

Can cherry cheer up Minecraft’s bleakest biome?
樱花能使 Minecraft 中最阴暗的群系焕发生机吗?

Nothing makes me happier than the color pink. Nothing . So imagine my delight when the cherry blossom biome was announced! My favorite block used to be the prismarine brick. But from now on I’m only using the prismarine brick to craft coffins because it’s dead to me. For I’ve met my new favorite, the cherry leaf block .

The cherry leaf block can make anything look prettier. I’ve worn this block on my last three dates and they all ended in marriage.

Three divorces later, I suddenly had an idea – what if this cherry set could help me turn my most-feared biome into a pink wonderland? What if I could once again explore the depths of Minecraft without bursting into tears? Could I use the cherry set to finally face my fear of the deep dark?
离婚了三次之后,我突然间想到了个点子 – 这套樱花装扮能帮我把我最恐惧的群系变成一个粉色仙境吗?我是否可以不再泪眼汪汪地探索 Minecraft 的深处?最后,我能以这套装扮克服我对深暗之域的恐惧吗?

It’s time to give an unsolicited pink makeover to the deep dark!

It’s tough getting bright screenshots of this biome, for obvious reasons, so I stole this one from Duncan Geere’s great guide to the Deep Dark. Yoink!
显而易见,给这个群系拍张明亮的照片十分困难,所以我从 Duncan Geere 的深暗之域指南 中偷来了这张图片。Yoink!

If you’ve never had the pleasure (?) of exploring the deep dark, be warned that this biome is absurdly hostile. It’s packed with traps, weird noises, hard-to-see horrors, and apparently a hostile mob of terrifying power, but I’m sure that’s just superstition.

First things first, I built myself a home:

Behold, my little slice of pastel paradise!

Replacing all the glass in my windows with cherry leaves has made my neighbors so much better looking.

Wow, what a lovely thing to say, hanging sign I put up. Thank you!

Who the heck is this jerk?

Once that was done, I placed approximately 1,000,000,000,000,000 torches so I could actually see what I was doing. That’s when I discovered that I’d accidentally discovered an ancient city .
我的大作一完成,我就插上了大约 1,000,000,000,000,000 根火把来好好欣赏它。这时,我发觉自己无意中发现了一座远古城市。

Would it be incredibly disrespectful to this ancient civilization to knock down their sacred buildings and place pink blocks everywhere? Yes. Let’s get started!

These blue flames are a bit depressing. But with the power of cherry leaves…

…They’re, er, slightly better? Cherry leaves aren’t flammable, right?

I can’t stress enough how much you want to bring a potion of night vision if you visit a deep dark biome, and not a potion of permanent blindness like I did.

Luckily, I stumbled across these weird things that lit up when I made noise near them:

Thanks, whatever-you-are!

Obviously, I made sure to set off as many of them as possible to help me see what I was building.

I spent the next several days/weeks/years mining away the deep dark’s depressing blocks and selflessly replacing them with the softer, salmon-y tones of the cherry set. Soon my life became a pink blur. At times I felt foolish (me!), for the task I’d set for myself seemed impossible. I’m still getting over the trauma of my last makeover project, wherein I tried to redecorate the Nether with ice blocks. Still no idea why that didn’t work. Six years of my life I’ll never get back.

But the trick to a large Minecraft project is to stick with it. Set yourself a target, free up a few hours, stick on a podcast or music or a looping audio track of me screaming “YOU GOT THIS!” and keep going .
在 Minecraft 中完成一件大事的唯一技巧就是坚持。立下一个目标,休息几个小时,然后听着播客、音乐或是“你做到了!”的喊叫的循环音频坚持做下去。

Gradually the darkness receded, and a rosy new landscape emerged block by block before my gasping eyes. Say goodbye to the deep dark, and say hello to the Unplumbed Pink™!

Shoutout to synonyms.com for telling me ‘unplumbed’ is another word for ‘deep’. Once again, you’ve saved my writing career
隔空问候 synonyms.com,它告诉我“unplumbed”是“deep”的另一种说法。我的写作生涯再次被你拯救了

True, it’s still pretty eerie, but it’s also eerily pretty. Try out the new cherry set in Minecraft today, and see if you can ruin a biome as thoroughly as I did! :D
当然,这仍有些怪异,但不可否认其中透露着一种独特的美丽。现在就试试 Minecraft 中的新式樱花装扮吧,看看你能不能像我一样从头到尾改变一个生物群系!:D

【透明色 译自官网 2023 年 07 月 31 日发布的 Deep Dark Makeover;原作者 Tom Stone】
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