

Get tooled up!

Minecraft’s villagers, just like people in the so-called “real world”, need a place to work. Shepherds have their loom. Masons have the stonecutter. Librarians have lecterns, and Farmers have the composter. But what about the village’s most important member – the toolsmith, who makes the tools used by all the other villagers? They have our block of the month – the smithing table.
Minecraft 里的村民同所谓“现实世界”里的众生一样,都需要有个工作的地方。牧羊人有织布机,石匠有切石机,图书管理员有讲台,农民有堆肥桶。不过村民当中还有不可或缺的工具匠,其他村民所用的工具都出自其手。那么,它们用什么来干活呢?正是我们的本月方块⸺锻造台。

Smithing tables were added to Minecraft in the Village & Pillage Update, which also added barrels, bells, and blast furnaces. Initially, they didn’t do anything except look pretty. But in the Nether Update, they gained the ability to upgrade diamond gear to netherite gear, and now they do even more.
锻造台是在《村庄与掠夺》更新中加入 Minecarft 的,同时加入的还有木桶、钟、高炉。最初它只能摆着装饰,不过在《下界更新》过后,它已能够将钻石装备升级成下界合金装备。时至今日,它愈发强大。

“What more?” I hear you cry. Well, first of all, “What more?” isn’t very good English. But second of all, smithing tables now let you use smithing templates to add a nifty-looking colored pattern on your armor called a “trim”.

To use this functionality, you’ll need an armor piece, a smithing template (found in various ancient places),and a material that matches the color of the trim you want. Lapis makes blue, emerald makes green, nether quartz makes white, and so on – experiment with different materials to see what works. We’ll go deeper into smithing templates another day because this article is about the smithing table. 

What else can you do with this block? Well, as mentioned above you can upgrade diamond gear to netherite gear, you can convert an unemployed villager to a toolsmith, you can burn it in a furnace as fuel, and you can put it under a note block to get the “bass” sound.

Oh, where do you get one? You can craft one with two iron ingots and four planks, or steal one from a toolsmith in a village. They also occasionally spawn in trail ruins.

Image Credit: SimonTrew // CC BY-SA 3.0
图片来源: SimonTrew // 知识共享 署名-相同方式共享 3.0

In the real world, toolsmiths are a kind of metalsmiths who specialize in making tools – and a table is a very important part of their workshop. It’s used to plan out projects, lay out parts, work on components, and assemble the final tool.

A typical smithing table (more often called a workbench) might feature a vice for holding things in place, a tool rack for keeping tools organized, rulers for measuring things, wheels so it can be moved around the workshop, and perhaps shelves or drawers for storing components.

So if you’d like your Minecraft home to feature a workshop, then definitely consider installing a smithing table. It’s an iron-clad choice for crafters!
所以说,如果你想把 Minecraft 中的家打造成工坊,那就免不了考虑添置锻造台。对工匠来说,这台子是“钢”需。

【橄榄Chan(aka Olvcpr423)译自官网 2023 年 08 月 24 日发布的 Smithing Table;原作者 Duncan Geere】
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