本帖最后由 Don_Trueno 于 2023-5-10 22:10 编辑


They’ll get a stronghold on your heart

A few weeks back, when I wrote about the Fox, I mentioned that there’s a comprehensive and inarguable list of Minecraft’s most adorable animals. The fox is up there, and so is the pig and the ocelot. Turtles rank highly, along with rabbits, and - weirdly – the magma cube. But the creature at the very top of that list might come as a surprise to you. It’s the silverfish - and it’s our mob of the month.
几周前,当我在撰写狐狸的文章(翻译帖)时,我提到了一个有关 Minecraft 内最可爱生物的最全面最权威的名单。狐狸遥遥领先,然后是猪和豹猫。海龟和兔子的排行也很靠前,除此以外很奇怪的是岩浆怪也上榜了。但这个名单的第一名可能出乎你 意料。它就是蠹虫 —— 我们本月介绍的生物。

“What the heck?” I hear you respond. “The silverfish?” It’s true, they’re not the most obvious choice for Minecraft’s most adorable insect (and there's not that many!) but let’s be guided by facts and evidence, rather than messy, unreliable feelings.
“这他喵什么鬼?” 我听到了这样的回应。“蠹虫?” 但这是事实,它们可能不是 Minecraft 内最可爱的昆虫之一(其实也没有多少昆虫!)但让我们看看一些事实与依据,而不是凭借无谓的猜想和感觉。

Fact one: the silverfish is tiny and tiny things are adorable. 事实一:蠹虫是小只的,小只的都是可爱的。Fact two: the silverfish has a fuzzy-wuzzy coat. 事实二:蠹虫有毛绒绒的外表。Fact three: silverfish turn cold stone blocks into cute little homes. 事实三:蠹虫能够在冰冷的石头里建造可爱的小窝。Fact four: omg look at that wiggle dance!!! 事实四:哦天看看它们的摇摆舞!!!

In conclusion: there’s absolutely no choice but to put the silverfish at the top of the table. Sorry ocelot lovers, those are just the facts.

Silverfish have been part of the Minecraft world for quite a long time – since the Adventure Update in September 2011, to be exact. They’re sleepy creatures by nature and generally just like hanging out in the homes that they burrow into the rock.
蠹虫存在于 Minecraft 已有相当长的一段时间 —— 确切的说,它们是 2011 年 9 月的冒险更新中加入了游戏。这些天性嗜睡的小动物通常喜欢躲藏在它们在石头中挖出的小窝里。

What they don’t like is when Minecraft players (that’s you) carelessly destroy those homes in their unending quest to collect shiny metals and gemstones. What that means is that when you break a block containing a silverfish, then it’ll leap out and attack you. If you fight back, then the silverfish will let out a screech that alerts all the other silverfish in the area, who’ll come join the defense.

In an attempt to avoid all of this happening, silverfish generally hang out in the least-visited parts of the overworld. They conceal themselves in strongholds, igloo basements, and woodland mansions, and they’re also sometimes found deep below ground in mountain biomes.

In the real world, silverfish are a species of wingless insect that live in dark, moist places across most of the world – including Africa, the Americas, Australia, Eurasia, and parts of the Pacific. They don’t live in rocks and they’re not quite as cute as the Minecraft version, though they do still do the fish-like wiggle dance that (along with their silvery-grey colour) gives them their name.
现实世界中,蠹虫是一种无翅的昆虫,它能够广泛分布于世界各地阴暗潮湿的角落—— 包括非洲、美洲、澳大利亚、欧亚大陆和太平洋部分地区。它们通常不会生活在石头中,也不如 Minecraft 中的可爱。尽管它们仍然会像鱼一样跳摇摆舞(此外它们有着银灰色的外观),这就是它们得名 silverfish 的原因。

The diet of a silverfish consists of starches and sugars, and this is where they can become a bit of an annoyance – because there are all sorts of things humans make that consist of starches and sugars. The list includes carpets, book bindings, clothing, glue, paper, photos, wallpaper, and even coffee. As such, they’re considered pests – though they don’t transmit disease or harm humans in any way.
蠹虫爱吃的食物主要是淀粉和糖类,这就是蠹虫有些恼人的主要原因 —— 因为人们大多数日常用品都含有淀粉和糖类。包括有地毯、书芯、衣物、胶水、纸张、照片、墙纸甚至是咖啡。蠹虫通常被认为是害虫,虽然它们不传播疾病或者伤害人类。

If you do have silverfish in your home (not naming anyone in particular *COUGH* Per Landin *COUGH*) and you want to get rid of them, then the best approach is to allow their natural predators to control the population – earwigs, house centipedes, and some spiders are known to hunt silverfish.
如果你家里有蠹虫(这里并没有在说 Per Landin,*咳咳*),那么最好的办法就是饲养它们的天敌,从而控制它们的数量 —— 众所周知,蠼螋、蜈蚣和部分蜘蛛会捕食蠹虫。( ? Duncan 你是否清醒 ? )

And in Minecraft? Well, the best way to avoid silverfish is simply to not destroy their homes, and if you accidentally do, then retreat and let them burrow back into the rock. The adorable little critters weren’t harming you, so why harm them?
在 Minecraft 里?当然,最好用的避免蠹虫打扰的方法就是不要破坏它们的小窝,如果你不小心破坏了,那就暂避一会,等待它们重新钻进石头里。这些可爱的小动物并不会伤害你,所以为什么伤害它们呢?

【氘氚人 译自官网 2023 年 05 月 04 日发布的 Mob Menagerie: Silverfish;原作者 Duncan Geere】
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