

Brush up on your archaeology

In the Trails & Tales update, we introduced a new feature to Minecraft! Well, we introduced many features, but I’m thinking of Archeology . Archeology will let you dig into the history of the world around you, uncovering ancient traces of past civilizations to learn more about how they lived.

But here’s the thing about ancient traces of past civilizations – they’re kinda fragile. You can’t expect to preserve these treasures if you're smacking them around with a shovel. No, you’ll need to take a little more care with them, caressing the dust and dirt off with our item of the week: the brush .
但是,关于这些古老文明的过去,有一点值得注意 – 它们有点脆弱。如果你用锹发掘它们,那你不用指望能保住这些宝藏了。不,你还得更小心翼翼地对待它们,用我们本周的物品: 刷子,轻轻拂去它们身上的尘土。

To make a brush, you’ll need a stick, a copper ingot, and a soft feather to do the actual brushing. Line them up in that order from bottom to top in a crafting grid, and you’re ready to go.

Next, you’ll need to find some suspicious sand or suspicious gravel. Try looking around desert wells, pyramids, ocean ruins, or trail ruins. Found some? Great – but don’t break it! Instead, whip out your brush and start brushing away with the use button. 
接下来,你得找一些可疑的沙子或者可疑的沙砾。你可以试着在沙漠水井、沙漠神殿、海底废墟和古迹废墟里找找。找到了吗?很好 – 但你可不要急着破坏它!相反,快点掏出你的刷子,掏出你的刷子,按下使用键开始刷扫。

As you do, you’ll see an item start to emerge. It might be a pottery shard, which can be combined with other matching shards to make a full pot. Or it might be another random item, which will no doubt tell you a little more about the people that once lived there.

Like other tools, brushes have durability and will eventually break. You can combined two damaged brushes together into one to repair their durability, or apply the mending or unbreaking enchantments to avoid this.

Image credit: France3470 // CC BY 2.5
图片来源: France3470 // 知识共享 署名 2.5

The word “archaeology” is a mix of two old Greek words – “archaia”, which means “ancient things”, and “logos” which means “knowledge” or “theory”, so it’s basically about getting knowledge or building theories about the past by looking at ancient things.
考古学的英文“archaeology”一词是由两个古希腊单词构成 – “archaia”意为“古代的事物”,“logos”意为“知识”或“理论”,因此考古学可以说是一门根据研究发掘出的古代事物获取知识或构建过去的理论的学科。

Funnily enough, archaeology itself is pretty old. Back in 550 BCE, King Nabonidus of Babylon excavated ruins from the Akkadian Kingdom from about 2200 BCE – about 1600 years before. That’s a similar timespan to us digging up Viking remains today. We know this because he wrote about it on a clay cylinder, which in turn was excavated in 1854, in the foundations of a ziggurat in Ur.
说来也巧,考古学本身非常古老。早在公元前550年,新巴比伦国王那波尼德斯发掘出了公元前2200年左右的阿卡德王国遗址 – 时间相差约1600年。这个时间跨度和我们如今挖出维京人遗迹的时间类似。我们知道这一点的原因是因为他们在一个圆筒形粘土上写了下来,而这个圆筒形粘土则是在1854年出土,现存于乌尔一座塔庙的基底中。

Unfortunately, King Nabonidus was so distracted by his archaeological hobby that he didn’t spend enough time on his day job – ruling the Babylonian empire. As a result, it was conquered about ** later by the Achaemenid Empire of Cyrus the Great. So let that be a lesson to any Minecrafters getting too deep into their archaeology – keep an eye on your surroundings, or you might find yourself in the midst of an Illager raid, with nothing to fend them off except a brush.
不幸的是,那波尼德斯国王出于对考古学的爱好,没有将心思放在他的正职上 – 即统治巴比伦帝国。最终,大约十年之后,它被居鲁士大帝的波斯帝国征服了。因此,这对于所有沉迷于Minecraft考古学的玩家来说也是个教训 – 留意周遭环境,否则你可能会发现自己已经陷入灾厄村民的袭击中了,而你只能用刷子给他们的武器清灰。

【Aikiniさん 译自官网 2023 年 07 月 06 日发布的 Brush;原作者 Duncan Geere】
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