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Minecraft 快照 23W45A

A Minecraft Java Snapshot
Minecraft Java版 快照

We're happy to share another snapshot, this time offering an early look at some exciting new adventures waiting for you underground in the form of Trial Chambers!

Trial Chambers are designed to be challenging moments of combat and exploration hidden medium-deep below the surface of the Overworld. Trial Chambers bring new decorative and lighting blocks, new Trial Spawners to deliver a different style of multi-mob fights, and the bushy-browed Breeze, a new mob specific to Trial Chambers which will add quite a bit of chaos to your combats.

Happy Mining!


Monster Spawner now renders their inner faces when looking inside刷怪笼现在可以渲染内部的面


The Data Pack version is now 24数据包版本现在是 24The Resource Pack version is now 21资源包版本现在是 21

数据包版本 24 更新内容

Added experimental Breeze mob新增凛风人生物供实验性测试Added experimental Trial Spawner block新增试炼刷怪笼供实验性测试Increased maximum value of Jigsaw structure variable size from 7 to 20拼图结构的 size 最大值由 7 向上调整为 20Added trial_chambers_copper_bulb_degradation structure processor list新增 trial_chambers_copper_bulb_degradation 结构替换列表

资源包版本 21 更新内容

uniform font has been updated to use Unifont 15.1.04 (from 15.0.06)uniform 字体更新到 Unifont 15.1.04 字库(上一版本为 15.0.06)The only supported texture format is now .png字体现只支持 .png 格式


Added entity models and textures for experimental Breeze mob:添加与实验性的凛风人相关的实体模型和纹理:
breeze, wind_chargebreeze, wind_charge
Added shader:添加着色器:


The Breeze is a cunning, hostile mob that can spawn via Trial Spawner in some rooms within the Trial Chambers凛风人是一种淘气的敌对生物,可通过试炼厅特定房间的试炼刷怪笼生成The Breeze moves primarily by leaping around the target, sometimes jumping quite long distances凛风人主要通过跳跃的方式移动,有时会跳得非常远An aggressive adversary, the Breeze shoots volatile wind energy in the form of wind charge projectiles at its target凛风人是一种好斗的敌对生物,会使用迅猛的狂风弹攻击它们的对手Wind charges deal a small amount of damage when colliding directly with an entity狂风弹与实体碰撞时会破裂,造成少量伤害After colliding with an entity or a block, wind charge projectiles produce a wind burst, which knocks back entities in the area by several blocks当与实体或方块碰撞后,狂风弹将产生一次风爆,并能击退一定范围里的所有实体Wind bursts also have the effect of 'activating' certain blocks:风爆还会让特定方块产生类似被“激活”的效果,具体有:
Non-Iron Doors and Trapdoors are flipped除铁质的门和活板门状态会被翻转Fence Gates are flipped栅栏门状态会被翻转Buttons are pressed按钮会被按下Levers are flipped拉杆状态会被翻转Bells are rung and swung铃铛会摇动并发出声响Lit Candles (both standalone and on cake) are extinguished点燃的蜡烛(无论是单独放置的还是插在蛋糕上的)会熄灭
Wind bursts do not have any effect on Iron Doors, Iron Trapdoors, or any block being held in its position by a Redstone signal风爆不会对铁门、铁活板门或任何被红石信号激活的方块产生影响


Trial Spawner is a new variant of Monster Spawners that ejects rewards upon completion and can have variable levels of challenge in multiplayer试炼刷怪笼是一种全新的刷怪笼,能依据玩家多寡调整挑战等级并以此决定最终奖励的多寡The challenge level will increase for each new player a Trial Spawner notices nearby挑战等级将随周围玩家的数量增加而增加
Challenge level will not decrease until it is reset during a Trial Spawner's cooldown挑战等级不会下降,除非试炼刷怪笼进入冷却阶段
Unlike normal spawners, a Trial Spawner will spawn a limited number of mobs proportional to its current challenge level不同于普通的刷怪笼,试炼刷怪笼只会依据当前挑战等级刷出固定数量的生物,同时
It can only spawn a mob at positions that are within line of sight生成的生物只会在自身位置可视的方块处出现It can spawn a mob regardless of any light level requirement the mob has生成生物时无视该生物所需要的亮度Spawned mobs are persistent生成的生物不会自然消失
Once all mobs are defeated, the Trial Spawner will eject a set of rewards proportional to the current challenge level当所有生物都被击败后,试炼刷怪笼会依据当前挑战等级
After the rewards have been ejected, the Trial Spawner goes into cooldown for 30 minutes during which it will no longer spawn mobs在所有奖励弹出后,试炼刷怪笼会进入30分钟冷却,在此期间将不再生成新的生物
Trial Spawners cannot be crafted nor obtained by players in Survival - instead, they can be found naturally placed throughout Trial Chambers试炼刷怪笼无法被生存模式下的玩家合成,也没有获取方式 —— 它们只能在试炼厅内自然生成Trial Spawners are extremely slow to mine and resistant to explosions, and will not drop even with Silk Touch试炼刷怪笼的挖掘速度非常慢,且具有较强的爆炸抗性,即便使用精准采集的工具挖掘也不会掉落When placed in Creative, Trial Spawners have no mob type set by default创造模式下的试炼刷怪笼默认没有刷出生物类型
The mob type can be set by interacting with it while holding a Spawn Egg可使用刷怪蛋改变它刷出生物的类型
Creative and Spectator players cannot be detected or noticed by Trial Spawners试炼刷怪笼会无视周围创造模式和旁观模式的玩家


Trial Chambers are a new structure in the Overworld where players can explore and take on combat challenges during the mid-game试炼厅是一种在主世界新增的结构,玩家可以在游戏中期前往进行探索与挑战
Trial Chambers are made out of a variety of Copper and Tuff blocks and can be found in different sizes from large to small试炼厅主要由多种类型的铜质方块和凝灰岩质方块构成,它们的体积也会有所差异Trial Chambers are a relatively common find throughout the Deepslate layer of the underground试炼厅更容易在地下的深板岩层出现
The layout of each Trial Chamber is procedurally generated, and can include traps, reward chests and a variety of combat spaces试炼厅的布局完全由程序自动生成,可能会包含陷阱、奖励箱和一些战斗区域
Supply chests can be found between different rooms, and give you blocks and items which help you navigate your trials补给箱会在一些房间当中轻易找到,可在里面找到一些有助于完成试炼的方块与物品Reward chests are guarded by challenges in each room, and can be a source of many high level enchanted books and equipment奖励箱则需要完成房间内挑战才能解锁,可通过其获得大量高等级的附魔书与附魔装备The loot found in reward chests are still being iterated, and are absolutely not final奖励箱内的战利品尚在调整中,并非最终版本
Each Trial Chamber will include Trial Spawners with a melee, small melee, or ranged category:每一试炼厅都将包括若干个试炼刷怪笼,这些刷怪笼可分为近战型、小型近战型和远程型:
Small Melee小型近战型
Spider蜘蛛Cave Spider洞穴蜘蛛Baby Zombie幼年僵尸Silverfish蠹虫
Skeleton骷髅Stray流浪者Skeleton with Poison Tipped Arrows带有剧毒之箭的骷髅

Each Trial Spawner category will only use one mob for the entire structure when generated, and these mobs are randomized for each Trial Chamber在试炼厅生成的阶段,每一试炼刷怪笼都只在特定类型生物中抽取一个,且同一个试炼厅内同类型刷怪笼刷出的生物是相同的
For example, one Trial Chamber might only spawn Zombies, Cave Spiders and Strays, while another might only spawn Slimes, Silverfish and Skeletons例如,某一个试炼厅会只会生成僵尸、洞穴蜘蛛和流浪者、而另外一个试炼厅只会生成史莱姆、蠹虫和骷髅The exceptions to this are some Trial Spawners in unique rooms which always spawn Breezes例外项是,特定房间的一些试炼刷怪笼始终会刷出凛风人


The corridors sometimes end with a dead end长廊生成时偶尔会出现死胡同Aquifers, Lush Caves, and Sculk Veins sometimes intersect with the Trial Chamber试炼厅中有时会错误生成含水层、繁茂洞穴和幽匿脉络


An item that can only be obtained from Trial Spawners一种只可通过试炼刷怪笼获得的物品Trial Keys do not currently have any functionality试炼钥匙尚不具备用途

快照 23W45A 修复的漏洞

MC-131646 - Drowned spawners only work in biomes where drowned spawnMC-131646 - 溺尸刷怪笼只能在溺尸会自然生成的生物群系工作MC-177446 - "RootVehicle" tag in playerdata entry is not upgradedMC-177446 - playerdata数据项中的 RootVehicle 标签未被升级MC-186797 - Functioning clock and compasses in crafting output slotMC-186797 - 时钟和指南针可在合成输出槽位中正常运作MC-255244 - NBT link/reference when using /fillMC-255244 - 使用/fill时NBT链接/引用MC-265702 - Text components in commands accept malformed JSONMC-265702 - 命令中文本组件接受格式不正确的JSONMC-265747 - Punching a TNT Minecart in creative mode drops the minecartMC-265747 - 在创造模式下攻击TNT矿车会掉落普通的矿车MC-265875 - Compasses, Clocks and Recovery Compasses work normally within the output slot of the crafterMC-265875 - 指南针、时钟、追溯指针可在合成器的输出槽位中正常运作MC-266054 - Side Water texture on Copper bulbsMC-266054 - 铜灯的侧边水纹理不正常MC-266056 - Mobs suffocate inside most copper grate block variantsMC-266056 - 大多数铜格栅方块的变种可以窒息生物MC-266063 - Copper Doors and Trapdoors make generic metal sounds when placingMC-266063 - 放置铜门和铜活板门时发出的是通用的金属声音MC-266090 - Light can pass through copper bulbsMC-266090 - 铜灯泡可以透光MC-266091 - Copper Bulbs do not cull faces correctlyMC-266091 - 铜灯泡的剔除面不正确MC-266096 - Mobs can spawn on oxidized or waxed copper gratesMC-266096 - 生物可以在氧化的或涂蜡的铜格栅上生成MC-266248 - No error message when granting/revoking an advancement that is already granted/revokedMC-266248 - 重复授予或撤销进度时不会显示错误消息MC-266256 - Accessibility button in the Welcome screen still needs its own stringMC-266256 - 欢迎屏幕中的辅助功能按钮仍然需要独立的字符串MC-266287 - Can't load .dat and .nbt files (server list & saved hotbar)MC-266287 - 无法加载 .dat 和 .nbt 文件(服务器列表和保存的快捷栏)MC-266289 - Could not save data raids.dat and random_sequences.datMC-266289 - 无法保存 raids.dat 和 random_sequences.dat 数据

【SPXX User 译自官网 2023 年 11 月 08 日发布的 Minecraft Snapshot 23w45a;原作者 Java Team】
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