本帖最后由 zhang624232848 于 2014-10-18 20:54 编辑
ORIGINAL LINK:http://forums.spongepowered.org/ ... 8-october-2014/3804
本次翻译由我与TeamTrigonometry-F的@U1U420039 完成翻译,如有不足之处。欢迎指正。
原文如下 作者:Owexz
开发状况报告 — 2014年10月18日
与上周的开发报告中所说无异,Sponge API将在11月发布。LexManos在近期宣布了他将会开始制作1.8版本的Forge。在他完成升级之后,我们就可以完成Sponge中有关于Forge的部分了。Sponge团队衷心感谢您在这段时间的耐心,也请各位放心,我们的开发者也同样在十分努力地设计、编写Sponge的API,以满足各位无尽的创造力和激情。
论坛(Sponge Community)的主要改变
论坛(Sponge Community)的规则变化
**译者注**本人及Team Trigonometry-F与Sponge目前尚无任何关系,翻译此段内容意为尊重原帖内容。我们不会从这里获益一分钱。
**译者注**Minecraft Forge目前由LexManos负责,而他唯一的收入来源就是开发这个在Minecraft社群中受到广泛使用的杰出的平台。请大家支持他。Patreon相当于一个月捐计划,使用美金。
来自群组: Team Trigonometry-F
ORIGINAL LINK:http://forums.spongepowered.org/ ... 8-october-2014/3804
本次翻译由我与TeamTrigonometry-F的@U1U420039 完成翻译,如有不足之处。欢迎指正。
原文如下 作者:Owexz
Status Update - 18 October, 2014
Hello everyone,
Another week has passed, this time around we’d like to give you an overview of what’s been happening across the whole of the project.
Sponge Status
To continue on from last week’s update, the API is still scheduled for a release in November. LexManos has also announced that he is starting to update Forge to 1.8, as soon as this is done, we will be able to work on implementing Sponge. The Sponge team appreciate your patience during this time, rest assured that our developers are hard at work designing and building our API in order to accommodate for the boundless creativity and passion of the Minecraft community.
Forum Changes
As many of you have no doubt noticed, we have changed the default forum page from the “Latest” view to the “Category” view after much community consultation. We have also properly ordered the Categories, on the basis of importance and relevance so that we may provide a cleaner and more elegant landing page.
Rule Changes
We’ve recently made some changes to our rules and guidelines by adding the following statements:
- Don’t advertise in any form on any Sponge system. This includes but is not limited to advertising your favorite server hosting company, the server you play on, some piece of software you use for fun, another game, or whatever. Some exceptions are made in Off-Topic sections and are solely at the discretion of moderation staff.
- Do not attempt to make a sale or sell anything on Sponge websites or systems. This includes but is not limited to plugins (mods or any variation of the term), art assets, services, or any work to be provided. If it comes to our attention that a plugin hosted by Sponge is being used as a promotion as a for-sale "lite" version, we reserve the right to remove the plugin listing. What constitutes as a for-sale "lite" version will be decided at the discretion of Sponge Staff.
In short, do not advertise and do not engage in monetary transactions on any Sponge system. However, advertisements may be allowed in a limited form, though only if specifically allowed by Sponge Staff. Paid Plugins/Services are entirely forbidden, whether for the purchase of a plugin or a service cost for that plugin, “Freemium” Plugins/Services (Those with a free base level and paid enhanced level) are also banned from any Sponge-hosted system.
- We aim to comply entirely with the Mojang EULA, to that end any plugins, services, posts and/or links suspected of violating the EULA may be removed at the discretion of the Sponge Staff or at the request of Mojang AB.
Donations are however still permitted, so long as the donation has no impact on the functionality of the Plugin or Service, suspected “Crippleware” will be removed. Furthermore, we will be engaging in complete compliance with the EULA, anything we suspect of violating the EULA can be removed by the Sponge Staff.
As always, we reserve the right to change our rules and guidelines at any point at our discretion. You can read the Rules & Guidelines HERE.
Now, we've been getting a lot of offers of donations from many people throughout the community, however we don't feel ready to accept them before we actually have something available for you to use. Rather, the best way to help us out is to donate to LexManos of Forge, it is through his efforts that we will have a platform to build on. You can donate to him at his Patreon6, remember that helping him out is helping us out.
-Just don’t ping him if you in any way value your life.
开发状况报告 — 2014年10月18日
与上周的开发报告中所说无异,Sponge API将在11月发布。LexManos在近期宣布了他将会开始制作1.8版本的Forge。在他完成升级之后,我们就可以完成Sponge中有关于Forge的部分了。Sponge团队衷心感谢您在这段时间的耐心,也请各位放心,我们的开发者也同样在十分努力地设计、编写Sponge的API,以满足各位无尽的创造力和激情。
论坛(Sponge Community)的主要改变
论坛(Sponge Community)的规则变化
**译者注**本人及Team Trigonometry-F与Sponge目前尚无任何关系,翻译此段内容意为尊重原帖内容。我们不会从这里获益一分钱。
**译者注**Minecraft Forge目前由LexManos负责,而他唯一的收入来源就是开发这个在Minecraft社群中受到广泛使用的杰出的平台。请大家支持他。Patreon相当于一个月捐计划,使用美金。
来自群组: Team Trigonometry-F
不然我们英语渣完全看不懂= =
不然我们英语渣完全看不懂= =