本帖最后由 陆御工作室 于 2023-6-24 12:10 编辑
# MinecraftTechLauncher简介
">https://github.com/Buelie/Minecr ... 9-a039-932bc4011f7f
软件名称必须以 软件原名 - 区分名称 - 修改作者.exe 发布 不得创建与本软件名字相似且功能相似的项目及网站 如使用GPLv3协议发布修改软件,需以 修改软件名称 - 原作者.exe 发布
QYL | statement
By using the Software, you accept this Open Source License. If you do not accept the open source license, do not use the Software.
QYL | content
The use of software revisions leads to personal privacy leakage, and the author has nothing to do with it
To modify this software, you need to mark the original author in the software and modify the software name to distinguish it.And you need to open source your code and make it happen to the author or team
If you violate Article 2 of the above regulations, the author has the right to sue you and delete your relevant open source repository.
Internet content is not under the control of the author, so the plaintiff's prosecution of content related to the Internet is equivalent to reporting content that is not related to the author, and the author is not responsible for anything.

制作:清云工作室 / [陆御工作室]
# MinecraftTechLauncher简介
软件名称必须以 软件原名 - 区分名称 - 修改作者.exe 发布 不得创建与本软件名字相似且功能相似的项目及网站 如使用GPLv3协议发布修改软件,需以 修改软件名称 - 原作者.exe 发布
QYL | statement
By using the Software, you accept this Open Source License. If you do not accept the open source license, do not use the Software.
QYL | content
The use of software revisions leads to personal privacy leakage, and the author has nothing to do with it
To modify this software, you need to mark the original author in the software and modify the software name to distinguish it.And you need to open source your code and make it happen to the author or team
If you violate Article 2 of the above regulations, the author has the right to sue you and delete your relevant open source repository.
Internet content is not under the control of the author, so the plaintiff's prosecution of content related to the Internet is equivalent to reporting content that is not related to the author, and the author is not responsible for anything.
制作:清云工作室 / [陆御工作室]