我在1.20.4paper核心端安装了cmi cmi前置 Vault
然后进入服务器 我给自己设置游戏币 没有任何的提示
当我吧cmi配置文件里面的经济开启了 然后游戏币只能设置到999 设置超过1000 则无任何消息提示
  # Enable or disable CMI economy in general
  # In case CMIInjector is present, then this will be set to true automatically.
  # Attention! For economy to work properly with other plugins you will need ether an injector or recompiled Vault version.
  # You can find both option at top of plugins page
  # ATTENTION! If you disabled CMI economy while server was running, you will need to perform full server restart for this to take correct effect and avoid any issues while getting players balances
  Enabled: true
  # Determines if player needs to confirm money payment by clicking on chat message
  Confirmation: false
  # Set to true if you want to log money transfers between players
  LogEnabled: false

原帖 https://www.spigotmc.org/resourc ... ite-much-more.3742/
  1. Economy: For CMI economy to properly work you will need one of two solutions:
  2. 1. Is to use recompiled Vault version from HERE which has direct support for CMI economy and will have the best compatibility with other plugins.
  3. 2. Use economy injector from HERE which will add CMI economy support to any Vault build.
  4. Both methods are valid but second one can have small issues with plugins which would tend to load straight after Vault loads and before injector himself.
  5. P.S. Don't forget to enable Economy in a config file.

  6. 经济:要使CMI经济正常工作,您需要以下两种解决方案之一:
  7. 1. 是使用重新编译的Vault版本从这里有直接支持CMI经济,将有最好的兼容性与其他插件。
  8. 2. 使用经济注入器从这里将添加CMI经济支持任何Vault构建。
  9. 这两种方法都是有效的,但第二种方法可能会有插件的小问题,这些插件往往会在Vault加载之后和注入器之前直接加载。
  10. 附注:不要忘记在配置文件中启用经济。


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