本帖最后由 huanghongxun 于 2015-4-8 13:37 编辑

                                                                                                            前言 :                                                        

Since there were quite a few, I've grouped them a bit. (Hopefully I don't miss any)
Major Changes:
- AMIDST is now under GPL v3
- Completely reworked the profile selector.
- Added automatic seed histories. If AMIDST detects a "history.txt" file next to it, it will write a time stamp followed by the seed for each seed you enter.
- Added smooth fragment fading. (This may be disabled in the options menu) Enabling this will cause all fragments to fade in when loaded.
- Most crashes now create a "crash dialog" containing a log that can easily be pasted.
- A licenses window has been added to the help menu. This will contain all relevant license information for AMIDST and its libraries.
- Added option to set the default world type to any of the world types or "prompt each time".
- Switching maps no longer eats up extra memory. (This will be a huge improvement in memory/processing performance when loading new maps)
- Rendering speeds have been vastly improved.
- Fixed issue where files would not be properly closed.

Minor Changes/Fixes:
- Hidden files/folders now show when opening a world from a file/folder.
- Added 1.7.4 to official version list.
- A new option is availible in the Options menu called "Show Debug Info". Enabling this will add a small panel to the map viewer containing debug information on fragments.
- Library loading now follows OS rules correctly. (This should fix a number of errors with loading)
- AMIDST now returns "4" on crashes. This will change at a later date to include various error codes.
- Mac OS X users should no longer experience the "corrupted" issue.

Command Line Support:
- Added a "-mcpath " flag for users to specify the path to their .minecraft directory.
- Added "-log " flag. Using this flag will cause AMIDST to write all log output to the specified file. AMIDST should create a file if it does not exist.
- Added "-history " to specify where AMIDST should write seed history to. If AMIDST cannot find a file at the path you've specified, it will attempt to make one.

Biome Color Profiles:
Overview: This was something that was added in 3.5, but I've improved on a bit for 3.6. Color profiles let you set what color each biome shows up as. To activate them, simply create a folder named "biome" next to AMIDST. After launching AMIDST again, a new file should appear in that folder called "default.js". It will contain the default options for a color profile. You may edit this directly, or create new color profiles within the folder (following the same design as default.js). Any subdirectories will show up as sub-menus. (There is also support for shortcuts, as mentioned in this post)
- Added support for biome nicknames. (Example: [ "Ice Plains", { "alias":"Really cold place", "r":255, "g":255, "b":255 } ] )
- Duplicate biome colors are now supported.
- default.json is not much cleaner.
- Biome profiles no longer cause an empty profile list when there's a syntax error.
- A new menu option for reloading your list of biome color profiles has been added.

- Fixed issue where some Mac OS X users would not have their window refresh.
- Fixed loading from amplified worlds.
- Fixed the map jumping around when a menu was opened.
- Selecting the default profile will now attempt to load 1.7.2.
- Adjusted the organization of some menus.
- Added 1.7.2 to official version list.
- AMIDST will now only load the libraries specified by the selected version.
- Added support for biome color profiles. An explanation of this will later be added to the wiki. Until then, please use check the latest forums posts or ask around.
- Basic wiki page added to BitBucket here.
- Mac OS X version now launches with extra memory.

- Added support for 13w39a/b
- AMIDST now loads all libraries contained in the .minecraft/libraries folder.
- Greatly reduced the file size for AMIDST.

- Increased performance for filling in image data.
- Slightly reduce memory usage for structure generation.
- Added official support for 13w37b.
- Reduced memory usage from grid layer.
- Increased performance for drawing biome layer.
- Added FPS counter.
- Improved detection of multiplayer maps.
- Major performance improvements for zoomed out maps.
- Added spawn location icon.
- Added option to toggle framerate panel in the menus.
- Added official support for 13w38a/1.6.4.
- (Default) now selects 1.6.4

2021.12 数据,可能有更多内容   前言 : 
Since there were quite a few, I've grouped them a bit. (Hopefully I don't miss any)
Major Changes:
- AMIDST is now under GPL v3
- Completely reworked the profile selector.
- Added automatic seed histories. If AMIDST detects a "history.txt" file next to it, it will write a time stamp followed by the seed for each seed you enter.
- Added smooth fragment fading. (This may be disabled in the options menu) Enabling this will cause all fragments to fade in when loaded.
- Most crashes now create a "crash dialog" containing a log that can easily be pasted.
- A licenses window has been added to the help menu. This will contain all relevant license information for AMIDST and its libraries.
- Added option to set the default world type to any of the world types or "prompt each time".
- Switching maps no longer eats up extra memory. (This will be a huge improvement in memory/processing performance when loading new maps)
- Rendering speeds have been vastly improved.
- Fixed issue where files would not be properly closed.

Minor Changes/Fixes:
- Hidden files/folders now show when opening a world from a file/folder.
- Added 1.7.4 to official version list.
- A new option is availible in the Options menu called "Show Debug Info". Enabling this will add a small panel to the map viewer containing debug information on fragments.
- Library loading now follows OS rules correctly. (This should fix a number of errors with loading)
- AMIDST now returns "4" on crashes. This will change at a later date to include various error codes.
- Mac OS X users should no longer experience the "corrupted" issue.

Command Line Support:
- Added a "-mcpath " flag for users to specify the path to their .minecraft directory.
- Added "-log " flag. Using this flag will cause AMIDST to write all log output to the specified file. AMIDST should create a file if it does not exist.
- Added "-history " to specify where AMIDST should write seed history to. If AMIDST cannot find a file at the path you've specified, it will attempt to make one.

Biome Color Profiles:
Overview: This was something that was added in 3.5, but I've improved on a bit for 3.6. Color profiles let you set what color each biome shows up as. To activate them, simply create a folder named "biome" next to AMIDST. After launching AMIDST again, a new file should appear in that folder called "default.js". It will contain the default options for a color profile. You may edit this directly, or create new color profiles within the folder (following the same design as default.js). Any subdirectories will show up as sub-menus. (There is also support for shortcuts, as mentioned in this post)
- Added support for biome nicknames. (Example: [ "Ice Plains", { "alias":"Really cold place", "r":255, "g":255, "b":255 } ] )
- Duplicate biome colors are now supported.
- default.json is not much cleaner.
- Biome profiles no longer cause an empty profile list when there's a syntax error.
- A new menu option for reloading your list of biome color profiles has been added.

- Fixed issue where some Mac OS X users would not have their window refresh.
- Fixed loading from amplified worlds.
- Fixed the map jumping around when a menu was opened.
- Selecting the default profile will now attempt to load 1.7.2.
- Adjusted the organization of some menus.
- Added 1.7.2 to official version list.
- AMIDST will now only load the libraries specified by the selected version.
- Added support for biome color profiles. An explanation of this will later be added to the wiki. Until then, please use check the latest forums posts or ask around.
- Basic wiki page added to BitBucket here.
- Mac OS X version now launches with extra memory.

- Added support for 13w39a/b
- AMIDST now loads all libraries contained in the .minecraft/libraries folder.
- Greatly reduced the file size for AMIDST.

- Increased performance for filling in image data.
- Slightly reduce memory usage for structure generation.
- Added official support for 13w37b.
- Reduced memory usage from grid layer.
- Increased performance for drawing biome layer.
- Added FPS counter.
- Improved detection of multiplayer maps.
- Major performance improvements for zoomed out maps.
- Added spawn location icon.
- Added option to toggle framerate panel in the menus.
- Added official support for 13w38a/1.6.4.
- (Default) now selects 1.6.4


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