我使用的 MagicSpells 插件 (http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/magicspells/)
希望能夠使用 dance-cast-sequence (http://nisovin.com/magicspells/spellconfiguration)+(http://nisovin.com/magicspells/dancecasting)
比如 Left-click + Right-click + Left-click 之後發動魔法
我會貢獻出我的大部分金粒,希望你們可以幫幫我 QAQ
希望能夠使用 dance-cast-sequence (http://nisovin.com/magicspells/spellconfiguration)+(http://nisovin.com/magicspells/dancecasting)
比如 Left-click + Right-click + Left-click 之後發動魔法
我會貢獻出我的大部分金粒,希望你們可以幫幫我 QAQ
enable-dance-casting? 这个默认应该是false把这个改成true
enable-dance-casting? 这个默认应该是false把这个改成true
wjxhahaha 发表于 2014-12-26 07:54
enable-dance-casting? 这个默认应该是false把这个改成true ...
另外 spells 設定要加上什麼才能使用組合按鍵?
yunyu15 发表于 2014-12-26 08:13
另外 spells 設定要加上什麼才能使用組合按鍵? ...
wjxhahaha 发表于 2014-12-26 10:25
- general
debug: false
debug-level: 3
enable-error-logging: true
enable-stat-collection: true
enable-volatile-features: true
enable-tab-completion: true
str-cast-usage: |
Usage: /cast <spell>.
Use /cast list to see a list of spells.
str-unknown-spell: You do not know a spell with that name.
str-spell-change: You are now using the %s spell.
str-spell-change-empty: You are no longer using a spell.
str-on-cooldown: That spell is on cooldown (%c seconds remaining).
str-missing-reagents: You do not have the required reagents for that spell.
str-cant-cast: You can't cast that spell right now.
str-wrong-world: You cannot cast that spell here.
str-console-name: Admin
text-color: 3
broadcast-range: 20
spell-icon-slot: -1
separate-player-spells-per-world: false
allow-cycle-to-no-spell: false
always-show-message-on-cycle: false
only-cycle-to-castable-spells: true
allow-cast-with-fist: false
cast-with-left-click: true
cast-with-right-click: false
ops-have-all-spells: true
ops-ignore-reagents: true
ops-ignore-cooldowns: true
ops-ignore-cast-times: true
default-all-perms-false: false
ignore-default-bindings: false
ignore-cast-item-enchants: true
ignore-cast-item-names: false
ignore-cast-item-durability: [ 268, 269, 270, 271, 283, 284, 285, 286, 290, 294, 314, 315, 316, 317 ]
los-transparent-blocks: [ 0, 27, 28, 31, 32, 37, 38, 39, 40, 50, 51, 55, 63, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 72, 75, 76, 77, 78, 93, 94, 106, 111 ]
global-cooldown: 500
check-world-pvp-flag: true
cast-on-animate: false
use-exp-bar-as-cast-time-bar: true
cooldowns-persist-through-reload: true
zombie: an ugly zombie
skeleton: a scary skeleton
spider: a spider
cavespider: a nasty little spider
creeper: a creepy creeper
slime: a slimy blob
wolf: a wolf
snowman: a snow golem
villager: an innocent villager
enderman: Mr. Enderman
silverfish: a slimy silverfish
ghast: a ghast
pigzombie: a pig zombie
blaze: a blaze
lavaslime: a magma slime
giant: the giant
enderdragon: the ender dragon
cow: a cow
sheep: a sheep
pig: a smelly pig
chicken: a duck
mushroomcow: a deformed cow
squid: a slimy squid
irongolem: a friendly iron golem
- itemnames
plank: wood
tree: log
leaf: leaves
tall_grass: long_grass
flower: red_rose
double_slab: double_step
slab: step
brick_block: brick
book_case: bookshelf
mossy_cobble: mossy_cobblestone
wooden_stairs: wood_stairs
wood_stair: wood_stairs
wooden_stair: wood_stairs
wire: redstone_wire
craft_table: workbench
crafting_table: workbench
crop: crops
oven: furnace
wood_door: wooden_door
rail: rails
cobble_stairs: cobblestone_stairs
cobble_stair: cobblestone_stairs
cobblestone_stair: cobblestone_stairs
redstone_torch: redstone_torch_on
stone_brick: smooth_brick
stone_bricks: smooth_brick
huge_brown_mushroom: huge_mushroom_1
huge_red_mushroom: huge_mushroom_2
lily: water_lily
lily_pad: water_lily
redstone_lamp: redstone_lamp_off
wood_slab: wood_step
wood_double_slab: wood_double_step
command_block: command
carrots: carrot
carrot_crop: carrot
potatoes: potato
potato_crop: potato
gunpowder: sulphur
clock: watch
dye: ink_sack
repeater: diode
redstone_repeater: diode
spawn_egg: monster_egg
xp_bottle: exp_bottle
fire_charge: fireball
carrot: carrot_item
potato: potato_item
plank: wood
tree: log
leaf: leaves
tall_grass: long_grass
flower: red_rose
double_slab: double_step
slab: step
brick_block: brick
book_case: bookshelf
mossy_cobble: mossy_cobblestone
wooden_stairs: wood_stairs
wood_stair: wood_stairs
wooden_stair: wood_stairs
wire: redstone_wire
craft_table: workbench
crafting_table: workbench
crop: crops
oven: furnace
wood_door: wooden_door
rail: rails
cobble_stairs: cobblestone_stairs
cobble_stair: cobblestone_stairs
cobblestone_stair: cobblestone_stairs
redstone_torch: redstone_torch_on
stone_brick: smooth_brick
stone_bricks: smooth_brick
huge_brown_mushroom: huge_mushroom_1
huge_red_mushroom: huge_mushroom_2
lily: water_lily
lily_pad: water_lily
redstone_lamp: redstone_lamp_off
wood_slab: wood_step
wood_double_slab: wood_double_step
command_block: command
carrots: carrot
carrot_crop: carrot
potatoes: potato
potato_crop: potato
gunpowder: sulphur
clock: watch
dye: ink_sack
repeater: diode
redstone_repeater: diode
spawn_egg: monster_egg
xp_bottle: exp_bottle
fire_charge: fireball
carrot: carrot_item
potato: potato_item
- mana
enable-mana-system: true
mana-bar-prefix: "Mana:"
mana-bar-size: 35
color-full: 1
color-empty: 0
default-max-mana: 100
default-regen-amount: 5
regen-interval: 100
max-mana: 200
regen-amount: 10
prefix: "Mana:"
color-full: 1
color-empty: 0
max-mana: 150
regen-amount: 7
prefix: "Mana:"
color-full: 1
color-empty: 0
max-mana: 100
regen-amount: 5
prefix: "Mana:"
color-full: 1
color-empty: 0
show-mana-on-use: false
show-mana-on-regen: false
show-mana-on-wood-tool: false
show-mana-on-hunger-bar: false
show-mana-on-experience-bar: true
tool-slot: 8
mana-potion-cooldown: 30
str-mana-potion-on-cooldown: You cannot use another mana potion yet (%c seconds).
- 351:4 100
- 348 60
- 331 30
enable-mana-system: true
mana-bar-prefix: "Mana:"
mana-bar-size: 35
color-full: 1
color-empty: 0
default-max-mana: 100
default-regen-amount: 5
regen-interval: 100
max-mana: 200
regen-amount: 10
prefix: "Mana:"
color-full: 1
color-empty: 0
max-mana: 150
regen-amount: 7
prefix: "Mana:"
color-full: 1
color-empty: 0
max-mana: 100
regen-amount: 5
prefix: "Mana:"
color-full: 1
color-empty: 0
show-mana-on-use: false
show-mana-on-regen: false
show-mana-on-wood-tool: false
show-mana-on-hunger-bar: false
show-mana-on-experience-bar: true
tool-slot: 8
mana-potion-cooldown: 30
str-mana-potion-on-cooldown: You cannot use another mana potion yet (%c seconds).
- 351:4 100
- 348 60
- 331 30
- spells-command
spell-class: ".command.ListSpell"
name: list
always-granted: true
description: List all the spells you know.
only-show-castable-spells: false
reload-granted-spells: true
spells-to-hide: []
str-prefix: "Known spells:"
str-no-spells: You do not know any spells.
spell-class: ".command.HelpSpell"
name: help
always-granted: true
description: Get information about a specified spell.
require-known-spell: true
str-usage: "Usage: /cast help <spell>"
str-no-spell: You do not know a spell by that name.
str-desc-line: "%s - %d"
str-cost-line: "Cost: %c"
spell-class: ".command.TeachSpell"
name: teach
description: Teach a spell to another player.
require-known-spell: true
str-usage: "Usage: /cast teach <target> <spell>"
str-no-target: No such player.
str-no-spell: You do not know a spell by that name.
str-cant-teach: You can't teach that spell.
str-cant-learn: That person cannot learn that spell.
str-cast-self: You have taught %t the %s spell.
str-cast-target: "%a has taught you the %s spell."
spell-class: ".command.ForgetSpell"
name: forget
description: Make a player forget a spell.
allow-self-forget: true
str-usage: "Usage: /cast forget <target> <spell>"
str-no-target: No such player.
str-no-spell: You do not know a spell by that name.
str-doesnt-know: That person does not know that spell.
str-cast-self: You made %t forget the %s spell.
str-cast-target: "%a has made you forget the %s spell."
str-cast-self-target: "You have forgotten the %s spell."
str-reset-target: "You have reset %t's spellbook."
str-reset-self: "You have forgotten all of your spells."
spell-class: ".command.BindSpell"
name: bind
enabled: true
description: Binds a spell to a wand item.
allow-bind-to-fist: false
str-cast-self: "You have successfully bound the %s spell to the \nitem you are holding."
str-usage: You must specify a spell name and hold an item in your hand.
str-no-spell: You do not know a spell by that name.
str-cant-bind-spell: That spell cannot be bound to an item.
str-cant-bind-item: That spell cannot be bound to that item.
spell-class: ".command.UnbindSpell"
name: unbind
enabled: true
description: Unbinds a spell from its assigned wand item.
str-cast-self: "You have successfully unbound the %s spell."
str-usage: You must specify a spell name.
str-no-spell: You do not know a spell by that name.
str-cant-bind-spell: That spell cannot be bound to an item.
str-not-bound: That spell is not bound to that item.
spell-class: ".command.ScrollSpell"
name: scroll
description: Create a limited use spell scroll.
cast-for-free: true
default-uses: 5
max-uses: 10
item-id: 339
right-click-cast: true
left-click-cast: false
ignore-cast-perm: false
remove-scroll-when-depleted: true
charge-reagents-for-spell-per-charge: false
require-teach-perm: true
require-scroll-cast-perm-on-use: true
str-scroll-name: "Magic Scroll: %s"
str-scroll-subtext: "Uses remaining: %u"
str-scroll-over: "Spell Scroll: %s (%u uses remaining)"
str-usage: |
You must hold a single blank paper
and type /cast scroll <spell> <uses>.
str-no-spell: You do not know a spell by that name.
str-cant-teach: You cannot create a tome with that spell.
str-cast-self: You have created a spell scroll for %s.
str-on-use: "Spell Scroll: %s used. %u uses remaining."
str-use-fail: Unable to use this scroll right now.
spell-class: ".command.SpellbookSpell"
name: spellbook
description: Create a spellbook that teaches a spell.
default-uses: -1
destroy-when-used-up: false
spellbook-block: 47
str-use: "Usage: /cast spellbook <spell> [uses]"
str-cast-self: You have created a spellbook with the %s spell.
str-no-spell: You do not know a spell by that name.
str-cant-teach: You can't create a spellbook with that spell.
str-no-target: You must target a bookcase to create a spellbook.
str-has-spellbook: That bookcase already has a spellbook.
str-cant-destroy: You cannot destroy a bookcase with a spellbook.
str-cant-learn: You cannot learn the spell in this spellbook.
str-already-known: You already know the %s spell.
str-learned: You have learned the %s spell!
spell-class: ".command.TomeSpell"
name: tome
spell-icon: book
description: Create a tome that teaches a spell.
cancel-read-on-learn: true
consume-book: true
allow-overwrite: false
max-uses: -1
default-uses: -1
require-teach-perm: true
str-usage: "Usage: While holding a book, /cast tome <spell>"
str-no-spell: You do not know a spell with that name.
str-cant-teach: You cannot create a tome with that spell.
str-no-book: You must be holding a book.
str-already-has-spell: That book already contains a spell.
str-already-known: You already know the %s spell.
str-cant-learn: You cannot learn the spell in this tome.
str-learned: You have learned the %s spell.
str-cast-self: You have created a spell tome.
spell-class: ".command.ListSpell"
name: list
always-granted: true
description: List all the spells you know.
only-show-castable-spells: false
reload-granted-spells: true
spells-to-hide: []
str-prefix: "Known spells:"
str-no-spells: You do not know any spells.
spell-class: ".command.HelpSpell"
name: help
always-granted: true
description: Get information about a specified spell.
require-known-spell: true
str-usage: "Usage: /cast help <spell>"
str-no-spell: You do not know a spell by that name.
str-desc-line: "%s - %d"
str-cost-line: "Cost: %c"
spell-class: ".command.TeachSpell"
name: teach
description: Teach a spell to another player.
require-known-spell: true
str-usage: "Usage: /cast teach <target> <spell>"
str-no-target: No such player.
str-no-spell: You do not know a spell by that name.
str-cant-teach: You can't teach that spell.
str-cant-learn: That person cannot learn that spell.
str-cast-self: You have taught %t the %s spell.
str-cast-target: "%a has taught you the %s spell."
spell-class: ".command.ForgetSpell"
name: forget
description: Make a player forget a spell.
allow-self-forget: true
str-usage: "Usage: /cast forget <target> <spell>"
str-no-target: No such player.
str-no-spell: You do not know a spell by that name.
str-doesnt-know: That person does not know that spell.
str-cast-self: You made %t forget the %s spell.
str-cast-target: "%a has made you forget the %s spell."
str-cast-self-target: "You have forgotten the %s spell."
str-reset-target: "You have reset %t's spellbook."
str-reset-self: "You have forgotten all of your spells."
spell-class: ".command.BindSpell"
name: bind
enabled: true
description: Binds a spell to a wand item.
allow-bind-to-fist: false
str-cast-self: "You have successfully bound the %s spell to the \nitem you are holding."
str-usage: You must specify a spell name and hold an item in your hand.
str-no-spell: You do not know a spell by that name.
str-cant-bind-spell: That spell cannot be bound to an item.
str-cant-bind-item: That spell cannot be bound to that item.
spell-class: ".command.UnbindSpell"
name: unbind
enabled: true
description: Unbinds a spell from its assigned wand item.
str-cast-self: "You have successfully unbound the %s spell."
str-usage: You must specify a spell name.
str-no-spell: You do not know a spell by that name.
str-cant-bind-spell: That spell cannot be bound to an item.
str-not-bound: That spell is not bound to that item.
spell-class: ".command.ScrollSpell"
name: scroll
description: Create a limited use spell scroll.
cast-for-free: true
default-uses: 5
max-uses: 10
item-id: 339
right-click-cast: true
left-click-cast: false
ignore-cast-perm: false
remove-scroll-when-depleted: true
charge-reagents-for-spell-per-charge: false
require-teach-perm: true
require-scroll-cast-perm-on-use: true
str-scroll-name: "Magic Scroll: %s"
str-scroll-subtext: "Uses remaining: %u"
str-scroll-over: "Spell Scroll: %s (%u uses remaining)"
str-usage: |
You must hold a single blank paper
and type /cast scroll <spell> <uses>.
str-no-spell: You do not know a spell by that name.
str-cant-teach: You cannot create a tome with that spell.
str-cast-self: You have created a spell scroll for %s.
str-on-use: "Spell Scroll: %s used. %u uses remaining."
str-use-fail: Unable to use this scroll right now.
spell-class: ".command.SpellbookSpell"
name: spellbook
description: Create a spellbook that teaches a spell.
default-uses: -1
destroy-when-used-up: false
spellbook-block: 47
str-use: "Usage: /cast spellbook <spell> [uses]"
str-cast-self: You have created a spellbook with the %s spell.
str-no-spell: You do not know a spell by that name.
str-cant-teach: You can't create a spellbook with that spell.
str-no-target: You must target a bookcase to create a spellbook.
str-has-spellbook: That bookcase already has a spellbook.
str-cant-destroy: You cannot destroy a bookcase with a spellbook.
str-cant-learn: You cannot learn the spell in this spellbook.
str-already-known: You already know the %s spell.
str-learned: You have learned the %s spell!
spell-class: ".command.TomeSpell"
name: tome
spell-icon: book
description: Create a tome that teaches a spell.
cancel-read-on-learn: true
consume-book: true
allow-overwrite: false
max-uses: -1
default-uses: -1
require-teach-perm: true
str-usage: "Usage: While holding a book, /cast tome <spell>"
str-no-spell: You do not know a spell with that name.
str-cant-teach: You cannot create a tome with that spell.
str-no-book: You must be holding a book.
str-already-has-spell: That book already contains a spell.
str-already-known: You already know the %s spell.
str-cant-learn: You cannot learn the spell in this tome.
str-learned: You have learned the %s spell.
str-cast-self: You have created a spell tome.
本帖最后由 yunyu15 于 2014-12-27 10:42 编辑
- spells-regularanvil:
spell-class: ".instant.ThrowBlockSpell"
name: anvil
spell-icon: anvil
description: Throws an anvil.
cast-item: blaze_rod
cooldown: 10
block-type: anvil
velocity: 1.0
vertical-adjustment: 0.5
rotation-offset: 0
fall-damage: 2.0
fall-damage-max: 20
drop-item: false
remove-blocks: false
call-target-event: true
check-plugins: false
- mana 25
- anvil
str-cost: 25 mana and 1 anvil
spell-class: ".buff.ArmorSpell"
name: armor
spell-icon: iron_chestplate
cast-item: book
duration: 30
num-uses: 15
helmet: gold_helmet protection_explosions:1 oxygen:1
chestplate: gold_chestplate protection_projectile:1
leggings: gold_leggings protection_fire:1
boots: gold_boots protection_fall:1
- mana 25
- gold_nugget 1
str-cost: 25 mana and 1 golden nugget
str-cast-self: You have conjured some magic armor!
str-has-armor: You cannot cast this spell if you are already wearing armor.
spell-class: ".targeted.PotionEffectSpell"
name: blind
spell-icon: ink_sack:0
description: Blind your target.
cast-item: blaze_rod
cooldown: 15
range: 20
type: 15
strength: 0
duration: 200
targeted: true
can-target: players
obey-los: true
- mana 10
str-cost: 10 mana
str-cast-self: You have blinded %t!
str-no-target: No target found.
spell-class: ".targeted.BlinkSpell"
name: blink
spell-icon: ender_pearl
description: Teleport a short distance.
cast-item: stick
cooldown: 8
range: 25
pass-through-ceiling: false
smoke-trail: true
- pos1 ender
- pos2 ender
- mana 15
str-cost: 15 mana
str-cast-self: You blink away!
str-cast-others: "%a blinks away!"
str-cant-blink: You cannot blink there.
spell-class: ".targeted.BuildSpell"
name: build
spell-icon: stone
description: Build blocks from far away.
cast-item: stick
cooldown: 2
range: 25
slot: 0
consume-block: true
- target blockbreak
check-plugins: true
allowed-types: 1,2,3,4,5,12,13,17,20,22,24,35,41,42,43,44,45,47,48,49,50,53,57,65,67,80,85,87,88,89,91,92
- mana 5
str-cost: 5 mana
str-invalid-block: You can't build that block.
str-cant-build: You can't build there.
spell-class: ".buff.CarpetSpell"
name: carpet
spell-icon: thin_glass
description: Lets you walk on a platform of glass.
cast-item: book
cooldown: 30
cancel-on-logout: true
cancel-on-teleport: true
size: 2
- mana 50
- feather 5
- mana 20
- feather 1
use-cost-interval: 50
str-cost: 50 mana, 5 feathers, plus 20 mana and 1 feather every 50 blocks
str-cast-self: You are now walking on a platform of glass!
str-cast-others: "%a is now walking on a platform of glass!"
str-fade: Your magical glass platform disappears.
spell-class: ".buff.ManaRegenSpell"
name: clarity
spell-icon: potion
description: Increase mana regeneration for a time.
cast-item: book
cooldown: 300
duration: 60
regen-mod-amt: 3
- mana 10
str-cost: 10 mana
str-cast-self: Your thoughts race and flow with ease!
str-fade: Your mind returns to normal.
spell-class: ".targeted.CleanseSpell"
name: cleanse
spell-icon: nether_star
description: Remove negative affects from yourself.
cast-item: book
cooldown: 60
- fire
- 17
- 19
- 20
target-self: true
beneficial: true
- mana 30
str-cost: 30 mana
str-cast-self: You cleanse yourself of negative effects.
spell-class: ".targeted.CombustSpell"
name: combust
spell-icon: fire
description: Set a target on fire.
cast-item: blaze_rod
cooldown: 10
range: 20
obey-los: true
fire-ticks: 100
fire-tick-damage: 1
prevent-immunity: true
can-target: monsters
check-plugins: true
- mana 10
str-cost: 10 mana
str-no-target: No target found.
spell-class: ".instant.ConfusionSpell"
name: confusion
spell-icon: eye_of_ender
description: Cause nearby monsters to attack each other.
cast-item: bone
cooldown: 30
range: 20
can-target: zombie,skeleton,creeper
- mana 30
str-cost: 30 mana
str-cast-self: You cause nearby monsters to become confused and attack each other.
str-cast-others: "%a causes nearby monsters to attack each other."
- spells-regularanvil:
spell-class: ".instant.ThrowBlockSpell"
name: anvil
spell-icon: anvil
description: Throws an anvil.
cast-item: blaze_rod
cooldown: 10
block-type: anvil
velocity: 1.0
vertical-adjustment: 0.5
rotation-offset: 0
fall-damage: 2.0
fall-damage-max: 20
drop-item: false
remove-blocks: false
call-target-event: true
check-plugins: false
- mana 25
- anvil
str-cost: 25 mana and 1 anvil
spell-class: ".buff.ArmorSpell"
name: armor
spell-icon: iron_chestplate
cast-item: book
duration: 30
num-uses: 15
helmet: gold_helmet protection_explosions:1 oxygen:1
chestplate: gold_chestplate protection_projectile:1
leggings: gold_leggings protection_fire:1
boots: gold_boots protection_fall:1
- mana 25
- gold_nugget 1
str-cost: 25 mana and 1 golden nugget
str-cast-self: You have conjured some magic armor!
str-has-armor: You cannot cast this spell if you are already wearing armor.
spell-class: ".targeted.PotionEffectSpell"
name: blind
spell-icon: ink_sack:0
description: Blind your target.
cast-item: blaze_rod
cooldown: 15
range: 20
type: 15
strength: 0
duration: 200
targeted: true
can-target: players
obey-los: true
- mana 10
str-cost: 10 mana
str-cast-self: You have blinded %t!
str-no-target: No target found.
spell-class: ".targeted.BlinkSpell"
name: blink
spell-icon: ender_pearl
description: Teleport a short distance.
cast-item: stick
cooldown: 8
range: 25
pass-through-ceiling: false
smoke-trail: true
- pos1 ender
- pos2 ender
- mana 15
str-cost: 15 mana
str-cast-self: You blink away!
str-cast-others: "%a blinks away!"
str-cant-blink: You cannot blink there.
spell-class: ".targeted.BuildSpell"
name: build
spell-icon: stone
description: Build blocks from far away.
cast-item: stick
cooldown: 2
range: 25
slot: 0
consume-block: true
- target blockbreak
check-plugins: true
allowed-types: 1,2,3,4,5,12,13,17,20,22,24,35,41,42,43,44,45,47,48,49,50,53,57,65,67,80,85,87,88,89,91,92
- mana 5
str-cost: 5 mana
str-invalid-block: You can't build that block.
str-cant-build: You can't build there.
spell-class: ".buff.CarpetSpell"
name: carpet
spell-icon: thin_glass
description: Lets you walk on a platform of glass.
cast-item: book
cooldown: 30
cancel-on-logout: true
cancel-on-teleport: true
size: 2
- mana 50
- feather 5
- mana 20
- feather 1
use-cost-interval: 50
str-cost: 50 mana, 5 feathers, plus 20 mana and 1 feather every 50 blocks
str-cast-self: You are now walking on a platform of glass!
str-cast-others: "%a is now walking on a platform of glass!"
str-fade: Your magical glass platform disappears.
spell-class: ".buff.ManaRegenSpell"
name: clarity
spell-icon: potion
description: Increase mana regeneration for a time.
cast-item: book
cooldown: 300
duration: 60
regen-mod-amt: 3
- mana 10
str-cost: 10 mana
str-cast-self: Your thoughts race and flow with ease!
str-fade: Your mind returns to normal.
spell-class: ".targeted.CleanseSpell"
name: cleanse
spell-icon: nether_star
description: Remove negative affects from yourself.
cast-item: book
cooldown: 60
- fire
- 17
- 19
- 20
target-self: true
beneficial: true
- mana 30
str-cost: 30 mana
str-cast-self: You cleanse yourself of negative effects.
spell-class: ".targeted.CombustSpell"
name: combust
spell-icon: fire
description: Set a target on fire.
cast-item: blaze_rod
cooldown: 10
range: 20
obey-los: true
fire-ticks: 100
fire-tick-damage: 1
prevent-immunity: true
can-target: monsters
check-plugins: true
- mana 10
str-cost: 10 mana
str-no-target: No target found.
spell-class: ".instant.ConfusionSpell"
name: confusion
spell-icon: eye_of_ender
description: Cause nearby monsters to attack each other.
cast-item: bone
cooldown: 30
range: 20
can-target: zombie,skeleton,creeper
- mana 30
str-cost: 30 mana
str-cast-self: You cause nearby monsters to become confused and attack each other.
str-cast-others: "%a causes nearby monsters to attack each other."
enable-dance-casting: true
dance-cast-item: 2256
str-dance-start: 你开始吟唱
dance-cast-sequence: #@)^$@&#^
enable-dance-casting: true
dance-cast-item: 2256
str-dance-start: 你开始吟唱
dance-cast-sequence: #@)^$@&#^
wjxhahaha 发表于 2014-12-28 00:54
再在spells加dance-cast-sequence: CRC
在每个咒语后面加 enable-dance-casting:true呢?