可以把特殊字符打出来么= =文字说明。。
本帖最后由 619815617 于 2018-11-30 19:23 编辑
本帖最后由 KK44KK 于 2015-6-11 17:39 编辑
# Info Board Config, Last Edited in v0.2.5
# ################################################
# #
# __Legend__ #
# I | Number(Integer)
# B | True/False(Boolean)
# S | Word(String)
# #
# ################################################
# +--------------------------------------------+ #
# | Format | #
# +--------------------------------------------+ #
# ################################################
# <split> | split the line to set the score of that line to what ever follows(ONLY WORKS WITH NUMBERS)
# ; | split the line to set the score of that line to what ever follows(ONLY WORKS WITH NUMBERS)
# &# | color codes ( Replace # with 1-0, a-f, x-y(x is random color, y is random format)
# ' ' | This by it's self on a line will represet a blank line
# ~!<variable><variable>| Will only display the variable if <variable> isn't "0" or "Unknown"(Best used if you only want to show a variable if that value isn't "0")
# ~@<variable><variable>| Will only display the variable if <variable> is "0" or "Unknown"(Best used if you only want to show a variable if another value is 0")
# <scroll> | *Has to be first thing on the line to work, color codes can follow though (<scroll>&4&lHi <player>)*
# | Will scroll the variable across the screen, if Scroll is enabled in the config
# | also it remove the limit of characters in a row as it scrolls through.
# #
# # Example:
# # In the config: Online Players: <split> <onlineplayers>
# # Then in game it'll change the rows score to <onlineplayers>
# #
# ################################################
# +--------------------------------------------+ #
# | UTF-8 Variables | #
# +--------------------------------------------+ #
# ################################################
# <ucode#> | Replace # with the unicode code (http://unicode-table.com/en/)
# <1> | Face 1
# <2> | Face 2
# <3> | A Heart
# <4> | A Diamond
# <5> | A Club
# <6> | A Spade
# <7> | A Dot
# <8> | Block with a whole in the middle
# <9> | A Circle
# <10> | A block with a circle in the middle
# <16> | Arrow pointing right #1
# <17> | Arrow pointing left #1
# <21> | Minecrafts color code symbol
# <174> | Double arrows pointing left
# <175> | Double arrows pointing right
# <205> | 3 lines
# <247> | Double wavy lines
# <skull> | A skull
# <arrow> | An arrow pointing right
# <nuke> | A nucular radiation symbol
# <rightup> | 3 dots going up and right
# <leftup> | 3 dots going up and left
# #
# ################################################
# +--------------------------------------------+ #
# | Server Variables | #
# +--------------------------------------------+ #
# ################################################
# <maxplayers> | Max Players Online | I
# <tps> | Server TPS | I
# <motd> | Servers MOTD | S
# <servername> | The servers name | S
# <usedram> | The server's used ram | I
# <freeram> | The server's free ram | I
# <maxram> | The server's max ram | I
# <availableprocessors>| The server's available processors | I
# #
# ################################################
# +--------------------------------------------+ #
# | Player Variables | #
# +--------------------------------------------+ #
# ################################################
# <ping> | The player's Ping | I
# <onlineplayers> | The player's Online | I
# <player> | The player name | S
# <op> | Is the player an OP | B
# <exp> | The player's exp | I
# <level> | The player's level | I
# <hunger> | The player's hunger level | I
# <health> | The player's health | I
# <maxhealth> | The player's max health | I
# <gamemode> | The player's gamemode | S
# <worldname> | The player's world's name | S
# <worlddifficulty> | The player's world's difficulty | I
# <worldanimals> | Does the player's world allow animals | B
# <worldmonsters> | Does the player's world allow monsters | B
# <worldpvp> | Does the player's world allow PVP | B
# <worldplayers> | The player's world's total players | I
# <time> | The player's worlds time | I
# <x> | The player's x position | I
# <y> | The player's y position | I
# <z> | The player's z position | I
# <pitch> | The player's pitch| I
# <yaw> | The player's yaw| I
# <direction> | The player's direction| S
# <helmet> | The player's helmet | S
# <chestplate> | The player's chestplate | S
# <leggings> | The player's leggings | S
# <boots> | The player's boots | S
# <hand> | The player's item in hand | S
# <helmetdurability> | The player's helmet's durability | I
# <chestplatedurability>| The player's chestplate's durability | I
# <leggingsdurability> | The player's legging's durability | I
# <bootsdurability> | The player's boot's durability | I
# <handdurability> | The player's item in hand's durability | I
# <doihave&> | Does the player have % as a permission node | B
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Ancient RPG | #
# | http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/ancient-rpg/| #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <ancientrpgrace> | The player's race | S
# <ancientrpgstance> | The player's stance | S
# <ancientrpgclass> | The player's class | S
# <ancientrpgclasslevel> | The player's classe level | I
# <ancientrpgclassminlevel> | The player's class min level | I
# <ancientrpgclasshp> | The player's class hp | I
# <ancientrpgclassreghp> | The player's class hp regen| I
# <ancientrpgguild> | The player's guild | S
# <ancientrpgguildleader> | The player's guild's Leader | S
# <ancientrpgguildleader> | The player's guild's motd | S
# <ancientrpgguildfriendlyfire>| Does the player's guild allow friendly fire| B
# <ancientrpgguildmaxmembers> | The max players allowed in a guild| I
# <ancientrpgpartyleader> | The player's party's Leader | S
# <ancientrpgpartymaxmembers> | The max players allowed in a party | I
# <ancientrpgpartyfriendlyfire>| Does the player's party allow friendly fire| B
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Essentials | #
# | http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/essentials/ | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <esshomes> | How many homes | I
# <essmuted> | Is the player muted | B
# <esshidden> | Is the player invisible | B
# <essgodmode> | Is the player in godmode | B
# <essnickname> | The player's nickname | S
# <esstprequest> | Do you have a tp request waiting | B
# <essvanished> | How many players are vanished | B
# <essjails> | How many jails are there | I
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Factions | #
# | http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/factions/ | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <factionsfname> | The factions name | S
# <factionsfland> | The factions total land claims | I
# <factionsfpower> | The factions power | I
# <factionsfmaxpower>| The factions max power | I
# <factionsfonline> | The number of players in the faction online | I
# <factionsfofficers>| The number of officers in the faction online | I
# <factionsfleader> | The factions leader | S
# <factionsfland> | The factions land | I
# <factionsfinname> | The factions the players standing in name | S
# <factionsfinland> | The factions the players standing in total land claims | I
# <factionsfinpower> | The factions the players standing in power | I
# <factionsfinmaxpower>| The factions the players standing in max power | I
# <factionsfinonline>| The number of players in the faction the players standing in online | I
# <factionsfinofficers>| The number of officers in the faction the players standing in online | I
# <factionsfinleader>| The factions the players standing in leader | S
# <factionspower> | The player's power | I
# <factionsmaxpower> | The player's max power | I
# <factionsrole> | The player's role in their faction | S
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | GriefPrevention | #
# | dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/grief-prevention/ | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <griefpreventionclaims> | The player's claims| I
# <griefpreventionbonusclaims> | The player's bonus claims| I
# <griefpreventionaccruedclaims> | The player's accrued claims| I
# <griefpreventionremainingclaims>| The player's remaining claims| I
# <griefpreventionspamcount> | The player's spam count| I
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Heroes | #
# | http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/heroes/ | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <heroesmana> | The Heroes' mana | I
# <heroesmaxmana> | The Heroes' max mana | I
# <heroeslevel> | The Heroes' level | I
# <heroesmanaregen> | The Heros' mana regen | I
# <heroesismaster> | Is the Hero is a master in their class| B
# <heroespartyleader> | The Heroes' partys leader | S
# <heroespartysize> | The Heroes' party size | B
# <heroespartyisnopvp> | Is the Heroes' party prevent pvp | B
# <heroesclass> | The Heroes' classes' name | S
# <heroesclasstier> | The Heroes' classes' tier | I
# <heroesclassbasehealth> | The Heroes' classes' base health I
# <heroesclassbasemana> | The Heroes' classes' base mana | I
# <heroesclassexpchange> | The Heroes' classes' exp modifier | I
# <heroesclassexploss> | The Heroes' classes' exp loss | I
# <heroesclassmaxlevel> | The Heroes' classes' max level | I
# <heroesclassismaster> | Is the Player is a master in their class| B
# <heroesclass2> | The Heroes' classes' name | S
# <heroesclass2tier> | The Heroes' classes' tier | I
# <heroesclass2basehealth>| The Heroes' classes' base health I
# <heroesclass2basemana> | The Heroes' classes' base mana | I
# <heroesclass2expchange> | The Heroes' classes' exp modifier | I
# <heroesclass2exploss> | The Heroes' classes' exp loss | I
# <heroesclass2maxlevel> | The Heroes' classes' max level | I
# <heroesclass2ismaster> | Is the Player is a master in their class2| B
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Infected | #
# | dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/infected-core/ | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <infectedplaying> | How many players are playing | I
# <infectedpoints> | The player's points | I
# <infectedscore> | The player's score | I
# <infectedkills> | The player's kills | I
# <infecteddeaths> | The player's deaths | I
# <infectedhighestkillstreak>| The player's highestkillstreak | I
# <infectedgamestate> | The gamestate | S
# <infectedactivearena> | The activearena | S
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Jobs | #
# | http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/jobs/ | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <jobsin> | How many jobs you have | I
# <jobstitle#> | The jobs title(Replace # with a number [1 and up]) | S
# <jobslevel#> | The jobs level(Replace # with a number [1 and up]) | I
# <jobsexp#> | The jobs exp(Replace # with a number [1 and up]) | I
# <jobsmaxlevel#> | The jobs max level(Replace # with a number [1 and up]) | I
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | LWC | #
# | http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/lwc/ | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <lwclocks> | The amount of chests the player has locked | I
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | mcMMO | #
# | http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/mcmmo/ | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <mcmmopowerlevel> | The player's power level | I
# <mcmmoacrobatics> | The player's acrobatics level | I
# <mcmmoarchery> | The player's archery level | I
# <mcmmoaxes> | The player's axes level | I
# <mcmmoexcavation> | The player's excavation level | I
# <mcmmofishing> | The player's fishing level | I
# <mcmmoherbalism> | The player's herbalism level | I
# <mcmmomining> | The player's mining level | I
# <mcmmorepair> | The player's repair level | I
# <mcmmosmelting> | The player's smelting level | I
# <mcmmoswords> | The player's swords level | I
# <mcmmotaming> | The player's taming level | I
# <mcmmounarmed> | The player's unarmed level | I
# <mcmmowoodcutting> | The player's wood cutting level | I
# <mcmmomaxpowerlevel> | Max Powerlevel | I
# <mcmmomaxmaxacrobatics>| Max acrobatics level | I
# <mcmmomaxmaxarchery> | Max archery level | I
# <mcmmomaxaxes> |Max axes level | I
# <mcmmomaxexcavation> | Max excavation level | I
# <mcmmomaxfishing> | Max fishing level | I
# <mcmmomaxherbalism>| Max herbalism level | I
# <mcmmomaxmining> | Max mining level | I
# <mcmmomaxrepair> | Max repair level | I
# <mcmmomaxsmelting> | Max smelting level | I
# <mcmmomaxswords> | Max swords level | I
# <mcmmomaxtaming> | Max taming level | I
# <mcmmomaxunarmed> | Max unarmed level | I
# <mcmmomaxwoodcutting>| Max wood cutting level | I
# <mcmmonextpowerlevel>| Exp to next power level | I
# <mcmmonextacrobatics>| Exp to next acrobatics level | I
# <mcmmonextarchery> | Exp to next archery level | I
# <mcmmonextaxes> | Exp to next axes level | I
# <mcmmonextexcavation>| Exp to next excavation level | I
# <mcmmonextfishing> | Exp to next fishing level | I
# <mcmmonextherbalism> | Exp to next herbalism level | I
# <mcmmonextmining> | Exp to next mining level | I
# <mcmmonextrepair> | Exp to next repair level | I
# <mcmmonextsmelting>| Exp to next smelting level | I
# <mcmmonextswords> | Exp to next swords level | I
# <mcmmonexttaming> | Exp to next taming level | I
# <mcmmonextunarmed> | Exp to next unarmed level | I
# <mcmmonextwoodcutting>| Exp to next wood cutting level | I
# <mcmmoparty> | The player's party | S
# <mcmmopartyleader> | The player's party Leader | S
# <mcmmopartyexpshare> | Does the player's party have exp share enabled | B
# <mcmmopartymembers> | The player's party members total | I
# <mcmmopartymemberson>| The player's party online members total | I
# <mcmmogodmode> | Does the player have godmode on | B
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | McTowns | #
# | http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/mctowns/ | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <mctownshastown> | Does the player have a town | B
# <mctownstowns> | How many towns is the player in | I
# <mctownsname#> | Town #'s name (Replace # with a number [1 and up]) | S
# <mctownssize#> | Town #'s size (Replace # with a number [1 and up]) | I
# <mctownsresidents#>| Town #'s residents(Replace # with a number [1 and up]) | I
# <mctownsmayor#> | Town #'s mayor (Replace # with a number [1 and up]) | S
# <mctownsterritories#>| Town #'s territories(Replace # with a number [1 and up]) | I
# <mctownsassistants#>| Town #'s assistants(Replace # with a number [1 and up]) | I
# <mctownsfriendlyfire#>| Does Town # Allow friendly fire(Replace # with a number [1 and up]) | B
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Minigames | #
# | http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/minigames/ | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <minigamesdeaths> | Your deaths | I
# <minigameskills> | Your kills | I
# <minigamesscore> | Your score | I
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Multiverse | #
# | dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/multiverse-core/ | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <multiversealias> | The player's world's alias | S
# <multiverseprice> | The player's world's price | I
# <multiverseautoheal> | Does the player's world auto heal | B
# <multiversehunger> | Does the player's world loose hunger | B
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | OnTime | #
# | dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/ontime/ | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <ontimetotalplay> | The player's total play time | I
# <ontimetotalplayformated>| The player's total play time(Formated) | S
# <ontimetotalvote> | The player's total votes | I
# <ontimetotalrefers> | The player's total refers | I
# <ontimetotalpoint> | The player's total points | I
# <ontimemonthplay> | The player's month play time | I
# <ontimemonthplayformated>| The player's month play time(Formated) | S
# <ontimemonthvote> | The player's month votes | I
# <ontimemonthrefers> | The player's month refers | I
# <ontimetodayplay> | The player's today play time | I
# <ontimetodayplayformated>| The player's today play time(Formated) | S
# <ontimetodayvote> | The player's today votes | I
# <ontimetodayrefers> | The player's today refers | I
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | PlayerPoints | #
# |http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/playerpoints/| #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <playerpoints> | Your Points | I
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | PlotMe | #
# | http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/plotme/ | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <plotmeplots> | How many plots you have | I
# <plotmeinid> | The plot the players in ID | I
# <plotmeinowner> | The plot the players in owner | S
# <plotmeincomments> | The plot the players in comments total | I
# <plotmeinbid> | The plot the players in bid | I
# <plotmeinbidder> | The plot the players in bidder | S
# <plotmeinfinished> | Is the plot the players in finished | B
# <plotmeinforsale> | Is the plot the players in for sale | B
# <plotmeid#> | The plot id (Replace # with a number [1 and up]) | I
# <plotmebid#> | The plots bid (Replace # with a number [1 and up]) | I
# <plotmecommnets#> | The plots comments total (Replace # with a number [1 and up]) | I
# <plotmebidder#> | The plots bidder (Replace # with a number [1 and up]) | S
# <plotmefinished#> | Is the plots finished (Replace # with a number [1 and up]) | B
# <plotmeforsale#> | Is the plot for sale (Replace # with a number [1 and up]) | B
# #
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | PrisonRankup | #
# |http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/prisonrankup/| #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <prisonrankuprank> | Your Rank | S
# <prisonrankupnextrank> | Your Next Rank | S
# <prisonrankuprankprice> | Your Next Rank's Price | I
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | PvpArena | #
# | http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/pvpvarena/ | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <pvparenaarenaname> | The player's current Arena's name | S
# <pvparenaarenaowner> | The player's current Arena's owner | S
# <pvparenaarenaprefix> | The player's current Arena's prefix | S
# <pvparenaarenaround> | The player's current Arena's round | I
# <pvparenaarenateams> | The player's current Arena's teams | I
# <pvparenastatskills> | The player's kills | I
# <pvparenastatsdeaths> | The player's deaths | I
# <pvparenastatsdamage> | The player's damage done | I
# <pvparenastatsdamagetaken>| The player's damage taken | I
# <pvparenastatslosses> | The player's losses | I
# <pvparenastatswins> | The player's wins | I
# <pvparenastatsmaxdamage> | The player's max damage done | I
# <pvparenastatsmaxdamagetaken>| The player's max damage taken | I
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | PVPStats | #
# | http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/pvp-stats/ | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <pvpstatskills> | The player's kills | I
# <pvpstatsdeaths> | The player's deaths | I
# <pvpstatsmaxstreak>| The player's current streak | I
# <pvpstatsstreak> | The player's max streak | I
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Simple Clans | #
# |http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/simpleclans/ | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <simpleclanskills> | Your kills (civilian + neutral + rival)| I
# <simpleclansciviliankills>| Your civilian kills | I
# <simpleclansneutralkills> | Your neutral kills | I
# <simpleclansrivalkills> | Your rival kills | I
# <simpleclansrank> | Your rank | S
# <simpleclansweightedkills>| Your kills in sucession(I think... Tell me if i'm wrong...) | I
# <simpleclanskdr> | Your kill/death ratio | I
# <simpleclanstag> | Your tag | S
# <simpleclansclanaveragewk>| Your clans average WK(No clue what that is...) | I
# <simpleclansclanbalance> | Your clans balance | I
# <simpleclansclanfounded> | How long ago your clan was founded (Seconds)| I
# <simpleclansclansize> | How big your clan is| I
# <simpleclansclandeaths> | How many deaths your clan has| I
# <simpleclansclankdr> | Your clans' Kill/Death ratio| I
# <simpleclansclankills> | How many kills your clan has| I
# <simpleclansclantag> | Your clans' tag| S
# <simpleclansclancivilians>| How many civilians your clan has| I
# <simpleclansclanneutrals> | How many neutrals your clan has| I
# <simpleclansclanrivals> | How many rivals your clan has| I
# <simpleclansclanmembers> | How many members your clan has| I
# <simpleclansclanallies> | How many allies your clan has| I
# <simpleclansclanmembers> | How many members your clan has| I
# <simpleclansclanonline> | How many online clan members your clan has| I
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Skillz | #
# | http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/skillz/ | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <skillzacrobatics> | The player's Acrobatics level | I
# <skillzarchery> | The player's Archery level | I
# <skillzaxescombat> | The player's Axes level | I
# <skillzdigging> | The player's Digging level | I
# <skillzfarming> | The player's Farming level | I
# <skillzmining> | The player's Mining level | I
# <skillzswimming> | The player's Swimming level | I
# <skillzswordscombat> | The player's Swords Combat level | I
# <skillzunarmedcombat> | The player's Unarmed Combat level | I
# <skillzwoodcutting> | The player's Woodcutting level | I
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Stats | #
# |http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/lolmewnstats/| #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <statskills%> | The player's total kills on %(Replace % With either an entity name or "all") | I
# <statsdeaths%> | The player's total deaths by %(Replace % With either a cause or "all") | I
# <statsplaced%> | The player's total block places of a block with the id of %(Replace % With either a block id or "all") | I
# <statsbroken%> | The player's total block broken of a block with the id of %(Replace % With either a block id or "all") | I
# <statstime> | The player's total playtime | I
# <statstimeformated>| The player's total playtime(Formated) | S
# <statsmove> | The player's total movements | I
# <statsarrows> | The player's total shot arrows | I
# <statsjoins> | The player's total joins | I
# <statsfish> | The player's total fish caught | I
# <statsdamagetaken>| The player's total damage taken | I
# <statskicked> | The player's total times kicked | I
# <statstoolsbroken>| The player's total tools broken | I
# <statseggs> | The player's total eggs thrown | I
# <statsitemscrafted>| The player's total items crafted | I
# <statsate> | The player's total times eating | I
# <statsonfire> | The player's total time on fire | I
# <statswords> | The player's total words said | I
# <statscommands> | The player's total commands done | I
# <statsvotes> | The player's total time voted(Uses Votifier) | I
# <statsworldchanged>| The player's total times changing worlds | I
# <statsbucketfill> | The player's total buckets filled | I
# <statsbucketsempty>| The player's total buckets emptied | I
# <statsbedenter> | The player's total times entering a bed | I
# <statsitemdrops> | The player's total items droped | I
# <statsitempickups>| The player's total items picked up | I
# <statsteleports> | The player's total times teleported | I
# <statsshear> | The player's total times shearing something | I
# <statsxpgained> | The player's total xp gained | I
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Towny | #
# | http://palmergames.com/towny/ | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <townyname> | The towns name | S
# <townytitle> | The player's title | S
# <townynation> | The towns nation | S
# <townyresidents> | The towns residents | I
# <townyfriends> | The player's friends | I
# <townybank> | The player's bank | I
# <townytag> | The towns tag | S
# <townymayor> | The towns mayor | S
# <townysize> | The towns size | I
# <townypvp> | Is the towns pvp allowed | B
# <townyopen> | Is the town open | B
# <townypublic> | Is the town public | B
# <townyexplosion> | Is the town explosion proof | B
# <townyintown> | The town the player's in | S
# <townyinmayor> | The town the player's in mayor | S
# <townyinresidents> | The town the player's in residents | I
# <townyinsize> | The town the player's in size | I
# <townyintag> | The town the player's in tag | S
# <townyinpvp> | The town the player's in pvp allowed | B
# <townyinopen> | The town the player's in is open | B
# <townyinpublic> | The town the player's in is public | B
# <townyinexplosions>| The town the player's in are explosions allowed | B
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | VanishNoPacket | #
# | http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/vanish/ | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <vanishhidden> | Is the player hidden | B
# <vanishonline> | The players online ignoring the ones hidden | I
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Vault | #
# | http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/vault/ | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <money> | The player's balance | I
# <rank> | The player's rank | S
# <vaultcurrencyplural>| The currency symbol(Plural) | S
# <vaultcurrencysingle>| The currency symbol(Single) | S
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | World Guard | #
# | http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/worldguard/ | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <worldguardinid> | The Region your in's name | S
# <worldguardinowner> | The Region your in's owner | S
# <worldguardinvolume> | The Region your in's volume | I
# <worldguardinmembers> | The Region your in's members list size | I
# <worldguardinflag%> | The Region your in's flag value(Replace % with a flag) | B
(31.07 KB, 下载次数: 15)

感觉不错! 攒个{:10_512:}
楼主 为什么我的金币系统和ping值读取不出来~
好不错的插件啊 不知道点券怎么显示
钱的变量是什么 求解啊 大神
楼主,为什么我改了N次配置文件,开服后他都能还原, 这是怎么回事?