

Find Bedrock and Java multiplayer servers that make the grade!

One of the most popular ways to play Minecraft is together with others, and one way of doing that is by joining a server. But how do you find the right one when we are all so different? To make it easier for players and parents, Mojang Studios has partnered with GamerSafer to create the Official Minecraft Server List . So whether you’re looking for a battle-ready team to take on the Nether or somebody to build a replica of ancient Egypt with, you can find the server for it!
和别人一起玩是最受欢迎的Minecraft游玩方式之一,而实现这一点的方法中有一条就是加入多人服务器。但当你我都已不尽相同时,你该如何找到合适的服务器?为了让玩家与玩家父母们更容易找到这些服务器,Mojang Studios与GamerSafer合作创建了 Minecraft官方服务器列表。因此,无论您是在寻找一个准备就绪的团队来进行地狱探险,还是在找一起建造古埃及金字塔的人,您都可以在此找到合适的服务器!

The Official Minecraft Server List is there to inform your choice of server. It won’t have ads or let server owners pay to have their servers listed. Instead, servers must meet certain requirements to make the cut. Firstly, they have to prove that they comply with the Minecraft Usage Guidelines . Secondly, they need to provide official contact information, the purpose of the server, who it is for, and foundational community management practices that set the tone, values, and principles of the server. So you have more information before you jump on and invest time in a world!
Minecraft官方服务器列表 是一个能让您挑选服务器的地方。该网站中没有广告,也不接受服务器所有人的付费宣传请求。反之,只有符合要求的服务器才能有机会上榜。首先,他们必须要被证明遵守 Minecraft使用指南。其次,他们需要提供服务器官方联系信息、服务器开设目的、用途及确定服务器基调、价值观与基本原则的社区管理经验。所以在你进入服务器并全身心投入之前,你会得到有关该服务器的更多信息!

GamerSafer has spent the last several months working with many of the existing servers to help them meet the requirements and will continue to include more as we go. And it doesn’t stop there! One of the cool things about servers is that they grow and evolve, meaning features and moderators might change over time. To make sure the Official Minecraft Server List stays up to date, there will also be periodic check-ins with each server owner. Servers can also earn a series of badges by adding more features promoting a safe environment and positive social behavior amongst players.
在过去的几个月里,GamerSafer与许多现有服务器合作来帮助他们满足上述要求,并在接下来的日子里也会持续努力。但它绝对不止于此!服务器最酷之处就在于他们一直在成长与发展,这代表其功能与管理人员都可能随着时间的推移而发生改变。为了确保Minecraft官方服务器列表始终保持最新,我们还将定期检查每个服务器。服务器也能通过添加能促进改善安全性与促进社交的新功能来获得 一系列勋章

While the Official Minecraft Server List is another great step in making your Minecraft experience the best it can be, it's important to note that the Official Minecraft Server List is not a guarantee of safety. Online safety requires constant parental involvement and child education, among other efforts. This site cannot replace those elements but is there to help inform you on that journey.

This project is still in its early stages, and we are excited to continue to improve it with your help over time. If you’re a server owner who wants to find players, you can apply on the site today. And if you’re a player or parent who wants to find great servers, what are you waiting for? Start exploring right away! Countless Minecraft multiplayer adventures are already waiting for you to discover them!

【Bingkler 译自官网 2023 年 11 月 07 日发布的 The Official Minecraft Server List is Live;原作者 Staff】
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