Version 0.78.12
Bug Fixes- Fixed armor calculations being offset by 1 slot resulting in useless helmets. *Possibly fixes wolves & bears not doing damage.
- Fixed more server related crashes regarding food prep.
- Fixed breaking ice always creating salt water sources.
- Optifine should no longer cause crashes.
- Fixed decay equation to actually be 50% per day as the default base.
- Fixed the bow always firing at full charge.
- Fixed touching barrels emptying into each other.
- Fixed animals thinking they could path through fences.
- Really fixed forges going out when being created for the first time.
- Fixed red arrow placement in the anvil possibly resulting in impossible to complete rules.
- Fixed arrow always animating in the casting UI regardless if it's actually casting the tool.
Tweaks- Non-terrible meals are much easier to make. Note: Past meal recipes may result with different taste values after updating.
- Disabled redstone interaction with fence gates.
- Removed unused tool-tip on hides.
- Forges will have a static temperature of 2000 in debug mode.
- Added chat messages to debug commands so it's more obvious if they worked.
- Casting interface can now be opened with any liquid metal instead of just copper/bronzes. Interface can be used to cast tools using a full unshaped liquid ingot (same as before) as well as for combining partially filled ingot molds (both molds must be at liquid temperature). Added background overlays to the slots so it's easier to figure out which item goes where.
- The config value of decayRateMultiplier now also multiplies the initial decay when an item is first receiving decay. Setting this to 0 will now also stop initial decay from adding to the item.
Version 0.78.11
Bug Fixes- Fixed clickable area of the food prep gui being too small, causing players to toss items from their inventory.
- Fixed crash when splitting Iron Bloom
- Fixed taming wolves setting their current HP to 20
- Forges should no longer go out instantly when lit for the first time.
- Donkey chests can be properly accessed now, no more crashes.
- Scraping sheepskins now adds hides to the player's inventory on the client as well as the server and with the correct size.
Tweaks- 30% slower heating/cooling applied to all metals
- Meals now also cool much slower.
- Added oreDict for Acacia planks. Fixes all missing vanilla recipes. Acacia can now be used in all the mix&match wood recipes too.
- Made nest box GUI same size as log pile and vessel.
- Breeding animals now consumes 5 oz of the specific food, not the entire item.
Version 0.78.7
New Features- Added a Global Decay multiplier. This multiplies against the entire decay algorithm. Setting this multiplier to 0 will effectively turn off decay.
Bug Fixes- Fixed food decay indicator(the damage bar) not using the correct numbers.
- Cleaned up crop seed return code and moved the agri skill check for an extra seed to only happen if the crop is mature.
- Lily pad item texture fixed.
- Can no longer pour molten metal into tool molds for incorrect metals.
- Fixed kapok door recipe.
- Added missing boat recipe for acacia planks.
- Fixed making acacia supports consuming saw.
- Ropes now display size / weight
- Fixed spawning in oceans.
- Red steel buckets now properly hold fresh water as well.
- Wolves can be fed food to restore their hunger.
- Armor renders properly while sneaking
- Armor stand no longer renders outside the item space.
- Chickens and pheasants cant be bred with pumpkin seeds
- Shift right clicking vinegar onto a barrel of milk correctly creates curdled milk
- Fixed meals not disappearing when you eat them with negative decay
- Fixed meals not deleting when they over-decay
- Fixed needing to shiftclick with Flint and steel to light the kiln
- There are now female bears.
- Double chests should no longer disappear when viewing at certain angles.
- Fertilizer can be used on crops on tilled ground.
- Using fertilizer properly consumes the item.
- Crops who die from any method other than the old age config option will give a seed back. This way if you accidentally plant a crop when it's too cold for it to survive, you get that seed back.
- Fixed unfertilized eggs having no weight.
- Fixed pheasants suddenly becoming chickens and using chicken AI
- Placing metal sheets now properly consumes them.
- Rain is no longer factored into the environmental decay equation. This should result in a longer shelf life for most food. Rain was having a far far bigger effect on decay than I'd intended.
Tweaks- Updated localizations.
- Meals should now also show decay.
- Temporarily disabled the armor stand recipe. Can still be obtained through creative and old armor stands will still stay in your world. The code for these need to be optimized better than they were and a number of crashes were linked to them, so I've opted to disabled crafting them until we've redone this. No ETA. -B
- Grass color reverted.
- Caveins are now more common be default. This only takes effect with a config deletion as the default value has changed.
- Forge can be created with charcoal block, or vanilla coal block.
Version 0.78.6
Bug Fixes- Fixed pre-78 dough from clicking & dragging it out of the crafting slot.
- Fixed bears, cows and horses dropping item.hide instead of a large hide. The buggy item.hides can be used to create a straw & hide bed, and breaking the bed should give back the correct large hide.
- Pheasants should really no longer lay eggs now.
- Food Exhaustion now properly resets after hunger is applied to the player each hour.
- Fixed meals sometimes giving the wooden bowls back.
- Hopefully fixed anvils consuming output items and creating ghost items (bug may still occur on pre-existing worlds, needs further testing).
- Fixed vessels showing items in the tooltip with a 0 stacksize
- Fixed vessels crashing when a meal inside decayed out of existence.
- Loose rocks/ore and sticks no longer go flying.
- Cleaned up some console spam regarding knapping-like interfaces and using clay.
- Fixed players spawning in trees.
- Fixed bowl stack size disappearing from the food prep GUI in SMP.
Tweaks- Nutrition levels now degenerate 50% slower.
- Removed mushrooms/melons/pumpkins as valid food sources. We'll fix these foods later.
- Made caves/ravines slightly less common. Moved surface ravines up slightly so they are less likely to spawn with a thin grass layer on top.
- Tightened spawn parameters for Douglas Fir and Sequoia trees, making them a bit less common.
- Bloom items now appear in creative correctly.