

Marvelling at Meaf’s Musical Minecraft build!
Meaf 的奇幻 Minecraft 建筑令人赞叹不已!

If there’s a rule about writers not choosing favorites and liking all builds equally, I don’t know about it and I’m about to break it (sorry soooo not sorry). I’ve seen haunted mansions, pirate ships, dinosaurs, dinosaur bones, and dinosaur theme parks (lots of dinosaur stuff lately, wonder why that is?)

But my favorite of all the builds I’ve covered this year is Meaf’s humble music box, Alto .
但在今年我所介绍的所有建筑中,我最喜欢的是 Meaf 所建造的朴素音乐盒:Alto。

“Alto is a musical gadget with a lot of gears, pipes, wires, and machinery all attached to a musical instrument.” Meaf assures me, not exactly convincing me it’s not also a cursed curio that will steal your soul while playing a soothing tune. “I designed this like a music box where it would likely sit on a desk or table and operate like one - except cooler.”
“Alto 是一个音乐小装置,有很多齿轮、管道、电线和机械,它们都连接在一个乐器上。”Meaf 如此向我保证,但这个保证并没有打消我的疑虑,没准这也是个带有诅咒的古玩,会在演奏舒缓曲调时吸走你的灵魂。“我是照着音乐盒进行设计的,通常会放在桌子或书桌上,并且能像音乐盒那样运作 —— 只是会更酷一些。”

With the steampunk vibe of all the wires and lights, cool is a bit of an understatement. Alto is also a bit outside of Meaf’s building comfort zone. If Meaf’s name sounds familiar (how could it not, it sounds like someone saying ‘meat’ with a mouthful of ...meat) it's because we’ve spoken to him before, back when he was building moody mansions in snowcapped forests.
带有蒸汽朋克氛围的电线和灯光,用炫酷来形容有些轻描淡写。Alto 也超出了 Meaf 在建筑能力上的舒适区。如果 Meaf 这个名字听起来有点熟悉(怎么可能不熟悉,它的发音就像嘴里塞满了肉的人在说“Meat(肉)”),那是因为我们之前曾与他有过交流,那时他在雪山森林中建造了一座忧郁的宅邸。

So what brought Meaf down from the mountains and into the realm of creepy cool music boxes?
那么,是什么驱使 Meaf 离开了山脉,迈入这怪异且酷炫的音乐盒领域呢?

“While many of my projects are geared towards architecture and realism, Alto represents a new challenge for me that requires far more visualization and imagination than what realism had to offer," Meaf explains. I was motivated to stray away from my realistic comfort zone and to leave a greater mark on the creative community of Minecraft as an eclectic mind.”
“虽然我的很多项目都在强调建筑结构和现实主义,但 Alto 对我来说代表着一个新的挑战,因为它需要比现实主义更多的空间想象力和创造力,” Meaf 解释道。“我被鼓舞着远离我在现实主义上的舒适区,以一种包容的精神在 Minecraft 的创意社区中留下宝贵的痕迹。”

Big ambitions! When you push beyond your comfort zone you either achieve something brilliant or wind up pulling a muscle. But Meaf needed a challenge and didn’t stop until he found one.
多么宏大的抱负!当你超越你的舒适区时,要么成就辉煌,要么最终拉伤肌肉。但是 Meaf 需要一个挑战,他不会停下寻找的脚步,直到找到为止。

“The greatest challenge of this build was the organic parts like the skull and the phonograph horn as they required such precision in chisling out blocks to form the shape (respect to all you organics builders).”

skeletal fist bump

Speaking of bony hands, Meaf explains how they fit into Alto’s overall structure. “One detail to note for this project is that all gears and mechanisms are designed to realistically function. From the position and design of the the bowed hand to the hand on the fingerboard, if this gadget were real, it would play like a human would. If you were to put a quarter into it, it would light up and play a neat tune.”
说起骨制手,Meaf 解释了它们是如何融入 Alto 的整体结构中的。这个项目有一个值得注意的细节,所有的齿轮和机械都经过巧妙的设计,以发挥它们该有的机制。从拉琴弓的手,到按指板的手,其位置和设计都有特殊的考量,如果这个小装置真实存在,它将会像个人类那样拉琴演奏。如果你往里面投一枚25美分硬币,它就会发光发亮,并演奏一段优美的曲调。”

Now I’ve seen a lot of pretty builds (it’s kinda my job), but one thing that struck me about Alto is just how impressive the pictures make the build look. In-game screenshots of Alto just don’t do it justice, so it’s up to render artists to take a good looking build and make it magical.
如今,我已经阅览过许多漂亮的建筑(其中不乏有工作需要),但 Alto 有一点迷住了我,它的展示图使得建筑看上去让人刻骨铭心。仅用游戏中的截图功能无法展现出 Alto 的魅力,因此需要由渲染师来处理这种外观华丽的建筑,赋予其奇幻感。

“Rendering is the process of displaying a Minecraft build in an image that can be enhanced,” Meaf explains. “Through third party 3D design software, like Cinema 4D, renderers can depict the build in its entirety. I am not a render artist myself so I respect the time it takes for render artists to master their craft and I’m quite happy with what they’ve done with Alto.”
“渲染就像附魔,能将 Minecraft 建筑加工成精美的图片” Meaf 解释道。“通过第三方 3D 设计软件,比如 Cinema 4D,渲染器可以完整地描绘出建筑。我并非渲染师,因此我很尊敬那些愿意付出时间钻研这门技艺直到精通的渲染师们,我对他们在 Alto 上的付出感到非常满意。”


Do you have a face? Do you take selfies of your face? Think of rendering like Snapchat for Minecraft, but instead of dog ears and flower crowns you get art. These renders for Alto, courtesy of Splekh, Cmelvard, Iskillia, and Squity = pure art. So next time you’re looking at a great build, make sure you spare a kudo or two for the render artist too!
你有一副独特的面孔对吧?那你有试过自拍吗?渲染就像是 Minecraft 版的 Snapchat,不过与 Snapchat 相反 ,它不会给你提供一些狗耳朵或是花冠装饰,而是会将你的作品加工成艺术品。这些 Alto 的渲染图,都是来自 Splekh、Cmelvard、Iskillia,和 Squity 的作品 = 纯粹的艺术。所以,下次再见到一座出色的建筑时,别忘了也要夸一夸渲染师!

Renders by Splekh, Cmelvard, Iskillia, and Squity - but you already know that because you read the last paragraph carefully, right? RIGHT?
渲染由 Splekh、Cmelvard、Iskillia,和 Squity 提供 —— 但你应该已经知道了,毕竟你仔细读过上一段了,对吧?对吧对吧对吧?

【Aikiniさん 译自官网 2018 年 08 月 01 日发布的 Magical Music Box;原作者 Ash Davis】
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