AntiCheat是一个很好的反作弊插件我也这样认为 但是我的玩家经常因为刷指令被ban(其他的没有因为过)这真是一个悲伤的故事{:10_512:}所以我在这里想吧刷指令设置成只t不ban 求大神指点{:10_524:}
Block chat spam: true
# 是否开启反刷指令功能
Block command spam: true
# 检测到刷屏时使用什么命令(None,Kick,Ban,自定义命令)
Kick Action: KICK
Ban Action: BAN
Block chat spam: true
# 是否开启反刷指令功能
Block command spam: true
# 检测到刷屏时使用什么命令(None,Kick,Ban,自定义命令)
Kick Action: KICK
Ban Action: BAN
上白丶慧泽音 发表于 2015-2-15 09:10
Block chat spam: true
# 是否开启反刷指令功能
# AntiCheat configuration file
# Please report any bugs:
# Should AntiCheat use calculations to try and find xrayers?
check-xray: true
# Should a warning be sent to admins when a person is found that could be xraying?
alert: false
# How often (in seconds) should AntiCheat check for xrayers if alert is true?
alert-interval: 60
# Should players in creative mode be tracked for possible xray usage?
check-creative: true
# Should AntiCheat block players spamming messages in chat?
block-speed: true
block-repetition: true
# Valid actions = NONE,KICK,BAN,COMMAND[command]
action-one: KICK
action-two: BAN
# Should AntiCheat block players spamming commands in chat?
block-speed: true
block-repetition: true
# Valid actions = NONE,KICK,BAN,COMMAND[command]
action-one: KICK
action-two: BAN
# Turning auto-update off is a _BAD_ idea. You will no longer be protected by the latest hacks/cheats if you do so, and will have to update manually.
auto-update: true
# Should AntiCheat log ALL failed checks to console?
log-to-console: false
# Should AntiCheat log to file?
log-to-file: true
# Should AntiCheat display extra debug information when starting?
verbose-startup: false
# If silent mode is on, players will not be stopped when they try to hack, and AntiCheat will do everything possible to keep them unaware of their rising hack level.
# However, alerts will still be sent to console and to admins online, and events will still take place.
silent-mode: false
# Should ops be exempt from all checks?
exempt-op: false
# Should AntiCheat track plugins in its own registered events?
event-chains: true
# Should Enterprise options be enabled? Only set this to true if you're an advanced user.
enterprise: false
# Use /anticheat check for a list of valid checks
- example-world
- example-world-2