
deljailessentials.deljailAllow access to the /deljail command.
jailsessentials.jailsAllow access to the /jails command.
setjailessentials.setjailAllow access to the /setjail command.
togglejailessentials.jail.allow.<command>Allows essentials commands to be used while jailed (requires regular perm).
togglejailessentials.jail.exemptPrevents a specified group or player from being jailed
togglejailessentials.togglejailAllow access to the /togglejail command.
togglejailessentials.togglejail.offlineAllows jailing of players who are offline.  This may allow you to jail exempt players.

jiuerd 发表于 2014-8-12 14:53

我去过了 加载不出来啊  

本帖最后由 jiuerd 于 2014-8-12 15:16 编辑
qq1798433762 发表于 2014-8-12 15:00
我去过了 加载不出来啊

Cheatbigtreeessentials.bigtreeAllow access to the /bigtree command.
Cheatbreakessentials.breakAllows access to the /break command.
Cheatbreakessentials.break.bedrockAllows the breaking of bedrock.
Cheatenchantessentials.enchantAllows access to the /enchant command.
Cheatenchantessentials.enchantments.[enchantmentname]Allows access to each enchantment type.
Cheatenchantessentials.enchantments.allowunsafeIf enabled in the config, this permission allows unsafe enchantments.
Cheatexpessentials.expAllow access to the /exp command.
Cheatexpessentials.exp.giveAllows players to give themselves exp.
Cheatexpessentials.exp.give.othersAllows players to give others exp (if they also have essentials.exp.give).
Cheatexpessentials.exp.othersAllows players to see another players exp.
Cheatexpessentials.exp.setAllows players to set their own exp.
Cheatexpessentials.exp.set.othersAllows players to change others exp (if they also have essentials.exp.set).
Cheatfeedessentials.feedAllows access to the /feed command.
Cheatfeedessentials.feed.cooldown.bypassBypass the feed cooldown
Cheatfeedessentials.feed.othersAllows a player to feed another player.
Cheatfireworkessentials.fireworkAllow access to the /firework command.
Cheatfireworkessentials.firework.fireAllows a user to 'spawn' a copy of the firework held in their hands.
Cheatflyessentials.flyAllow access to the /fly command.
Cheatflyessentials.fly.othersAllows you to toggle fly for other players.
Cheatflyessentials.fly.safelogin Players with this command will automatically switch to fly mode if they login whilst floating in the air.
Cheatgamemodeessentials.gamemodeAllow access to the /gamemode command.
Cheatgamemodeessentials.gamemode.othersAllows you to change the gamemode of other players.
Cheatgive essentials.itemspawn.meta-chapter-[chapter]Allows spawning of specific books only, from book.txt.
Cheatgiveessentials.enchantments.[enchantmentname]Allows access to each enchantment type.
Cheatgiveessentials.enchantments.allowunsafeIf enabled in the config, this permission allows unsafe enchantments.
Cheatgiveessentials.giveAllow access to the /give command.
Cheatgiveessentials.itemspawn.exemptAllows spawning of items on the spawn blacklist.
Cheatgiveessentials.itemspawn.item-<itemname>If permission-based-item-spawn: Spawn <itemname>
Cheatgiveessentials.itemspawn.item-[itemid]If permission-based-item-spawn: Spawn [itemid]
Cheatgiveessentials.itemspawn.item-allIf permission-based-item-spawn: Spawn all items
Cheatgiveessentials.itemspawn.meta-authorAllow 'author' meta to be used in item spawning.
Cheatgiveessentials.itemspawn.meta-bookAllows spawning of books with pre-filled content from books.txt
Cheatgiveessentials.itemspawn.meta-fireworkAllow specific meta for fireworks.
Cheatgiveessentials.itemspawn.meta-headAllows spawning of mob heads.
Cheatgiveessentials.itemspawn.meta-loreAllow 'lore' meta to be used in item spawning.
Cheatgiveessentials.itemspawn.meta-titleAllow 'title' meta to be used in item spawning.
Cheatgiveessentials.oversizedstacksAllows spawning of stacks above normal max stack size
Cheatgodessentials.godAllow access to the /god command.
Cheatgodessentials.god.othersAllows you to god other players
Cheatgodessentials.god.pvpAllows you to attack other players while in god mode.
Cheathatessentials.hatAllow access to the /hat command.
Cheathealessentials.healAllow access to the /heal command.
Cheathealessentials.heal.cooldown.bypassBypass the heal cooldown
Cheathealessentials.heal.othersAllows healing another player
Cheatitem essentials.itemspawn.meta-chapter-[chapter]Allows spawning of specific books only, from book.txt
Cheatitemessentials.enchantments.[enchantmentname]Allows access to each enchantment type.
Cheatitemessentials.enchantments.allowunsafeIf enabled in the config, this permission allows unsafe enchantments.
Cheatitemessentials.itemAllow access to the /item command.
Cheatitemessentials.itemspawn.exemptAllows spawning of items on the spawn blacklist.
Cheatitemessentials.itemspawn.item-[itemid]If permission-based-item-spawn: Spawn [itemid]
Cheatitemessentials.itemspawn.item-[itemname]If permission-based-item-spawn: Spawn [itemname]
Cheatitemessentials.itemspawn.item-allIf permission-based-item-spawn: Spawn all items.
Cheatitemessentials.itemspawn.meta-authorAllow 'author' meta to be used in item spawning.
Cheatitemessentials.itemspawn.meta-bookAllows spawning of books with pre-filled content from books.txt
Cheatitemessentials.itemspawn.meta-fireworkAllow specific meta for fireworks.
Cheatitemessentials.itemspawn.meta-headAllows spawning of mob heads.
Cheatitemessentials.itemspawn.meta-loreAllow 'lore' meta to be used in item spawning.
Cheatitemessentials.itemspawn.meta-titleAllow 'title' meta to be used in item spawning.
Cheatitemessentials.oversizedstacksAllows spawning of stacks above normal max stack size
Cheatkitessentials.kitAllow access to the /kit command.
Cheatkitessentials.kit.exemptdelayExempts you from the kit delay feature, this affects signs as well as command.
Cheatkitessentials.kit.othersAllows spawning of kits on other players.
Cheatkitessentials.kits.*Allows access to all created kits
Cheatkitessentials.kits.[kitname]Give access to a single kit, where [kitname] is the name of an existing kit.
Cheatmoreessentials.moreAllows access to the /more command.
Cheatmoreessentials.oversizedstacksAllows spawning of oversized stacks.
Cheatptimeessentials.ptimeAllow access to the /ptime command.
Cheatptimeessentials.ptime.othersAllows you to change the time of another online player.
Cheatrepairessentials.repairAllow access to the /repair command.
Cheatrepairessentials.repair.allUnlock the /repair all ability
Cheatrepairessentials.repair.armorRepair all also repairs equipped armor.
Cheatrepairessentials.repair.enchantedRepairing of enchanted items.
Cheatskullessentials.skullAllow access to the /skull command.
Cheatskullessentials.skull.modifyAllow changing the owner of an existing player skull.
Cheatskullessentials.skull.othersAllow creating skulls belonging to other players.
Cheatskullessentials.skull.spawnAllows the spawning of a skull, default if the player isn't holding a skull.
Cheatspeedessentials.speedAllow access to the /speed command.
Cheatspeedessentials.speed.bypassAllows you to bypass the speed limits set in the config.yml
Cheatspeedessentials.speed.flyThis permission will allow a player to change fly speed only.
Cheatspeedessentials.speed.othersAllows you to modify the speed of other players.
Cheatspeedessentials.speed.walkThis permission will allow a player to change walk speed only.
Cheattimeessentials.timeAllow access to the /time command.
Cheattimeessentials.time.setUser is allowed to change the time of the world.
Cheattreeessentials.treeAllow access to the /tree command.
Cheatunlimitedessentials.unlimitedAllow access to the /unlimited command.
Cheatunlimitedessentials.unlimited.item-[itemid]Allows the player to recieve an unlimited stack of [itemid]
Cheatunlimitedessentials.unlimited.item-[itemname]Allows the player to recieve an unlimited stack of [itemname]
Cheatunlimitedessentials.unlimited.item-allAllows the player to recieve an unlimited stack of any item.
Cheatunlimitedessentials.unlimited.item-bucketAllows the player to recieve an unlimited use of empty/lava/water buckets.
Cheatunlimitedessentials.unlimited.othersAllows the player to gift/remove another player with an unlimited stack.
Cheatworkbenchessentials.workbenchAllow access to the /workbench command.
Economybalanceessentials.balanceAllow access to the /balance command.
Economybalanceessentials.balance.othersAllows you to see the balance of other players
Economybalancetopessentials.balancetopAllow access to the /balancetop command.
Economyecoessentials.ecoAllow access to the /eco command.
Economyecoessentials.eco.loanAllows the player to have a negative balance.
Economypayessentials.payAllow access to the /pay command.
Economypayessentials.pay.multipleThis allows you to pay multiple users in a single command.
Economysellessentials.sellAllow access to the /sell command.
Economysetworthessentials.setworthAllow access to the /setworth command.
Economyworthessentials.worthAllow access to the /worth command.
Generalafkessentials.afkAllow access to the /afk command.
Generalafkessentials.afk.autoPlayers with this permission will be set to afk after a period of inaction as defined in the config file.
Generalafkessentials.afk.kickexemptExempts the user from being auto kicked for AFK
Generalafkessentials.afk.othersAllows you to AFK other players.
Generalbookessentials.bookAllow access to the /book command.
Generalbookessentials.book.authorAllows the user to change the author of a book.
Generalbookessentials.book.othersAllow editing a book belonging to another player.
Generalbookessentials.book.titleAllows the user to change the title of a written book
Generalcompassessentials.compassAllow access to the /compass command.
Generalcustomtextessentials.customtextAllow access to the /customtext command and all aliases.
Generaldepthessentials.depthAllow access to the /depth command.
Generalgetposessentials.getposAllow access to the /getpos command.
Generalgetposessentials.getpos.othersAllow user to get the position of another player.
Generalhelpessentials.helpAllow access to the /help command.
Generalhelpessentials.help.[pluginname]Manually adds the commands from a plugin to this group's /help.  Name is all lowercase.
Generalhelpessentials.help.[pluginname].[command]Manually adds a command from a plugin to this group's /help. Name is all lowercase.
Generalhelpopessentials.helpopAllow access to the /helpop command.
Generalhelpopessentials.helpop.receiveAllows you to see Helpop messages
Generalignoreessentials.chat.ignoreexemptSomeone with this permission will not be ignored, even if they are on another persons ignore list.
Generalignoreessentials.ignoreAllow access to the /ignore command.
Generalinfoessentials.infoAllow access to the /info command.
Generalitemdbessentials.itemdbAllows access to the /itemdb command.
Generallistessentials.listAllow access to the /list command.
Generallistessentials.list.hiddenShow hidden users
Generalmailessentials.mailAllow access to the /mail command.
Generalmailessentials.mail.sendSend mail
Generalmailessentials.mail.sendallAllows sending mail to all players at the same time
Generalmeessentials.meAllow access to the /me command.
Generalmotdessentials.motdUser sees MOTD on connect, and can use the command.
Generalmsgessentials.msgAllow access to the /msg command.
Generalmsgessentials.msg.colorThis allows you to color your private messages using color codes.
Generalmsgessentials.msg.formatThis allows you to format your private messages using format codes.
Generalmsgessentials.msg.magicThis allows you to use the matrix/magic color in your private messages.
Generalmsgessentials.msg.multipleThis allows you to message multiple users in a single command.
Generalmsgessentials.msg.urlThis allows you to use urls in your private messages.
Generalnearessentials.nearAllow access to the /near command.
Generalnearessentials.near.maxexemptAllows bypassing the radius limit.
Generalnearessentials.near.othersAllows using the near command on another player.
Generalnickessentials.nickAllow access to the /nick command.
Generalnickessentials.nick.colorThis allows you to color your nickname using color codes.
Generalnickessentials.nick.formatThis allows you to format your nickname using format codes.
Generalnickessentials.nick.magicThis allows you to use the matrix/magic color in your nickname.
Generalnickessentials.nick.othersGives you permission to give other players a nick name
Generalpowertoolessentials.powertoolAllow access to the /powertool command.
Generalpowertoolessentials.powertool.appendAllows adding multiple commands to a single powertool.
Generalpowertooltoggleessentials.powertooltoggleAllow access to the /powertooltoggle command.
Generalressentials.msgAllow access to the /msg command.
Generalressentials.msg.colorThis allows you to color your private messages using color codes.
Generalressentials.msg.formatThis allows you to format your private messages using format codes.
Generalressentials.msg.magicThis allows you to use the matrix/magic color in your private messages.
Generalressentials.msg.urlThis allows you to use urls in your private messages.
Generalrealnameessentials.realnameAllow access to the /realname command.
Generalrecipeessentials.recipeAllow access to the /recipe command.
Generalrulesessentials.rulesAllow access to the /rules command.
Generalseenessentials.seenAllow access to the /seen command.
Generalseenessentials.seen.banreasonAllows the user to see why a user is banned.
Generalseenessentials.seen.extraAllow the user to see the last IP address a user connected with, and their last logged in location.
Generalseenessentials.seen.ipsearchAllows the user to search IPs for username matches.
Generalspawneressentials.spawnerAllow access to the /spawner command.
Generalspawneressentials.spawner.*Allows the spawning of all mobs
Generalspawneressentials.spawner.[mob]Allows access to spawn a specific mob
Generalsuicideessentials.suicideAllow access to the /suicide command.
Generalwhoisessentials.geoip.showShows the GeoIP location of a player, if the GeoIP module is installed.
Generalwhoisessentials.whoisAllow access to the /whois command.
Moderatorantiochessentials.antiochAllow access to the /antioch command.
Moderatorbackupessentials.backupAllow access to the /backup command.
Moderatorbanessentials.banAllow access to the /ban command.
Moderatorbanessentials.ban.exemptPrevents a specified group or player from being banned
Moderatorbanessentials.ban.notifyPlayers with this permission will receive a notification when a ban is set.
Moderatorbanessentials.ban.offlineAllows banning of players who are offline.  This may allow you to ban exempt players.
Moderatorbanipessentials.ban.notifyPlayers with this permission will receive a notification when an IP ban is set.
Moderatorbanipessentials.banipAllow access to the /banip command.
Moderatorbroadcastessentials.broadcastAllow access to the /broadcast command.
Moderatorburnessentials.burnAllow access to the /burn command.
Moderatorclearinventoryessentials.clearinventoryAllow access to the /clearinventory command.
Moderatorclearinventoryessentials.clearinventory.allAllows a player to clear all players inventories.
Moderatorclearinventoryessentials.clearinventory.othersAllows you to clear other player's inventory
Moderatordeljailessentials.deljailAllow access to the /deljail command.
Moderatorenderchestessentials.enderchestAllow access to the /enderchest command.
Moderatorenderchestessentials.enderchest.modifyAllows you to modify the contents of another players enderchest.
Moderatorenderchestessentials.enderchest.othersAllows you to see the contents of another players enderchest.
Moderatoressentialsessentials.essentialsAllow access to the /essentials command.
Moderatorextessentials.extAllow access to the /ext command.
Moderatorfireballessentials.fireballAllow access to the /fireball command.
Moderatorgcessentials.gcAllow access to the /gc command.
Moderatorinvseeessentials.invseeAllow access to the /invsee command.
Moderatorinvseeessentials.invsee.modifyPlayers can modify the other players inventory (remove/add items).
Moderatorinvseeessentials.invsee.preventmodifyPrevents other players from modifying the players inventory.
Moderatorjailsessentials.jailsAllow access to the /jails command.
Moderatorkickessentials.kickAllow access to the /kick command.
Moderatorkickessentials.kick.exemptPrevents the player from being kicked.
Moderatorkickessentials.kick.notifyUser sees a notification when a user is kicked.
Moderatorkickallessentials.kickallAllow access to the /kickall command.
Moderatorkillessentials.killAllow access to the /kill command.
Moderatorkillessentials.kill.exemptPrevents the player from being killed.
Moderatorkillessentials.kill.forceForce player death, even if event is cancelled.
Moderatorlightningessentials.lightningAllow access to the /lightning command.
Moderatorlightningessentials.lightning.othersAllows use of /lightning [playername]
Moderatormuteessentials.muteAllow access to the /mute command.
Moderatormuteessentials.mute.exemptPrevents a specified group or player from being muted
Moderatormuteessentials.mute.notifyPlayers with this permission will receive a notification when a player is muted.
Moderatormuteessentials.mute.offlineAllows muting of players who are offline. This may allow you to mute exempt players.
Moderatornukeessentials.nukeAllow access to the /nuke command.
Moderatorpingessentials.pingAllow access to the /ping command.
Moderatorremoveessentials.removeAllow access to the /remove command.
Moderatorsetjailessentials.setjailAllow access to the /setjail command.
Moderatorsocialspyessentials.socialspyAllow access to the /socialspy command.
Moderatorsocialspyessentials.socialspy.othersAllows you to toggle the social spy status of others.
Moderatorspawnmobessentials.spawnmobAllow access to the /spawnmob command.
Moderatorspawnmobessentials.spawnmob.*Allow the spawning of all mobs
Moderatorspawnmobessentials.spawnmob.[mob]Allow access to spawn a specific mob
Moderatorspawnmobessentials.spawnmob.stackAllows the spawning of stacked mobs.
Moderatorsudoessentials.sudoAllow access to the /sudo command.
Moderatorsudoessentials.sudo.exemptPrevents the holder from being sudo'ed by another user.
Moderatortempbanessentials.ban.notifyPlayers with this permission will receive a notification when a ban is set.
Moderatortempbanessentials.tempbanAllow access to the /tempban command.
Moderatortempbanessentials.tempban.exemptPrevents a specified group or player from being tempbanned
Moderatortempbanessentials.tempban.offlineAllows temp-banning of players who are offline.  This may allow you to ban exempt players.
Moderatortempbanessentials.tempban.unlimitedAllows bypassing config file max ban time limit.
Moderatorthunderessentials.thunderAllow access to the /thunder command.
Moderatortogglejailessentials.jail.allow.<command>Allows essentials commands to be used while jailed (requires regular perm).
Moderatortogglejailessentials.jail.exemptPrevents a specified group or player from being jailed
Moderatortogglejailessentials.togglejailAllow access to the /togglejail command.
Moderatortogglejailessentials.togglejail.offlineAllows jailing of players who are offline.  This may allow you to jail exempt players.
Moderatorunbanessentials.ban.notifyPlayers with this permission will receive a notification when a ban is removed.
Moderatorunbanessentials.unbanAllow access to the /unban command.
Moderatorunbanipessentials.ban.notifyPlayers with this permission will receive a notification when an IP ban is removed.
Moderatorunbanipessentials.unbanipAllow access to the /unbanip command.
Moderatorvanishessentials.vanishAllow access to the /vanish command.
Moderatorvanishessentials.vanish.effectPeople with this effect will get the potion effect applied while vanished.
Moderatorvanishessentials.vanish.interactAllows the player to use commands which interact with a vanished player.
Moderatorvanishessentials.vanish.othersAllows you to toggle vanish on others
Moderatorvanishessentials.vanish.pvpAllows players who are vanished to attack other players.
Moderatorvanishessentials.vanish.seeAllows you to see a vanished player.
Moderatorweatheressentials.weatherAllow access to the /weather command.
Spawnsetspawnessentials.setspawnAllow access to the /setspawn command.
Spawnspawnessentials.spawnAllow access to the /spawn command.
Spawnspawnessentials.spawn.othersAllows you to teleport other people to spawn
Teleportbackessentials.backAllow access to the /back command.
Teleportbackessentials.back.ondeathGive this permission to allow players to use /back to go to their death spot
Teleportbackessentials.keepxpAllows the user to keep their exp on death, instead of dropping it.
Teleportbackessentials.worlds.<worldname>Allows players access to a specific world.
Teleportdelhomeessentials.delhomeAllow access to the /delhome command.
Teleportdelhomeessentials.delhome.othersAllows you to delete the homes of other players.
Teleportdelwarpessentials.delwarpAllow access to the /delwarp command.
Teleporthomeessentials.homeAllow access to the /home command.
Teleporthomeessentials.home.bedAllow access to the vanilla bed home.
Teleporthomeessentials.home.othersAllows you to teleport to homes of other players
Teleporthomeessentials.worlds.<worldname>Allows players access to a specific world.
Teleportjumpessentials.jumpAllow access to the /jump command.
Teleportsethomeessentials.sethomeAllow access to the /sethome command.
Teleportsethomeessentials.sethome.bedAllows the player to right click a bed during daytime to update their 'bed' home.
Teleportsethomeessentials.sethome.multipleAllows player to have multiple homes, or create named homes.  Required for 2+ homes.
Teleportsethomeessentials.sethome.multiple.[set name]Raise the multiple home limit to a setting defined in the config file.
Teleportsethomeessentials.sethome.multiple.unlimitedRemoves the cap on the number of homes people are allowed (if they have multiple homes).
Teleportsethomeessentials.sethome.othersAllows you to change another users home location.
Teleportsetwarpessentials.setwarpAllow access to the /setwarp command.
Teleportsetwarpessentials.warp.overwrite.*Allows overwriting of all existing warps.
Teleportsetwarpessentials.warp.overwrite.[warpname]Allows overwriting of existing warps.
Teleporttopessentials.topAllow access to the /top command.
Teleporttpessentials.tpAllow access to the /tp command.
Teleporttpessentials.tp.othersAllow players to teleport another player.
Teleporttpessentials.worlds.<worldname>Allows players access to a specific world.
Teleporttpaessentials.tpaAllow access to the /tpa command.
Teleporttpaessentials.worlds.<worldname>Allows players access to a specific world.
Teleporttpaallessentials.tpaallAllow access to the /tpaall command.
Teleporttpaallessentials.worlds.<worldname>Allows teleporting player to a specific world.
Teleporttpacceptessentials.tpacceptAllow access to the /tpaccept command.
Teleporttpahereessentials.tpahereAllow access to the /tpahere command.
Teleporttpahereessentials.worlds.<worldname>Allows teleporting players to a specific world.
Teleporttpallessentials.tpallAllow access to the /tpall command.
Teleporttpallessentials.worlds.<worldname>Allows teleporting players to a specific world.
Teleporttpdenyessentials.tpdenyAllow access to the /tpdeny command.
Teleporttphereessentials.tphereAllow access to the /tphere command.
Teleporttphereessentials.worlds.<worldname>Allows players access to a specific world.
Teleporttpoessentials.tpoAllow access to the /tpo command.
Teleporttpoessentials.worlds.<worldname>Allows players access to a specific world.
Teleporttpohereessentials.tpohereAllow access to the /tpohere command.
Teleporttpohereessentials.worlds.<worldname>Allows players access to a specific world.
Teleporttpposessentials.tpposAllow access to the /tppos command.
Teleporttptoggleessentials.teleport.cooldown.bypassBypass the teleport cooldown
Teleporttptoggleessentials.teleport.timer.bypassBypass the teleport delay
Teleporttptoggleessentials.teleport.timer.moveAllows players to move while waiting for teleport.
Teleporttptoggleessentials.tptoggleAllow access to the /tptoggle command.
Teleporttptoggleessentials.tptoggle.othersAllows a player to toggle the teleport status of another player.
Teleporttptoggleessentials.vanish.interactAllows the user to teleport to players who are vanished.
Teleportwarpessentials.warpAllow access to the /warp command.
Teleportwarpessentials.warp.listSpecifies whether you can view warp list with /warp.
Teleportwarpessentials.warp.otherplayersAllows warping another player.
Teleportwarpessentials.warps.*Allows access to all warps.
Teleportwarpessentials.warps.[warpname]If you have per-warp-permission set to true in the config.yml then you can limit what warps players can use. This also controls what players would see with /warp.
Teleportworldessentials.worldAllow access to the /world command.
Teleportworldessentials.worlds.<worldname>Allows players access to a specific world.
VariousNone essentials.silentjoinSuppress join messages for users with this permission.
VariousNoneessentials.buildAllows people to build when using permission systems which don't support build toggles.
VariousNoneessentials.build.break.<id>[:datavalue]Allows breaking of a block.
VariousNoneessentials.build.craft.<id>[:datavalue]Allows crafting of an item.
VariousNoneessentials.build.drop.<id>[:datavalue]Allows dropping of an item.
VariousNoneessentials.build.interact.<id>[:datavalue]Allows interacting with a blocks or item.
VariousNoneessentials.build.pickup.<id>[:datavalue]Allows collecting of an item.
VariousNoneessentials.build.place.<id>[:datavalue]Allows placing a block.
VariousNoneessentials.chat.colorThis allows you to color your chat messages using color codes.
VariousNoneessentials.chat.formatThis allows you to format your chat messages using format codes.
VariousNoneessentials.chat.magicThis allows you to use the matrix/magic color in your chat messages.
VariousNoneessentials.chat.questionThis allows you to send global qeustions, used if a chat-raidus is configured.
VariousNoneessentials.chat.shoutThis allows you to send global messages, used if a chat-raidus is configured.
VariousNoneessentials.chat.spyA permission designed for admins, to intercept all local messages (ignoring the chat-radius).
VariousNoneessentials.chat.urlThis allows you to use urls in your chat messages.
VariousNoneessentials.geoip.hideAllows you to hide your country and city from people who have permission essentials.geoip.show
VariousNoneessentials.geoip.showAllows you to see the country and city of players.
VariousNoneessentials.joinfullserverPlayer can join when the server is full.
VariousNoneessentials.nocommandcost.[command]Removes the command cost of a given command.
VariousNoneessentials.nocommandcost.allRemoves the command cost of all commands.
VariousNoneessentials.protectAllows the protection of rails and signs, otherwise they are not protected.
VariousNoneessentials.protect.adminAllows the destruction of signs and rails.
VariousNoneessentials.protect.alertsAllows a player to recieve protect alerts.
VariousNoneessentials.protect.alerts.notriggerUsers with this permission do not trigger protect alerts.
VariousNoneessentials.protect.damage.contactPlayer will receive contact damage
VariousNoneessentials.protect.damage.creeperPlayer will receive creeper damage
VariousNoneessentials.protect.damage.disableAdmin override to prevent admins from dying
VariousNoneessentials.protect.damage.drowningPlayer will receive drowning damage
VariousNoneessentials.protect.damage.fallPlayer will receive fall damage
VariousNoneessentials.protect.damage.firePlayer will receive fire damage
VariousNoneessentials.protect.damage.fireballPlayer will receive fireball damage
VariousNoneessentials.protect.damage.lavaPlayer will receive lava damage
VariousNoneessentials.protect.damage.lightningPlayer will receive lightning damage
VariousNoneessentials.protect.damage.projectilesPlayer will receive projectile damage
VariousNoneessentials.protect.damage.suffocationPlayer will receive suffocation damage
VariousNoneessentials.protect.damage.tntPlayer will receive tnt damage
VariousNoneessentials.protect.entitytarget.bypassAllows a player to be targeted by mobs.
VariousNoneessentials.protect.exemptbreakAllows a player to ignore the break blacklist.
VariousNoneessentials.protect.exemptplacementAllows a player to ignore the block placement blacklist.
VariousNoneessentials.protect.exemptusageAllows a player to ignore the usage blacklist.
VariousNoneessentials.protect.ownerinfoAllows a player to examine protected objects to find their owner.
VariousNoneessentials.protect.pvpWhen prevent PVP is set to true, this allows players to still PVP. Both attacker and defender need to have this permission.
VariousNoneessentials.pvpdelay.exemptExempts players from the 'pvp delay' option in the config file.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.break.balanceControls who can break balance signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.break.buyControls who can break buy signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.break.disposalControls who can break disposal signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.break.enchantControls who can break enchant signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.break.freeControls who can break free signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.break.gamemodeControls who can break gamemode signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.break.healControls who can break heal signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.break.infoControls who can break info signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.break.kitControls who can break kit signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.break.mailControls who can break a mail sign.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.break.protectionControls who can break a protection sign. Typically given to everybody.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.break.repairControls who can break repair signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.break.sellControls who can break sell signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.break.spawnmobControls who can break spawnmob signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.break.timeControls who can break time signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.break.tradeControls who can break trade signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.break.warpControls who can break warp signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.break.weatherControls who can break weather signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.colorThis allows you to color your signs using color codes.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.create.balanceControls who can create balance signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.create.buyControls who can create buy signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.create.disposalControls who can create disposal signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.create.enchantControls who can create enchant signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.create.freeControls who can create free signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.create.gamemodeControls who can create gamemode signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.create.healControls who can create heal signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.create.infoControls who can create info signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.create.kitControls who can create kit signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.create.mailControls who can create a mail sign.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.create.protectionControls who can create a protection sign.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.create.repairControls who can create repair signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.create.sellControls who can create sell signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.create.spawnmobControls who can create spawnmob signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.create.timeControls who can create time signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.create.tradeControls who can create trade signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.create.warpControls who can create warp signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.create.weatherControls who can create weather signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.enchant.allowunsafeAllows using [enchant] signs to perform unsafe enchantments
VariousNoneessentials.signs.formatThis allows you to format your signs using format codes.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.magicThis allows you to use the matrix/magic color in your signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.protection.overrideUsed to override any protections. Typically given to mods & admins
VariousNoneessentials.signs.trade.overrideUsed to override the creator only protection on trade signs. Typically given to mods & admins
VariousNoneessentials.signs.use.balanceControls who can use balance signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.use.buyControls who can use buy signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.use.disposalControls who can use disposal signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.use.enchantControls who can use enchant signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.use.freeControls who can use free signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.use.gamemodeControls who can use gamemode signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.use.healControls who can use heal signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.use.infoControls who can use info signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.use.kitControls who can use kit signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.use.mailControls who can use a mail sign.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.use.protectionControls who can use a protection sign. Typically given to everybody.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.use.repairControls who can use repair signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.use.sellControls who can use sell signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.use.spawnmobControls who can use spawnmob signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.use.timeControls who can use time signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.use.tradeControls who can use trade signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.use.warpControls who can use warp signs.
VariousNoneessentials.signs.use.weatherControls who can use weather signs.
VariousNoneessentials.silentquitSuppress leave/quit messages for users with this permission.
VariousNoneessentials.sleepingignoredUser isn't required to be sleeping, for time to be reset.
XMPPsetxmppessentials.setxmppAllow access to the /setxmpp command.
XMPPxmppessentials.xmppAllow access to the /xmpp command.
XMPPxmppspyessentials.xmppspyAllow access to the /xmppspy command.


完全看不懂  发一下关监狱的就可以了。。。

qq1798433762 发表于 2014-8-12 15:16
完全看不懂  发一下关监狱的就可以了。。。

togglejailessentials.togglejailAllow access to the /togglejail command.




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