

Don’t wait, oxidate!

When we added copper to Minecraft, back in the first part of the Caves & Cliffs Update in June 2021, we gave it some solid testing before we put it out into the world – and we noticed something strange. Our beautiful, shiny, orange copper blocks were slowly going green and dull over time.
在 2021 年 6 月的《洞穴与山崖》第一部分更新中,我们往 Minecraft 加入了铜块。在正式把它放进游戏前,我们先仔细地测试了一遍,这时奇怪的事情发生了:我们橙艳艳、光鲜亮丽的铜块,逐渐变得绿油油、黯淡无光。

We double- and triple-checked the code, trying to hunt down this weird bug, with no luck. But then one day we noticed that the weird green color of our copper perfectly matched the color of the roof of the famous Riddarholm Church, in our beloved hometown of Stockholm. 

So we took an official tour of the church, and asked the tour guide why the roof is that color. “Det är oxidation av koppar, era tokar!” they said, which means something like “It’s oxidation of copper, you nincomp… lovely people!”. So now we know, and now you do too. Let’s make this weird green substance our block of the month, shall we?
所以我们以工作室的名义,去了一趟那教堂,询问向导屋顶为什么会是那样的颜色。他们说:“Det är oxidation av koppar, era tokar!”,意思大概是“傻⋯⋯宝,那是铜氧化之后的颜色!”现在真相大白了,不妨就把它作为我们的本月方块吧?

To get weathered copper you’re going to need some copper and some time. Cram nine copper ingots into a crafting grid, and you’ll get a fresh, shiny, orange copper block. Then put it on the ground and leave it there for a while.

You’ll notice the same slow transition that we did – with little patches of corrosion getting larger and larger until the whole thing is a beautiful shade of green. Specifically, there are four stages in this process – “normal”, “exposed”, “weathered”, and “oxidized”. 

To make it nice and shiny again, you’ll need to do a bit of maintenance. Scrape an axe across it, and you’ll expose some of the original orange color. Keep going and it’ll eventually be good as new again. Lightning can also do the same thing, though rather less predictably.

What if you want to keep your copper in a specific state and not allow it to oxidize? Then you’re going to need to find a way of not letting any oxygen get to it. Burying it in the ground doesn’t work, and neither does submerging it underwater. What does work, though, is smearing it with a nice coating of wax. Grab some honeycomb and use it on a block, and it’ll stay preserved for all time. Want to unwax it again? Grab your axe and scrape the wax coating off, just like before.

Image Credit: Micahmn // CC BY 2.5
图片来源: Micahmn // 知识共享 署名 2.5

So what’s actually going on here at a scientific level? Well, it’s a bit like how iron in the real world gets rusty over time. The pure copper reacts with substances found in the air to produce a green (and poisonous! Don’t lick it!) coating called verdigris. 

That coating is usually just a fraction of a millimeter thick but it’s extremely durable – protecting the copper beneath from further weathering. This durability is why copper is highly popular as a material to build roofs with. You’ll see green copper architecture in many parts of the world – perhaps most famously on New York’s Statue of Liberty.

In the real world, this process can take a long time. In polluted industrial areas, it can take about 15 to 20 years. In rural areas, it can take 30 to 40 years. In arid places with very little moisture in the air, it may not happen at all.
In the real world,this process can take a long time。In polluted industrial areas,it can take about 15 to 20 years。In rural areas,it can take 30 to 40 years。In arid places with very little moisture in the air,it may not happen at all。

In Minecraft, you won’t need to wait that long but it’s still not fast. A few in-game weeks should do the trick. But don’t rush it! Sit back, and enjoy the slow, beautiful process of chemistry in action.
在现实世界中,铜的氧化需要花上很长时间。在污染多的工业区,大约需要 15 到 20 年;在乡村则需要 30 到 40 年;在水汽少的干旱地区甚至可能不发送氧化。在 Minecraft 中,虽然不需要等这么长时间,但速度也说不上快,花上几个游戏周差不多就能搞定。不要心急!沉下心来等待,顺道欣赏这缓慢而美妙的化学反应过程吧。

【橄榄Chan(aka Olvcpr423)译自官网 2023 年 06 月 15 日发布的 Weathered Copper;原作者 Duncan Geere】
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