本帖最后由 Don_Trueno 于 2023-9-24 00:04 编辑


Just how warm is Luke, anyway?

The ocean! How couldn’t you fall in love with Minecraft’s biggest, bluest, soggiest biome? There’s kelp! There’s sand! There’s seagrass! There are no creepers whatsoever! Grab a boat, and let’s dive into our biome of the month – the deep lukewarm ocean .
是大海!Minecraft 最大、最蓝、也是最潮的生物群系怎能不被叫好?这里遍布着沙子和海草!此外还不会有苦力怕的侵扰!带上你的船,让我们深入本月要介绍的生物群系 —— 温水深海。

Deep lukewarm oceans became a part of the Minecraft biome collection in July 2018 as part of the aptly-named Update Aquatic. Originally they were called lukewarm deep oceans, but that was a terrible name, so we got out our renaming stick and waved it in the air while whispering the ancient incantation and its new name – deep lukewarm ocean – came into being. Can you imagine how embarrassing it would have been if we’d kept the old name? Ridiculous.
作为海洋更新的重要组成,温水深海是从 2018 年 7 月起加入 Minecraft 生物群系大家族的。最初它们被称为“水深温海”,但这样听起来太糟糕了,所以我们一边在空中挥舞“命名棒”,一边念诵的古代的咒文,让它从此有了一个全新的名字 —— 温水深海。你能想象出我们保留旧名字后那尴尬的场景吗?那可实在是太荒谬了。

The deep lukewarm ocean is mostly made up of water, yes, but you’ll find a few other things there. Sand, making up the ocean floor. Seagrass and kelp, growing in clumps that are easily harvested. And a few animals too – squid, glow squid, dolphins, and fish – cod, pufferfish, and tropical fish, to be precise.

None of those things, though, make the deep lukewarm ocean worth the trip. What makes it worth the trip are the ocean monuments that you’ll very occasionally find in the depths. These ancient temples should be entered with caution – and a lot of water breathing potions. Inside, you’ll find valuable materials like prismarine, sea lanterns, and sponges. But they’re watched over by fearsome Guardians, who drive off any intruders with laser beams.
然而这些还不足以让去温水深海的旅行值回票价。在这趟旅途中,最有价值还得是海水深处偶然浮现的海底神殿。但如果你有心探索的话,最好留个心眼 —— 还得留着一些水肺药水。当你踏入大门后,你将能获取到一些很有价值的物品,诸如海晶石、海晶石灯还有海绵。但它们被骇人的守卫者们看守着,而这些守卫者会用激光驱赶一切踏足此地的入侵者。

On Earth, the lukewarm oceans that lie between the poles and the tropics are full of life, and contain huge circular currents called “gyres” that move heat away from the equator. In the northern hemisphere, these gyres rotate anticlockwise, and in the southern hemisphere they rotate clockwise.

What this means for your beach holiday is that in the northern hemisphere you’ll tend to find warmer water on the western edge of an ocean basin – like the Gulf Stream in the Atlantic. The eastern edge, on the other hand, is colder and full of nutrients, and therefore fish populations are much higher.
假如你在北半球,且你的假期是在海边度过的,那么你一定能发现西海岸的海水要更暖一些 —— 就像大西洋西侧的墨西哥湾暖流。相反的,东海岸的海水要冷一些,同时也更富有营养物,因此那里的鱼群数量要高很多。

So pack a water-breathing potion or two, and take a plunge into the deep lukewarm ocean – where the waters are just warm enough to be inviting, and the treasures are as bountiful as the kelp. Sea you there!

【氘氚人 译自官网 2023 年 09 月 22 日发布的 Deep Lukewarm Ocean;原作者 Duncan Geere】
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