

Picture it: you’re floating through a swamp on a boat – it even has a chest on it! You hear the gentle, soothing croak of a frog echo through the air, and surrounding you are majestic mangrove trees. This isn’t a dream, you’re in Minecraft playing The Wild Update!
试想一下:你正驾船行驶于沼泽当中 – 船上甚至有个箱子!青蛙那轻柔舒缓的鸣叫声不绝于耳,周围满是雄伟壮丽的红树。这不是梦,这是 Minecraft 荒野更新的内容!

To celebrate its release, you know we had to have a build challenge so our community could flex their creative muscles. Participants had to work solo this time and build something that inspired them from the latest update.

So, which submissions had us feeling like they could light our way throughout the deep dark? Let’s find out!

1st place: mokie

Inspired by artist Alicia Lamburd, mokie took to Minecraft to create their “realistic warden”. While both breathtaking and absolutely terrifying, this take on the warden makes us want to never enter the deep dark again.
灵感来源于艺术家 Alicia Lamburd,mokie 借助 Minecraft 建造出了“现实主义监守者”。这个监守者既让人叹为观止,又让人望而生畏,一想到它会出现在深暗之域,不由得对那个地方心生畏惧。

2nd place: Prettygirl11387

Unable to decide whether to build a mangrove swamp or the deep dark, Prettygirl11387 went with both! This build comes complete with a cat on each side. The orange one on the left was inspired by one of their own at home and is holding a frog. The other, based off the warden, is holding an allay. If you look closely, you can see that both of their tails come together to form a heart shape. 
到底是建红树林沼泽比较好,还是建深暗之域比较好呢?小孩子才做选择,Prettygirl11387 全都要!这个建筑的两侧各配有一只猫,使其形成了对称感。左边橘**猫的设计灵感来源于她家中的一只猫,它正抓着一只青蛙。而另一边,则是基于监守者的形象进行设计的,它的手中则抓着一只悦灵。如果你再仔细点观察,你会发现它们的尾巴构成了一个心形。

3rd place: !Seggie

Finally, with their submission titled Gate to the Ancient City, !Seggie is giving us their vision of what it would be like to head into the palatial deep dark dwelling.
最后这个名为“通往古代城市的门”的作品,是由 !Seggie 投稿的,他向我们展现了他那依据深暗之域风格打造出的宫殿般的住所。

Interested in joining the next challenge? Check out our Discord server and learn what the next theme is!
有兴趣参加下一期挑战吗?关注我们的 Discord 服务器以了解下期主题!

【Aikiniさん 译自官网 2022 年 07 月 21 日发布的 Build Challenge: The Wild Update;原作者 Lindsey S.】
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