我在一个端上安装了矿物追踪,生成的是中文文件夹[Scenter.targets.cfg] 【中文】
我又将同样的mod安装到另一个端上然后生成的是[Scenter3.targets.cfg]文件夹 【英文】
### Scenter Targets Definitions
## During game play you can toggle between all defined targets by pressing 'O'.
## With this file you can define these targets.
## Each line adds one target to Scenter.
## A target definition consists of one ore more blocks and an optional color (for tinting the particle trail).
## The line format is:
## <block-list> [<color (hexadecimal)>]
## where <block-list> is <block>[, <block>] ...
## and where <block> is <block-name>[/<subtype>]
## Example 1:
## obsidian 000000
## adds a target for obsidian, with a black (000000) particle trail color
## Example 2:
## lava, flowing_lava FF0000
## adds a target for lava and flowing lava, with a red (FF0000) particle trail color
## Example 3:
## wool/14, wool/4, wool/6 FFFFFF
## adds a target for red (/14), yellow (/4), and pink (/6) wool, with a white (FFFFFF) particle trail color
# Use '#' for comments
coal_ore 000000
iron_ore FFD9B3
gold_ore FFFF47
diamond_ore 85FFFF
emerald_ore 80FF9F
lapis_ore 0A0AFF
redstone_ore,lit_redstone_ore FF0A0A
glowstone FFD24D
quartz_ore BAA882
咋样让他变为中文,并且能添加矿物 在那个客户端就可以生成中文的,并且可以加矿物 [mod]矿物
求一个大神,来个教程 或者留个QQ号
我又将同样的mod安装到另一个端上然后生成的是[Scenter3.targets.cfg]文件夹 【英文】
### Scenter Targets Definitions
## During game play you can toggle between all defined targets by pressing 'O'.
## With this file you can define these targets.
## Each line adds one target to Scenter.
## A target definition consists of one ore more blocks and an optional color (for tinting the particle trail).
## The line format is:
## <block-list> [<color (hexadecimal)>]
## where <block-list> is <block>[, <block>] ...
## and where <block> is <block-name>[/<subtype>]
## Example 1:
## obsidian 000000
## adds a target for obsidian, with a black (000000) particle trail color
## Example 2:
## lava, flowing_lava FF0000
## adds a target for lava and flowing lava, with a red (FF0000) particle trail color
## Example 3:
## wool/14, wool/4, wool/6 FFFFFF
## adds a target for red (/14), yellow (/4), and pink (/6) wool, with a white (FFFFFF) particle trail color
# Use '#' for comments
coal_ore 000000
iron_ore FFD9B3
gold_ore FFFF47
diamond_ore 85FFFF
emerald_ore 80FF9F
lapis_ore 0A0AFF
redstone_ore,lit_redstone_ore FF0A0A
glowstone FFD24D
quartz_ore BAA882
咋样让他变为中文,并且能添加矿物 在那个客户端就可以生成中文的,并且可以加矿物 [mod]矿物
求一个大神,来个教程 或者留个QQ号