本帖最后由 1582952890 于 2017-9-17 09:24 编辑





Maxwell's Notebook from Scribblenauts is a notebook that lets the user spawn any object into the world. I've recreated this in minecraft so that you can spawn in any item, with any data and any amount simply by typing it into your notebook! This already sounds awesome, but I've taken it further! In your notebook there's also a command page, that lets you execute tasks that I've added.
This plugin can become very handy for server staff, since they can do more things at once, without typing long commands in chat. You can also use this plugin for donators and limit their commands.
List Of Commands
  • Clear notebook.commandpage.clear Empties your armor and inventory, except for your notebook.
  • Workbench notebook.commandpage.workbench Opens a workbench window
  • Enderchest notebook.commandpage.enderchest Opens your enderchest.
  • Anvil notebook.commandpage.anvil Opens an anvil window.
  • Vanish notebook.commandpage.vanish Hides you from other players until used again.
  • Repair notebook.commandpage.repair Repairs all items in your inventory, including armor.
  • Milk notebook.commandpage.milk Removes all active potion effects.
  • Heal notebook.commandpage.heal Restores your health, hunger and saturation points.
  • Day notebook.commandpage.day Sets the time to day (0).
  • Night notebook.commandpage.night Sets the time to night (13000).
  • Sun notebook.commandpage.sun Sets the weather to clear.
  • Thunder notebook.commandpage.thunder Sets the weather to thundering.
  • Rain notebook.commandpage.rain Sets the weather to raining.
  • Clearchat notebook.commandpage.clearchat Empties chat.
  • More suggestions? Let me know them and if I like them, I'll promise you I'm implementing them!
The permission notebook.commandpage.* will give you all the Command page permissions. The permission notebook.itempage allows use of the Item page. If you do not have a commandpage permission, there will be no Command page or Command page usage in your notebook. Same goes for the itempage.
If you have any permission that lets you use a command or spawn an item, you can use /notebook to retrieve a notebook. The Item and Command page use commas and enters to seperate items and commands. If you do not have permissions for commands, the Command page won't show. Same goes for the Item page.
The Item Page uses the following format:

DATA will set the data value of the item. If you have for example smooth-brick (Stone bricks) and you set the data to 1, you'll get mossy stone bricks. Data is ofcourse NOT required when spawning an item. AMOUNT will define the amount of the item. "*" means 64. You can also just do ITEM* and skip the ":". ITEM is where you should put the item name or item ID.
The Item page is handy if you'd like to spawn alot of items in at once and can't be bothered using commands for each item. Here's an example of the Item page and Command page.
Command Page The Command page allows you to execute the tasks/commands I've made for this plugin. This can be very useful if you'd like for example set the time to day and meanwhile also change the weather.

你敢翻译么              让我学渣情何以堪啊     想吓死我?

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