本帖最后由 a20001017 于 2015-2-13 17:25 编辑

命令 & NBT标签

命令 & NBT标签

本帖中内容搬运自中文Minecraft Wiki(当然我也有部分参与),根据CC BY-NC-SA 3.0协议,转载时注明来源:中文 Minecraft Wiki。
- Profile中的Version Selection勾选Enable experimental development versions ("snapshots")一项
- Use version选择Use latest version
- 你使用的启动器能够在线读取官方的版本列表,并具备下载功能。
- "That's Numberwang!"
- "pls rt"
- "Do you want to join my server?"
- "Put a little fence around it!"
- "Throw a blanket over it!"
- "One day, somewhere in the future, my work will be quoted!"
- "Now with additional stuff!"
- "Extra things!"
- "Yay, puppies for everyone!"
- "So sweet, like a nice bon bon!"
- "Popping tags!"
- "Now With Multiplayer!"
- "Very influential in its circle!"
- "Rise from your grave!"
- "Warning! A huge battleship "STEVE" is approaching fast!"
- "Blue warrior shot the food!"
- "Run, coward! I hunger!"
- "Flavor with no seasoning!"
- "Strange, but not a stranger!"
- "Tougher than diamonds, rich like cream!"
- "Getting ready to show!"
- "Getting ready to know!"
- "Getting ready to drop!"
- "Getting ready to shock!"
- "Getting ready to freak!"
- "Getting ready to speak!"
- "It swings, it jives!"
- "Cruising streets for gold!"
- "Take an eggbeater and beat it against a skillet!"
- "Make me a table, a funky table!"
- "Take the elevator to the mezzanine!"
- "Stop being reasonable, this is the Internet!"
- "/give @a hugs 64"
- "This is good for Realms."
- "Any computer is a laptop if you're brave enough!"
- 每个世界拥有独立的难度设定
- 没有全局难度设定
- 防止加入世界时意外改变难度
- 每个世界都可以锁定难度
- 防止被诱导在困难难度下被更改到更容易的难度
- 锁定后不可以更改难度,除非有修改器
- 不过,你可以用/difficulty的命令来执行更改难度。
- 不过,你可以用/difficulty的命令来执行更改难度。
- 饥饿值在和平难度时会自动回复
- 新增“皮肤自定义”设置
- 可以在这里调整皮肤和披风的显示
- 可以在这里调整皮肤和披风的显示
- 多人联机设置
- F3键呼出的调试信息被简化
- F3键呼出的调试信息被简化
- 视频设置
- 新增的视频设置替选方块
- 能够启用/禁用特殊方块模型
- 关闭时,最不复杂的最高优先模型仍将被使用在方块上
- 关闭时,最不复杂的最高优先模型仍将被使用在方块上
- 能够启用/禁用特殊方块模型
- 新增的视频设置使用缓冲区顶点对象
- 能够启用/禁用缓冲区顶点对象
- 开启时能够提升10%左右的性能
- 各向异性过滤选项被移除
- 在使用64位Java时,视野滑块最高能被提升到32
- 至少分配2GB的内存
- 至少分配2GB的内存
- 高级OpenGL选项被移除
- 新增的视频设置替选方块
- 新的“creeper”着色器(creeper.json),提供绿色视觉
- 在你利用旁观游戏模式“附身”爬行者时使用
- 也能通过点击Super Secret Settings启用
- 新的“spider”着色器(spider.json), 提供被分割成8份的视觉
- 在你利用旁观游戏模式“附身”蜘蛛时使用
- 也能通过点击Super Secret Settings启用
- stat.crouchOneCm
- 记录玩家在潜行时移动的距离
- 记录玩家在潜行时移动的距离
- stat.sprintOneCm
- 记录玩家在疾跑时移动的距离
- 记录玩家在疾跑时移动的距离
- stat.timeSinceDeath
- 记录自玩家上次死亡以来经过了多少时间(以刻为单位)
- 记录自玩家上次死亡以来经过了多少时间(以刻为单位)
- stat.talkedToVillager
- 记录玩家与村民对话的次数
- 记录玩家与村民对话的次数
- stat.tradedWithVillager
- 记录玩家与村民交易的次数
- 记录玩家与村民交易的次数
- 新的成就 君临天下
- 制作一个附魔金苹果即可获得此成就
- 需要先获得此成就:获得升级
- 只可以用/gamemode spectator / sp / 3
- 无法与世界互动
- 只有虚空与/kill可以损伤旁观者
- 飞行模式
- 无法着地——玩家会以飞行模式穿越地面
- 鼠标滚轮、疾跑键、迟缓与迅捷效果都会影响飞行速度
- 透过其他玩家或生物的第一人称视角
- 某些生物有不同的视野
- 按下潜行键(预设为shift)将使玩家变回飞行模式
- 观看权限
- 旁观者可以看到其他旁观者
- 可以看到隐身的玩家和生物,但是是半透明的
- 旁观时,一个可以定义的按键能够显示旁观者的轮廓
- 可以以队伍来标示颜色
- 只有当按键被按着的时候才会显示轮廓(就像潜行时要按着shift一样)
- 旁观者可以通过一个图形界面来传送到其他玩家旁
- 可以跨维度传送
- 可以跨维度传送
- 在旁观模式可以将世界分享至局域网
- barrier
- 当手持屏障时在屏障方块中间出现以显示屏障的位置
- 当手持屏障时在屏障方块中间出现以显示屏障的位置
- droplet
- 当一个海绵吸水以后出现
- 当一个海绵吸水以后出现
- mobappearance
- 当在一个远古守卫者附近时在屏幕上出现
- 当在一个远古守卫者附近时在屏幕上出现
- take
- "深海漫游"
- 可以让玩家在水底走得更快
- 只能对靴子附魔
- 可以附魔至III级
- @e
- 以所有实体为目标
- 可以选择或排除一种实体,如: @e[type=Chicken](选择所有的Chicken) 或者 @e[type=!Skeleton](除了Skeleton以外的实体都被选择)
- 例: /kill @e[r=50,type=Chicken] - 杀死半径在50格内的所有的鸡
- 例: /tp @e[r=5] ~ ~5 ~ - 半径5格内的所有实体都上升5格
- /blockdata
- 编辑特定类型的NBT标签。<dataTag> merges with the block at that position
- 能用来改变箱子的内容
- 用法:/blockdata <x> <y> <z> <dataTag>
- /clone
- 将所有指定区域中的方块(不含实体)移动到另一个不同的指定区域中
- 最高能一次性复制32768(323)个方块
- 克隆操作可以以replace,masked或者filtered模式运行
- replace模式会克隆所有方块(默认运行模式)
- masked模式只会复制非空气方块
- filtered模式只会移除无用方块
- 也能额外设定为move,force或者normal
- move will move the selection from the first location to the second location, which may overlap
- force will force the cloning operation, even if the areas overlap
- normal only needs to be specified if using filtered
- 用法:/clone <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <x> <y> <z> [mode]
- 示例:/clone 1001 3 1002 1011 3 992 1001 5 992 masked
- /entitydata
- Works similarly to /blockdata, but for entities
- Does not work on players
- Does not work on players
- 用法:/entitydata <entity> <dataTag>
- 示例:/entitydata @e[type=Sheep,r=20] {Color:14} will color all the sheep within a radius of 20 red
- Works similarly to /blockdata, but for entities
- /execute
- 使命令从指定实体的位置上运行
- detect附加模式让/execute在检测到指定位置有指定方块时运行。
- 用法:
- /execute <entity> <x> <y> <z> <command…>
- /execute <entity> <x> <y> <z> detect <x2> <y2> <z2> <block> <data> <command…>
- 示例:
- /execute @a ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:grass 0 say You are standing on grass. 告诉每个站在草地上的玩家他们正站在草上。
- /execute @e[type=Chicken] ~ ~ ~ fill ~-1 ~-1 ~-1 ~1 ~1 ~1 minecraft:glass 在鸡的周围创造一个小的草立方体
- Commands run using the /execute command pass their success value back to the command block running them
- /fill
- 在指定区域填充指定方块
- 最多能填充32768个方块
- oldBlockHandling works like with /setblock, but with additional options: hollow to only fill the outer layer of blocks and fill the inner part with air, and outline to fill the outer layer of blocks and ignore the inner part
- Works similarly to /setblock
- 用法:/fill <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <TileName> [dataValue] [oldBlockHandling] [dataTag]
- 示例:/fill 1001 3 1002 1011 5 992 wool 6 replace will fill the given area with pink wool
- Can filter certain blocks
- Only if it’s used to fill in replace mode with “normal” blocks.
- It does not work when filling with block entities.
- 用法:/fill [x] [y] [z] [x] [y] [z] [BlockName] [Data] replace [filterBlockName] [filterData]
- /particle
- 在给定区域生成指定的粒子效果
- 用法:/particle <name> <x> <y> <z> <xd> <yd> <zd> <speed> [count] [force]
- 示例:/particle lava ~ ~1 ~ 1 1 1 0.5 50 normal @e[type=Chicken] 将生成50个岩浆溅出粒子, centred one block above the block/entity running the command, spreading around a radius of 1 block, with a speed of 0.5, relative to all chickens in that world
- The force argument can be set to force to display particles even if a player has his 'Particles' toggle set to Minimal or Decreased
- 粒子的列表: hugeexplosion, largeexplode, fireworksSpark, bubble, suspended, depthsuspend, townaura, crit, magicCrit, smoke, mobSpell, mobSpellAmbient, spell,instantSpell, witchMagic, note, portal, enchantmenttable, explode, flame, lava, footstep, splash, wake, largesmoke, cloud, reddust, snowballpoof, dripWater, dripLava,snowshovel, slime, heart, angryVillager, happyVillager, barrier, iconcrack_(ID), blockcrack_(ID), blockdust_(ID)_(DATA), droplet, take, mobappearance
- /replaceitem <entity|block> ...
- 可以重置任何物品栏内的物品,包括生物(例如僵尸)的物品栏
- 用法:
- /replaceitem entity <entity> <slot> <item> [amount] [data value]
- /replaceitem block <x> <y> <z> <slot> <item> [amount] [data value]
- 示例:
- /replaceitem entity @e[type=Zombie] slot.weapon minecraft:iron_sword 1 0将给予所有僵尸一把铁剑
- /replaceitem entity @p slot.hotbar.0 minecraft:fish 4 2将在所有玩家的第一个快捷物品栏方格内放置4个小丑鱼
- /replaceitem block ~ ~1 ~ slot.container.5 minecraft:redstone_block 1 0会在玩家上方的箱子第六格内放置一个红石块
- /stats <entity|block> ...
- 用法:
- /stats entity <selector> <mode>
- /stats block [x] [y] [z] <mode>
- Alternative and more featureful way of interacting with CommandStats
- Will update a scoreboard objective based on the number of entities/blocks which have been affected by the command, it updates the objective for the entity that ran the command, fake players can be used when run in a command block
- After the mode there are currently 5 possible stats that can be updated: SuccessCount, AffectedBlocks, AffectedEntities, AffectedItems and QueryResult
- For example: /stats entity @a set AffectedBlocks @a Test will update a scoreboard objective named 'Test' for all players whenever a command is performed relative to them, the objective will update by the number of blocks affected by the command since the stat was set to AffectedBlocks, this means if the command is/fill then it will update the objective for whoever is running the command (@a) by the number of blocks filled
- 用法:
- /testforblocks
- 比较世界上的两个地方
- The mode can be set to all or masked, all is the default while masked will ignore air
- 用法:/testforblocks <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> [mode]
- 示例:/testforblocks 100 64 100 107 69 107 0 64 0 masked
- /title
- 能让它用JSON以title和/或者subtitle的形式显示在玩家的屏幕上
- /title @a times <fadeIn> <stay> <fadeOut>
- Set the fade in time, the stay on screen time and the fade out time for the title
- Set the fade in time, the stay on screen time and the fade out time for the title
- /title @a title <raw json message>
- Set and start showing the title and subtitle
- Set and start showing the title and subtitle
- /title @a subtitle <raw json message>
- Set the subtitle (optional)
- Set the subtitle (optional)
- /title @a clear
- Clear titles immediately
- Clear titles immediately
- /title @a reset
- Reset all title parameters to defaults (fade times)
- Reset all title parameters to defaults (fade times)
- /trigger
- Functions the same way as /scoreboard players set or /scoreboard players add, but can only modify objectives with the trigger criteria (referred to as "triggers") and can only modify the score of the player running the command
- Allows non-op players to use clickEvents as well as prevent spamming clickEvents
- Can be used by non-operator players
- For a player to run this command, the trigger must be enabled for that player
- /scoreboard players enable <player> <trigger> will enable the specified player to use the specified trigger objective
- Trigger availability is stored per player, per trigger
- One trigger may be disabled for a player, but that player can use a different trigger
- One player may be unable to use a trigger, but another player can use the same trigger
- Disabled after the trigger has been used (must be re-enabled to use the trigger again)
- Mostly for use with /tellraw
- 用法:/trigger <objective> <add:set> <value>
- /worldborder
- /worldborder <set,add,center,damage,warning,get>
- /worldborder set <sizeInBlocks> <timeInSeconds>
- Used to set size of border. The first argument sets the size of the border and the second sets the speed of the border to expand or shrink
- Used to set size of border. The first argument sets the size of the border and the second sets the speed of the border to expand or shrink
- /worldborder add <sizeInBlocks> <timeInSeconds>
- Adds blocks to the current size of the world border. Can use negative (-) numbers to subtract the size of the border
- Adds blocks to the current size of the world border. Can use negative (-) numbers to subtract the size of the border
- /worldborder center <x> <z>
- Sets the center of where the border will be placed.
- Sets the center of where the border will be placed.
- /worldborder damage <buffer|amount>
- Allows you to customise the amount of damage taken while outside the border, and buffer, the higher value, the further you can be outside the border without taking damage
- Allows you to customise the amount of damage taken while outside the border, and buffer, the higher value, the further you can be outside the border without taking damage
- /worldborder warning <time|distance>
- Allows you to customise how far you have to be or the time for how long it takes to activate the world border warning
- Allows you to customise how far you have to be or the time for how long it takes to activate the world border warning
- /worldborder get
- Tells the player running the command the current width of the world border
- Tells the player running the command the current width of the world border
- /worldborder set <sizeInBlocks> <timeInSeconds>
- /worldborder <set,add,center,damage,warning,get>
- logAdminCommands
- Prevents command block output from being stored in chat logs. In multiplayer, also prevents player-initiated commands from being stored. Unrelated tocommandBlockOutput, which is output into the visible chat
- Prevents command block output from being stored in chat logs. In multiplayer, also prevents player-initiated commands from being stored. Unrelated tocommandBlockOutput, which is output into the visible chat
- randomTickSpeed [数值]
- 控制随机刻发生的频率。随机刻影响了植物和农作物生长的速度,僵尸猪人从传送门中出现的速度,耕地更新的速度,草和菌丝生长和腐烂的速度,等等……
- 当设置为0时,随机刻将不会发生
- reducedDebugInfo
- 启用/禁用在F3调试屏幕显示简略信息的游戏规则
- Op-only unlike the 'reduced debug info' toggle in multiplayer settings
- 覆盖客户端中“reduced debug info”设置
- sendCommandFeedback
- If set to false, player-run commands will not show a success message
- If set to false, player-run commands will not show a success message
- showDeathMessages
- 阻止像“[玩家]掉出了这个世界”的死亡信息在聊天界面内出现
- 阻止像“[玩家]掉出了这个世界”的死亡信息在聊天界面内出现
- The ability to create gamerule variables
- These are fake gamerules which don't actually affect your world, but can be used with /stats with the new QueryResults argument to update a scoreboard objective based on the value of that gamerule
- Declare using /gamerule <newRuleName> <value>
- Access using /gamerule <newRuleName>
- New objective criteria for team-specific kills, e.g.: teamkill.red, killedByTeam.blue
- New objective criteria 'trigger
- Acts like the dummy criteria
- Can be interacted with using the /trigger command
- Mostly for use with /tellraw
- The ability to iterate over every scoreboard player with *
- This will also affect people who have not yet joined the world
- This will also affect people who have not yet joined the world
- Fake players with a name starting with # will never show up on the sidebar
- New /scoreboard subcommands: /scoreboard reset, /scoreboard operation, /scoreboard test and /scoreboard enable
- The reset subcommand can reset all objectives for a player or reset a player's objectives one by one
- 示例:/scoreboard players reset @a anObjective will reset the scores of an objective named anObjective for all players in the world
- 示例:/scoreboard players reset @a anObjective will reset the scores of an objective named anObjective for all players in the world
- The operation subcommand can apply arithmetic operation to scores (+ – * / % < > =) and accumulate player scores
- 示例:/scoreboard players operation #teamscores redScore += @a[team=red] blueKills adds every red player's count of kills on blue to the red team's score of kills
- Can be tested with a comparator to see if two scores are greater than, smaller than or equal to each other
- The test subcommand can be used to test if a scoreboard value is between a min and a max value
- 示例:/scoreboard players test #global anObjective 12 19 checks whether the global score of the given objective is between 12 and 19, inclusive
- 示例:/scoreboard players test #global anObjective 12 19 checks whether the global score of the given objective is between 12 and 19, inclusive
- The enable subcommand can be used to enable a trigger objective
- 示例:/scoreboard players enable aTrigger enables a trigger named aTrigger
- 示例:/scoreboard players enable aTrigger enables a trigger named aTrigger
- The reset subcommand can reset all objectives for a player or reset a player's objectives one by one
- Different teams can now have different objectives displayed in the sidebar
- 示例:/scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar.team.yellow anotherObjective (referring to team color, not team name)
- 示例:/scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar.team.yellow anotherObjective (referring to team color, not team name)
- Testing for scores now also works in @e entity selector
- Added scoreboard team property to disable name tag visibility: /scoreboard teams option <name> nametagVisibility with options hideForOtherTeam, hideForOwnTeam, neverand always (default)
- Added scoreboard team property to disable death messages: /scoreboard teams option <name> deathMessageVisibility with options never, hideForOtherTeams,hideForOwnTeam and always (default)
- Command /scoreboard players can now filter by NBT data
- BlockEntityTag
- BlockItem instances can now hold a custom NBT tag that is merged into a block entity when it’s placed
- Example: /give @p command_block 1 0 {BlockEntityTag:{Command:"/setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:diamond_block"}}
- CanDestroy
- 主要在冒险模式中使用
- 有此标签的物品会在其浮动气泡中显示能破坏的方块
- 例如:/give @p minecraft:diamond_shovel 1 0 {CanDestroy:["minecraft:sand","minecraft:grass"]}会给予玩家只能破坏草方块和沙子的钻石铲
- 添加一个无效的物品名会在可破坏列表下显示“missingno”
- CanPlaceOn
- 允许在冒险模式中在一个特定方块上放置方块
- 例如:/give @p minecraft:stone 16 0 {CanPlaceOn:["minecraft:diamond_block"]}
- 添加一个无效的物品名会在可放置列表下显示“missingno”
- CommandStats
- Allows a command block or sign to increase a certain score in the scoreboard when it runs successfully
- The command will increase the score based on the number of items/blocks/entities/successes
- For example, a command block with this tag running a command which affects items (e.g. /give) will cause it to update the score based on the number of items given
- Usage: {CommandStats:{AffectedItemsName:"playername", AffectedItemsObjective:"objective", AffectedBlocksName:"playername", AffectedBlocksObjective:"objective", AffectedEntitiesName:"playername", AffectedEntitiesObjective:"objective", SuccessCountName:"playername", SuccessCountObjective:"objective"}}
- Allows a command block or sign to increase a certain score in the scoreboard when it runs successfully
- generation
- Defines whether a written book is an "Original" a "Copy of Original" or a "Copy of a copy"
- Defines whether a written book is an "Original" a "Copy of Original" or a "Copy of a copy"
- HideFlags
- Allows hiding of certain parts of the tooltip
- Bit field determining which parts of the tooltip to hide on an item. 1 for ench, 2 for AttributeModifiers, 4 for Unbreakable, 8 for CanDestroy, 16 for CanPlaceOn, and 32 for various other information (including potion effects, StoredEnchantments, written book generation and author, Explosion, and Fireworks).
- Examples: Setting bit field to 3 would hide both ench and AttributeModifiers tags, and setting to 63 would hide everything.
- Lock
- A way to lock containers from being opened using NBT tags
- Mostly useful for adventure maps in adventure mode
- Containers can be unlocked by clearing their string for Lock
- Locked containers can only be opened while holding anything renamed to the given string, item is not removed on use
- The lock can be completely removed utilizing the command /blockdata
- NoAI
- 关闭实体的人工智能
- 没有人工智能的生物不会主动攻击玩家或者移动、转向,亦不会消失,它们也不会受到重力影响或者被其他生物注意到,但还是能被伤害,也可以骑乘其他实体
- PickupDelay
- 定义玩家捡起物品所需的时间(刻)
- 设置成32767的物品无法被捡起
- rewardExp
- 控制村民在交易后是否会给予经验,可以设置为1或0
- 控制村民在交易后是否会给予经验,可以设置为1或0
- SelectedItem
- Contains the item data of the item currently held in the player's hand
- Added to compact the process of testing if a player is holding a specific item
- Previous method required nine commands in command blocks; now requires only one command
- Previous method required nine commands in command blocks; now requires only one command
- ShowParticles
- Option to show or hide all particles for a potion effect, while the Ambient tag only shows fewer particles, set to 1 to show, 0 to hide
- Option to show or hide all particles for a potion effect, while the Ambient tag only shows fewer particles, set to 1 to show, 0 to hide
- Silent
- Determines whether sound is produced by an entity, such as idle and hurt sounds, setting to 1 disables sound
- Determines whether sound is produced by an entity, such as idle and hurt sounds, setting to 1 disables sound
- 花岗岩,安山岩和闪长岩在石头地形中成团生成
- 比沙砾的大小以及常见度略多
- 这些石头团不影响矿物生成,矿物有时候会在这些石头团中生成
- 由海晶石,海晶石砖,暗海晶石和海晶灯组成的,在海底生成的新结构
- 8块金块能在海底遗迹中间找到
- 一个闪烁的守卫者会在玩家在远古守卫者附近时出现,并且施加5分钟的挖掘疲劳III在玩家身上
- 在旧的世界中也会生成
- 可高度自定义世界生成
- 要使用此类型,选择创造新世界,然后选择世界类型:自定义,接着按下“自定义”按钮
- 共有4页可以自定义世界
- 第一页:自定义结构的生成、湖泊生成的机率、某些建筑的大小、生态系的种类,以及海平面高度
- 共有18个选项,影响结构是否生成,以及环境因素如海平面高度。有些可以选择是/否,有些以滑动决定
- 海平面高度,洞穴、村庄、丛林神庙、海底遗迹、地牢、湖泊、岩浆湖、要塞、废弃矿井、峡谷生成的开关,湖泊、岩浆湖、要塞稀有度滑动条,使海洋变为岩浆海的开关,生态域选项,生态域及河流大小滑动条
- 海平面高度,洞穴、村庄、丛林神庙、海底遗迹、地牢、湖泊、岩浆湖、要塞、废弃矿井、峡谷生成的开关,湖泊、岩浆湖、要塞稀有度滑动条,使海洋变为岩浆海的开关,生态域选项,生态域及河流大小滑动条
- 共有18个选项,影响结构是否生成,以及环境因素如海平面高度。有些可以选择是/否,有些以滑动决定
- 第二页:自定义泥土,沙砾,花岗岩,闪长岩,安山岩,煤矿石,铁矿石,金矿石,红石矿石,钻石矿石和青金石矿石的分布
- 稀有度、高度范围和矿脉大小
- 稀有度、高度范围和矿脉大小
- 第三、四页:高级自定义地形生成
- 共有16个自订选项以影响Minecraft地形生成器的多种面向。可以通过滑动或直接输入数值来更改
- Main Noise Scale X/Y/Z to smooth out terrain, larger values for smoother terrain; Biome scale/depth weight and Biome scale/depth offset to stretch/squash terrain vertically based on the biomes default height settings; Upper/lower limit scale to make terrain more solid/riddled with holes, depending on how close the values are to each other; Height Stretch to pull terrain upward, with smaller values causing more extreme stretching; Height scale, Coordinate scale, Depth base size, Depth noise exponent, Depth noise scale
- Main Noise Scale X/Y/Z to smooth out terrain, larger values for smoother terrain; Biome scale/depth weight and Biome scale/depth offset to stretch/squash terrain vertically based on the biomes default height settings; Upper/lower limit scale to make terrain more solid/riddled with holes, depending on how close the values are to each other; Height Stretch to pull terrain upward, with smaller values causing more extreme stretching; Height scale, Coordinate scale, Depth base size, Depth noise exponent, Depth noise scale
- 共有16个自订选项以影响Minecraft地形生成器的多种面向。可以通过滑动或直接输入数值来更改
- 有7个预设的地形生成器
- “水世界”,“空岛”,“探洞者的喜悦”,“山脉狂魔”,“干枯”,“混沌之穴”和“祝你好运”
- “水世界”,“空岛”,“探洞者的喜悦”,“山脉狂魔”,“干枯”,“混沌之穴”和“祝你好运”
- Each page has a button to randomize the various values and a button to reset to default values
- Uses the 'generator-settings' string known from superflat presets for server.properties and world data
- Generate structures button disappears when selected
- 对于资源包制作者很有用
- 按住? Shift键并滚动鼠标滚轮以切换到此世界类型
- 世界创建界面与其他不同
- 其他的世界选项都不可用
- 仅能使用旁观模式
- 生成所有方块,以及他们的有效数据值形式
- 包括可能的红石线方向,火,绊线,楼梯等
- 这些方块生成于y=70的地方,且在y=60的地方有一层屏障地板
- 每个方块状态仅生成一次
- 玩家放置的方块会被立即删除,破坏的方块会再次出现
- 合成配方:2个圆石和2个下界石英,排列成棋盘形
- 可用来合成平滑闪长岩
- 合成配方:1个圆石和1个闪长岩
- 可用来合成平滑安山岩
- 合成配方:1个下界石英和1个闪长岩
- 可用来合成平滑花岗岩
- 合成配方:4个闪长岩以2x2排列
- 合成配方:4个安山岩以2x2排列
- 合成配方:4个花岗岩以2x2排列
- 取代原本大型针叶林、平顶山、热带草原生物群系会生成的无草泥土
- 原本世界中的无草泥土将全部变为砂土,因为它使用了和原本无草泥土相同的方块ID和数据值
- 原本世界中的无草泥土将全部变为砂土,因为它使用了和原本无草泥土相同的方块ID和数据值
- 外观较普通的泥土稍暗
- 空手就可以破坏并获得砂土(不需要丝绸之触)
- 用锄头对着砂土耕作会将砂土变为普通的泥土
- 合成配方:泥土和沙砾排列成2×2的方格图案,可以获得4个砂土
- 将四个红沙排列为正方形合成
- 可以用来合成錾制红沙石、平滑红沙石、红沙石楼梯、红沙石台阶
- 凿制红沙石有着凋零的图案,而非凿制沙石爬行者的图案
- 台阶有一个平滑变种(像石头和沙石一样)。
- 给予一个平滑双阶- minecraft:double_stone_slab2:8
- 只在平顶山生物群系的洞穴入口生成
- 在海底遗迹中生成
- 能使用海晶碎片合成
- 海晶石的裂缝中看起来慢慢地在棕色,蓝色,灰色,紫色之间变化
- 在海底遗迹中生成
- 能使用海晶碎片合成
- 在海底遗迹中生成
- 能使用海晶碎片与一个墨囊合成
- 在海底遗迹中生成
- 能使用海晶碎片与海晶砂粒合成
- 发出15等级的光线,并拥有动态材质
- 杀死守卫者掉落
- 可以合成海晶灯
- 杀死守卫者掉落
- 可以用来合成全部3种海晶石和海晶灯
- 在一个海绵吸水以后出现
- 烧炼一个湿海绵能够得到一个干海绵
- 在烧炼结束时,若熔炉燃料槽有空桶则会变成水桶
- 在烧炼结束时,若熔炉燃料槽有空桶则会变成水桶
- 会出现水滴的粒子效果
- 远古守卫者会稀有的掉落湿海绵
- 玩家和生物若掉落在它的顶部则会弹起,像是在弹簧床上
- 弹跳的回弹速度由撞击速度换算,最高可以达到60%
- 目前并不会影响物品
- 能够避免掉落伤害
- 行走于黏液块上方时速度比行走于灵魂沙还低,接近潜行的速度
- 合成方法:9个黏液球
- 可以反合成回9个黏液球
- 可以反合成回9个黏液球
- 放置和破坏使用史莱姆遭受伤害的音效
- 如果与粘性活塞连接,当黏液块被黏性活塞移动时,黏液块将会推/拉与之相连的方块
- 如果与一般活塞连接,黏液块只能推出方块,不能拉回
- Coded by KaboPC and Panda4994
- Up to 12 slime blocks connected to a piston in any arrangement can be moved as long as the following conditions are met: blocks do not disrupt the chain, non-moveable blocks are not in the way or slime blocks are not attached to the piston itself
- 遵守所有和活塞一样的规则,例如一个可以被活塞正常移动的方块就可以被相连的黏液块移动
- 可以制作出更多玩意儿,如新的红石时钟、移动装置、农作方式...等
- 以黏液块连接而拓展的活塞可以在适当的方向推动其他物体(生物、玩家、物品、发射出去的箭矢...等)
- 现在可以使用不同种类木材合成不同种类的栅栏
- 不同种类的栅栏(栅栏门)可以互相连接
- 旧版本的栅栏现在重命名为白桦栅栏
- 栅栏使用新的合成配方:2个木棍、4个木板合成3个栅栏
- 现在可以合成使用不同种类木材新的栅栏门
- 不同种类的栅栏(栅栏门)可以互相连接
- 旧版本的栅栏门现在重命名为白桦栅栏们
- 不同的木材有不同样式的门
- 不同样式的门有不同的材质,有些种没有窗户
- 现在门的合成配方要用6个同样种类的木材
- 只能用红石来开启或关闭,与铁门相似
- 合成配方:铁锭以2x2排列,可以得到1个铁活板门
- 可以当作头饰来穿戴——但只能使用命令来达成
- 超过一千兆种组合
- 合成方式和告示牌类似,只是用(有颜色的)羊毛取代木材
- 可以堆叠至16个
- 在合成箱中染料环绕于旗帜周围以某种方式排列可以创造出大多数的图案
- 与物品一起合成可以得到其他图案:爬行者、骷髅和交叉的骨头、砖块、花朵、曲边和Mojang 公司的商标- 若没有与染料一起合成,将产生黑色图案,与染料一起合成可以得到不同颜色的图案(????物品包括:爬行者的头、凋零骷髅头颅、砖块、滨菊、藤蔓和附魔金苹果)
- 很多图案可以被产生
- 最高可以有6层图案
- 可以被放置在墙上或地上(16种可能的方向)
- 在风中摇曳
- 与空白旗帜合成可以复制旗帜
- 最上面一层可以使用炼药锅来移除
- 可以作为熔炉的燃料
- 可以装饰性的展示盔甲(包括南瓜、生物头颅和玩家头颅)
- 使用右键点击以放置盔甲,也可以由发射器来放置
- 可以用发射器放置盔甲,无论哪个部位
- 右键点击想移除的盔甲可以移除之
- 可以渲染附魔或染色的盔甲
- 可以对盔甲架使用选取方块(将会给予盔甲架而不是架上的盔甲)
- 用1个石台阶和6个木棍合成
- 可以堆叠至16个
- 实际上盔甲架是实体而不是方块,因此可以使用/summon ArmorStand来召唤并且放置于矿车之中
- 可以使用NBT标签来创造小的(Small)、透明的(Invisible)、有盔甲的(ShowArms)、禁用插槽的(DisabledSlots)、没有底座的(NoBasePlate)、没有重力作用的(NoGravity)和in a preconfigured position(Pose )的盔甲架
- 恢复饥饿值2 (
- 杀死羊掉落
- 可以被烧制为熟羊肉
- 恢复饥饿值6 (
- 在工作台摆一个2x2的正方形合成皮革
- 杀死兔子掉落
- 恢复饥饿值3 (
- 杀死兔子掉落
- 可以被烧制为熟兔肉
- 恢复5 (
- 可以酿造跳跃药水
- 杀死兔子掉落
- 恢复饥饿10 (
- 这使它成为游戏中金萝卜以外最好的食物
- 这使它成为游戏中金萝卜以外最好的食物
- 合成配方: 1个熟兔肉、1个蘑菇、1个胡萝卜、1个烤马铃薯和1个碗
- 新增新的效果——跳跃提升,有"I" 和"II"两种级别
- 使用兔子脚和粗制的药水来酿造
- 药水和气泡是亮绿色的
- 是一个完全透明的实体方块
- 可以传递红石讯号,且允许在其上方放置方块
- 可以传递红石讯号,且允许在其上方放置方块
- 只可以在创造模式中破坏
- 使用/give @p minecraft:barrier <amount>以获得方块
- 玩家手上拿着屏障时,将可以看见屏障
- 看似被渲染成颗粒,并永远面向玩家
- 看似被渲染成颗粒,并永远面向玩家
- 生成守卫者
- 黄绿色,有橙色斑点
- 生成末影螨
- 紫色,有灰色斑点
- 生成兔子
- 棕色,有褐色斑点
- 有时在末影人或玩家使用末影珍珠瞬移落地后生成.
- 2分钟后消失 (除非使用命名牌将其命名)
- 和蠹虫有同样的音效.
- 在海底遗迹中生成
- 用激光攻击 鱿鱼 和玩家
- 当处于陆地上时,它会摆动,和乌贼不同
- 掉落海晶碎片、海晶砂粒、生鱼
- 受伤害时发出潮湿的声音,在陆地上摆动时发出吱吱作响且潮湿的声音
- 类似boss的 守卫者的变种
- 每个海底遗迹有3只远古守卫者
- A flashing boss Guardian will appear on screen when close to the boss Guardian,并且施加5分钟的挖掘疲劳 III 在玩家身上
- 掉落湿海绵
- 掉落兔子皮, 生兔肉, 熟兔肉 和兔子脚
- 他们像马和豹猫一样,有许多不同的皮肤。他们共有8种皮肤,包括:黑,白,棕色,金色,黑白相间,胡椒盐,toast,和“caerbannog”杀手兔子。
- 当一只兔子或者兔子怪物蛋被用命名牌命名为"Toast"的时候会出现一种特殊的皮肤。来源于reddit中的一位用户xyzen420的女朋友丢失的兔子。
- 非常低的几率生成杀手兔. (或者 "杀手兔Caerbannog(The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog)")
- 1/1000 的几率生成
- 这种兔子是敌对生物,当它在4格以内时攻击玩家,简单难度中造成5 (
)伤害,普通难度中造成8 (
)伤害,困难难度中造成12 (
- 参考自影集“巨蟒与圣杯” (Monty Python and the Holy Grail)
- 它有着白色且有血丝的眼睛,腿上和口边有血迹
- 生成时自动命名为'The Killer Rabbit'
- 可以直接用命令/summon Rabbit ~ ~ ~ {RabbitType:99}来生成
- 兔子可以用胡萝卜、金萝卜或蒲公英来繁殖
- 兔子和其他被动型生物具有相同的AI,会随机四处跳跃
- 当它被攻击或是死亡时发出吱吱的声音
- “OpenGL 1.2!” 改为“OpenGL 2.1 (if supported)!”
- “Now java 6!” 改为 “Now Java 6!”
- 文字现在有了背景
- 重组布局
- 现在会显示渲染距离、当前正在被渲染的部分、当前正在更新的部分、未知功用的aB值、版本号码、客户是否使用模组、云/缓冲区顶点对象/垂直同步是否开启
- 现在会显示脚底所在的方块的座标
- 当注视一个方块时,会显示它的座标、ID和属性
- "Facing:" 那一行现在会显示朝向坐标轴的哪一个方向("Towards positive Z")
- 现在会显示Java版本、萤幕分辨率和供应商、显示卡型号&供应商、开放图形库版本
- 在准心显示三条彩色短线表示坐标系:x/红,y/绿,z/蓝
- “Light”现在表示的是脚下的亮度等级,而不是眼睛的
- 玩家朝向显示的是垂直和水平角度
- 玩家朝向显示的是垂直和水平角度
- 加入天数计量
- 黎明时增加1个单位
- 黎明时增加1个单位
- 添加难度显示
- 和平- 0.00、简单- 0.75, 普通- 1.50、困难- 2.25
- 和平- 0.00、简单- 0.75, 普通- 1.50、困难- 2.25
- 调试屏幕将显示目前对准的世界内方块的坐标
- 屏幕对准一个方块时将在屏幕右边显示各种关于它的信息与它的NBT数据
- 当启用调试工具提示(F3+H) 时,物品会显示它们的ID
- 当启用调试工具提示时,某些情况下在聊天对话框里,鼠标移到上面时用户名和实体会显示它们的UUID (通用唯一识别码)
- F3 + D 现在可以用来清除聊天纪录
- F3 + S 或F3 + T 重新载入方块
- F3 + B 实体hitbox 现在也会用红色显示实体的眼睛高度,蓝色显示它们的朝向
- F3 + H 调试工具提示现在会显示一个物品有多少NBT 标签
- 给予方块现在应使用方块名称,旧的方块ID会渐渐被淘汰
- 命令中使用的NBT 资料现在可以使用方块/物品名称代替数字的ID
- 举例来说: id:"minecraft:stone"
- 在计分板中,形式为minecraft.block.stone
- 超平坦模式的预设中也使用新的名称形式
- 方块ID/层数的形式由NumberxID 变为Number*ID
- 预设代码的版本号改为"3"
- Now internally use states instead of metadata
- Metadata will still be used for a while
- Block states of the block being looked at will now be displayed on the F3 menu - Examples: redstone, door
- Internally, metadata no longer needs to be calculated out of the 4 bit data value, instead the values?? of specified properties can now be easily gotten and set
- 改善聊天通讯
- 讯息现在可能是聊天、系统或操作栏的讯息
- 操作栏讯息会永久显示,聊天和系统讯息只会在聊天设定打开时才会出现
- 实体现在在聊天对话框某些情况下鼠标移到上面时会有调试工具提示
- 在对话框当鼠标移到实体名称上面时出现(例如/kill的成功讯息)
- 显示该实体名称(例如Bob)、实体ID(例如Creeper (50))和实体的UUID
- 鼠标停留在实体名称上时,Shift + 鼠标左键会把实体的UUID 插入聊天栏。在命令中也可以使用,像是/tp ,如此一来就可以移动到该实体的位置
- F3 + D 会清除聊天纪录(包含先前输入过的指令)
- 所有玩家名单现在将会自动转化为以UUID 为基础
- 自定义的方块模型可以被载入
- 数个游戏内的方块会分别使用新的方块模型来渲染
- 锅釜的脚是方块状的而不是一个面
- 草方块、泥土、沙子、红沙、石头、地狱岩、基岩和TNT的顶部材质会随机旋转
- 数个游戏内的方块会分别使用新的方块模型来渲染
- 自定义的物品模型可以被载入
- 许多方块模型在物品栏位中和手中相差90度
- 许多方块模型在物品栏位中和手中相差90度
- F3+T 和 ??F3+S 现在会重新载入模型
- 资源包现在可以与世界存档绑定,将它放在地图存档的目录并命名为"resources.zip"
- 举例:.minecraft/saves/TheMapWithTheThing/resources.zip
- 举例:.minecraft/saves/TheMapWithTheThing/resources.zip
- 增加一个预设的皮肤: Alex
- Alex 的模型和Steve 一样但是有着3像素宽的手臂
- 未来将可以在minecraft.net/profile 选择粗或细的手臂
- 自订的皮肤仍然只有4像素宽的手臂
- 如果你还没有自订的皮肤,你会根据你的ID 随机被分配到Steve 或Alex 的皮肤
- 左右手臂和脚现在可以独立编辑
- 使用一个steve.png 档案,并且有新的布局和新的尺寸
- 现在档案的尺寸是 64×64
- 覆盖物现在包含全身
- 覆盖物被称作“帽子”、“披风”、“袖”和“裤腿”
- 覆盖物被称作“帽子”、“披风”、“袖”和“裤腿”
- 选项中有新的按钮“自定义皮肤”
- 披风是否可见从这里切换
- 你可以切换覆盖物的可见与否,每个手、脚、身体的部位是独立的
- 旧的皮肤仍然可用,但是无法使用新的功能
- 服务器的列表现在可以重新排序 - 使用"上"/"下"来改变顺序,"右"来进入服务器
- 在编辑和添加服务器是,您可以设置如何处理资源包:提示,启用或禁用
- Servers can now customise network compression in server.properties using network-compression-threshold: 0 to compress everything, -1< /code> to compress nothing
- Servers can now optionally send a hash for clients to verify resource packs using resource-pack-hash in server.properties: Should be a 40 character hexadecimal string, will otherwise only be used as a unique id
- Servers can now configure how long a tick may take before shutting down using max-tick-time in server.properties
- Servers can now configure the maximum world size, which will override /worldborder, using max-world-size in server.properties
- Servers can now send messages to be displayed on the action bar
- 移除雾和粒子效果
- 显著的提高 FPS 和性能
- 每个世界(主世界、下界、末路之地) 现在各自独立运作
- 区块渲染和区块重建现在使用多线程- 超快速的区块渲染!
- 重写了区块序列
- Better visibility culling code
- 生物寻路现在是多线程的
- 重写储物系统
- 矿物生成现在较以前快了2倍
- 现在只有透明方块才可以被渲染为透明的(移除X光材质包的使用)
- Dropped items now face the player in all three directions on fast graphics
- 重写方块是如何被渲染的
- 重写方块数据是如何被处理的
- 改善游戏并使"cooler things" 得以被实现
- 附魔现在将消耗1到3个等级,但你仍然需要同样的最小等级
- 举个例子,比方说一项附魔会在你达到等级13的时候变成可行,但是附魔只消耗你2的经验和两个青金石
- 举个例子,比方说一项附魔会在你达到等级13的时候变成可行,但是附魔只消耗你2的经验和两个青金石
- 此外,现在附魔需要消耗1到3个青金石(就像上面的例子一样)
- 附魔经验的计算照旧
- 在提示中会显示其中的一项附魔
- 欲使用在工具上的附魔效果会直到你附魔某样东西才会改变- 附魔的种子码是依据每位玩家来储存的
- 现在更难升级
- 等级V的现在不使用铁毡就可以在物品上显示
- 每等级会增加1%的几率掉落稀有物品
- 村民现在有各自的职业,会显示在交易接口:农民、渔夫、牧绵羊人、制箭矢师、图书管理员、牧师、盔甲商、武器商、工具商、屠夫和皮匠
- 已存在的村民保持原来已经解锁的交易
- 村民一开始就会有2-4 项交易是解锁的
- 交易现在会给予经验值,与willing Villagers 会给予更多
- 禁止交易的箭头现在会有叙述性的提示
- 有着相同职业的村民会有相同的交易,只在价格/物品数量上有差别
- 村民可以升级,每个层级提供更多种交易
- 明显的改变:村民不再购买熟鱼并且不再贩卖西瓜片、牛排或打火石。除了锁链护甲、铁头盔和胸甲、附魔钻石胸甲,皮革裤子和附魔皮革外套是唯二仍然被贩卖的皮革护甲。相似的,铁斧、附魔铁剑、铁锹、铁镐、钻石镐、钻石剑、钻石斧是仅有的仍然可以从村民获得的工具
- 显著的新交易:村民现在会购买马铃薯、胡萝卜、西瓜(方块)、南瓜、线、皮革和熟鱼,并且会出售南瓜派、蛋糕、熟鱼、附魔钓鱼竿、所有颜色的羊毛、命名牌和青金石
- 门现在已添加到最近的村庄
- 这不会破坏刷铁机, 但会稍稍做出改变, 足以使它们"实际上毫无意义"
- 花费减少以平衡新的附魔系统
- 重新命名物品现在只要花费1个等级
- 修复费用现在会以指数成长(1, 2, 4, 8,...)
- 修复费用不再可以借由重新命名物品来保持低花费
- 在冒险模式中无法发生互动的方块将不再显示它们的碰撞箱
- 在默认情况下,现在无法与方块发生互动
- NBT标签CanDestroy 可以用来决定那些方块允许被摧毁(参见上面的用法)
- 创造模式中,玩家可以使用ctrl+ 选取方块(预设为ctrl+鼠标中键)在快捷栏复制一个方块,包括所有的NBT资料
- 玩家可以于创造模式中伤害实体,即使它们被标记为不可破坏
- 相对的传送玩家变得更平顺,并且不会让玩家突然停止;它还会保持传送之前的速度
- 现在会显示内部名称以利使用命令(F3+H 模式)
- 可以使用 /particle 命令来召唤
- 改变了粒子落在方块上的效果, 看上去很分散
- 现在生命值在受到伤害时有新的动画,额外的显示玩家损失了多少生命
- 现在支持"命名"的ID的数字ID(如数字ID 1可以换成minecraft:speed)
- 示例: /enchant @a minecraft:looting 3
- 示例: /effect @a minecraft:speed 10 10
- 改善目标玩家在玩家名单上的生命值显示
- 若空间不足将变回文字显示,用颜色(绿/黄/红)显示不同的生命值
- 若有超出的生命值会被压缩显示,以符合原来大小
- 现在将同一队伍分组在一起
- 现在用玩家名字来排序
- 玩家名单显示玩家的脸
- 飞行时按下疾跑键现在确实会影响移动速度
命令 & NBT标签
- Tab键补全坐标时会使用正在看着的方块的数据
- /clear
- 现在能被用来清除特定数量的物品并能被NBT的数据限制
- 示例: /clear @p minecraft:spawn_egg 120 34 {display:{Name:Michael}} <item> <data-value> will remove up to 34 villager spawn eggs named Michael from yourself
- Can now test for partial matches of NBT lists
- /debug
- Can now be run in single player
- New arguments for debug /debug debug <start stop chunk> [<x> <y> <z>]
- x/y/z are required and valid only for chunk mode
- May be removed, as the command was supposed to be dev only
- /effect
- 能选择是否出现粒子效果了:
- 用法: /effect <player> <effect> [seconds] [amplifier] [hideParticles]
- 填'true'隐藏粒子效果,'false'则是出现;在没有数据时默认为false。
- 填'true'隐藏粒子效果,'false'则是出现;在没有数据时默认为false。
- /kill
- 能使用目标选择器了
- 示例:/kill @e[type=!Player]
- /say
- 用@e能列出所有实体。
- 示例: /say @e[r=500]将列出500格半径范围内的所有实体。
- /summon
- /summon可以用/summon LightningBolt召唤雷电了。
- /summon可以用/summon LightningBolt召唤雷电了。
- /tellraw
- A new tag called "insertion" allows text to be inserted into the chat that, when shift-clicked, will insert more text into the players' chat input
- Example: /tellraw @a {text:"CLICK",insertion:"This is a test"}
- Example: /tellraw @a {text:"CLICK",insertion:"This is a test"}
- Can now insert values from scoreboards into messages
- Example: /tellraw @p {text:"Have ",extra:[{score:{name:"Searge",objective:"reward"}},{text:" diamonds"}]}
- Example: /tellraw @p {text:"Have ",extra:[{score:{name:"Searge",objective:"reward"}},{text:" diamonds"}]}
- Now has a selector argument
- Allows to print player's names
- Example: /tellraw @a {selector:"@a[team=TeamRed]"} will print everyone who is on TeamRed
- Can display entity tooltips when the action for hoverEvent is set to show_entity
- Example: /tellraw @a {text:"Hover here",hoverEvent:{action:show_entity,value:"{type:'Zombie',name:'Dummy'}" }} will print a message will display the tooltip of a zombie named "dummy"
- Example: /tellraw @a {text:"Hover here",hoverEvent:{action:show_entity,value:"{type:'Zombie',name:'Dummy'}" }} will print a message will display the tooltip of a zombie named "dummy"
- A new tag called "insertion" allows text to be inserted into the chat that, when shift-clicked, will insert more text into the players' chat input
- /testfor
- 可以检测数据标签了
- Example: /testfor @p {foodLevel:20}
- No longer is exclusively usable in command blocks
- Can now check for inventory specific items
- Example: /testfor @p {Inventory:[{Slot:6b,id:"minecraft:diamond_sword"}],SelectedItemSlot:6}
- Example: /testfor @p {Inventory:[{Slot:6b,id:"minecraft:diamond_sword"}],SelectedItemSlot:6}
- /testforblock
- Can now test for partial matches of NBT lists
- Can now test for partial matches of NBT lists
- /time
- /time query <value> argument to check the time
- Has an another argument after that which can be daytime or gametime to check either the number of ticks since the start of the day or the number of ticks since the world was created, respectively
- Has an another argument after that which can be daytime or gametime to check either the number of ticks since the start of the day or the number of ticks since the world was created, respectively
- /time query <value> argument to check the time
- /tp
- 支持旋转角度了
- 示例:/tp @p ~ ~ ~ ~20 ~40 传送玩家使其视角偏右20度,偏下40度。
- Now supports cubic areas
- Example: @e[x=0,y=0,z=0,dx=10,dy=10,dz=10] gets all entities between 0,0,0 and 10,10,10
- Example: @e[x=0,y=0,z=0,dx=10,dy=10,dz=10] gets all entities between 0,0,0 and 10,10,10
- New radius value usable in target selectors, based on the block center
- A radius of 0 works for exact block positions
- A radius of 0 works for exact block positions
- New selector parameters for entity selectors to detect entity rotations with rxm – x rot min, rx – x rot max, rym – y rot min, ry . y rot max
- Example: @a[rxm=-15,rx=15,rym=-45,ry=45], /say @a[rx=30], don't look down!
- Example: @a[rxm=-15,rx=15,rym=-45,ry=45], /say @a[rx=30], don't look down!
- Tab-completing coordinate arguments will now fill in the coordinates of the block currently being looked at
- Age
- Can now be set to -32768 for items that never despawn
- Can now be set to -32768 for items that never despawn
- CustomName and CustomNameVisible
- Now work on all entities
- Now work on all entities
- pages
- Uses the JSON text component instead of plain text.
- Capable of using the clickEvent and hoverEvent tags.
- Previously, text formatting could only be accomplished using the section symbol via Formatting codes.
- Text1, Text2, Text3, Text4
- Uses the JSON text component instead of plain text
- Might need some time before it can work in survival.
- Can be used to show scores towards players by using the selector and score tags
- Previously, text formatting could only be accomplished using the section symbol via Formatting codes
- Character limit is based on character width
- 沙砾小路下方会有圆石以防沙砾掉入洞穴
- 在平原或者热带草原中的许多村庄建筑会用圆木取代一些木板
- 现在生成时会用染色硬化粘土取代现有的羊毛
- 现在会在沙漠、平顶山、针叶林与蘑菇生物群系地表上生成洞口
- 改变成类似“湿地区域”的生成
- 红沙石现在会生成在平顶山生物群系的洞穴入口处
- 预设的世界边界现在是动画材质,而不是以前的透明基岩屏障
- 没有任何东西在世界边界以外
- 预设直径6千万格,下界及末路之地亦同
- 玩家无法跨越它,在试图跨越它时会受到伤害
- 如果你被卡在世界边界之外,你可以自由飞行/行走(虽然不可能自由地从内侧走过边界)
- 当你距离世界边界够接近时,一个像红色光环的警告会被启动
- 只有在使用“高品质”的图像品质时才看的到
- 在世界边界以外,警告会全开
- 在边界以内,玩家接近边界时警告会越来越强
- If the border is stationary, the warning is first seen as the player passes the warning distance, default 5 blocks from the player's location
- If the border is shrinking quickly enough, the warning will be first visible at the warning time, default 15 seconds from the player's location
- /worldborder 指令允许玩家自订世界边界内容像是边界大小、中心、伤害和警告
- 现在海绵??可以在生存模式获得了, 有新的特性和材质
- 海绵在吸水后会转变为湿海绵
- 当海绵吸水后,水颗粒将会在海绵的周围产生
- 当海绵吸水后,水颗粒将会在海绵的周围产生
- 海绵可以吸收直径为五格内的球体内的水
- 海绵只有被水碰到时,才能吸收水
- 现在可以由叠在彼此顶部的台阶合成
- 现在可以通过冶炼石砖获得, 使它们变成可再生资源
- 现在可以由一个圆石和一个藤蔓合成
- 现在可以由一个石砖和一个藤蔓合成
- 信标的光线在透过染色玻璃和染色玻璃板时会变色
- 使它穿过多个染色玻璃方块或玻璃片时会合成颜色
- 使它穿过多个染色玻璃方块或玻璃片时会合成颜色
- 光线现在可以透过所有不完全遮挡光线的方块:冰砖、水和树叶
- 现在会显示爆裂时的动画
- 床以前就有爆裂的动画,但是不是在它的顶部和底部
- 床以前就有爆裂的动画,但是不是在它的顶部和底部
- 可以叠加到64个一组
- 合成配方会合成3个门(原来是1个)
- 门和铁门皆如此
- 门和铁门皆如此
- 使用不同的木板会产生不同种类的门
- 木门重命名为橡木门
- 木门重命名为橡木门
- 门的材质变得更精细、更符合原材料
- 活板门现在被称作"木活板门"
- 现在可以着火
- 安放在墙上的火把和红石火把现在顶端会有一个角度
- 现在手持方式与工具相似
- 当一个熔炉用尽燃料时, 熔炼进度将会以二倍速度倒退
- Empty furnaces will now only accept fuel and empty buckets in the fuel slot
- 恢复3点饥饿而不是4点
- 恢复5点饥饿而不是6点
- Rebalanced how they heal and accelerate the growth of horses
- 现在可以着火
- 用镐开采速度更快
- 用斧开采速度更快
- 用斧开采速度更快
- When harvested with silk touch enchantment they drop blocks with corresponding mushroom texture (red or brown) on all sides rather than the one with spores
- 现在爬行者、僵尸、骷髅的头颅在生存模式中可以得到
- 爬行者、骷髅、僵尸和凋灵骷髅会在被高压爬行者杀死时掉落它们的头颅。凋灵骷髅仍然会掉落它的头颅(作为稀有掉落物出现)
- Note that a charged creeper explosions will not yield more than one mob head
- Note that a charged creeper explosions will not yield more than one mob head
- Skulls worn on heads are now bigger so the 2nd skin layer no longer peaks through
- Player and mob heads in inventories and held by mobs/players now display the actual head
- Placed mob heads now show the 2nd skin layer
- 物品在物品展示框中拥有了8个不同的朝向。
- As long as the frame remains placed, it remembers the orientation of the last item it held, and uses it for the next item it holds
- 物品展示框可以发出能被比较器解析的信号,强度根据物品的朝向决定。
- Signal strength is as follows: 0: empty; 1: item; 2: item rotated once; 3: item rotated twice; ...; 8: item rotated 7 times
- Signal strength is as follows: 0: empty; 1: item; 2: item rotated once; 3: item rotated twice; ...; 8: item rotated 7 times
- Improved position handling of item frames
- Improved position handling of paintings
- 能放置南瓜和凋灵骷髅头颅来生成铁傀儡和凋灵
- Will only place them if the body of the golem or wither is already built
- Will only place them if the body of the golem or wither is already built
- Can now place command blocks with pre-configured commands, rather than dispensing it
- 现在能在天花板和地板上放置
- Can now detect what way an item frame is rotated
- Can be inverted with a right click
- Reaches full strength at the opposite time than it would when set to normal
- This can allow for a light that turns on at night rather than day without the need of a NOT gate
- Inverted form cannot be obtained in inventory
- Powered activator rails will now shake minecarts, causing riders (players and entities) to dismount
- TNT矿车可以被燃烧的箭点燃
- Minecart with TNT explosions no longer stack
- No longer emit light
- Top texture now rotates together with the face
- Zoomed out maps now align to a grid as well
- Are now much faster
- Use the JSON text components Text1, Text2, Text3, Text4 instead of plain text
- Can be used to show scores towards players by using the selector and score tags
- Previously, text formatting could only be accomplished using the section symbol via Formatting codes
- Character limit is based on character width
- Might need some time before it can work in survival
- Use JSON text components instead of plain text with the new pages tag
- Capable of using the clickEvent and hoverEvent tags
- Previously, text formatting could only be accomplished using the section symbol via Formatting codes
- Might need some time before it can work in survival
- Copying written books will now mark them as copies/copies of copies
- The copying status of a book (ie. original, copy of original or copy of a copy) is denoted in a separate line in the tooltip, beneath the author's name
- Copies of copies cannot be copied
- Armor no longer gets colored when mobs/players are hurt
- Behave differently underwater
- They will lose all velocity after a few blocks and slowly fall
- Fire Arrows will be extinguished
- Removed double stone slab's item form
- Removed double wooden slab's item form
- Can be right-clicked with a Spawn Egg in hand to change what the spawner produces
- Survival players can no longer look inside the command block to see the command
- Now show the entity (@e) parameter
- X/O button next to "Last output" in commandblock to turn off the last output string
- 使用新的AI
- 生物受伤时显示略微不同的颜色
- 当被闪电击中,村民会变成女巫
- 现在有头部栏
- 村民现在只会在有意愿的时候繁殖
- 当第一次完成特定的交易的时候,村民会变得有意愿,其余时间有1到5的几率村民变得有意愿
- 当幼年村民诞生的时候,父母失去意愿
- 村民消耗如下数量的粮食时会有意愿繁殖: 3个面包或12个土豆或12个胡萝卜
- 在生存模式很难判断村民的生育意愿: 只能通过交易增长的经验数目判断; 一般交易产生3-6个经验点, 产生生育意愿的交易产生8-11个经验点
- 村民AI的改变
- 村民现在会收割,采集,种植作物(土豆, 胡萝卜 和 小麦)
- 村民会用小麦合成面包
- 村民会和幼年村民分享食物
- 现在可以通过喂食来加快小动物的成长,每次喂食减少10%的剩余成长时间。
- 驯服和未驯服的狼在野外都会主动攻击骷髅,就像主动攻击羊一样
- 驯服以后,并使用命名牌命名,那么在它死亡时会有死亡信息
- 现在会逃离狼而不是反击
- 现在会逃离准备爆炸的爬行者
- 现在如果被高压爬行者炸死会掉落一个骷髅的头颅
- 由于新的AI更新,现在它们会游泳
- 每隔一段时间随机改变方向,减少它们被困在墙壁或角落的概率
- 如果玩家不再史莱姆32米范围内,它们会随着时间的过去而随机消失
- 出现更多随机的跳跃
- 当被命名并攻击时,每一个新史莱姆将保留它的给予名
- 由于新的AI更新,愤怒的僵尸猪人现在会寻找路径
- 现在会远离其他即将爆炸的爬行者
- Adult Zombie Pigmen will forgive after a short time (and lose the aggro speed boost), but will continue to attack until the player escapes their aggro distance
- Now pathfind as a result of the update to the new AI
- 现在走路稍快
- 现在不能看穿固体方块
- 即使有固体方块阻隔,烈焰人现在仍然会射击玩家
- 巨人身上的盔甲现在会被渲染
- 蠹虫将在再次移动之前偶尔停止(与大多数生物类似)
- 现在会远离其他即将爆炸的爬行者
- 现在被高压爬行者炸死会掉落一个爬行者的头
- 现在会远离即将爆炸的爬行者
- 现在被高压爬行者炸死会掉落一个僵尸的头
- 现在会远离即将爆炸的爬行者
- 现在在生存模式下,铁傀儡被攻击时会攻击玩家
- Snow golems below layer 64 no longer leave a trail of snow.
- Can be spawned by arranging the blocks in any orientation
- This does not affect the orientation of the spawned mob
- This does not affect the orientation of the spawned mob
- 现在死亡会掉落羊肉
2021.12 数据,可能有更多内容

本帖中内容搬运自中文Minecraft Wiki(当然我也有部分参与),根据CC BY-NC-SA 3.0协议,转载时注明来源:中文 Minecraft Wiki。
- Profile中的Version Selection勾选Enable experimental development versions ("snapshots")一项
- Use version选择Use latest version
- 你使用的启动器能够在线读取官方的版本列表,并具备下载功能。
- "That's Numberwang!"
- "pls rt"
- "Do you want to join my server?"
- "Put a little fence around it!"
- "Throw a blanket over it!"
- "One day, somewhere in the future, my work will be quoted!"
- "Now with additional stuff!"
- "Extra things!"
- "Yay, puppies for everyone!"
- "So sweet, like a nice bon bon!"
- "Popping tags!"
- "Now With Multiplayer!"
- "Very influential in its circle!"
- "Rise from your grave!"
- "Warning! A huge battleship "STEVE" is approaching fast!"
- "Blue warrior shot the food!"
- "Run, coward! I hunger!"
- "Flavor with no seasoning!"
- "Strange, but not a stranger!"
- "Tougher than diamonds, rich like cream!"
- "Getting ready to show!"
- "Getting ready to know!"
- "Getting ready to drop!"
- "Getting ready to shock!"
- "Getting ready to freak!"
- "Getting ready to speak!"
- "It swings, it jives!"
- "Cruising streets for gold!"
- "Take an eggbeater and beat it against a skillet!"
- "Make me a table, a funky table!"
- "Take the elevator to the mezzanine!"
- "Stop being reasonable, this is the Internet!"
- "/give @a hugs 64"
- "This is good for Realms."
- "Any computer is a laptop if you're brave enough!"
- 每个世界拥有独立的难度设定
- 没有全局难度设定
- 防止加入世界时意外改变难度
- 每个世界都可以锁定难度
- 防止被诱导在困难难度下被更改到更容易的难度
- 锁定后不可以更改难度,除非有修改器
- 不过,你可以用/difficulty的命令来执行更改难度。
- 不过,你可以用/difficulty的命令来执行更改难度。
- 饥饿值在和平难度时会自动回复
- 新增“皮肤自定义”设置
- 可以在这里调整皮肤和披风的显示
- 可以在这里调整皮肤和披风的显示
- 多人联机设置
- F3键呼出的调试信息被简化
- F3键呼出的调试信息被简化
- 视频设置
- 新增的视频设置替选方块
- 能够启用/禁用特殊方块模型
- 关闭时,最不复杂的最高优先模型仍将被使用在方块上
- 关闭时,最不复杂的最高优先模型仍将被使用在方块上
- 能够启用/禁用特殊方块模型
- 新增的视频设置使用缓冲区顶点对象
- 能够启用/禁用缓冲区顶点对象
- 开启时能够提升10%左右的性能
- 各向异性过滤选项被移除
- 在使用64位Java时,视野滑块最高能被提升到32
- 至少分配2GB的内存
- 至少分配2GB的内存
- 高级OpenGL选项被移除
- 新增的视频设置替选方块
- 新的“creeper”着色器(creeper.json),提供绿色视觉
- 在你利用旁观游戏模式“附身”爬行者时使用
- 也能通过点击Super Secret Settings启用
- 新的“spider”着色器(spider.json), 提供被分割成8份的视觉
- 在你利用旁观游戏模式“附身”蜘蛛时使用
- 也能通过点击Super Secret Settings启用
- stat.crouchOneCm
- 记录玩家在潜行时移动的距离
- 记录玩家在潜行时移动的距离
- stat.sprintOneCm
- 记录玩家在疾跑时移动的距离
- 记录玩家在疾跑时移动的距离
- stat.timeSinceDeath
- 记录自玩家上次死亡以来经过了多少时间(以刻为单位)
- 记录自玩家上次死亡以来经过了多少时间(以刻为单位)
- stat.talkedToVillager
- 记录玩家与村民对话的次数
- 记录玩家与村民对话的次数
- stat.tradedWithVillager
- 记录玩家与村民交易的次数
- 记录玩家与村民交易的次数
- 新的成就 君临天下
- 制作一个附魔金苹果即可获得此成就
- 需要先获得此成就:获得升级
- 只可以用/gamemode spectator / sp / 3
- 无法与世界互动
- 只有虚空与/kill可以损伤旁观者
- 飞行模式
- 无法着地——玩家会以飞行模式穿越地面
- 鼠标滚轮、疾跑键、迟缓与迅捷效果都会影响飞行速度
- 透过其他玩家或生物的第一人称视角
- 某些生物有不同的视野
- 按下潜行键(预设为shift)将使玩家变回飞行模式
- 观看权限
- 旁观者可以看到其他旁观者
- 可以看到隐身的玩家和生物,但是是半透明的
- 旁观时,一个可以定义的按键能够显示旁观者的轮廓
- 可以以队伍来标示颜色
- 只有当按键被按着的时候才会显示轮廓(就像潜行时要按着shift一样)
- 旁观者可以通过一个图形界面来传送到其他玩家旁
- 可以跨维度传送
- 可以跨维度传送
- 在旁观模式可以将世界分享至局域网
- barrier
- 当手持屏障时在屏障方块中间出现以显示屏障的位置
- 当手持屏障时在屏障方块中间出现以显示屏障的位置
- droplet
- 当一个海绵吸水以后出现
- 当一个海绵吸水以后出现
- mobappearance
- 当在一个远古守卫者附近时在屏幕上出现
- 当在一个远古守卫者附近时在屏幕上出现
- take
- "深海漫游"
- 可以让玩家在水底走得更快
- 只能对靴子附魔
- 可以附魔至III级
- @e
- 以所有实体为目标
- 可以选择或排除一种实体,如: @e[type=Chicken](选择所有的Chicken) 或者 @e[type=!Skeleton](除了Skeleton以外的实体都被选择)
- 例: /kill @e[r=50,type=Chicken] - 杀死半径在50格内的所有的鸡
- 例: /tp @e[r=5] ~ ~5 ~ - 半径5格内的所有实体都上升5格
- /blockdata
- 编辑特定类型的NBT标签。<dataTag> merges with the block at that position
- 能用来改变箱子的内容
- 用法:/blockdata <x> <y> <z> <dataTag>
- /clone
- 将所有指定区域中的方块(不含实体)移动到另一个不同的指定区域中
- 最高能一次性复制32768(323)个方块
- 克隆操作可以以replace,masked或者filtered模式运行
- replace模式会克隆所有方块(默认运行模式)
- masked模式只会复制非空气方块
- filtered模式只会移除无用方块
- 也能额外设定为move,force或者normal
- move will move the selection from the first location to the second location, which may overlap
- force will force the cloning operation, even if the areas overlap
- normal only needs to be specified if using filtered
- 用法:/clone <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <x> <y> <z> [mode]
- 示例:/clone 1001 3 1002 1011 3 992 1001 5 992 masked
- /entitydata
- Works similarly to /blockdata, but for entities
- Does not work on players
- Does not work on players
- 用法:/entitydata <entity> <dataTag>
- 示例:/entitydata @e[type=Sheep,r=20] {Color:14} will color all the sheep within a radius of 20 red
- Works similarly to /blockdata, but for entities
- /execute
- 使命令从指定实体的位置上运行
- detect附加模式让/execute在检测到指定位置有指定方块时运行。
- 用法:
- /execute <entity> <x> <y> <z> <command…>
- /execute <entity> <x> <y> <z> detect <x2> <y2> <z2> <block> <data> <command…>
- 示例:
- /execute @a ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:grass 0 say You are standing on grass. 告诉每个站在草地上的玩家他们正站在草上。
- /execute @e[type=Chicken] ~ ~ ~ fill ~-1 ~-1 ~-1 ~1 ~1 ~1 minecraft:glass 在鸡的周围创造一个小的草立方体
- Commands run using the /execute command pass their success value back to the command block running them
- /fill
- 在指定区域填充指定方块
- 最多能填充32768个方块
- oldBlockHandling works like with /setblock, but with additional options: hollow to only fill the outer layer of blocks and fill the inner part with air, and outline to fill the outer layer of blocks and ignore the inner part
- Works similarly to /setblock
- 用法:/fill <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <TileName> [dataValue] [oldBlockHandling] [dataTag]
- 示例:/fill 1001 3 1002 1011 5 992 wool 6 replace will fill the given area with pink wool
- Can filter certain blocks
- Only if it’s used to fill in replace mode with “normal” blocks.
- It does not work when filling with block entities.
- 用法:/fill [x] [y] [z] [x] [y] [z] [BlockName] [Data] replace [filterBlockName] [filterData]
- /particle
- 在给定区域生成指定的粒子效果
- 用法:/particle <name> <x> <y> <z> <xd> <yd> <zd> <speed> [count] [force]
- 示例:/particle lava ~ ~1 ~ 1 1 1 0.5 50 normal @e[type=Chicken] 将生成50个岩浆溅出粒子, centred one block above the block/entity running the command, spreading around a radius of 1 block, with a speed of 0.5, relative to all chickens in that world
- The force argument can be set to force to display particles even if a player has his 'Particles' toggle set to Minimal or Decreased
- 粒子的列表: hugeexplosion, largeexplode, fireworksSpark, bubble, suspended, depthsuspend, townaura, crit, magicCrit, smoke, mobSpell, mobSpellAmbient, spell,instantSpell, witchMagic, note, portal, enchantmenttable, explode, flame, lava, footstep, splash, wake, largesmoke, cloud, reddust, snowballpoof, dripWater, dripLava,snowshovel, slime, heart, angryVillager, happyVillager, barrier, iconcrack_(ID), blockcrack_(ID), blockdust_(ID)_(DATA), droplet, take, mobappearance
- /replaceitem <entity|block> ...
- 可以重置任何物品栏内的物品,包括生物(例如僵尸)的物品栏
- 用法:
- /replaceitem entity <entity> <slot> <item> [amount] [data value]
- /replaceitem block <x> <y> <z> <slot> <item> [amount] [data value]
- 示例:
- /replaceitem entity @e[type=Zombie] slot.weapon minecraft:iron_sword 1 0将给予所有僵尸一把铁剑
- /replaceitem entity @p slot.hotbar.0 minecraft:fish 4 2将在所有玩家的第一个快捷物品栏方格内放置4个小丑鱼
- /replaceitem block ~ ~1 ~ slot.container.5 minecraft:redstone_block 1 0会在玩家上方的箱子第六格内放置一个红石块
- /stats <entity|block> ...
- 用法:
- /stats entity <selector> <mode>
- /stats block [x] [y] [z] <mode>
- Alternative and more featureful way of interacting with CommandStats
- Will update a scoreboard objective based on the number of entities/blocks which have been affected by the command, it updates the objective for the entity that ran the command, fake players can be used when run in a command block
- After the mode there are currently 5 possible stats that can be updated: SuccessCount, AffectedBlocks, AffectedEntities, AffectedItems and QueryResult
- For example: /stats entity @a set AffectedBlocks @a Test will update a scoreboard objective named 'Test' for all players whenever a command is performed relative to them, the objective will update by the number of blocks affected by the command since the stat was set to AffectedBlocks, this means if the command is/fill then it will update the objective for whoever is running the command (@a) by the number of blocks filled
- 用法:
- /testforblocks
- 比较世界上的两个地方
- The mode can be set to all or masked, all is the default while masked will ignore air
- 用法:/testforblocks <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> [mode]
- 示例:/testforblocks 100 64 100 107 69 107 0 64 0 masked
- /title
- 能让它用JSON以title和/或者subtitle的形式显示在玩家的屏幕上
- /title @a times <fadeIn> <stay> <fadeOut>
- Set the fade in time, the stay on screen time and the fade out time for the title
- Set the fade in time, the stay on screen time and the fade out time for the title
- /title @a title <raw json message>
- Set and start showing the title and subtitle
- Set and start showing the title and subtitle
- /title @a subtitle <raw json message>
- Set the subtitle (optional)
- Set the subtitle (optional)
- /title @a clear
- Clear titles immediately
- Clear titles immediately
- /title @a reset
- Reset all title parameters to defaults (fade times)
- Reset all title parameters to defaults (fade times)
- /trigger
- Functions the same way as /scoreboard players set or /scoreboard players add, but can only modify objectives with the trigger criteria (referred to as "triggers") and can only modify the score of the player running the command
- Allows non-op players to use clickEvents as well as prevent spamming clickEvents
- Can be used by non-operator players
- For a player to run this command, the trigger must be enabled for that player
- /scoreboard players enable <player> <trigger> will enable the specified player to use the specified trigger objective
- Trigger availability is stored per player, per trigger
- One trigger may be disabled for a player, but that player can use a different trigger
- One player may be unable to use a trigger, but another player can use the same trigger
- Disabled after the trigger has been used (must be re-enabled to use the trigger again)
- Mostly for use with /tellraw
- 用法:/trigger <objective> <add:set> <value>
- /worldborder
- /worldborder <set,add,center,damage,warning,get>
- /worldborder set <sizeInBlocks> <timeInSeconds>
- Used to set size of border. The first argument sets the size of the border and the second sets the speed of the border to expand or shrink
- Used to set size of border. The first argument sets the size of the border and the second sets the speed of the border to expand or shrink
- /worldborder add <sizeInBlocks> <timeInSeconds>
- Adds blocks to the current size of the world border. Can use negative (-) numbers to subtract the size of the border
- Adds blocks to the current size of the world border. Can use negative (-) numbers to subtract the size of the border
- /worldborder center <x> <z>
- Sets the center of where the border will be placed.
- Sets the center of where the border will be placed.
- /worldborder damage <buffer|amount>
- Allows you to customise the amount of damage taken while outside the border, and buffer, the higher value, the further you can be outside the border without taking damage
- Allows you to customise the amount of damage taken while outside the border, and buffer, the higher value, the further you can be outside the border without taking damage
- /worldborder warning <time|distance>
- Allows you to customise how far you have to be or the time for how long it takes to activate the world border warning
- Allows you to customise how far you have to be or the time for how long it takes to activate the world border warning
- /worldborder get
- Tells the player running the command the current width of the world border
- Tells the player running the command the current width of the world border
- /worldborder set <sizeInBlocks> <timeInSeconds>
- /worldborder <set,add,center,damage,warning,get>
- logAdminCommands
- Prevents command block output from being stored in chat logs. In multiplayer, also prevents player-initiated commands from being stored. Unrelated tocommandBlockOutput, which is output into the visible chat
- Prevents command block output from being stored in chat logs. In multiplayer, also prevents player-initiated commands from being stored. Unrelated tocommandBlockOutput, which is output into the visible chat
- randomTickSpeed [数值]
- 控制随机刻发生的频率。随机刻影响了植物和农作物生长的速度,僵尸猪人从传送门中出现的速度,耕地更新的速度,草和菌丝生长和腐烂的速度,等等……
- 当设置为0时,随机刻将不会发生
- reducedDebugInfo
- 启用/禁用在F3调试屏幕显示简略信息的游戏规则
- Op-only unlike the 'reduced debug info' toggle in multiplayer settings
- 覆盖客户端中“reduced debug info”设置
- sendCommandFeedback
- If set to false, player-run commands will not show a success message
- If set to false, player-run commands will not show a success message
- showDeathMessages
- 阻止像“[玩家]掉出了这个世界”的死亡信息在聊天界面内出现
- 阻止像“[玩家]掉出了这个世界”的死亡信息在聊天界面内出现
- The ability to create gamerule variables
- These are fake gamerules which don't actually affect your world, but can be used with /stats with the new QueryResults argument to update a scoreboard objective based on the value of that gamerule
- Declare using /gamerule <newRuleName> <value>
- Access using /gamerule <newRuleName>
- New objective criteria for team-specific kills, e.g.: teamkill.red, killedByTeam.blue
- New objective criteria 'trigger
- Acts like the dummy criteria
- Can be interacted with using the /trigger command
- Mostly for use with /tellraw
- The ability to iterate over every scoreboard player with *
- This will also affect people who have not yet joined the world
- This will also affect people who have not yet joined the world
- Fake players with a name starting with # will never show up on the sidebar
- New /scoreboard subcommands: /scoreboard reset, /scoreboard operation, /scoreboard test and /scoreboard enable
- The reset subcommand can reset all objectives for a player or reset a player's objectives one by one
- 示例:/scoreboard players reset @a anObjective will reset the scores of an objective named anObjective for all players in the world
- 示例:/scoreboard players reset @a anObjective will reset the scores of an objective named anObjective for all players in the world
- The operation subcommand can apply arithmetic operation to scores (+ – * / % < > =) and accumulate player scores
- 示例:/scoreboard players operation #teamscores redScore += @a[team=red] blueKills adds every red player's count of kills on blue to the red team's score of kills
- Can be tested with a comparator to see if two scores are greater than, smaller than or equal to each other
- The test subcommand can be used to test if a scoreboard value is between a min and a max value
- 示例:/scoreboard players test #global anObjective 12 19 checks whether the global score of the given objective is between 12 and 19, inclusive
- 示例:/scoreboard players test #global anObjective 12 19 checks whether the global score of the given objective is between 12 and 19, inclusive
- The enable subcommand can be used to enable a trigger objective
- 示例:/scoreboard players enable aTrigger enables a trigger named aTrigger
- 示例:/scoreboard players enable aTrigger enables a trigger named aTrigger
- The reset subcommand can reset all objectives for a player or reset a player's objectives one by one
- Different teams can now have different objectives displayed in the sidebar
- 示例:/scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar.team.yellow anotherObjective (referring to team color, not team name)
- 示例:/scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar.team.yellow anotherObjective (referring to team color, not team name)
- Testing for scores now also works in @e entity selector
- Added scoreboard team property to disable name tag visibility: /scoreboard teams option <name> nametagVisibility with options hideForOtherTeam, hideForOwnTeam, neverand always (default)
- Added scoreboard team property to disable death messages: /scoreboard teams option <name> deathMessageVisibility with options never, hideForOtherTeams,hideForOwnTeam and always (default)
- Command /scoreboard players can now filter by NBT data
- BlockEntityTag
- BlockItem instances can now hold a custom NBT tag that is merged into a block entity when it’s placed
- Example: /give @p command_block 1 0 {BlockEntityTag:{Command:"/setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:diamond_block"}}
- CanDestroy
- 主要在冒险模式中使用
- 有此标签的物品会在其浮动气泡中显示能破坏的方块
- 例如:/give @p minecraft:diamond_shovel 1 0 {CanDestroy:["minecraft:sand","minecraft:grass"]}会给予玩家只能破坏草方块和沙子的钻石铲
- 添加一个无效的物品名会在可破坏列表下显示“missingno”
- CanPlaceOn
- 允许在冒险模式中在一个特定方块上放置方块
- 例如:/give @p minecraft:stone 16 0 {CanPlaceOn:["minecraft:diamond_block"]}
- 添加一个无效的物品名会在可放置列表下显示“missingno”
- CommandStats
- Allows a command block or sign to increase a certain score in the scoreboard when it runs successfully
- The command will increase the score based on the number of items/blocks/entities/successes
- For example, a command block with this tag running a command which affects items (e.g. /give) will cause it to update the score based on the number of items given
- Usage: {CommandStats:{AffectedItemsName:"playername", AffectedItemsObjective:"objective", AffectedBlocksName:"playername", AffectedBlocksObjective:"objective", AffectedEntitiesName:"playername", AffectedEntitiesObjective:"objective", SuccessCountName:"playername", SuccessCountObjective:"objective"}}
- Allows a command block or sign to increase a certain score in the scoreboard when it runs successfully
- generation
- Defines whether a written book is an "Original" a "Copy of Original" or a "Copy of a copy"
- Defines whether a written book is an "Original" a "Copy of Original" or a "Copy of a copy"
- HideFlags
- Allows hiding of certain parts of the tooltip
- Bit field determining which parts of the tooltip to hide on an item. 1 for ench, 2 for AttributeModifiers, 4 for Unbreakable, 8 for CanDestroy, 16 for CanPlaceOn, and 32 for various other information (including potion effects, StoredEnchantments, written book generation and author, Explosion, and Fireworks).
- Examples: Setting bit field to 3 would hide both ench and AttributeModifiers tags, and setting to 63 would hide everything.
- Lock
- A way to lock containers from being opened using NBT tags
- Mostly useful for adventure maps in adventure mode
- Containers can be unlocked by clearing their string for Lock
- Locked containers can only be opened while holding anything renamed to the given string, item is not removed on use
- The lock can be completely removed utilizing the command /blockdata
- NoAI
- 关闭实体的人工智能
- 没有人工智能的生物不会主动攻击玩家或者移动、转向,亦不会消失,它们也不会受到重力影响或者被其他生物注意到,但还是能被伤害,也可以骑乘其他实体
- PickupDelay
- 定义玩家捡起物品所需的时间(刻)
- 设置成32767的物品无法被捡起
- rewardExp
- 控制村民在交易后是否会给予经验,可以设置为1或0
- 控制村民在交易后是否会给予经验,可以设置为1或0
- SelectedItem
- Contains the item data of the item currently held in the player's hand
- Added to compact the process of testing if a player is holding a specific item
- Previous method required nine commands in command blocks; now requires only one command
- Previous method required nine commands in command blocks; now requires only one command
- ShowParticles
- Option to show or hide all particles for a potion effect, while the Ambient tag only shows fewer particles, set to 1 to show, 0 to hide
- Option to show or hide all particles for a potion effect, while the Ambient tag only shows fewer particles, set to 1 to show, 0 to hide
- Silent
- Determines whether sound is produced by an entity, such as idle and hurt sounds, setting to 1 disables sound
- Determines whether sound is produced by an entity, such as idle and hurt sounds, setting to 1 disables sound
- 花岗岩,安山岩和闪长岩在石头地形中成团生成
- 比沙砾的大小以及常见度略多
- 这些石头团不影响矿物生成,矿物有时候会在这些石头团中生成
- 由海晶石,海晶石砖,暗海晶石和海晶灯组成的,在海底生成的新结构
- 8块金块能在海底遗迹中间找到
- 一个闪烁的守卫者会在玩家在远古守卫者附近时出现,并且施加5分钟的挖掘疲劳III在玩家身上
- 在旧的世界中也会生成
- 可高度自定义世界生成
- 要使用此类型,选择创造新世界,然后选择世界类型:自定义,接着按下“自定义”按钮
- 共有4页可以自定义世界
- 第一页:自定义结构的生成、湖泊生成的机率、某些建筑的大小、生态系的种类,以及海平面高度
- 共有18个选项,影响结构是否生成,以及环境因素如海平面高度。有些可以选择是/否,有些以滑动决定
- 海平面高度,洞穴、村庄、丛林神庙、海底遗迹、地牢、湖泊、岩浆湖、要塞、废弃矿井、峡谷生成的开关,湖泊、岩浆湖、要塞稀有度滑动条,使海洋变为岩浆海的开关,生态域选项,生态域及河流大小滑动条
- 海平面高度,洞穴、村庄、丛林神庙、海底遗迹、地牢、湖泊、岩浆湖、要塞、废弃矿井、峡谷生成的开关,湖泊、岩浆湖、要塞稀有度滑动条,使海洋变为岩浆海的开关,生态域选项,生态域及河流大小滑动条
- 共有18个选项,影响结构是否生成,以及环境因素如海平面高度。有些可以选择是/否,有些以滑动决定
- 第二页:自定义泥土,沙砾,花岗岩,闪长岩,安山岩,煤矿石,铁矿石,金矿石,红石矿石,钻石矿石和青金石矿石的分布
- 稀有度、高度范围和矿脉大小
- 稀有度、高度范围和矿脉大小
- 第三、四页:高级自定义地形生成
- 共有16个自订选项以影响Minecraft地形生成器的多种面向。可以通过滑动或直接输入数值来更改
- Main Noise Scale X/Y/Z to smooth out terrain, larger values for smoother terrain; Biome scale/depth weight and Biome scale/depth offset to stretch/squash terrain vertically based on the biomes default height settings; Upper/lower limit scale to make terrain more solid/riddled with holes, depending on how close the values are to each other; Height Stretch to pull terrain upward, with smaller values causing more extreme stretching; Height scale, Coordinate scale, Depth base size, Depth noise exponent, Depth noise scale
- Main Noise Scale X/Y/Z to smooth out terrain, larger values for smoother terrain; Biome scale/depth weight and Biome scale/depth offset to stretch/squash terrain vertically based on the biomes default height settings; Upper/lower limit scale to make terrain more solid/riddled with holes, depending on how close the values are to each other; Height Stretch to pull terrain upward, with smaller values causing more extreme stretching; Height scale, Coordinate scale, Depth base size, Depth noise exponent, Depth noise scale
- 共有16个自订选项以影响Minecraft地形生成器的多种面向。可以通过滑动或直接输入数值来更改
- 有7个预设的地形生成器
- “水世界”,“空岛”,“探洞者的喜悦”,“山脉狂魔”,“干枯”,“混沌之穴”和“祝你好运”
- “水世界”,“空岛”,“探洞者的喜悦”,“山脉狂魔”,“干枯”,“混沌之穴”和“祝你好运”
- Each page has a button to randomize the various values and a button to reset to default values
- Uses the 'generator-settings' string known from superflat presets for server.properties and world data
- Generate structures button disappears when selected
- 对于资源包制作者很有用
- 按住? Shift键并滚动鼠标滚轮以切换到此世界类型
- 世界创建界面与其他不同
- 其他的世界选项都不可用
- 仅能使用旁观模式
- 生成所有方块,以及他们的有效数据值形式
- 包括可能的红石线方向,火,绊线,楼梯等
- 这些方块生成于y=70的地方,且在y=60的地方有一层屏障地板
- 每个方块状态仅生成一次
- 玩家放置的方块会被立即删除,破坏的方块会再次出现
- 合成配方:2个圆石和2个下界石英,排列成棋盘形
- 可用来合成平滑闪长岩
- 合成配方:1个圆石和1个闪长岩
- 可用来合成平滑安山岩
- 合成配方:1个下界石英和1个闪长岩
- 可用来合成平滑花岗岩
- 合成配方:4个闪长岩以2x2排列
- 合成配方:4个安山岩以2x2排列
- 合成配方:4个花岗岩以2x2排列
- 取代原本大型针叶林、平顶山、热带草原生物群系会生成的无草泥土
- 原本世界中的无草泥土将全部变为砂土,因为它使用了和原本无草泥土相同的方块ID和数据值
- 原本世界中的无草泥土将全部变为砂土,因为它使用了和原本无草泥土相同的方块ID和数据值
- 外观较普通的泥土稍暗
- 空手就可以破坏并获得砂土(不需要丝绸之触)
- 用锄头对着砂土耕作会将砂土变为普通的泥土
- 合成配方:泥土和沙砾排列成2×2的方格图案,可以获得4个砂土
- 将四个红沙排列为正方形合成
- 可以用来合成錾制红沙石、平滑红沙石、红沙石楼梯、红沙石台阶
- 凿制红沙石有着凋零的图案,而非凿制沙石爬行者的图案
- 台阶有一个平滑变种(像石头和沙石一样)。
- 给予一个平滑双阶- minecraft:double_stone_slab2:8
- 只在平顶山生物群系的洞穴入口生成
- 在海底遗迹中生成
- 能使用海晶碎片合成
- 海晶石的裂缝中看起来慢慢地在棕色,蓝色,灰色,紫色之间变化
- 在海底遗迹中生成
- 能使用海晶碎片合成
- 在海底遗迹中生成
- 能使用海晶碎片与一个墨囊合成
- 在海底遗迹中生成
- 能使用海晶碎片与海晶砂粒合成
- 发出15等级的光线,并拥有动态材质
- 杀死守卫者掉落
- 可以合成海晶灯
- 杀死守卫者掉落
- 可以用来合成全部3种海晶石和海晶灯
- 在一个海绵吸水以后出现
- 烧炼一个湿海绵能够得到一个干海绵
- 在烧炼结束时,若熔炉燃料槽有空桶则会变成水桶
- 在烧炼结束时,若熔炉燃料槽有空桶则会变成水桶
- 会出现水滴的粒子效果
- 远古守卫者会稀有的掉落湿海绵
- 玩家和生物若掉落在它的顶部则会弹起,像是在弹簧床上
- 弹跳的回弹速度由撞击速度换算,最高可以达到60%
- 目前并不会影响物品
- 能够避免掉落伤害
- 行走于黏液块上方时速度比行走于灵魂沙还低,接近潜行的速度
- 合成方法:9个黏液球
- 可以反合成回9个黏液球
- 可以反合成回9个黏液球
- 放置和破坏使用史莱姆遭受伤害的音效
- 如果与粘性活塞连接,当黏液块被黏性活塞移动时,黏液块将会推/拉与之相连的方块
- 如果与一般活塞连接,黏液块只能推出方块,不能拉回
- Coded by KaboPC and Panda4994
- Up to 12 slime blocks connected to a piston in any arrangement can be moved as long as the following conditions are met: blocks do not disrupt the chain, non-moveable blocks are not in the way or slime blocks are not attached to the piston itself
- 遵守所有和活塞一样的规则,例如一个可以被活塞正常移动的方块就可以被相连的黏液块移动
- 可以制作出更多玩意儿,如新的红石时钟、移动装置、农作方式...等
- 以黏液块连接而拓展的活塞可以在适当的方向推动其他物体(生物、玩家、物品、发射出去的箭矢...等)
- 现在可以使用不同种类木材合成不同种类的栅栏
- 不同种类的栅栏(栅栏门)可以互相连接
- 旧版本的栅栏现在重命名为白桦栅栏
- 栅栏使用新的合成配方:2个木棍、4个木板合成3个栅栏
- 现在可以合成使用不同种类木材新的栅栏门
- 不同种类的栅栏(栅栏门)可以互相连接
- 旧版本的栅栏门现在重命名为白桦栅栏们
- 不同的木材有不同样式的门
- 不同样式的门有不同的材质,有些种没有窗户
- 现在门的合成配方要用6个同样种类的木材
- 只能用红石来开启或关闭,与铁门相似
- 合成配方:铁锭以2x2排列,可以得到1个铁活板门
- 可以当作头饰来穿戴——但只能使用命令来达成
- 超过一千兆种组合
- 合成方式和告示牌类似,只是用(有颜色的)羊毛取代木材
- 可以堆叠至16个
- 在合成箱中染料环绕于旗帜周围以某种方式排列可以创造出大多数的图案
- 与物品一起合成可以得到其他图案:爬行者、骷髅和交叉的骨头、砖块、花朵、曲边和Mojang 公司的商标- 若没有与染料一起合成,将产生黑色图案,与染料一起合成可以得到不同颜色的图案(????物品包括:爬行者的头、凋零骷髅头颅、砖块、滨菊、藤蔓和附魔金苹果)
- 很多图案可以被产生
- 最高可以有6层图案
- 可以被放置在墙上或地上(16种可能的方向)
- 在风中摇曳
- 与空白旗帜合成可以复制旗帜
- 最上面一层可以使用炼药锅来移除
- 可以作为熔炉的燃料
- 可以装饰性的展示盔甲(包括南瓜、生物头颅和玩家头颅)
- 使用右键点击以放置盔甲,也可以由发射器来放置
- 可以用发射器放置盔甲,无论哪个部位
- 右键点击想移除的盔甲可以移除之
- 可以渲染附魔或染色的盔甲
- 可以对盔甲架使用选取方块(将会给予盔甲架而不是架上的盔甲)
- 用1个石台阶和6个木棍合成
- 可以堆叠至16个
- 实际上盔甲架是实体而不是方块,因此可以使用/summon ArmorStand来召唤并且放置于矿车之中
- 可以使用NBT标签来创造小的(Small)、透明的(Invisible)、有盔甲的(ShowArms)、禁用插槽的(DisabledSlots)、没有底座的(NoBasePlate)、没有重力作用的(NoGravity)和in a preconfigured position(Pose )的盔甲架
- 恢复饥饿值2 ()
- 杀死羊掉落
- 可以被烧制为熟羊肉
- 恢复饥饿值6 ()
- 在工作台摆一个2x2的正方形合成皮革
- 杀死兔子掉落
- 恢复饥饿值3 ()
- 杀死兔子掉落
- 可以被烧制为熟兔肉
- 恢复5 ()
- 可以酿造跳跃药水
- 杀死兔子掉落
- 恢复饥饿10 ()和12饱和值
- 这使它成为游戏中金萝卜以外最好的食物
- 这使它成为游戏中金萝卜以外最好的食物
- 合成配方: 1个熟兔肉、1个蘑菇、1个胡萝卜、1个烤马铃薯和1个碗
- 新增新的效果——跳跃提升,有"I" 和"II"两种级别
- 使用兔子脚和粗制的药水来酿造
- 药水和气泡是亮绿色的
- 是一个完全透明的实体方块
- 可以传递红石讯号,且允许在其上方放置方块
- 可以传递红石讯号,且允许在其上方放置方块
- 只可以在创造模式中破坏
- 使用/give @p minecraft:barrier <amount>以获得方块
- 玩家手上拿着屏障时,将可以看见屏障
- 看似被渲染成颗粒,并永远面向玩家
- 看似被渲染成颗粒,并永远面向玩家
- 生成守卫者
- 黄绿色,有橙色斑点
- 生成末影螨
- 紫色,有灰色斑点
- 生成兔子
- 棕色,有褐色斑点
- 有时在末影人或玩家使用末影珍珠瞬移落地后生成.
- 2分钟后消失 (除非使用命名牌将其命名)
- 和蠹虫有同样的音效.
- 在海底遗迹中生成
- 用激光攻击 鱿鱼 和玩家
- 当处于陆地上时,它会摆动,和乌贼不同
- 掉落海晶碎片、海晶砂粒、生鱼
- 受伤害时发出潮湿的声音,在陆地上摆动时发出吱吱作响且潮湿的声音
- 类似boss的 守卫者的变种
- 每个海底遗迹有3只远古守卫者
- A flashing boss Guardian will appear on screen when close to the boss Guardian,并且施加5分钟的挖掘疲劳 III 在玩家身上
- 掉落湿海绵
- 掉落兔子皮, 生兔肉, 熟兔肉 和兔子脚
- 他们像马和豹猫一样,有许多不同的皮肤。他们共有8种皮肤,包括:黑,白,棕色,金色,黑白相间,胡椒盐,toast,和“caerbannog”杀手兔子。
- 当一只兔子或者兔子怪物蛋被用命名牌命名为"Toast"的时候会出现一种特殊的皮肤。来源于reddit中的一位用户xyzen420的女朋友丢失的兔子。
- 非常低的几率生成杀手兔. (或者 "杀手兔Caerbannog(The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog)")
- 1/1000 的几率生成
- 这种兔子是敌对生物,当它在4格以内时攻击玩家,简单难度中造成5 ()伤害,普通难度中造成8 ()伤害,困难难度中造成12 ()伤害
- 参考自影集“巨蟒与圣杯” (Monty Python and the Holy Grail)
- 它有着白色且有血丝的眼睛,腿上和口边有血迹
- 生成时自动命名为'The Killer Rabbit'
- 可以直接用命令/summon Rabbit ~ ~ ~ {RabbitType:99}来生成
- 兔子可以用胡萝卜、金萝卜或蒲公英来繁殖
- 兔子和其他被动型生物具有相同的AI,会随机四处跳跃
- 当它被攻击或是死亡时发出吱吱的声音
- “OpenGL 1.2!” 改为“OpenGL 2.1 (if supported)!”
- “Now java 6!” 改为 “Now Java 6!”
- 文字现在有了背景
- 重组布局
- 现在会显示渲染距离、当前正在被渲染的部分、当前正在更新的部分、未知功用的aB值、版本号码、客户是否使用模组、云/缓冲区顶点对象/垂直同步是否开启
- 现在会显示脚底所在的方块的座标
- 当注视一个方块时,会显示它的座标、ID和属性
- "Facing:" 那一行现在会显示朝向坐标轴的哪一个方向("Towards positive Z")
- 现在会显示Java版本、萤幕分辨率和供应商、显示卡型号&供应商、开放图形库版本
- 在准心显示三条彩色短线表示坐标系:x/红,y/绿,z/蓝
- “Light”现在表示的是脚下的亮度等级,而不是眼睛的
- 玩家朝向显示的是垂直和水平角度
- 玩家朝向显示的是垂直和水平角度
- 加入天数计量
- 黎明时增加1个单位
- 黎明时增加1个单位
- 添加难度显示
- 和平- 0.00、简单- 0.75, 普通- 1.50、困难- 2.25
- 和平- 0.00、简单- 0.75, 普通- 1.50、困难- 2.25
- 调试屏幕将显示目前对准的世界内方块的坐标
- 屏幕对准一个方块时将在屏幕右边显示各种关于它的信息与它的NBT数据
- 当启用调试工具提示(F3+H) 时,物品会显示它们的ID
- 当启用调试工具提示时,某些情况下在聊天对话框里,鼠标移到上面时用户名和实体会显示它们的UUID (通用唯一识别码)
- F3 + D 现在可以用来清除聊天纪录
- F3 + S 或F3 + T 重新载入方块
- F3 + B 实体hitbox 现在也会用红色显示实体的眼睛高度,蓝色显示它们的朝向
- F3 + H 调试工具提示现在会显示一个物品有多少NBT 标签
- 给予方块现在应使用方块名称,旧的方块ID会渐渐被淘汰
- 命令中使用的NBT 资料现在可以使用方块/物品名称代替数字的ID
- 举例来说: id:"minecraft:stone"
- 在计分板中,形式为minecraft.block.stone
- 超平坦模式的预设中也使用新的名称形式
- 方块ID/层数的形式由NumberxID 变为Number*ID
- 预设代码的版本号改为"3"
- Now internally use states instead of metadata
- Metadata will still be used for a while
- Block states of the block being looked at will now be displayed on the F3 menu - Examples: redstone, door
- Internally, metadata no longer needs to be calculated out of the 4 bit data value, instead the values?? of specified properties can now be easily gotten and set
- 改善聊天通讯
- 讯息现在可能是聊天、系统或操作栏的讯息
- 操作栏讯息会永久显示,聊天和系统讯息只会在聊天设定打开时才会出现
- 实体现在在聊天对话框某些情况下鼠标移到上面时会有调试工具提示
- 在对话框当鼠标移到实体名称上面时出现(例如/kill的成功讯息)
- 显示该实体名称(例如Bob)、实体ID(例如Creeper (50))和实体的UUID
- 鼠标停留在实体名称上时,Shift + 鼠标左键会把实体的UUID 插入聊天栏。在命令中也可以使用,像是/tp ,如此一来就可以移动到该实体的位置
- F3 + D 会清除聊天纪录(包含先前输入过的指令)
- 所有玩家名单现在将会自动转化为以UUID 为基础
- 自定义的方块模型可以被载入
- 数个游戏内的方块会分别使用新的方块模型来渲染
- 锅釜的脚是方块状的而不是一个面
- 草方块、泥土、沙子、红沙、石头、地狱岩、基岩和TNT的顶部材质会随机旋转
- 数个游戏内的方块会分别使用新的方块模型来渲染
- 自定义的物品模型可以被载入
- 许多方块模型在物品栏位中和手中相差90度
- 许多方块模型在物品栏位中和手中相差90度
- F3+T 和 ??F3+S 现在会重新载入模型
- 资源包现在可以与世界存档绑定,将它放在地图存档的目录并命名为"resources.zip"
- 举例:.minecraft/saves/TheMapWithTheThing/resources.zip
- 举例:.minecraft/saves/TheMapWithTheThing/resources.zip
- 增加一个预设的皮肤: Alex
- Alex 的模型和Steve 一样但是有着3像素宽的手臂
- 未来将可以在minecraft.net/profile 选择粗或细的手臂
- 自订的皮肤仍然只有4像素宽的手臂
- 如果你还没有自订的皮肤,你会根据你的ID 随机被分配到Steve 或Alex 的皮肤
- 左右手臂和脚现在可以独立编辑
- 使用一个steve.png 档案,并且有新的布局和新的尺寸
- 现在档案的尺寸是 64×64
- 覆盖物现在包含全身
- 覆盖物被称作“帽子”、“披风”、“袖”和“裤腿”
- 覆盖物被称作“帽子”、“披风”、“袖”和“裤腿”
- 选项中有新的按钮“自定义皮肤”
- 披风是否可见从这里切换
- 你可以切换覆盖物的可见与否,每个手、脚、身体的部位是独立的
- 旧的皮肤仍然可用,但是无法使用新的功能
- 服务器的列表现在可以重新排序 - 使用"上"/"下"来改变顺序,"右"来进入服务器
- 在编辑和添加服务器是,您可以设置如何处理资源包:提示,启用或禁用
- Servers can now customise network compression in server.properties using network-compression-threshold: 0 to compress everything, -1< /code> to compress nothing
- Servers can now optionally send a hash for clients to verify resource packs using resource-pack-hash in server.properties: Should be a 40 character hexadecimal string, will otherwise only be used as a unique id
- Servers can now configure how long a tick may take before shutting down using max-tick-time in server.properties
- Servers can now configure the maximum world size, which will override /worldborder, using max-world-size in server.properties
- Servers can now send messages to be displayed on the action bar
- 移除雾和粒子效果
- 显著的提高 FPS 和性能
- 每个世界(主世界、下界、末路之地) 现在各自独立运作
- 区块渲染和区块重建现在使用多线程- 超快速的区块渲染!
- 重写了区块序列
- Better visibility culling code
- 生物寻路现在是多线程的
- 重写储物系统
- 矿物生成现在较以前快了2倍
- 现在只有透明方块才可以被渲染为透明的(移除X光材质包的使用)
- Dropped items now face the player in all three directions on fast graphics
- 重写方块是如何被渲染的
- 重写方块数据是如何被处理的
- 改善游戏并使"cooler things" 得以被实现
- 附魔现在将消耗1到3个等级,但你仍然需要同样的最小等级
- 举个例子,比方说一项附魔会在你达到等级13的时候变成可行,但是附魔只消耗你2的经验和两个青金石
- 举个例子,比方说一项附魔会在你达到等级13的时候变成可行,但是附魔只消耗你2的经验和两个青金石
- 此外,现在附魔需要消耗1到3个青金石(就像上面的例子一样)
- 附魔经验的计算照旧
- 在提示中会显示其中的一项附魔
- 欲使用在工具上的附魔效果会直到你附魔某样东西才会改变- 附魔的种子码是依据每位玩家来储存的
- 现在更难升级
- 等级V的现在不使用铁毡就可以在物品上显示
- 每等级会增加1%的几率掉落稀有物品
- 村民现在有各自的职业,会显示在交易接口:农民、渔夫、牧绵羊人、制箭矢师、图书管理员、牧师、盔甲商、武器商、工具商、屠夫和皮匠
- 已存在的村民保持原来已经解锁的交易
- 村民一开始就会有2-4 项交易是解锁的
- 交易现在会给予经验值,与willing Villagers 会给予更多
- 禁止交易的箭头现在会有叙述性的提示
- 有着相同职业的村民会有相同的交易,只在价格/物品数量上有差别
- 村民可以升级,每个层级提供更多种交易
- 明显的改变:村民不再购买熟鱼并且不再贩卖西瓜片、牛排或打火石。除了锁链护甲、铁头盔和胸甲、附魔钻石胸甲,皮革裤子和附魔皮革外套是唯二仍然被贩卖的皮革护甲。相似的,铁斧、附魔铁剑、铁锹、铁镐、钻石镐、钻石剑、钻石斧是仅有的仍然可以从村民获得的工具
- 显著的新交易:村民现在会购买马铃薯、胡萝卜、西瓜(方块)、南瓜、线、皮革和熟鱼,并且会出售南瓜派、蛋糕、熟鱼、附魔钓鱼竿、所有颜色的羊毛、命名牌和青金石
- 门现在已添加到最近的村庄
- 这不会破坏刷铁机, 但会稍稍做出改变, 足以使它们"实际上毫无意义"
- 花费减少以平衡新的附魔系统
- 重新命名物品现在只要花费1个等级
- 修复费用现在会以指数成长(1, 2, 4, 8,...)
- 修复费用不再可以借由重新命名物品来保持低花费
- 在冒险模式中无法发生互动的方块将不再显示它们的碰撞箱
- 在默认情况下,现在无法与方块发生互动
- NBT标签CanDestroy 可以用来决定那些方块允许被摧毁(参见上面的用法)
- 创造模式中,玩家可以使用ctrl+ 选取方块(预设为ctrl+鼠标中键)在快捷栏复制一个方块,包括所有的NBT资料
- 玩家可以于创造模式中伤害实体,即使它们被标记为不可破坏
- 相对的传送玩家变得更平顺,并且不会让玩家突然停止;它还会保持传送之前的速度
- 现在会显示内部名称以利使用命令(F3+H 模式)
- 可以使用 /particle 命令来召唤
- 改变了粒子落在方块上的效果, 看上去很分散
- 现在生命值在受到伤害时有新的动画,额外的显示玩家损失了多少生命
- 现在支持"命名"的ID的数字ID(如数字ID 1可以换成minecraft:speed)
- 示例: /enchant @a minecraft:looting 3
- 示例: /effect @a minecraft:speed 10 10
- 改善目标玩家在玩家名单上的生命值显示
- 若空间不足将变回文字显示,用颜色(绿/黄/红)显示不同的生命值
- 若有超出的生命值会被压缩显示,以符合原来大小
- 现在将同一队伍分组在一起
- 现在用玩家名字来排序
- 玩家名单显示玩家的脸
- 飞行时按下疾跑键现在确实会影响移动速度
命令 & NBT标签
- Tab键补全坐标时会使用正在看着的方块的数据
- /clear
- 现在能被用来清除特定数量的物品并能被NBT的数据限制
- 示例: /clear @p minecraft:spawn_egg 120 34 {display:{Name:Michael}} <item> <data-value> will remove up to 34 villager spawn eggs named Michael from yourself
- Can now test for partial matches of NBT lists
- /debug
- Can now be run in single player
- New arguments for debug /debug debug <start stop chunk> [<x> <y> <z>]
- x/y/z are required and valid only for chunk mode
- May be removed, as the command was supposed to be dev only
- /effect
- 能选择是否出现粒子效果了:
- 用法: /effect <player> <effect> [seconds] [amplifier] [hideParticles]
- 填'true'隐藏粒子效果,'false'则是出现;在没有数据时默认为false。
- 填'true'隐藏粒子效果,'false'则是出现;在没有数据时默认为false。
- /kill
- 能使用目标选择器了
- 示例:/kill @e[type=!Player]
- /say
- 用@e能列出所有实体。
- 示例: /say @e[r=500]将列出500格半径范围内的所有实体。
- /summon
- /summon可以用/summon LightningBolt召唤雷电了。
- /summon可以用/summon LightningBolt召唤雷电了。
- /tellraw
- A new tag called "insertion" allows text to be inserted into the chat that, when shift-clicked, will insert more text into the players' chat input
- Example: /tellraw @a {text:"CLICK",insertion:"This is a test"}
- Example: /tellraw @a {text:"CLICK",insertion:"This is a test"}
- Can now insert values from scoreboards into messages
- Example: /tellraw @p {text:"Have ",extra:[{score:{name:"Searge",objective:"reward"}},{text:" diamonds"}]}
- Example: /tellraw @p {text:"Have ",extra:[{score:{name:"Searge",objective:"reward"}},{text:" diamonds"}]}
- Now has a selector argument
- Allows to print player's names
- Example: /tellraw @a {selector:"@a[team=TeamRed]"} will print everyone who is on TeamRed
- Can display entity tooltips when the action for hoverEvent is set to show_entity
- Example: /tellraw @a {text:"Hover here",hoverEvent:{action:show_entity,value:"{type:'Zombie',name:'Dummy'}" }} will print a message will display the tooltip of a zombie named "dummy"
- Example: /tellraw @a {text:"Hover here",hoverEvent:{action:show_entity,value:"{type:'Zombie',name:'Dummy'}" }} will print a message will display the tooltip of a zombie named "dummy"
- A new tag called "insertion" allows text to be inserted into the chat that, when shift-clicked, will insert more text into the players' chat input
- /testfor
- 可以检测数据标签了
- Example: /testfor @p {foodLevel:20}
- No longer is exclusively usable in command blocks
- Can now check for inventory specific items
- Example: /testfor @p {Inventory:[{Slot:6b,id:"minecraft:diamond_sword"}],SelectedItemSlot:6}
- Example: /testfor @p {Inventory:[{Slot:6b,id:"minecraft:diamond_sword"}],SelectedItemSlot:6}
- /testforblock
- Can now test for partial matches of NBT lists
- Can now test for partial matches of NBT lists
- /time
- /time query <value> argument to check the time
- Has an another argument after that which can be daytime or gametime to check either the number of ticks since the start of the day or the number of ticks since the world was created, respectively
- Has an another argument after that which can be daytime or gametime to check either the number of ticks since the start of the day or the number of ticks since the world was created, respectively
- /time query <value> argument to check the time
- /tp
- 支持旋转角度了
- 示例:/tp @p ~ ~ ~ ~20 ~40 传送玩家使其视角偏右20度,偏下40度。
- Now supports cubic areas
- Example: @e[x=0,y=0,z=0,dx=10,dy=10,dz=10] gets all entities between 0,0,0 and 10,10,10
- Example: @e[x=0,y=0,z=0,dx=10,dy=10,dz=10] gets all entities between 0,0,0 and 10,10,10
- New radius value usable in target selectors, based on the block center
- A radius of 0 works for exact block positions
- A radius of 0 works for exact block positions
- New selector parameters for entity selectors to detect entity rotations with rxm – x rot min, rx – x rot max, rym – y rot min, ry . y rot max
- Example: @a[rxm=-15,rx=15,rym=-45,ry=45], /say @a[rx=30], don't look down!
- Example: @a[rxm=-15,rx=15,rym=-45,ry=45], /say @a[rx=30], don't look down!
- Tab-completing coordinate arguments will now fill in the coordinates of the block currently being looked at
- Age
- Can now be set to -32768 for items that never despawn
- Can now be set to -32768 for items that never despawn
- CustomName and CustomNameVisible
- Now work on all entities
- Now work on all entities
- pages
- Uses the JSON text component instead of plain text.
- Capable of using the clickEvent and hoverEvent tags.
- Previously, text formatting could only be accomplished using the section symbol via Formatting codes.
- Text1, Text2, Text3, Text4
- Uses the JSON text component instead of plain text
- Might need some time before it can work in survival.
- Can be used to show scores towards players by using the selector and score tags
- Previously, text formatting could only be accomplished using the section symbol via Formatting codes
- Character limit is based on character width
- 沙砾小路下方会有圆石以防沙砾掉入洞穴
- 在平原或者热带草原中的许多村庄建筑会用圆木取代一些木板
- 现在生成时会用染色硬化粘土取代现有的羊毛
- 现在会在沙漠、平顶山、针叶林与蘑菇生物群系地表上生成洞口
- 改变成类似“湿地区域”的生成
- 红沙石现在会生成在平顶山生物群系的洞穴入口处
- 预设的世界边界现在是动画材质,而不是以前的透明基岩屏障
- 没有任何东西在世界边界以外
- 预设直径6千万格,下界及末路之地亦同
- 玩家无法跨越它,在试图跨越它时会受到伤害
- 如果你被卡在世界边界之外,你可以自由飞行/行走(虽然不可能自由地从内侧走过边界)
- 当你距离世界边界够接近时,一个像红色光环的警告会被启动
- 只有在使用“高品质”的图像品质时才看的到
- 在世界边界以外,警告会全开
- 在边界以内,玩家接近边界时警告会越来越强
- If the border is stationary, the warning is first seen as the player passes the warning distance, default 5 blocks from the player's location
- If the border is shrinking quickly enough, the warning will be first visible at the warning time, default 15 seconds from the player's location
- /worldborder 指令允许玩家自订世界边界内容像是边界大小、中心、伤害和警告
- 现在海绵??可以在生存模式获得了, 有新的特性和材质
- 海绵在吸水后会转变为湿海绵
- 当海绵吸水后,水颗粒将会在海绵的周围产生
- 当海绵吸水后,水颗粒将会在海绵的周围产生
- 海绵可以吸收直径为五格内的球体内的水
- 海绵只有被水碰到时,才能吸收水
- 现在可以由叠在彼此顶部的台阶合成
- 现在可以通过冶炼石砖获得, 使它们变成可再生资源
- 现在可以由一个圆石和一个藤蔓合成
- 现在可以由一个石砖和一个藤蔓合成
- 信标的光线在透过染色玻璃和染色玻璃板时会变色
- 使它穿过多个染色玻璃方块或玻璃片时会合成颜色
- 使它穿过多个染色玻璃方块或玻璃片时会合成颜色
- 光线现在可以透过所有不完全遮挡光线的方块:冰砖、水和树叶
- 现在会显示爆裂时的动画
- 床以前就有爆裂的动画,但是不是在它的顶部和底部
- 床以前就有爆裂的动画,但是不是在它的顶部和底部
- 可以叠加到64个一组
- 合成配方会合成3个门(原来是1个)
- 门和铁门皆如此
- 门和铁门皆如此
- 使用不同的木板会产生不同种类的门
- 木门重命名为橡木门
- 木门重命名为橡木门
- 门的材质变得更精细、更符合原材料
- 活板门现在被称作"木活板门"
- 现在可以着火
- 安放在墙上的火把和红石火把现在顶端会有一个角度
- 现在手持方式与工具相似
- 当一个熔炉用尽燃料时, 熔炼进度将会以二倍速度倒退
- Empty furnaces will now only accept fuel and empty buckets in the fuel slot
- 恢复3点饥饿而不是4点
- 恢复5点饥饿而不是6点
- Rebalanced how they heal and accelerate the growth of horses
- 现在可以着火
- 用镐开采速度更快
- 用斧开采速度更快
- 用斧开采速度更快
- When harvested with silk touch enchantment they drop blocks with corresponding mushroom texture (red or brown) on all sides rather than the one with spores
- 现在爬行者、僵尸、骷髅的头颅在生存模式中可以得到
- 爬行者、骷髅、僵尸和凋灵骷髅会在被高压爬行者杀死时掉落它们的头颅。凋灵骷髅仍然会掉落它的头颅(作为稀有掉落物出现)
- Note that a charged creeper explosions will not yield more than one mob head
- Note that a charged creeper explosions will not yield more than one mob head
- Skulls worn on heads are now bigger so the 2nd skin layer no longer peaks through
- Player and mob heads in inventories and held by mobs/players now display the actual head
- Placed mob heads now show the 2nd skin layer
- 物品在物品展示框中拥有了8个不同的朝向。
- As long as the frame remains placed, it remembers the orientation of the last item it held, and uses it for the next item it holds
- 物品展示框可以发出能被比较器解析的信号,强度根据物品的朝向决定。
- Signal strength is as follows: 0: empty; 1: item; 2: item rotated once; 3: item rotated twice; ...; 8: item rotated 7 times
- Signal strength is as follows: 0: empty; 1: item; 2: item rotated once; 3: item rotated twice; ...; 8: item rotated 7 times
- Improved position handling of item frames
- Improved position handling of paintings
- 能放置南瓜和凋灵骷髅头颅来生成铁傀儡和凋灵
- Will only place them if the body of the golem or wither is already built
- Will only place them if the body of the golem or wither is already built
- Can now place command blocks with pre-configured commands, rather than dispensing it
- 现在能在天花板和地板上放置
- Can now detect what way an item frame is rotated
- Can be inverted with a right click
- Reaches full strength at the opposite time than it would when set to normal
- This can allow for a light that turns on at night rather than day without the need of a NOT gate
- Inverted form cannot be obtained in inventory
- Powered activator rails will now shake minecarts, causing riders (players and entities) to dismount
- TNT矿车可以被燃烧的箭点燃
- Minecart with TNT explosions no longer stack
- No longer emit light
- Top texture now rotates together with the face
- Zoomed out maps now align to a grid as well
- Are now much faster
- Use the JSON text components Text1, Text2, Text3, Text4 instead of plain text
- Can be used to show scores towards players by using the selector and score tags
- Previously, text formatting could only be accomplished using the section symbol via Formatting codes
- Character limit is based on character width
- Might need some time before it can work in survival
- Use JSON text components instead of plain text with the new pages tag
- Capable of using the clickEvent and hoverEvent tags
- Previously, text formatting could only be accomplished using the section symbol via Formatting codes
- Might need some time before it can work in survival
- Copying written books will now mark them as copies/copies of copies
- The copying status of a book (ie. original, copy of original or copy of a copy) is denoted in a separate line in the tooltip, beneath the author's name
- Copies of copies cannot be copied
- Armor no longer gets colored when mobs/players are hurt
- Behave differently underwater
- They will lose all velocity after a few blocks and slowly fall
- Fire Arrows will be extinguished
- Removed double stone slab's item form
- Removed double wooden slab's item form
- Can be right-clicked with a Spawn Egg in hand to change what the spawner produces
- Survival players can no longer look inside the command block to see the command
- Now show the entity (@e) parameter
- X/O button next to "Last output" in commandblock to turn off the last output string
- 使用新的AI
- 生物受伤时显示略微不同的颜色
- 当被闪电击中,村民会变成女巫
- 现在有头部栏
- 村民现在只会在有意愿的时候繁殖
- 当第一次完成特定的交易的时候,村民会变得有意愿,其余时间有1到5的几率村民变得有意愿
- 当幼年村民诞生的时候,父母失去意愿
- 村民消耗如下数量的粮食时会有意愿繁殖: 3个面包或12个土豆或12个胡萝卜
- 在生存模式很难判断村民的生育意愿: 只能通过交易增长的经验数目判断; 一般交易产生3-6个经验点, 产生生育意愿的交易产生8-11个经验点
- 村民AI的改变
- 村民现在会收割,采集,种植作物(土豆, 胡萝卜 和 小麦)
- 村民会用小麦合成面包
- 村民会和幼年村民分享食物
- 现在可以通过喂食来加快小动物的成长,每次喂食减少10%的剩余成长时间。
- 驯服和未驯服的狼在野外都会主动攻击骷髅,就像主动攻击羊一样
- 驯服以后,并使用命名牌命名,那么在它死亡时会有死亡信息
- 现在会逃离狼而不是反击
- 现在会逃离准备爆炸的爬行者
- 现在如果被高压爬行者炸死会掉落一个骷髅的头颅
- 由于新的AI更新,现在它们会游泳
- 每隔一段时间随机改变方向,减少它们被困在墙壁或角落的概率
- 如果玩家不再史莱姆32米范围内,它们会随着时间的过去而随机消失
- 出现更多随机的跳跃
- 当被命名并攻击时,每一个新史莱姆将保留它的给予名
- 由于新的AI更新,愤怒的僵尸猪人现在会寻找路径
- 现在会远离其他即将爆炸的爬行者
- Adult Zombie Pigmen will forgive after a short time (and lose the aggro speed boost), but will continue to attack until the player escapes their aggro distance
- Now pathfind as a result of the update to the new AI
- 现在走路稍快
- 现在不能看穿固体方块
- 即使有固体方块阻隔,烈焰人现在仍然会射击玩家
- 巨人身上的盔甲现在会被渲染
- 蠹虫将在再次移动之前偶尔停止(与大多数生物类似)
- 现在会远离其他即将爆炸的爬行者
- 现在被高压爬行者炸死会掉落一个爬行者的头
- 现在会远离即将爆炸的爬行者
- 现在被高压爬行者炸死会掉落一个僵尸的头
- 现在会远离即将爆炸的爬行者
- 现在在生存模式下,铁傀儡被攻击时会攻击玩家
- Snow golems below layer 64 no longer leave a trail of snow.
- Can be spawned by arranging the blocks in any orientation
- This does not affect the orientation of the spawned mob
- This does not affect the orientation of the spawned mob
- 现在死亡会掉落羊肉
1.8越来越复杂了

本帖最后由 毒蛇 于 2014-1-11 20:39 编辑