本帖最后由 麦陈Bingkler 于 2023-6-15 20:04 编辑
测试版测试版是 Minecraft 基岩版的测试机制,主要用于下一个正式版的特性预览。测试版有可能导致存档损坏,因此请注意备份,不要直接在你的主存档游玩测试版。转载本贴时须要注明原作者以及本帖地址。本贴来自www.mcbbs.net部分新特性译名仅供参考,不代表最终结果。

Minecraft Beta & Preview -
Minecraft 基岩版 Beta & Preview发布

Minecraft Preview is available on Xbox, Windows 10/11, and iOS devices. More information can be found at aka.ms/PreviewFAQMinecraft Preview现已在Xbox、Windows10/11与iOS设备上可用。访问 aka.ms/PreviewFAQ 以获取更多信息The beta is available on Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see aka.ms/JoinMCBeta for detailed instructions.Minecraft则在Android(Google Play)上可用。 要想知道有关如何加入或退出Beta计划的更多细节,请访问 aka.ms/JoinMCBeta

A new Minecraft Preview and Beta update is here, more tweaks and changes to improve your gameplay experience! Please continue to send us your feedback and bug reports, they are much appreciated! Here’s an overview of what’s in the update:
在此向您呈上最新的Minecraft Preview&Beta更新,此版本进行了更多的调整与更改来改善您的游戏体验!按照惯例,请一定要记得向我们发送您的 反馈错误报告,这对我们来说非常重要!本次更新的详细内容如下:



We tested having a notification that informed you about new ways of creating recipes you’ve already unlocked. It didn’t feel helpful. Do you know how many ways there are to make sticks?! Yeah, a lot. We are removing this version of the unlocking notification我们此前尝试了一种新的通知方法来提醒您已解锁配方。但这看起来屁用没有, 你知道有多少种方法来制作一个木棍吗?是的,数都数不清。因此我们在此版本中移除了此解锁通知。Spectator mode is for spectating. Not unlocking recipes! With this fix recipes won’t unlock when you’re in spectator mode (MCPE-171073)旁观者模式是用来旁观的,而不是用来解锁配方的!在这个修复版本中,当您处于旁观者模式时将无法解锁配方 (MCPE-171073)Unlocking a new recipe no longer sets the  option to be "All". The craftable toggle will now reliably stay the way you left it解锁新配方这一操作不再将物品栏中的可合成切换选项设置为“全部”,而将保持为您上次关闭时的设置。


Fixed an issue that caused players to automatically sneak while on ladders (MCPE-166569)修复了玩家在梯子上会自动切换到潜行状态的问题 (MCPE-166569)Fixed a bug that caused the player to get stuck at the top of a ladder when sneaking (MCPE-171022)修复了玩家在潜行状态下会卡在梯子顶部的问题 (MCPE-171022)Crawling head rotation no longer follows camera rotation directly (MCPE-170838)修复了爬行状态下头部会跟随相机移动导致到处乱转的问题 (MCPE-170838)Fixed an issue where  did not increase Crawling speed (MCPE-170885)修复了迅捷潜行附魔无法提高爬行速度的问题 (MCPE-170885)Fixed an issue where legacy Crawling was not working correctly with the Sneak and Crawl toggle turned off修复了在关闭潜行与爬行切换选项的情况下爬行系统无法正常工作的问题Fixed an issue where mobs did not have the correct collision box when spawning (MCPE-170983)修复了生物生成时碰撞体积不正常的问题 (MCPE-170983)Short Sneaking has now been ‘de-experimentified’ and is available during normal gameplay短暂潜行系统现已去实验化并在正常游戏中可用Crawling animation is no longer triggered while gliding below blocks (MCPE-170889)修复了在方块下方滑翔时会触发爬行动画的问题 (MCPE-170889)Players can now be forced into sneak/crawl state while flying玩家现在可以在飞行时强制进入潜行或爬行状态



Fixed player capes not properly flapping when moving forward but looking sideways (fixed for real this time!) (MCPE-153446)修复了玩家披风在向前移动时无法正常飘动的问题(这次是真的修了!) (MCPE-153446)Reduce cases where players might see 'Unable to connect' errors due to 'Expired Auth from Discovery' (MCPE-170814)减少了玩家因“身份验证过期”而导致“连接失败”错误出现的概率 (MCPE-170814)Fixed issues with unresponsive or laggy input when using Mouse together with a Controller (MCPE-167447)修复了同时使用鼠标与手柄输入时输入信号不被响应或被延迟处理的问题 (MCPE-167447)


Improved handling of simultaneous mouse clicks, triggering each individual associated action/response改进了对鼠标同时点击的处理方法,使其能正确触发单独的相关动作/响应


Text-to-speech narrator will now say "Slash button" when hovering over the "/" button in the chat screen现在当你把鼠标悬停在聊天界面的“/”按钮上时,文本转语音系统将播报“斜杠按钮”Default chat duration now set to 10 seconds while default toast notification duration remains at 3 seconds默认的聊天框显示时间现已改为10秒,而弹窗提醒持续时间则被改为了3秒Text-to-speech Narrator now reads item names when selecting items in the hotbar文本转语音系统现在将在你在物品栏中选中物品时播报物品名称


Fixed an issue where it was not possible to switch mounts without first manually dismounting (MCPE-170894)修复了在不手动离开载具时直接切换到其他载具时会导致它们无法正常工作的问题 (MCPE-170894)


Pumpkin, Carved Pumpkin and Lit Pumpkin "minecraft:cardinal_direction" state string is now accepted during a world update南瓜、雕刻南瓜与南瓜灯的“minecraft:cardinal_direction”状态字符串现已能在世界升级时被留存Mushrooms are now able to spawn on fallen tree trunks (MCPE-138333)蘑菇现在可以在倾倒的树木上生成了 (MCPE-138333)Conduit now has the correct lighting when placed on ground (MCPE-169732)修复了潮涌核心放置于地面时光照不正常的问题 (MCPE-169732)


Recipe for crafting barrels with sticks is removed (MCPE-170848)用木棍制作木桶的配方现已被移除 (MCPE-170848)Entities no longer continue to freeze without Powder Snow if there is a Powder Snow block near the west & north side (MCPE-169453)修复了在西/北侧有细雪时未位于细雪中的实体仍会被冰冻的问题 (MCPE-169453)


The correct sound effect is now played when removing an enchanted Book from Chiseled Bookshelf (MCPE-168119)现在当你从雕纹书架上移除附魔书时将播放正确的音效 (MCPE-168119)Chiseled Bookshelf slot interactions are now symmetrical (MCPE-164801)修复了雕纹书架互动区域不对称的问题 (MCPE-164801)


Boats retain the ability to carry passengers when upgraded to Trails and Tales (MCPE-169772)修复了在足迹与故事更新中,船只能运送玩家而无法运载实体的问题 (MCPE-169772)
Boats that were affected by this bug can once again carry passengers受此漏洞影响的船现在重新能搭载玩家了


Cursor no longer snaps to a random inventory slot using a controller (MCPE-171203)修复了当使用手柄时光标会跳转到随机一个物品栏的问题 (MCPE-171203)Horse and Donkey jump bar, and camel dash bar, now scale properly to experience bar (MCPE-156444)修复了马与骆驼的跳跃计数器与经验槽并不适配的问题 (MCPE-156444)


/time query command will now return the correct day and time of day when the absolute time is negative/time query 命令将在绝对时间为负数时返回正确的时间与日期



Fixed invalid entries in allowlist.json causing crash (BDS-18133)修复了 allowlist.json 中某一条目会导致崩溃的问题 (BDS-18133)

ADD- ON与脚本引擎

Actually fixed the bug that caused player capes to stop flapping when moving forward but looking sideways in the query.cape_flap_amount by switching the rotation used from the player's looking rotation to the player's body rotation (MCPE-153446)真正修复了玩家披风在向前移动时停止摇摆但会在视野中“折叠”的问题。cape_flap_amount将从使用玩家旋转角度变为使用玩家身体旋转角度 (MCPE-153446)Observer blocks use state "minecraft:facing_direction" instead of "facing_direction". "minecraft:facing_direction" uses string values ("down", "up", "north", "south", "east", "west")侦测器现在使用 "minecraft:facing_direction" 状态信息而非 "facing_direction". "minecraft:facing_direction" 将使用字符串值 ("down", "up", "north", "south", "east", "west")


Custom entities are no longer restricted to overriding Vanilla entities released before 1.20. All Vanilla entities can be used in the "identifier" or "runtime_identifier" field, including Camel and Sniffer.自定义实体现在将不再局限于1.20前发布的原版实体,现在所有实体都可以使用"identifier"与"runtime_identifier"字段(包括骆驼与嗅探兽)


Released the "minecraft:shooter" item component out of experimental in json formats 1.20.10 and higher为1.20.10及更高Json发布了 "minecraft:shooter" 实验性物品组件Released the "minecraft:throwable" item component out of experimental in json formats 1.20.10 and higher为1.20.10及更高Json发布了 "minecraft:throwable" 实验性物品组件Released the "minecraft:projectile" item component out of experimental in json formats 1.20.10 and higher在1.20.10及更高Json中将 "minecraft:projectile" 物品组件进行了去实验化Released the "minecraft:can_destroy_in_creative" item component out of experimental in json formats 1.20.10 and higher在1.20.10及更高Json中将 "minecraft:can_destroy_in_creative" 物品组件进行了去实验化Released the "minecraft:hover_text_color" item component out of experimental in json formats 1.20.10 and higher在1.20.10及更高Json中将 "minecraft:hover_text_color" 物品组件进行了去实验化


The Editor is in early development, and available for keyboard/mouse on Windows PC Bedrock Preview builds. Learn how to use the Editor and join the GitHub Discussion forum, post bugs, view more detailed release notes. Tag us on social channels with #BedrockEditor.
本编辑器仍在早期开发中,仅可用于Windows PC Bedrock Preview版本中的键鼠控制器模式。在 这里学习如何使用编辑器 并加入 GitHub Discussion 论坛,来报告错误并查看更详细的更新报告。并在社交频道中使用#BedrockEditor来提醒我们!

Fixed a bug where error messages related to initial script loading were not being displayed in the log panel修复了与初始化脚本相关的错误报告未显示在日志页面中的问题/scriptEvent command can now be used in the editor without the need to enable the Beta APIs/scriptEvent 命令现在可以在编辑器中被使用而无需启用Beta APIsFixed a bug where the viewport scaling was not working correctly on devices that use D3D11修复了在使用D3D11的设备上窗口缩放系统无法正常工作的问题



Dynamic Property identifiers are now limited to 1024 characters.动态属性标识符现已被限制为1024个字符Removed MinecraftEffectTypes defined in @minecraft/server. See @minecraft/vanilla-data NPM package for an equivalent.移除了 由 @minecraft/server 定义的MinecraftEffectTypes组件。你现在可以使用@minecraft/vanilla-data NPM 包来达到同等效果

Moved several APIs to stable 1.3.0:

Moving tryTeleport(location: Vector3, duration: number, options: ScriptTeleportOptions) to 1.3.0将 tryTeleport(location: Vector3, duration: number, options: ScriptTeleportOptions) 移动至1.3.0Moving teleport(location: Vector3, options: ScriptTeleportOptions) to 1.3.0将 teleport(location: Vector3, options: ScriptTeleportOptions) 移动至1.3.0Moved function getComponent to 1.3.0将 function getComponent 移动至1.3.0Moved world event PlayerJoinAfterEvent to 1.3.0将 PlayerJoinAfterEvent 世界事件移动至1.3.0Moved world event PlayerLeaveAfterEvent to 1.3.0将 PlayerLeaveAfterEvent 世界事件移动至1.3.0Moved world event PlayerSpawnAfterEvent to 1.3.0将 PlayerSpawnAfterEvent 世界事件移动至1.3.0Moved EntityComponent EntityHealableComponent to 1.3.0将 EntityHealableComponent 实体组件移动至1.3.0Moved EntityComponent EntityHealthComponent to 1.3.0将 EntityHealthComponent 实体组件移动至1.3.0Moved class FeedItem to 1.3.0将 FeedItem 类移动至1.3.0Moved class FeedItemEffect to 1.3.0将 FeedItemEffect 类移动至1.3.0Moving addEffect(effectType: string | EffectType, duration: number, options: EntityEffectOptions) to 1.3.0将 addEffect(effectType: string | EffectType, duration: number, options: EntityEffectOptions) 移动至1.3.0Moved getEffect(effectType: string | EffectType) to 1.3.0将 getEffect(effectType: string | EffectType) 移动至1.3.0Moved getEffects to 1.3.0将 getEffects 移动至1.3.0Moved removeEffect(effectType: string | EffectType) to 1.3.0将 removeEffect(effectType: string | EffectType) 移动至1.3.0AfterEventsAfterEvents
Moving ButtonPushEvent to 1.3.0将 ButtonPushEvent 移动至1.3.0Moving LeverActivateEvent to 1.3.0将 LeverActivateEvent 移动至1.3.0
Moved function spawnEntity to 1.3.0将 spawnEntity 函数移动至1.3.0Moved function spawnItem to 1.3.0将 spawnItem 函数移动至1.3.0

Spawn Point Updates:

Removed function clearSpawn移除了 clearSpawn 函数Removed property spawnDimension移除了 spawnDimension 地标Added function getSpawnPoint: DimensionLocation | undefined - Returns the player's spawn point添加了 getSpawnPoint: DimensionLocation | undefined 函数用以设定玩家生成点Added function setSpawnPoint(spawnPoint?: DimensionLocation): void - Sets the player's spawn point, or clears it if spawnPoint is undefined添加了 setSpawnPoint(spawnPoint?: DimensionLocation): void 函数用于设置玩家的生成点(若 spawnPoint 未被定义,则移除它)Renamed function getDefaultSpawnPosition to getDefaultSpawnLocation将 getDefaultSpawnPosition 函数 重命名为 getDefaultSpawnLocationRenamed function setDefaultSpawn to setDefaultSpawnLocation将 setDefaultSpawn 函数 重命名为 setDefaultSpawnLocationDimensionLocationDimensionLocation
Added new interface DimensionLocation - Represents a location in a dimension添加了 DimensionLocation 接口用以表示维度中的某个位置
Added hasParticipant function to ScoreboardObjective .为ScoreboardObjective 添加了新的hasParticipant 函数The following functions in ScoreboardObjective can now accept Entity or string types as participants: ScoreboardObjective 中的这些函数现已被允许以实体或字符串作为其参与者
Removed getScore, setScore from ScoreboardIdentity and Scoreboard .从 ScoreboardIdentity 与 Scoreboard 中移除了getScore 与 setScore

Removed the removeFromObjective function from ScoreboardIdentity .
从 ScoreboardIdentity 中移除了removeFromObjective函数

Fixed bug where scoreboard values would not be updated on the client when updated from script.修复了脚本更新时记分板值不会在客户端更新的问题RaycastingRaycasting
Changed function getBlockFromRay更改了 getBlockFromRay 函数
Changed return type from Block to BlockRaycastHit | undefined更改了 Block to BlockRaycastHit | undefined 的回复类型
Changed function getEntitiesFromRay更改了 getEntitiesFromRay 函数
Changed return type from Entity[] to EntityRaycastHit[]更改了 Entity[] to EntityRaycastHit[] 的回复类型
Changed function getBlockFromViewDirection更改了 getBlockFromViewDirection 函数
Changed return type from Block to BlockRaycastHit | undefined更改了 Block to BlockRaycastHit | undefined 的回复类型
Changed function getEntitiesFromViewDirection更改了 getEntitiesFromViewDirection 函数
Changed return type from Entity[] to EntityRaycastHit[]更改了 Entity[] to EntityRaycastHit[] 的回复类型
Added interface BlockRaycastHit添加了 BlockRaycastHit 接口Added interface EntityRaycastHit添加了 EntityRaycastHit 接口
Renamed leverActivate after event to leverAction将 leverActivate 重命名为 leverAction
Removed class EntityHitAfterEvent .移除了 EntityHitAfterEvent 类Added class EntityHitBlockAfterEvent添加了 EntityHitBlockAfterEvent 类Added class EntityHitEntityAfterEvent添加了 EntityHitEntityAfterEvent 类Class WorldAfterEventsWorldAfterEvents 类
Removed property entityHit移除了 entityHit 属性Added property entityHitBlock添加了 entityHitBlock 属性Added property entityHitEntity添加了 entityHitEntity 属性
Added helper function isValid to several classes in order to check if the object is valid. This can safely be used on any handle to a native object before accessing or using the object, to ensure the underlying object still exists and is valid to use.为几个类添加了isValid帮助函数以检查对象是否有效。其可在访问或使用对象前在本地对象的任何句柄中被使用以确保底层对象仍然存在并有效。
Block (checks the block is a valid position in bounds and the containing chunk is loaded & ticking)Block(检查方块位于有效位置并已被加载)Container (checks the relevent container inventory exists and is valid)Container(检查相关容器栏位存在并有效)Effect (checks the owning entity is valid and the effect exists on that entity)Effect(检查拥有此效果的实体是否有效并且该效果是否对其存在影响)ScreenDisplay (checks the owning player is valid)ScreenDisplay(检查拥有此显示器的玩家是否有效)ScoreboardObjective (checks the objective entry exists and is attached to a valid scoreboard)ScoreboardObjective (检查目标条目是否有效并被加在有效的记分板上)Entity (checks that the entity exists in the world. Will return true if the entity is dead)Entity (检查该实体是否存在于世界中,如果该实体已死亡则返回true)
PlayerPlayerSimulatedPlayer (Note simulated players do not automatically get removed from the world, so isValid will return true long after they are dead)SimulatedPlayer (请注意,模拟玩家不会自动从世界中移除,因此isValid将在它们死亡后很长时间才会返回true)
ContainerSlot (checks the item context is valid: Container exists in the world, such as the owning entity, and the slot is within the container bounds)ContainerSlot (检查物品存储器是否有效:容器是否存在于世界上,如拥有容器插槽的实体)
Already existed as a readonly property, changed to a method for consistency仅作为只读属性存在,并更改为了更一致的方法
EntityAttributeComponent (checks the owning entity is valid and the attribute exists on the entity)EntityAttributeComponent (检查拥有的实体属否有效,且该属性是否存在于该实体上)BlockLiquidContainerComponent (checks block exists and is a valid cauldron type)BlockLiquidContainerComponent (检查方块是否存在并有有效的坩埚属性)
Added read only method isValidLiquid which checks if the liquid in the cauldron matches the component in question (EG. BlockLavaContainerComponent checks for lava liquid)添加了已读行为 isValidLiquid 检查坩埚中的液体是否与成分匹配(如用BlockLavaContainerComponent检查岩浆液体)
EntityComponent (checks the owning entity exists)EntityComponent (检查拥有的实体是否存在)ItemComponent (checks the owning item exists)ItemComponent (检查拥有的物品是否存在)

WorldWorldRenamed getTime to getTimeOfDay .将 getTime 重命名为 getTimeOfDay .Renamed setTime to setTimeOfDay .将 setTime 重命名为 setTimeOfDay .setTimeOfDay now accepts a TimeOfDay enum as an argument.setTimeOfDay 现在允许 TimeOfDay 枚举 作为论证The timeOfDay argument for setTime must now be within 0-23999 (inclusive).setTime的timeOfDay参数现在必须在0-23999(含最大值)内Added getDay添加了 getDay

Updated the following enums' values to be PascalCase instead of camelCase:


实验性 相机系统

Camera preset JSON now supports an optional bool 'player_effects' value which causes game rendering to use player effect state (for example night vision) when this preset is active. Added the "example:example_player_effects" preset to demonstrate this相机的预设JSON现在支持“player_effects”可选值,当该预设激活将导致游戏渲染使用玩家效果状态(如夜视效果),并一并添加了“example:example_player_effects”预设来展示这一点。Camera command can now take a 'facing' option instead of a 'rot' option with a target entity or position specified相机命令现在可以采用“facing”选项,而非用于指定目标实体或位置的“rot”选项Fixed custom cameras to not use the 'inside block' effect when player head is inside a block (MCPE-170206)修复了玩家头部在方块内时也不使用“块内”效果的问题 (MCPE-170206)


Deprecate "minecraft:render_offsets" component in json formats 1.20.10 and higher在1.20.10及更高Json中停用了 "minecraft:render_offsets" 组件Changed  behavior in "minecraft:shooter" to match Vanilla crossbow Changed shooting behavior for a charged "minecraft:shooter" with an empty inventory/offhand to successfully shoot the 更改了“minecraft:shooter”中的蓄力行为以适配原版弩箭,更改了/offhand的“minecraft:shooter”的蓄力射击行为,以成功发射弹药

【Bingkler 译自feedback.minecraft.net 2023 年 6 月 14 日发布的 Minecraft Beta & Preview -
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