v1.4.0- Updated to work agains MC 1.7.9, 1.7.10, 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.3, 1.8.7 and 1.8.8 versions (ZIP contains 5 jar files).
- Mayor plugin recode:
- Performance increased.
- Codification changed to UTF-8:
- Able to use ANY UTF-8 characters such as "áéíóú?' etc.
- 更好的支持在Linux系统上运作.
- Using player UUIDs instead of player names.
- ...other internal stuf such as restructuring, organization etc, to ensure better performance and less(possible) bugs.
- 新增:
- 塔的技能:
- 新技能: "Teleport", 传送怪物到起点 .
- 新技能: "Thor", 范围雷击伤害.
- 怪物能力:
- 新能力: "Regeneration", 持续恢复生命 (每 50 ticks -> 2.5 秒).
- 新能力: "Damage Resistance", 抗性提升BUFF, 减少受到的伤害.
- 新能力: "Fire Resistance",火焰抗性, 免疫来自如 "Napalm" 塔的火焰伤害.
- Added new setting to configure timing to clean (remove) projectiles (entities).
- 可以使用玩家头颅作为奖励.
- Added permission PER MAP (to restrict certain maps to players/groups of users) and GLOBAL to allow to play ANY MAP.
- 添加了更多酷炫的声音 =D
- Fixed some typos on config and lang files.
- 警告: 抛弃旧的配置文件吧, 系统已经重做了, 请编辑新的配置文件, 不要全部复制粘贴旧版本的配置文件, 如 config.yml, 你可以复制部分的配置但不要全部复制.
- 特别感谢 "Battlelore22" 的赞助!
v1.3.0 Plugin updated to work with 1.7.2 R0-3 server versions. New Feature (optional) Chunks Refresh: Keep chunks with invader spawning/path points loaded, a must for for big maps to ensure mob spawning and correct pathfinding. Customizable chunk refresh ration (useful when you have other plugins unloading chunks for performance). New Feature (optional) Rewards: You can set a default reward for any accomplished map. You can set a specific reward for each map. You can do even both (default + map specific) For rewards you can customize unlimited items with ID, Data, Amount, Name, Lore and Enchantments and a list of custom commands with the player name as variable, so you can give them economy rewards or trigger any command you need from console. Modifications: Effects like poison or slow overrides it's previous applied effect, that means if an invader is poisoned by a tower and hit by another poison tower, the last hit will override the previous effect, Added a list of working mobs to the config.yml aswell as some notes about them, mobs NOT LISTED there won't work.
v1.2.0 Added editable lang files, "english" and "spanish" are supported by default. Added version checker, plugin will check "config.yml" and lang files versions to update them from the jar if you have old ones to prevent errors, old ones will be renamed to "old_*" for you to copy the old parameters if you want. Added custom reward after each completed wave (Check the setwave command). Fixed: game never ends when having 0 or less lives left. WARNING! OLD WAVE FORMAT IS USELESS PLEASE MAKE NEW WAVES BASED IN THE NEW SYSTEM!
v1.1.1 Fixed: the command "/mtd setwave" doesn't recognice invader names from the config correctly.
v1.1.0 First version for 1.7.2 R0.2/3. Some things changed in the config.yml: More tips. Better help and descriptions. More Default Towers. Towers are able to attack/affect to all entities in range instantly (instead of shooting projectiles). Added custom sounds and effects for towers on shoot and impact. Found a way to allow Invaders to go upstairs/downstairs! (Check the "How to Set Up a Map" tutorial!) Fixed(no longer occurs): due to the change from fly mode to normal mode players get fall damage on leave/map end. Fixed(no longer occurs): errors when players leaving by command or disconnecting while in wave countdown. Fixed(no longer occurs): adding more than 3 upgrades(tower classes) to a tower messes up the Tower GUI. More Tower Abilities added: You're able to set any projectile in flames by just adding "f_" if front of it's name, ex: "f_arrow", "f_egg" etc. MultiShot. Napalm. Silver Mark.
v1.0.1 - First Release(Stable) All tested and working fine, just need to add more features! (Check available ones in plugin page). Added in this version: MayhemTD players no longer take damage. Added command "/mtd reset " to reset/erase desired map waves or waypoints, requires confirmation "/mtd ok" (you must be in edit mode). More info for the ScoreBoard: Invaders Left. Map is reset if the player leaves the server (quit/kick). Tower GUI available: You can sell towers. You can Level Up Towers. You can Upgrade Towers. More Tower Abilities added: Poison. Slow. More Towers and default settings added. Added Config Version Checker (common feature in all my plugins), will rename your "config.yml" to "old_config.yml" if you have an old version of the plugin to replace it with an updated one.
v1.0.0 - BETA Plugin Coded to work in 1.6.4 (the stable first release will be coded for 1.7.*, just too many bugs in those versions yet, keep the good work Bukkit :D) THIS IS A BETA, 100% PLAYABLE BUT LIMITED, that means those features are STILL under development: You can't UPGRADE towers. You can't SELL towers. You can't ADD ABILITIES to Invaders. Only Abilities enabled for towers are "explosion" and "arcane". Not all entities and projectiles have been tested! Expect errors if you try to do weird things! You can't see remaining Invaders in the ScoreBoard. You can't customize lang files. |