

Replenish your redstone, or light up your life

There’s not a lot of light in the depths of the Overworld. At the bottom of a mineshaft, you’ll usually need to bring torches if you want to find your way through the darkness. 

However! There are two notable exceptions to this rule – two sources of light deep underground. The first is lava, and you definitely don’t want to tangle with lava unless you absolutely need to. The second, though, is more appealing to a treasure-seeking adventurer: redstone ore .
然而!虽说地下通常都是黑灯瞎火的,不过有2个值得注意的特殊情况 – 在地下有2种东西可以提供光照。首先是岩浆,除非必要,你肯定不想跟岩浆打交道吧。其次,就是对于正在寻宝的冒险家们很有吸引力的:红石矿石。

Redstone ore began appearing in the Overworld in July 2010 – in Seecret Friday Update number three. It arrived alongside buttons, levels, pressure plates, and doors, though it didn’t get the name “redstone” until about five days later. More recently, the devs also added a deepslate version – because they’re nice like that. But it does take a little longer to mine.
红石矿石在主世界的首次亮相是在2010年的7月 – 准确点,是在秘密周五更新3中。与它同期亮相的还有按钮、拉杆、压力板和门,不过直到5天后,它才有了“红石”这一官方名称。而近期,开发者们还为其添加了深层变种 – 因为他们还是一如既往的贴心。不过这种矿石的挖掘时间要更长一些。

Ore is the primary way that most players will gather redstone dust – though it is possible to find dust in chests, from mobs, or in woodland mansions, ancient cities or jungle pyramids. Break a block of redstone ore with an iron pickaxe or higher to get 4-5 redstone dust, or slightly more if you have a Fortune enchantment – up to eight if you’re extremely fortunate.
矿石是大多数玩家收集红石粉的主要途径 – 不过它还会出现在箱子里,击杀一些生物也会掉落,除此之外你还可以在林地府邸、远古城市或丛林神庙找到红石粉。使用铁镐或品质更好的镐挖掘一个红石矿石,会掉落4-5个红石粉,要是你用带有时运魔咒的工具挖掘,掉落数量会更多一些 – 如果你足够幸运,单个矿石你能得到最多8个红石粉。

It’s tricky to get hold of redstone ore blocks, because usually they crumble into dust when mined. To obtain the block itself, you’ll need a silk touch pickaxe. You can then smelt those blocks into a single piece of redstone if you like, but it’s a much better idea to break it instead, because you’ll get a lot more redstone.

When you do give it a whack, you’ll notice that redstone ore gives off red particles – these high-energy dust motes are as bright as three lit candles. You might think that’d make them good for mood lighting in your base, but the light goes out again after a short while as the energy burns away. To activate it again, you’ll need to hit it again, or have a creature disturb it in some other way.
当你敲击它时,你会注意到红石矿石会散发出红色粒子效果 – 这些高能粒子就像三支点燃的蜡烛一样明亮。或许你会认为它们适合放在据点里当作情绪照明,但是这个光亮会在短时间内因为能量耗尽而消失。想要再次激活它,你需要再次敲击它才行,或者有一个生物以别的什么方式干扰到它。

I wonder what that feature could be used for? Perhaps as an early warning system for a hidden underground base? Or maybe as a dimly-let entrance to a buried temple. Or maybe as a challenging puzzle for visitors to your base to solve – try to get across the room without lighting up a redstone ore block! 
我想琢磨明白这个特性到底可以用来做什么?也许可以用作一个隐藏地下据点的预警系统?或是作为一种昏暗的光源布置在通往被埋藏的神庙的通道处。再或者作为一种谜之挑战布置在你的据点,给来访者破解 – 试试在不点亮红石矿石的情况下穿过房间! 

As always with Minecraft, the possibilities are pretty much infinite.
正如 Minecraft 一如既往的那样,存在着几乎无限的可能。

【Aikiniさん 译自官网 2023 年 11 月 17 日发布的 Redstone Ore;原作者 Duncan Geere】
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