Minecraft Beta 我的世界 v1.4
继续发布工作.. 虽然慢了点
MC代购~ http://item.taobao.com/auction/i ... m_num_id=9603744756

  • 全新我的世界Logo.
  • 新增可驯服的狼.
  • 增加了饼干.
  • 谁在某床上可重置你的出生点.
  • 在楼梯上蹲下可停留在那个位置.
  • 蜘蛛不会再糟蹋庄稼+行走没有声音.
  • 绵羊有更多品种(不同颜色),同时会更加稀有
  • 在水流行走会更加困难.
  • 地下城(俗称笼子, 带火的笼子, 怪物会生成的地方等)更加常见(未确认).
  • 野花和蘑菇会更常见.
  • 可可豆可在地下城的宝箱里发现.
  • 麦子生长得更快.
  • 默认物品栏快捷键改为'E'.
  • 新添加方块"锁上的宝箱".
  • 联机可在Server.properties 文件中设置种子(seed).
  • Lots of infrastructure for Statistics lists and Achievements.
  • Zombies and Spiders now hurt you in all instances (previously could only hurt you if they were 1block above your location).
  • Client-sided slime spawn on SMP have been fixed.
New bugs:
  • Crafting Wooden Slab or Redstone Torch would make your game crash. (Was fixed a couple hours after version release, without updating the version number [1])
  • Tamed wolves whimper in SMP regardless of health. (This is because client-side health was used instead of synched health. [2])
  • Wolves cannot travel through doors. A small hole can be punched out near the door as they are 1x1, thus creating a "doggy-door" until their pathfinding is updated to recognize open doors as a path they can walk through.
  • You can place Sugar Canes underwater.
  • You can place Ladders anywhere underwater, even if there are no walls.
  • Beds do not always act as the spawn point. This is not a bug, the spawn point will be reverted to the original if the bed is destroyed.
  • You can place a Cactus anywhere underwater, even on dirt.
  • You can create a farm patch using a hoe underwater.
  • Sometimes torches do not emit light, but can be forced to by placing a light emitting torch near them. If these torches are removed, the light will not go away. [3]

累, 请有爱人士翻译余下. PM我吧
-Minecraft 我的世界(完整绿色版)-
此为绿色版, 音效包也包含进去了.
Minecraft 我的世界下载地址
登入成功后Login failed画面出现 ,点击Play offline按钮。点击它即可进入单人游戏。
如果喜欢Minecraft我的世界, 请购买正版.
如果不想重新下载的童鞋, 可以使用更新档~
解压rar, 把bin文件夹放在.minecraft下.

还是使用绿色版里的.minecraft文件夹 ,此外还需要这个登录器: Minecraft.rar

确认PC上安装了java,没下的去 http://www.java.com  下载
1.windows 7 的用户把.minecraft文件夹放到 "c:\users\你的用户名\App Data\Roaming\" 里。
  windows xp的用户把 .minecraft 文件夹放到 "C:\Documents and Settings\你的用户名\Application Data\"中。(Application Data也是隐藏文件夹,需要设置文件夹选项显示隐藏文件。)

  如果成功,则会在Login failed画面出现可以点击的Play offline按钮,点击它即可进入单人游戏。

转自旧论坛, 作者为小白.

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