本帖最后由 致富卡 于 2023-10-28 17:49 编辑


Store your ingots in style!

In our unending quest to write articles about literally every block in Minecraft, we’ve finally reached the block of iron . You’d have thought we might have got here sooner, given that they were added to the game way back in October 2009, at the same time as spiders and TNT. But no, we’ve been saving them for a special occasion, and today is that occasion.
在创作关于 Minecraft 中每一个方块的文章这一无止境的探索中,铁块终于来了。它们早在 2009 年 10 月就和蜘蛛、TNT 一同被加入游戏,所以你也许会觉得我们早就该写到它了。但并非如此,它是我们的一大保留节目。而今天,它施展身手的时刻到来了。

Did you know that iron blocks existed in the game for several months before Iron Ingots were added? That’s right – originally when you mined iron ore it would drop blocks, rather than needing to be smelted into ingots.Imagine if that were still the case! It’d make mining expeditions much easier...

There are several reasons why you might want a block of iron. The first is for crafting – blocks of iron are needed in the recipe for making an anvil, and they’re used to build iron golems. They can also be used to power a beacon – you’ll need at least nine of them, arranged in a 3x3 square.
制作铁块的原因有很多。首先是合成——铁块可用于合成铁砧和制作铁傀儡。把九个铁块排列成 3*3 的正方形也可用来给信标充能。

The second reason is for the storage of large amounts of iron ingots. By crafting your ingots into blocks, you can store nine times as many in the same chest space, and they’re easy to convert back. If your inventory is full on a mining trip, consider smelting up what you’ve found and then converting it to blocks to save some space.
其次则是储存大量的铁。将铁锭制成铁块可使你在相同容量下存储 9 倍量的铁,同时分解成铁锭也十分容易。如果下矿时背包满了,不妨考虑熔炼身上的矿物并制成块以节省空间。

Iron blocks have their own unique aesthetic qualities. They’re great for sci-fi-themed builds, or industrial applications, where clean metal surfaces elevate the atmosphere, making every redstone contraption look like it belongs in a modern tech lab.

Finally, you can put a block of iron under a note block to get the “iron xylophone” sound. Though a xylophone is made of wood, and a metal one is more usually called a “vibraphone” or “glockenspiel”. I have written a strongly-worded letter to the developers on the subject.

Image Credit: Alchemist-hp // Free Art License 1.3
图片来源: Alchemist-hp // Free Art License 1.3

Outside of Minecraft, on the planet called Earth, iron is a chemical element that sits near the top of the periodic table, nestled between manganese and cobalt. By weight, it’s the most common element on our planet – juuuust ahead of oxygen – mostly because it’s the material that makes up almost all of the Earth’s inner and outer cores.

On the surface, where we humans live, it’s a little rarer. There’s less iron in the Earth’s crust than there is silicon, aluminum, or oxygen. But that hasn’t stopped it from becoming one of the most important metals on the planet. Humans figured out how to smelt it from iron ore a little over 3,000 years ago, marking the dawn of the Iron Age, and today it’s the cheapest metal you can buy.
在人类居住的地球表面,它更稀有一些。地壳中铁的含量比硅、铝或氧要少。尽管如此,它仍是地球上最重要的金属之一。人类早在 3000 多年前就发现了熔炼铁矿的方法,这一进步标志着铁器时代的开始。如今,铁已成为所能买到的最廉价的金属。

As well as its importance to human civilization, iron is also very important to our health. The body of an adult human contains about four grams of iron, where it’s used to transport oxygen in our blood and store it in our muscles. That makes it an important dietary nutrient, which is found in leafy vegetables, tofu, beans, fish, and poultry. It’s also sometimes added to bread and breakfast cereals.
铁不仅对人类文明发展作用巨大,而且与健康息息相关。铁在人体中被用来输送血氧并将其存至肌肉中,一个成年人的身体中约含有 4 克铁。因此,铁是一种重要的膳食营养素,在叶用蔬菜、豆腐、豆类、鱼类和禽肉中都含有铁。有时在面包和麦片中还会额外添加铁。

Right now, Mojang Studios' top nutritionists don’t recommend eating iron blocks. But you never know what that advice might change – so it’s probably best to stockpile some in your chests. Just in case.
Mojang Studios 的最高营养学家刚刚表示不推荐食用铁块。但这条建议会改变什么不可预知——所以你最好在箱子里多囤点。只是以防万一。

【透明色 译自官网 2023 年 10 月 23 日发布的 Block of Iron;原作者 Duncan Geere】
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