系统配置为 Linux
2 回目(服务器根本开不开)
cmd 里面的
Fabric 1.20.1
我查过了,说是 MOD 冲突,但是我只安装了一个 World Editor 模组
系统配置为 Linux
2 回目(服务器根本开不开)
cmd 里面的
Fabric 1.20.1
- root@ser953171472151:~# java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar /www/Minecraft/fabric-server-mc.1.20.1-loader.0.14.24-launcher.0.11.2.jar
- Starting net.fabricmc.loader.impl.game.minecraft.BundlerClassPathCapture
- [09:16:34] [main/INFO]: Loading Minecraft 1.20.1 with Fabric Loader 0.14.24
- [09:16:34] [main/INFO]: Loading 9 mods:
- - fabricloader 0.14.24
- - java 17
- - minecraft 1.20.1
- - worldedit 7.2.15+6463-5ca4dff
- |-- fabric-api-base 0.4.29+b04edc7a27
- |-- fabric-command-api-v2 2.2.11+b3afc78b27
- |-- fabric-events-interaction-v0 0.6.0+b3afc78b27
- |-- fabric-lifecycle-events-v1 2.2.20+b3afc78b27
- \-- fabric-networking-api-v1 1.3.8+b3afc78b27
- [09:16:35] [main/INFO]: SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0.8.5 Source=file:/root/libraries/net/fabricmc/sponge-mixin/0.12.5+mixin.0.8.5/sponge-mixin-0.12.5+mixin.0.8.5.jar Service=Knot/Fabric Env=SERVER
- [09:16:35] [main/INFO]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_16
- [09:16:58] [main/INFO]: Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.fabric.FabricPlatform with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@749ad467]
- [09:16:58] [main/INFO]: WorldEdit for Fabric (version 7.2.15+6463-5ca4dff) is loaded
- [09:16:58] [main/INFO]: Environment: authHost='https://authserver.mojang.com', accountsHost='https://api.mojang.com', sessionHost='https://sessionserver.mojang.com', servicesHost='https://api.minecraftservices.com', name='PROD'
- [09:17:04] [main/INFO]: Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.fabric.FabricPlatform
- [09:17:06] [main/INFO]: Loaded 7 recipes
- [09:17:06] [main/INFO]: Loaded 1271 advancements
- [09:17:08] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.20.1
- [09:17:08] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading properties
- [09:17:08] [Server thread/INFO]: Default game type: CREATIVE
- [09:17:08] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
- [09:17:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on pmine.org:23333
- [09:17:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Using epoll channel type
- [09:17:09] [Server thread/WARN]: **** FAILED TO BIND TO PORT!
- [09:17:09] [Server thread/WARN]: The exception was: io.netty.channel.unix.Errors$NativeIoException: bind(..) failed: Cannot assign requested address
- [09:17:09] [Server thread/WARN]: Perhaps a server is already running on that port?
- [09:17:09] [Server thread/ERROR]: Encountered an unexpected exception
- java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to initialize server
- at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_29741(MinecraftServer.java:684) ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
- at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_29739(MinecraftServer.java:265) ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
- at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833) ~[?:?]
- [09:17:09] [Server thread/ERROR]: This crash report has been saved to: /root/./crash-reports/crash-2023-12-17_09.17.09-server.txt
- [09:17:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
- [09:17:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
- [09:17:09] [Server thread/ERROR]: Exception stopping the server
- java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.minecraft.class_3218.method_8621()" because "$5" is null
- at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_3723(MinecraftServer.java:541) ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
- at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_3782(MinecraftServer.java:602) ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
- at net.minecraft.class_3176.method_3782(class_3176.java:537) ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
- at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_29741(MinecraftServer.java:703) ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
- at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_29739(MinecraftServer.java:265) ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
- at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833) ~[?:?]
- root@ser953171472151:~#
- ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
- // I bet Cylons wouldn't have this problem.
- Time: 2023-12-17 09:17:09
- Description: Exception in server tick loop
- java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to initialize server
- at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_29741(MinecraftServer.java:684)
- at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_29739(MinecraftServer.java:265)
- at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833)
- A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- System Details --
- Details:
- Minecraft Version: 1.20.1
- Minecraft Version ID: 1.20.1
- Operating System: Linux (amd64) version 4.19.0-20-cloud-amd64
- Java Version: 17.0.8, Oracle Corporation
- Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode, sharing), Oracle Corporation
- Memory: 741176208 bytes (706 MiB) / 1073741824 bytes (1024 MiB) up to 1073741824 bytes (1024 MiB)
- CPUs: 2
- Processor Vendor: GenuineIntel
- Processor Name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v4 @ 2.40GHz
- Identifier: Intel64 Family 6 Model 79 Stepping 1
- Microarchitecture: Broadwell (Server)
- Frequency (GHz): 2.40
- Number of physical packages: 1
- Number of physical CPUs: 2
- Number of logical CPUs: 2
- Graphics card #0 name: unknown
- Graphics card #0 vendor: unknown
- Graphics card #0 VRAM (MB): 0.00
- Graphics card #0 deviceId: unknown
- Graphics card #0 versionInfo: unknown
- Memory slot #0 capacity (MB): 2048.00
- Memory slot #0 clockSpeed (GHz): -0.00
- Memory slot #0 type: RAM
- Virtual memory max (MB): 2023.73
- Virtual memory used (MB): 1418.75
- Swap memory total (MB): 1025.00
- Swap memory used (MB): 0.00
- JVM Flags: 2 total; -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M
- Server Running: true
- Data Packs: vanilla
- Enabled Feature Flags: minecraft:vanilla
- World Generation: Stable
- Is Modded: Definitely; Server brand changed to 'fabric'
- Type: Dedicated Server (map_server.txt)
我查过了,说是 MOD 冲突,但是我只安装了一个 World Editor 模组
- #Minecraft server properties
- #Sun Dec 17 09:16:58 UTC 2023
- enable-jmx-monitoring=false
- rcon.port=25575
- level-seed=
- gamemode=creative
- enable-command-block=false
- enable-query=false
- generator-settings={}
- enforce-secure-profile=true
- level-name=world
- motd=A Minecraft Server
- query.port=23333
- pvp=true
- generate-structures=true
- max-chained-neighbor-updates=1000000
- difficulty=peaceful
- network-compression-threshold=256
- max-tick-time=60000
- require-resource-pack=false
- use-native-transport=true
- max-players=20
- online-mode=true
- enable-status=true
- allow-flight=false
- initial-disabled-packs=
- broadcast-rcon-to-ops=true
- view-distance=10
- server-ip=(自己买的域名,已经绑定了服务器的 IP )
- resource-pack-prompt=
- allow-nether=true
- server-port=23333
- enable-rcon=false
- sync-chunk-writes=true
- op-permission-level=4
- prevent-proxy-connections=false
- hide-online-players=false
- resource-pack=
- entity-broadcast-range-percentage=100
- simulation-distance=10
- rcon.password=
- player-idle-timeout=0
- force-gamemode=false
- rate-limit=0
- hardcore=false
- white-list=false
- broadcast-console-to-ops=true
- spawn-npcs=true
- spawn-animals=true
- function-permission-level=2
- initial-enabled-packs=vanilla
- level-type=minecraft\:normal
- text-filtering-config=
- spawn-monsters=true
- enforce-whitelist=false
- spawn-protection=16
- resource-pack-sha1=
- max-world-size=29999984
[09:17:09] [Server thread/WARN]: Perhaps a server is already running on that port?
雪颜の顾 发表于 2023-12-17 18:07
[09:17:09] [Server thread/WARN]: Perhaps a server is already running on that port?
端口被占用,请查 ...
- ntpd 554 ntp 16u IPv6 13947 0t0 UDP *:ntp
- ntpd 554 ntp 17u IPv4 13950 0t0 UDP *:ntp
- ntpd 554 ntp 18u IPv4 13954 0t0 UDP localhost:ntp
- ntpd 554 ntp 19u IPv4 13956 0t0 UDP
- ntpd 554 ntp 20u IPv6 13958 0t0 UDP ip6-localhost:ntp
- ntpd 554 ntp 24u IPv6 16436 0t0 UDP [fe80::62a0:49ff:fe00:5]:ntp
- pure-ftpd 575 root 4u IPv4 14013 0t0 TCP *:ftp (LISTEN)
- pure-ftpd 575 root 5u IPv6 14014 0t0 TCP *:ftp (LISTEN)
- sshd 604 root 3u IPv4 15015 0t0 TCP *:ssh (LISTEN)
- sshd 604 root 4u IPv6 15017 0t0 TCP *:ssh (LISTEN)
- nginx 635 root 19u IPv4 15056 0t0 TCP *:888 (LISTEN)
- nginx 635 root 20u IPv4 15058 0t0 TCP *:http (LISTEN)
- nginx 635 root 21u IPv4 15059 0t0 TCP *:https (LISTEN)
- nginx 638 www 19u IPv4 15056 0t0 TCP *:888 (LISTEN)
- nginx 638 www 20u IPv4 15058 0t0 TCP *:http (LISTEN)
- nginx 638 www 21u IPv4 15059 0t0 TCP *:https (LISTEN)
- nginx 639 www 19u IPv4 15056 0t0 TCP *:888 (LISTEN)
- nginx 639 www 20u IPv4 15058 0t0 TCP *:http (LISTEN)
- nginx 639 www 21u IPv4 15059 0t0 TCP *:https (LISTEN)
- postgres 696 postgres 3u IPv4 15155 0t0 TCP localhost:postgresql (LISTEN)
- postgres 696 postgres 8u IPv4 14225 0t0 UDP localhost:44734->localhost:44734
- postgres 761 postgres 8u IPv4 14225 0t0 UDP localhost:44734->localhost:44734
- postgres 762 postgres 8u IPv4 14225 0t0 UDP localhost:44734->localhost:44734
- postgres 763 postgres 8u IPv4 14225 0t0 UDP localhost:44734->localhost:44734
- postgres 764 postgres 8u IPv4 14225 0t0 UDP localhost:44734->localhost:44734
- postgres 765 postgres 8u IPv4 14225 0t0 UDP localhost:44734->localhost:44734
- postgres 766 postgres 8u IPv4 14225 0t0 UDP localhost:44734->localhost:44734
- sendmail- 874 root 3u IPv4 16459 0t0 TCP localhost:smtp (LISTEN)
- sendmail- 874 root 5u IPv4 16460 0t0 TCP localhost:submission (LISTEN)
- mysqld 1335 mysql 31u IPv6 16997 0t0 TCP *:mysql (LISTEN)
- BT-Panel 1416 root 5u IPv4 18295 0t0 TCP *:35671 (LISTEN)
- BT-Panel 1416 root 6u IPv4 63237 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
- BT-Panel 1416 root 7u IPv4 63261 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
- BT-Panel 1416 root 8u IPv4 63263 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
- BT-Panel 1416 root 9u IPv4 63265 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
- BT-Panel 1416 root 10u IPv4 63373 0t0 TCP localhost:42516->localhost:ssh (ESTABLISHED)
- BT-Panel 1416 root 11u IPv4 63362 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
- BT-Panel 1416 root 12u IPv4 63285 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
- BT-Panel 1416 root 13u IPv4 63275 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
- uwsgi 1918 www 3u IPv4 26011 0t0 TCP localhost:41843 (LISTEN)
- uwsgi 1918 www 4u IPv4 26014 0t0 TCP *:2333 (LISTEN)
- uwsgi 1929 www 3u IPv4 26011 0t0 TCP localhost:41843 (LISTEN)
- uwsgi 1930 www 3u IPv4 26011 0t0 TCP localhost:41843 (LISTEN)
- uwsgi 1931 www 3u IPv4 26011 0t0 TCP localhost:41843 (LISTEN)
- uwsgi 1932 www 3u IPv4 26011 0t0 TCP localhost:41843 (LISTEN)
- uwsgi 1933 www 4u IPv4 26014 0t0 TCP *:2333 (LISTEN)
- sshd 4736 root 3u IPv4 63374 0t0 TCP localhost:ssh->localhost:42516 (ESTABLISHED)
没有程序使用了 23333 号端口
我是redstone 发表于 2023-12-17 18:10
没有程序使用了 23333 号端口
如果是lsof -i:23333那当我没说,如果不是你用这个再试一下
MoonCakeMC 发表于 2023-12-17 18:19

server-ip= 那栏你填的什么 试试留空 什么都不用填
Flower_胡子 发表于 2023-12-17 19:13
server-ip= 那栏你填的什么 试试留空 什么都不用填
pmine.org:23333 果然 你填域名了 留空 什么都不 ...
- root@ser953171472151:~# java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar /www/Minecraft/fabric-server-mc.1.20.1-loader.0.14.24-launcher.0.11.2.jar
- Starting net.fabricmc.loader.impl.game.minecraft.BundlerClassPathCapture
- [11:57:48] [main/INFO]: Loading Minecraft 1.20.1 with Fabric Loader 0.14.24
- [11:57:48] [main/INFO]: Loading 9 mods:
- - fabricloader 0.14.24
- - java 17
- - minecraft 1.20.1
- - worldedit 7.2.15+6463-5ca4dff
- |-- fabric-api-base 0.4.29+b04edc7a27
- |-- fabric-command-api-v2 2.2.11+b3afc78b27
- |-- fabric-events-interaction-v0 0.6.0+b3afc78b27
- |-- fabric-lifecycle-events-v1 2.2.20+b3afc78b27
- \-- fabric-networking-api-v1 1.3.8+b3afc78b27
- [11:57:49] [main/INFO]: SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0.8.5 Source=file:/root/libraries/net/fabricmc/sponge-mixin/0.12.5+mixin.0.8.5/sponge-mixin-0.12.5+mixin.0.8.5.jar Service=Knot/Fabric Env=SERVER
- [11:57:49] [main/INFO]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_16
- [11:58:14] [main/INFO]: Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.fabric.FabricPlatform with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@71c23923]
- [11:58:14] [main/INFO]: WorldEdit for Fabric (version 7.2.15+6463-5ca4dff) is loaded
- [11:58:14] [main/INFO]: Environment: authHost='https://authserver.mojang.com', accountsHost='https://api.mojang.com', sessionHost='https://sessionserver.mojang.com', servicesHost='https://api.minecraftservices.com', name='PROD'
- [11:58:19] [main/INFO]: Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.fabric.FabricPlatform
- [11:58:20] [main/INFO]: Loaded 7 recipes
- [11:58:21] [main/INFO]: Loaded 1271 advancements
- [11:58:23] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.20.1
- [11:58:23] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading properties
- [11:58:23] [Server thread/INFO]: Default game type: CREATIVE
- [11:58:23] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
- [11:58:23] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on *:23333
- [11:58:23] [Server thread/INFO]: Using epoll channel type
- [11:58:24] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing level "world"
- [11:58:25] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:overworld
- [11:58:39] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:39] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:39] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:39] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:39] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:39] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:39] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:39] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:39] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:39] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:39] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:39] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:39] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:39] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:40] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:40] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:40] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:40] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:40] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:40] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:40] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:40] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:40] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:40] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:40] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:40] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:40] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:40] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:40] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:40] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:40] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:40] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:41] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:41] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:42] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:42] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:43] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:43] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:44] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
- [11:58:44] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 97%
- [11:58:45] [Server thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 20201 ms
- [11:58:45] [Server thread/INFO]: Done (21.197s)! For help, type "help"
我是redstone 发表于 2023-12-17 20:00
租的是什么云 去他们网页管理里面开放端口 TCP协议23333
Flower_胡子 发表于 2023-12-17 20:24
租的是什么云 去他们网页管理里面开放端口 TCP协议23333
我 IP 直接没有写
绑定的域名是 A 解析
我是直接打 IP:23333 访问的
我是redstone 发表于 2023-12-17 21:17
我 IP 直接没有写
绑定的域名是 A 解析
我是直接打 IP:23333 访问的
A解析 域名:端口或者IP:端口 都是可以的
如果不行 就是服务商没给你的端口放行