。。我直接保存的 保存之后用画图和图片查看器都无法打开qwq
不错 啊 顶楼主
1685354977 发表于 2016-1-10 10:49
为何模型丢入mw无效 枪械包里面的model后面也写了模型名字了 大小写都一样 而且模型是class格式的 ...
因为模型class文件里面有限制的路径 所以mw只能放在mw文件夹 其他也是
要是能加个制作3D枪械模型就好了 包括皮肤
TH117 发表于 2016-2-8 10:45
LZ 我的flanmod是4.1.1版本的 游戏版本是1.6.4 我想让枪械的子弹穿墙 还有 子弹附加效果 凋零 中毒什么的。。。 可以弄吗?
aipaiJJ 发表于 2016-2-21 15:07
aipaiJJ 发表于 2016-2-21 15:07
782963325 发表于 2016-2-21 15:46
LZ 我的flanmod是4.1.1版本的 游戏版本是1.6.4 我想让枪械的子弹穿墙 还有 子弹附加效果 凋零 中毒什么的 ...
13012352613 发表于 2016-2-22 17:38
...好吧 谢谢 其实是可以的 要修改flanmod 只是问问 谢谢了
萝卜哥 发表于 2016-3-2 07:10
本帖最后由 13012352613 于 2016-3-5 19:19 编辑
Teams Tutorial团队指令(到4之前皆不翻译[此文章针对Flans Mod-1.7.10-4.10.0及更高版本,部分不重要的指令暂时不翻译
Teams Mod is the part of Flan's Mod that is used to set up round based combat for various gametypes such as Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag. This tutorial is for server owners wishing to run such gametypes on their server using Flan's Mod.
1. Flags
Flags are used to designate bases and are used as the capturable flags in CTF-style gametypes. You can spawn them in in creative mode from the "Flan's Mod Teams" tab and place them wherever you wish.
2. Spawners
Spawners come in 3 types:
?Player spawners designate spawn points for players.
?Item spawners spawn certain stacks of items you specify. Right click to add the currently held stack, and right click with an empty hand to change the delay.
?Vehicle spawners spawn vehicles as entities rather than items (currently somewhat buggy). Right click with a vehicle in hand to set the vehicle to spawn, and right click with an empty hand to change the delay.
All can be spawned via the "Flan's Mod Teams" tab in creative mode. By default, spawners are not connected to any bases and so the player spawners will do nothing and the item spawners will spawn items that can be picked up by anyone.
3. Op Sticks
There are 4 sticks (or wands) that you can obtain, through the command "/teams getSticks" as an op, which allow you to set up maps for playing round based games.
?The Stick of Connecting connects flags to spawners. Right click on a flag and then again on each spawner you want to connect. A fishing rod graphic helps indicate what you are connecting.
?The Stick of Ownership changes the owner of a flag upon right clicking, through none, Spectator, and each team currently in use.
?The Stick of Mapping changes the map that a flag belongs to. More on maps later.
?The Stick of Destruction destroys flagpoles, flags and spawners upon right clicking.
4. Commands
This table shows an overview of each of the teams mod commands. It is much better to use this as a reference when needed than to go through and learn all the commands off by heart. Where a word appears in <these brackets> you need to replace it and the brackets with a valid input. For example, "/teams setGametype <gametype>" may become "/teams setGametype TDM".
"/teams help" List all teams commands 帮助
"/teams off" Deactivate teams mod 关闭多人模式
"/teams arena" The arena setting presets are designed for round based combat
"/teams survival" These presets make teams as unobtrusive as possible and very much like vanilla
"/teams getSticks" Get the four sticks needed to do most of the admin work regarding setting up maps 获得4项之力(权杖
"/teams listGametypes" List the available gametypes with short names in brackets 游戏模式表列(使用mw包亲测除TDM以外,其他全无效
"/teams setGametype <gametype>" Set the current gametype. <gametype> should be a name from listGametypes
"/teams listAllTeams" List all teams available in the currently installed content packs, with short names in brackets
"/teams listTeams" List the teams currently in use
"/teams setTeams <team1> <team2>" Set the current teams. Each team name should be a short name from listAllTeams
"/teams addMap <shortName> Create a new map. <shortName> should be one word
"/teams listMaps" List all maps in the current world
"/teams removeMap <shortName>" Remove the given map from the current world
"/teams setMap <shortName>" Set the map currently in use. The shortName should be as listed in listMaps
"/teams addRotation <map> <gametype> <team1> <team2>" Add a map, gametype and pair of teams to the map rotation 添加到回合
"/teams listRotation" List the current map rotation
"/teams removeRotation <ID>" Remove a map from the rotation. ID is as given in listRotation
"/teams useRotation <true / false>" Set whether the map rotation should be used or not
"/teams nextMap" Skip to the next map in the rotation
"/teams goToMap <ID>" Go to a certain map in the rotation
"/teams setVariable <variable> <value>" Set gametype specific variables. More information later
"/teams forceAdventure <true / false>" Whether players should be forced into adventure mode upon respawning
"/teams explosions <true / false>" Whether explosions should damage terrain
"/teams canBreakGlass <true / false>" Whether bullets can break glass
"/teams canBreakGuns <true / false>" Whether players can pick up deployable MGs and AAGuns
"/teams armourDrops <true / false>" Whether team armour is dropped upon death
"/teams weaponDrops <on / off / smart>" How guns drop upon death. Smart drops collect guns and ammo into one entity
"/teams fuelNeeded <true / false>" Whether vehicles need fuel to run
"/teams mgLife <time>" How long the MG despawn timer is. 0 means they never despawn
"/teams planeLife <time>" How long the Plane despawn timer is. 0 means they never despawn
"/teams vehicleLife <time>" How long the Vehicle despawn timer is. 0 means they never despawn
"/teams mechaLife <time>" How long the Mecha despawn timer is. 0 means they never despawn
"/teams aaLife <time>" How long the AAGun despawn timer is. 0 means they never despawn
"/teams vehiclesBreakBlocks <true / false>" Whether vehicles break blocks upon collision
5. Basic Setup
This section gives a checklist for making a simple one map round based combat server
i.Build a map. You can be as imaginative as you like here. Your map could be anything from an abandoned town or a train station to a mineshaft or a cactus farm.
ii.Place flags to denote each team's base and spawners nearby to indicate where the players will spawn.
iii.Enter "/teams getSticks" in chat.
iv.Do "/teams addMap <shortName> <Long Name>". <shortName> is an identifier to refer to your map by with all commands. It may not contain spaces. The <Long Name> is what the players see in the vote panel.
v.Right click on the flagpoles with the Stick of Mapping to get the editing GUI. You can set the team and map of this base here.
vi.Right click on a flagpole with the Stick of Connecting (You should get a fishing rod line connected to the flagpole).
vii.Right click on each spawner you want to connect to the flagpole. Note that if you change selected item, the line will disappear.
viii.Do "/teams addRound <mapShortName> <gametype> <team1> <team2> <timeLimit> <scoreLimit>
ix. can be one of "DM", "TDM" or "CTF". For a list of team names (shortNames in brackets) do /teams listTeams
x.Then do "/teams start"
xi.Play! Players can press G at any time to pick a team and H to view scores.
6. Multimap Server
To add new maps, simply do the "/teams addMap ..." command again and to add new rounds to the rotation do "/teams addRound ..." again.
To use the voting system (it is recommended you have at least 7 or 8 rounds in rotation to use the vote system) do "/teams voting true"
To see all rounds in the rotation do "/teams listRounds". (Note that the popularity of the round is displayed next to each one)
To remove a round do "/teams removeRound <ID>". The IDs are as listed in "/teams listRounds"
7. SetVariable Command
The "/teams setVariable <variable> <value>" command is specific to the currently selected gametype, and so this section goes over its possible uses in more detail.
DM / TDM / CTF / Nerf / Conquest
"/teams setVariable scoreLimit <n>" Set the score limit for each round
TDM / CTF / Nerf / Conquest
"/teams setVariable autobalance <true / false>" Turn autobalance on or off. This keeps the number of players on each team even.
"/teams setVariable friendlyFire <true / false>" Turn friendly fire on or off.
"/teams setVariable captureTime <time>" Set the time it takes to capture a flag.
3.输入/teams getStick获得权杖
6.输入/teams listAllTeams,查看可用团队,同理输入/teams listGametypes 查看游戏模式
7./teams addMap <地图名> <地图短名> 创建地图,注意大写
8.输入/teams addRotation <地图短名> <游戏模式短名> <可用团队1> <可用团队2>
9./teams start 开始游戏
Teams Tutorial团队指令(到4之前皆不翻译[此文章针对Flans Mod-1.7.10-4.10.0及更高版本,部分不重要的指令暂时不翻译
Teams Mod is the part of Flan's Mod that is used to set up round based combat for various gametypes such as Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag. This tutorial is for server owners wishing to run such gametypes on their server using Flan's Mod.
1. Flags
Flags are used to designate bases and are used as the capturable flags in CTF-style gametypes. You can spawn them in in creative mode from the "Flan's Mod Teams" tab and place them wherever you wish.
2. Spawners
Spawners come in 3 types:
?Player spawners designate spawn points for players.
?Item spawners spawn certain stacks of items you specify. Right click to add the currently held stack, and right click with an empty hand to change the delay.
?Vehicle spawners spawn vehicles as entities rather than items (currently somewhat buggy). Right click with a vehicle in hand to set the vehicle to spawn, and right click with an empty hand to change the delay.
All can be spawned via the "Flan's Mod Teams" tab in creative mode. By default, spawners are not connected to any bases and so the player spawners will do nothing and the item spawners will spawn items that can be picked up by anyone.
3. Op Sticks
There are 4 sticks (or wands) that you can obtain, through the command "/teams getSticks" as an op, which allow you to set up maps for playing round based games.
?The Stick of Connecting connects flags to spawners. Right click on a flag and then again on each spawner you want to connect. A fishing rod graphic helps indicate what you are connecting.
?The Stick of Ownership changes the owner of a flag upon right clicking, through none, Spectator, and each team currently in use.
?The Stick of Mapping changes the map that a flag belongs to. More on maps later.
?The Stick of Destruction destroys flagpoles, flags and spawners upon right clicking.
4. Commands
This table shows an overview of each of the teams mod commands. It is much better to use this as a reference when needed than to go through and learn all the commands off by heart. Where a word appears in <these brackets> you need to replace it and the brackets with a valid input. For example, "/teams setGametype <gametype>" may become "/teams setGametype TDM".
"/teams help" List all teams commands 帮助
"/teams off" Deactivate teams mod 关闭多人模式
"/teams arena" The arena setting presets are designed for round based combat
"/teams survival" These presets make teams as unobtrusive as possible and very much like vanilla
"/teams getSticks" Get the four sticks needed to do most of the admin work regarding setting up maps 获得4项之力(权杖
"/teams listGametypes" List the available gametypes with short names in brackets 游戏模式表列(使用mw包亲测除TDM以外,其他全无效
"/teams setGametype <gametype>" Set the current gametype. <gametype> should be a name from listGametypes
"/teams listAllTeams" List all teams available in the currently installed content packs, with short names in brackets
"/teams listTeams" List the teams currently in use
"/teams setTeams <team1> <team2>" Set the current teams. Each team name should be a short name from listAllTeams
"/teams addMap <shortName> Create a new map. <shortName> should be one word
"/teams listMaps" List all maps in the current world
"/teams removeMap <shortName>" Remove the given map from the current world
"/teams setMap <shortName>" Set the map currently in use. The shortName should be as listed in listMaps
"/teams addRotation <map> <gametype> <team1> <team2>" Add a map, gametype and pair of teams to the map rotation 添加到回合
"/teams listRotation" List the current map rotation
"/teams removeRotation <ID>" Remove a map from the rotation. ID is as given in listRotation
"/teams useRotation <true / false>" Set whether the map rotation should be used or not
"/teams nextMap" Skip to the next map in the rotation
"/teams goToMap <ID>" Go to a certain map in the rotation
"/teams setVariable <variable> <value>" Set gametype specific variables. More information later
"/teams forceAdventure <true / false>" Whether players should be forced into adventure mode upon respawning
"/teams explosions <true / false>" Whether explosions should damage terrain
"/teams canBreakGlass <true / false>" Whether bullets can break glass
"/teams canBreakGuns <true / false>" Whether players can pick up deployable MGs and AAGuns
"/teams armourDrops <true / false>" Whether team armour is dropped upon death
"/teams weaponDrops <on / off / smart>" How guns drop upon death. Smart drops collect guns and ammo into one entity
"/teams fuelNeeded <true / false>" Whether vehicles need fuel to run
"/teams mgLife <time>" How long the MG despawn timer is. 0 means they never despawn
"/teams planeLife <time>" How long the Plane despawn timer is. 0 means they never despawn
"/teams vehicleLife <time>" How long the Vehicle despawn timer is. 0 means they never despawn
"/teams mechaLife <time>" How long the Mecha despawn timer is. 0 means they never despawn
"/teams aaLife <time>" How long the AAGun despawn timer is. 0 means they never despawn
"/teams vehiclesBreakBlocks <true / false>" Whether vehicles break blocks upon collision
5. Basic Setup
This section gives a checklist for making a simple one map round based combat server
i.Build a map. You can be as imaginative as you like here. Your map could be anything from an abandoned town or a train station to a mineshaft or a cactus farm.
ii.Place flags to denote each team's base and spawners nearby to indicate where the players will spawn.
iii.Enter "/teams getSticks" in chat.
iv.Do "/teams addMap <shortName> <Long Name>". <shortName> is an identifier to refer to your map by with all commands. It may not contain spaces. The <Long Name> is what the players see in the vote panel.
v.Right click on the flagpoles with the Stick of Mapping to get the editing GUI. You can set the team and map of this base here.
vi.Right click on a flagpole with the Stick of Connecting (You should get a fishing rod line connected to the flagpole).
vii.Right click on each spawner you want to connect to the flagpole. Note that if you change selected item, the line will disappear.
viii.Do "/teams addRound <mapShortName> <gametype> <team1> <team2> <timeLimit> <scoreLimit>
ix. can be one of "DM", "TDM" or "CTF". For a list of team names (shortNames in brackets) do /teams listTeams
x.Then do "/teams start"
xi.Play! Players can press G at any time to pick a team and H to view scores.
6. Multimap Server
To add new maps, simply do the "/teams addMap ..." command again and to add new rounds to the rotation do "/teams addRound ..." again.
To use the voting system (it is recommended you have at least 7 or 8 rounds in rotation to use the vote system) do "/teams voting true"
To see all rounds in the rotation do "/teams listRounds". (Note that the popularity of the round is displayed next to each one)
To remove a round do "/teams removeRound <ID>". The IDs are as listed in "/teams listRounds"
7. SetVariable Command
The "/teams setVariable <variable> <value>" command is specific to the currently selected gametype, and so this section goes over its possible uses in more detail.
DM / TDM / CTF / Nerf / Conquest
"/teams setVariable scoreLimit <n>" Set the score limit for each round
TDM / CTF / Nerf / Conquest
"/teams setVariable autobalance <true / false>" Turn autobalance on or off. This keeps the number of players on each team even.
"/teams setVariable friendlyFire <true / false>" Turn friendly fire on or off.
"/teams setVariable captureTime <time>" Set the time it takes to capture a flag.
3.输入/teams getStick获得权杖
6.输入/teams listAllTeams,查看可用团队,同理输入/teams listGametypes 查看游戏模式
7./teams addMap <地图名> <地图短名> 创建地图,注意大写
8.输入/teams addRotation <地图短名> <游戏模式短名> <可用团队1> <可用团队2>
9./teams start 开始游戏
声音改了很久但都还是没声音啊 怎么办QWQ