

The ultimate upgrade

Check you out – diamond armour,an enchanted diamond sword,an elytra on your back,and a full stack of golden apples in your hotbar. You’ve been places and defeated mobs that new players couldn’t even dream of. There’s  noting left in the game for you to collect.
瞧瞧你自个儿 —— 穿满了钻石盔甲,手持着附魔钻石剑,背上了鞘翅,还有快捷栏中成组的金苹果。你所拜访的地方之广,败在你手下的怪物之多,这些都是新玩家做梦都想象不到的。这个游戏里已经 没有任何东西 可供你收集了.

Or is there? (Spoiler: there is.) In the upcoming Nether Update, we’re adding a handful of new endgame-oriented items and challenges, and one of them just so happens to be our item of the week – the netherite ingot.
难道真的没有了吗?(剧透一下: 其实是有的.) 在即将到来的 下界更新

“We decided to add netherite for two reasons,” Jens Bergensten, Chief Creative Officer, told me, once I’d constructed the temple to his magnificence that he demands in exchange for an interview.
“我们决定添加下界合金原因有两个,” 这是在我按照首席创意官Jens Bergensten的需求建成了一座宏伟的寺庙后,以之作为交换的采访中他告诉我的。

“With the Nether update, we felt that we wanted to create a long-term goal for the players, and reward them for spending time in the Nether. We also felt that this was a chance to introduce a brand new material to work with – and that it was the perfect time to do so.”
“在下界更新中,我们的期待是,玩家会为了我们树立的一个难以短期攻略的目标,在下界长时间地存活与探险。也是时候来介绍一下这个全新的材料了 —— 这刚好是做这些的绝佳时机。“

It’s possible to find netherite ingots in bastion remnant loot chests, but you can also make them by combining netherite scraps with gold ingots. Four of each makes a single netherite ingot.

Jens says that the dev team wanted to make netherite stronger than diamond, but that they didn’t want it to make diamond obsolete. “It turned out to be easier said than done,” he told me.

“Eventually, we came up with the idea that netherite could be used as a material to upgrade your current equipment, and not just an independent resource used to create its own tools and armor. That way we would maintain the value of diamond while also adding something new!”

Netherite items – helmets, chestplates, leggings, boots, swords, pickaxes, axes, shovels and hoes – are tougher, hit harder, and last longer than their diamond equivalents. A diamond sword, for example, will do a total of about 11,000 damage points before it breaks. A netherite one, though, can do more than 16,000 damage. Oh, and it can be enchanted as normal, too.
下界合金物品——头盔、胸甲、护腿、靴子、剑、斧、锹以及锄 —— 比钻石物品更坚硬、伤害更高、更耐用。例如,一把钻石剑在损坏前大概可以造成11,000点伤害。而一把下界合金剑可以造成超过16,000点伤害。哦,下界合金物品同样也可以像普通物品一样被附魔。

To upgrade your diamond items, you’ll need a smithing table. Pop the item you want to upgrade in the left slot, and the netherite ingot in the right. Durability, enchantments, and any custom names are preserved. You can also use netherite ingots to repair damaged netherite items, and to create a lodestone, which you’ll hear more about in the coming weeks.

One last feature of netherite that you might want to know is that it’s fireproof. Drop a netherite ingot into fire or lava, and it’ll just sit there happily, waiting for you to dive in to pick it up again.

No more howls of displeasure because you fell in a lava puddle and lost all your items. All you need to do now is figure out how to get those items out of the lava without dying again...

【记得多吃🥕 译自官网 2020 年 05 月 28 日发布的 Taking Inventory: Netherite Ingot;原作者 Duncan Geere】
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