- <P> # Global settings.
- Global:
- Notify: false
- Color: gold
- TextColor: white
- SingleItemDrops: false
- SingleItemDropsOnly: false
- Debug: false
- Permissions: true
- OpsAllPerms: false
- WorldGuardPVPIgnore: false
- WorldGuardPVPOnly: false
- FactionEnemyDrops: false
- DungeonMaze: false
- OfflineMode: false
- Residence: false
- ResidenceFlag: noscv
- LanguageFile: english.yml
- DropOnPVPDeath: false
- SlotBasedRecovery: false
- RestoreDelayTicks: 10
- Messages:
- MsgRecovered: Your inventory has been restored.
- MsgSaving: Saving your inventory.
- MsgSaveForFee: Saving your inventory for a small fee of %COST% %CURRENCY%.
- MsgNotEnoughMoney: Item recovery cost is %COST% and you only have %BALANCE% %CURRENCY%.
- MsgInsidePA: You are inside PVP Arena %ARENA%. Scavenger will not save your inventory.
- MsgInsideBA: You are inside a Battle Arena. Scavenger will not save your inventory.
- MsgInsideMA: You are inside a Mob Arena. Scavenger will not save your inventory.
- MsgInsideWGPVP: You are inside a WorldGuard PVP region. Scavenger will not save your inventory.
- MsgInsideWGPVPOnly: You are not inside a WorldGuard PVP region. Scavenger will not save your inventory.
- MsgInsideEnemyFaction: You died in enemy territory. Your items will be dropped!
- MsgInsideDungeonMaze: You died in a DungeonMaze. Your items will be dropped!
- MsgHeader: Scavenger
- MsgInsideRes: This residence does not allow item recovery! Dropping items!
- MsgPVPDeath: Killed by another player! Dropping items.
- Economy: -这里写什么?我用的是Essentials的经济系统
- Enabled: ture
- Percent: false
- RestoreCost: 10.0
- MinCost: 5.0
- MaxCost: 0
- PercentCost: 5.0
- AddMin: false
- ChanceToDrop: 0
- BlacklistedWorlds:
- - put_here_worlds
- - that_you_want_blacklisted
- BlacklistedWGRegions:
- - put_here_regions
- - that_you_want_blacklisted</P>