本帖最后由 1582952890 于 2017-9-17 09:01 编辑
无权限 命令等配置
- 将jar文件放入plugins_mod
- 开启服务器
- 第一次使用会建立一个plugins文件夹.将水桶文件丢入其中
无权限 命令等配置
Name: JoeIPTracker Description: Tracks the IP of a player and show admins the provider and also IP-shared Accounts Known Bugs: None Name: Portals Description: creates sender, receiver and twoway portals Known Bugs: Each time a player uses a portal, you get an errormessage in the console - that does not effect its working Name: HelpPages Description: Write your own /help pages Known Bugs: None Name: Anti X-Ray Description: PREVENTS cheaters from taking all the good stuff for themselves, without the tremendous overhead of Orebfuscator. Known Bugs: None Name: KillAllMobs Description: Deliver punishments on command, when players enter restricted areas or when players do banned actions! 80 Punishments! Known Bugs: FIXME: stub method at PluginBukkitBridge.entity.FakePlayer.resetPlayerTime(FakePlayer.java:562) FIXME: stub method at PluginBukkitBridge.entity.FakeLivingEntity.setCanPickupItems(FakeLivingEntity.java:250) FIXME: stub method at PluginBukkitBridge.entity.FakePlayer.showPlayer(FakePlayer.java:698) FIXME: stub method at PluginBukkitBridge.FakeWorld.createExplosion(FakeWorld.java:156) FIXME: stub method at PluginBukkitBridge.FakeWorld.createExplosion(FakeWorld.java:144) FIXME: stub method at PluginBukkitBridge.FakeWorld.strikeLightning(FakeWorld.java:936) FIXME: stub method at PluginBukkitBridge.FakeWorld.strikeLightningEffect(FakeWorld.java:942) FIXME: stub method at PluginBukkitBridge.entity.FakePlayer.chat(FakePlayer.java:408) FIXME: stub method at PluginBukkitBridge.entity.FakeCreeper.setPowered(FakeCreeper.java:23) FIXME: stub method at PluginBukkitBridge.entity.FakeProjectile.setShooter(FakeProjectile.java:36) FIXME: stub method at PluginBukkitBridge.entity.FakeFireball.setIsIncendiary(FakeFireball.java:39) --> +Spam of InteractEntity FIXME: stub method at PluginBukkitBridge.entity.FakePlayer.hidePlayer(FakePlayer.java:490) FIXME: stub method at PluginBukkitBridge.entity.FakePlayer.setTexturePack(FakePlayer.java:250) FIXME: stub method at PluginBukkitBridge.entity.FakeHumanEntity.openInventory(FakeHumanEntity.java:76) FIXME: stub method at PluginBukkitBridge.FakeWorld.generateTree(FakeWorld.java:184) -potate spams mass of unknown ojects they call Potato -chatroll,stop,exblock,Surround,useless,crash, arabic,metro,chat,kick,rename didnt work (other notworkings are posted with a fixme) -spam doesnt stops until the player logs out -nether does not teleport u in the nether, it teleports u into the nearest lava -strip just clears inventory not the gear u wear -movent of player spams GetPotionEffect when having things like blindes or drunken -anony,hounds and irongolem spawning just one viliager/hound/irongolem and u get the message: Reflection failed: setTarget - effect: the hound/irongolem does not attack u Name: Punishmental Description: a set of commands that allow admins to have some fun with users on their server. Known Bugs: None Name: JoinMessages Description: allows you to create quick customized join / leave messages Known Bugs: U still got the rainbow message from login and logout + the message you defined inside This Plugin needs to be more tested, over a longer period, please tell me if you find any bugs Name: Hangman Description: The Minigame Hangman (This plugin is the classic inchat version of the game "Hangman") Known Bugs: None Name: MagicCarpet Description: fly away on a carpet made of glass Known Bugs: None Name: CoreProtect 2 Description: Fast, efficient block logging, rollbacks, and restores Known Bugs: FIXME: stub method at PluginBukkitBridge.entity.Fakeentity.getLastDamgeCause(FakeEntity.java:65), FIXME: stub method at PluginBukkitBridge.inventory.FakeChestInventory.getHolder(FakeChestInventory.java:433) Name: uCalc Description: The simple and lightweight in-game calculator Known Bugs: None Name: ClearLagg Description: remove all entities on the floor to prevent/clear lag in a amout of time (or command) Known Bugs: Conesole get spammed after a while with: Reflection failed: getItemStackOfEntityItem & itemstack is null Name: AdminFun Description: The simple and lightweight in-game calculator Known Bugs: Some of the Commands does not work currently and gave a FIXME output to the Console: FIXME: stub method at PluginBukkitBridge.FakeWorld.strikeLightning(FakeWorld.java:936), FIXME: stub method at PluginBukkitBridge.FakeWorld.refreshChunk(FakeWorld.java:572), Name: WorldEdit Description: A plugin for editing the world, also save/laod schmematics Known Bugs: - sometimes loaded shematics cant pasted correctly - //paste let some blocks loose their metadata (example: shields&chests are empty or stairs showing in wrong direction) Note: Dont use the RainbowEdit together with Worldedit. Also if your using the Rainbow ProtectionCore plugin you need to change to tool in the config.yml Otherwise the woodenaxe from RainbowEdit or ProtectionCore override the Bukkitfunction of the WorldEdit woodenaxe. Name: WorldEditRegions Description: A flagaddon for worldedit that also bring some commands to hook into Worldguard (/wgr create [name]) Known Bugs: None Name: WorldGuard Description: A Protectionplugin for creating own protected areas Known Bugs: - PVP denyflag does not work - U have to rename your Worldfolder to "world". Otherwhise the regions wont work. When You get teleported to an protected Region the Console throws out an error -> This does not effect it function. FIXME: stub method at PluginBukkitBridge.FakedFakeItem.getLocation(FakedFakeItem.java:51) Name: Flying Creepers Description: adds randomly (or command) spawning flying creepers to Minecraft. Known Bugs: None Name: Flying Mobs Description: As it's name says: It wil allow you to spawn flying mobs! Known Bugs: WitherSkeleton & 1.8 Mobs does not summon Name: MonsterArena Description: simple MonsterArena started with a sign: 15 secounds after the first Wave the 2nd Wave starts. Known Bugs: Name:Worldregions Description:A Flagaddon for Worldguard that brings new flags Known Bugs: None Name: VoxelSniper Description: A brushing wordeditlike tool Known Bugs: None Name: AcceptRules Description: Forces new players to a point until they accepted the rules. After accepting they get teleported to a secounds Point you defined. Known Bugs: When using Pl3xCommands, this Plugin does not work because Pl3xCommands forces all players to teleport to worldspawn Name: IclearTheChat Description: It does what it says ;3 - It clears the public/own chat Known Bugs: None Name: InstantChatClear Description: It does what it says ;3 - It clears the public/own chat Known Bugs: None 2 chatclearer are enough for now.... Please dont listen up all working Chatlclearerplugins - some more will work i know that. Name: EasySlimeChunkLocator Description: Detects with a defined item if the block your clicking belongs to a slimechunk or not. Known Bugs: Sometimes you get an console Error - doent effect the function. Name: GiantTrees Description: A plugin for Planting GiantTrees in the world Known Bugs: None Name: OneUUID Description: Tracks UserUUID and Playername that belongs to it in a yml-file. Also forbit other players with coppied/stolen names of allready listed UUIDs to enter your server. Known Bugs: None Name: SimpleBroadCaster Description: it does what it says...simply Broadcasting ![]() Known Bugs: None Name: CommandBook Description:adds essential commands for managing your server Known Bugs: some commands does not work (/thor, /shock, /weather, /burn, /more, /thunder, /time) Name: ServerSpy Description: A console- and commandspylistener that prints every used command/consoleentry as a private whisper (seperrated by /commandspy and /consolespy) You can choose: enable/disable Known Bugs: The Consolespy seems not to work, because the way where the code is landing is an other one than in bukkit. Name: Vault Description: Permissions, Chat, & Economy API Known Bugs: found none I never used Vault before. So it could be there are bugs. Please tell me if you find some in Vault. Name: AuthMe Description: AuthMe prevents people, which aren't logged in, from doing stuff like placing blocks, moving, typing commands or seeing the inventory of the current player. Known Bugs: None Name: LogBlock Description: A block logging and rollback solution Known Bugs: Cant log 1.8 blocks Name: JustAFK Description: multilingual, and powerful AFK (away from keyboard) plugin to Bukkit servers Known Bugs: None Name: iConomy Description: a simple to use iconomic core Known Bugs: None Name: PlayerPoints Description: allows Player to give and take Points Known Bugs: None Name: PlayerPointsTime Description: giving a Player PlayerPoints for an amount of Onlinetime Known Bugs: None Name: AuthMe Reloaded Description: Prevent Name stolen ! AutoUpdate names through UUID Known Bugs: FIXME: stub method at PluginBukkitBridge.entity.FakePlayer.setSleepingIgnored(FakePlayer.java:658) Info: A working of the optional dependency on ChestShop (iConomyChestShop) Multiverse-Core and Notifications is not tested Name: TownAdvanced Description: Towny Advanced is a versatile, player-controlled land management plugin Known Bugs: You have to turn off Healthreg in the towny config to make it work. Info: There is no guarantee for working for the optional functions depending on iConomy. They are not tested Name: Aliasez Description: Aliasez is a very powerful alias plugin for Bukkit. Known Bugs: None Name: Player Auras Description: combine any set of potion effects into an 'aura' which can be given to any player with a simple permission node Known Bugs: None Name: BasicBukkit2014 Description: creating functional Minecraft servers, more easily with some commands Known Bugs: None Name: ChestCheck Description: detect items in chests that may become illegal in the server Known Bugs: None Name: Essentials Description: offers over 100 commands and features useful on just about every server Known Bugs: None Name: Essentials GroupManager Description: Group Manager is an implementation of permissions for Essentials Known Bugs: None Name: Libelula Logger Description: Libelula Logger is with no doubt the most effective anti-griefing tool you've ever seen. a Logger with rollbackfunction and redofunction Known Bugs: None Name: NoPlugins Description: players won't be able to see your plugins by using /pl or /plugins, Known Bugs: None Name: Plugman Description: imple, easy to use plugin that lets server admins manage plugins from either in-game or console without the need to restart the server. Known Bugs: None Name: JoinAndLeavePro Description: manage the join and leave events in your server Known Bugs: None Name: RealMail Description: Plain and simple, it replaces conventional chat-based mailing systems with something real, books. Known Bugs: You have to stand on a chest and look down to it to set it as mailbox Name: SimpleSpawners Description: ightly unsatisfied with the other assorted mob spawner plugins, that allow to give spawner (permission), mine them(permission) with or without silktouch (permission) Known Bugs:geting Spawner without Silktouch does not work, when placing a spawner you juse get a pigspawner (change it with spawnegg) - FIXME: stub method at PluginBukkitBridge.block.FakeCreatureSpawner.setSpawnedType(FakeCreatureSpawner.java:30), FIXME: stub method at PluginBukkitBridge.block.FakeCreatureSpawner.getSpawnedType(FakeCreatureSpawner.java:24) Name: PermissionsEx Description: PermissionsEx (PEX) is a new permissions plugin, based on Permissions ideas and supports all of its features. But PEX is more! It offers different backends, powerful ingame management, fine grained restrictions for world modification. Known Bugs: None You cant youse Wildcards (*) for the Rainbow and RainbowPluginPermissions!!!! Wildcards only work with and for Bukkitplugins. Name: PermissionsExTabColors Description: Tab Prefixes/Colors according to the PermissionsEx groups Known Bugs: There is a Symbol infrom of the Names :§ Name: AdminTP Description: teleport to users' personal homes, and several other locations Known Bugs: It does not record the BedSpawns of Players Name: SecureChests Description: lock dors, chests, doors, buttons, trapdoor, furnaces, dropper, redstonestonechests Known Bugs: None Name: SubtleAFK Description: set you automaticly afk, shows to other in TAB-List with red Name Known Bugs: None Name: TrophyHeads Description: A plugin that causes players (and or mobs) to drop their heads when they die (also head with command) Known Bugs: FIXME: stub method at PluginBukkitBridge.entity.FakeLivingEntity.getKiller(FakeLivingEntity.java:169) FIXME: stub method at PluginBukkitBridge.block.FakeSkull.getSkullType(FakeSkull.java:47) FIXME: stub method at PluginBukkitBridge.FakeCraftServer.addRecipe(FakeCraftServer.java:223) (this happens often when 169 failed in a multidimension) (This happend with often with 1.8 mobs, because this tool dont has their heads, Also this happens to some of the more rarer heads) Name: TrollingNoobs Description: a set of commands that allow admins to have some fun with users on their server. Known Bugs: None Name: Votifier Description: get notified (aka votified) when a vote is made on a Minecraft server list for the server Known Bugs: None Name: AreaProtect Description: allows players to create their own protections with WorldGuard Known Bugs: None |
rainbow服务端是啥啊0 0
太郎酱 发表于 2014-11-14 01:48
rainbow服务端是啥啊0 0