
  1. name-regex: '[^\x00-\x1f\x21-\x2f\x3a-\x40\x5b-\x60\x7b-\xff]{2,25}'


__Tong__ 发表于 2015-1-30 22:15
即可可以中英 ...


__Tong__ 发表于 2015-1-30 22:15
即可可以中英 ...

  1. disable-other-villagers: true
  2. hire-other-villagers: false
  3. block-villager-spawns: false
  4. enable-spawn-verifier: false
  5. bypass-spawn-blocking: true
  6. enable-purchase-logging: false
  7. save-instantly: true
  8. enable-world-guard-restrictions: false
  9. enable-towny-restrictions: false
  10. require-chest-recently-placed: true
  11. create-player-shop-with-command: false
  12. simulate-right-click-on-command: true
  13. protect-chests: true
  14. delete-shopkeeper-on-break-chest: false
  15. max-shops-per-player: 0
  16. max-shops-perm-options: 10,15,25
  17. max-chest-distance: 15
  18. player-shopkeeper-inactive-days: 0
  19. prevent-trading-with-own-shop: true
  20. tax-rate: 0
  21. tax-round-up: false
  22. shop-creation-item: MONSTER_EGG
  23. shop-creation-item-data: 120
  24. shop-creation-item-name: ''
  25. prevent-shop-creation-item-regular-usage: false
  26. deleting-player-shop-returns-egg: false
  27. enable-villager-shops: true
  28. enable-sign-shops: true
  29. enable-witch-shops: true
  30. enable-creeper-shops: false
  31. sign-shop-first-line: '[SHOP]'
  32. show-nameplates: true
  33. always-show-nameplates: false
  34. nameplate-prefix: '&a'
  35. name-regex: '[A-Za-z0-9 ]{3,32}'
  36. editor-title: Shopkeeper Editor
  37. name-item: ANVIL
  38. delete-item: FIRE
  39. hire-item: EMERALD
  40. hire-other-villagers-costs: 1
  41. hire-item-text: '&aHire This Shopkeeper'
  42. for-hire-title: For Hire
  43. currency-item: EMERALD
  44. currency-item-data: 0
  45. zero-item: SLIME_BALL
  46. high-currency-item: EMERALD_BLOCK
  47. high-currency-item-data: 0
  48. high-currency-value: 9
  49. high-currency-min-cost: 20
  50. high-zero-item: SLIME_BALL
  51. msg-button-name: '&aSet Shop Name'
  52. msg-button-type: '&aChoose Appearance'
  53. msg-button-delete: '&4Delete'
  54. msg-button-hire: '&aHire'
  55. msg-selected-normal-shop: '&aNormal shopkeeper selected (sells items to players).'
  56. msg-selected-book-shop: '&aBook shopkeeper selected (sell books).'
  57. msg-selected-buy-shop: '&aBuying shopkeeper selected (buys items from players).'
  58. msg-selected-trade-shop: '&aTrading shopkeeper selected (trade items with players).'
  59. msg-selected-villager-shop: '&aVillager shop selected.'
  60. msg-selected-sign-shop: '&aSign shop selected.'
  61. msg-selected-witch-shop: '&aWitch shop selected.'
  62. msg-selected-creeper-shop: '&aCreeper shop selected.'
  63. msg-selected-chest: '&aChest selected! Right click a block to place your shopkeeper.'
  64. msg-must-select-chest: '&aYou must right-click a chest before placing your shopkeeper.'
  65. msg-chest-too-far: '&aThe shopkeeper''s chest is too far away!'
  66. msg-chest-not-placed: '&aYou must select a chest you have recently placed.'
  67. msg-type-new-name: "&aPlease type the shop's name into the chat.\n  &aType a dash\
  68.   \ (-) to remove the name."
  69. msg-name-set: '&aThe shop''s name has been set!'
  70. msg-name-invalid: '&aThat name is not valid!'
  71. msg-unknown-shopkeeper: '&7No shopkeeper found with that name.'
  72. msg-unknown-player: '&7No player found with that name.'
  73. msg-must-target-chest: '&7You have to target a chest.'
  74. msg-unused-chest: '&7No shopkeeper is using this chest.'
  75. msg-not-owner: '&7You are not the owner of this shopkeeper.'
  76. msg-owner-set: '&aNew owner was set to &e{owner}'
  77. msg-must-hold-hire-item: '&7You have to hold the required hire item in your hand.'
  78. msg-set-for-hire: '&aThe Shopkeeper was set for hire.'
  79. msg-hired: '&aYou have hired this shopkeeper!'
  80. msg-cant-hire: '&aYou cannot afford to hire this shopkeeper.'
  81. msg-villager-for-hire: '&aThe villager offered his services as a shopkeeper in exchange
  82.   for &6{costs}x {hire-item}&a.'
  83. msg-player-shop-created: '&aShopkeeper created!

  84.   &aAdd items you want to sell to your chest, then

  85.   &aright-click the shop while sneaking to modify costs.'
  86. msg-book-shop-created: '&aShopkeeper created!

  87.   &aAdd written books and blank books to your chest, then

  88.   &aright-click the shop while sneaking to modify costs.'
  89. msg-buy-shop-created: '&aShopkeeper created!

  90.   &aAdd one of each item you want to sell to your chest, then

  91.   &aright-click the shop while sneaking to modify costs.'
  92. msg-trade-shop-created: '&aShopkeeper created!

  93.   &aAdd items you want to sell to your chest, then

  94.   &aright-click the shop while sneaking to modify costs.'
  95. msg-admin-shop-created: '&aShopkeeper created!

  96.   &aRight-click the shop while sneaking to modify trades.'
  97. msg-shop-create-fail: '&aYou cannot create a shopkeeper there.'
  98. msg-too-many-shops: '&aYou have too many shops.'
  99. file-encoding: ''

q82148900 发表于 2015-1-30 23:44
额...等一下!!我吧config.yml改了还是不行...那这样,我把我yml里面的代码发上来,你看看哪里不对。不 ...

  1. name-regex: '[^\x00-\x1f\x21-\x2f\x3a-\x40\x5b-\x60\x7b-\xff]{2,25}'

实在不行http://www.mcbbs.net/forum.php?m ... &highlight=MOTD

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