本帖最后由 橄榄Chan 于 2023-1-5 21:07 编辑


Relax in Minecraft with Soothing Scene Videos and Wallpapers!
送你怡人的场景视频和壁纸,在 Minecraft 世界中放松身心!

The holiday season is upon us, dear reader. It can be a stressful time no matter what you’re celebrating (or not celebrating). But I am here to remind, nay – urge you to relax that mind and unwind for a moment. And lo and behold, I just happen to have some gifts that will help you with that!

We have created a series of videos that will turn any screen into a relaxing Minecraft moment. The Minecraft world may be filled with adventure, but it’s also somewhere to appreciate the beauty of the small things. Like heavy drops of rain falling on the leaves of a mangrove tree. Or how the soft snow drifts down to wrap the Overworld up in a bright, white blanket. Find the five soothing scenes in a playlist on our YouTube channel, listen to the serene soundscapes on Spotify, and download their matching wallpapers to your device.
我们制作了一系列视频,让你的屏幕上呈现惬意的 Minecraft 时光。Minecraft 世界或许充满了冒险,却也很适宜发现细微事物的美好一面。听滂沱大雨倾泻而下,打在红树的叶片上;看轻盈雪花缓缓飘落,为主世界盖上一层银白的雪毯。你可以在我们的 YouTube 频道获取共五幅场景的怡人视频、在 Spotify 上聆听宁静的声景,还能为手头上的设备下载相应的壁纸。


Our writers are so devoted to their craft that they have sent postcards to help our readers answer the question – which soothing scene speaks to you? And if you feel compelled to answer, let us know in the comment section!


Do you know what I love the most about the first snowfall of the season? The quiet that comes with it! When the zombies aren’t groaning, and the skeletons aren’t skeletoning, and a layer of powder settles over the Overworld, there’s a real sense of calm. I’d imagine that even the little rabbit footprints are quieter as they pad into snow. I’m writing this postcard to you watching the snowflakes come down. There’s something relaxing about that, too(even if I’ve had one or two cows mastermind an escape using freshly spawned snow blocks!) No matter where in the world you are, or what you’re doing this year, I hope you find a calmness for yourself this festive period. And if your celebrations tend not to be tranquil, then at least you can carve out some serenity by watching this beautiful clip of the first snowfall of the year!

⸺Sophie Austin


If there’s anything I’ve learned from social media, it’s that 1) Almost nobody knows what “POV” means and 2) Foxes do NOT make good pets. They will scream all night, sleep all day, destroy everything you own, and they will never, ever be potty trained. And yet I still want one. Badly. Not even my Minecraft fox sanctuary will scratch that itch.
如果问我在社交媒体上冲浪时学到了些什么,我会说,一是:几乎没人知道“POV”到底是什么意思;二是:狐狸真的不适合当宠物,它们整夜都在乱叫,整个白天又都在睡觉,把你的各种东西都毁了,连训练它到指定的地方去大小便都办不到。就算是这样,我依然止不住想养一只。虽然我在 Minecraft 世界里面建有一个狐狸保护区,不过心里还是痒痒的。

You can imagine my delight (and relief) when I saw this ambient video and realized I don’t need to indulge my self-destructive need to invite a wild animal into my real-life home. I put this video on repeat on my TV and all of a sudden, I had everything I needed: a beautiful cabin reminiscent of the Minecraft base I’ve always wanted to build but don’t have the skill to; a roaring fireplace to make me feel warm inside and out; and finally, the pet I’ve always wanted without the life-changing consequences.
你应该能想象出我看到这条舒心的视频、意识到我其实不需要放纵那种自找麻烦的需求去迎请一个野生动物到我现实中的家里来的时候,心中是何等的快慰(加欣慰)。我在电视机上反复播放这条视频,恍惚间,我似乎拥有了我想要的一切:一座精致的小屋,我一直想打造这样一座 Minecraft 基地,奈何心有余而力不足;壁炉在熊熊燃烧,让我的身躯和心灵都暖意融融;最重要的是我获得了我心心念念的宠物,并且没有招来什么影响生活的后果。

If this is your dream too, then sit back, hit play, and enjoy the coziest video to ever grace your screen. Just remember to put it on repeat unless you want to be thrown into a completely different world courtesy of the Autoplay feature when it’s done.

⸺Cristina Anderca


The ocean. Vast. Deep. Breath-taking. So breath-taking, in fact, that you should use a potent Potion of Water Breathing, should you ever spend time in one of the many underwater wonderlands we're blessed with in the Overworld. Because spending time here is what you should do! Few things can match the serenity of it that comes from marine life and the almost alien-like sounds that can be heard down here. Together they create a harmonious surrounding: Colorful coral blocks teeming with life, pufferfish puffing, dolphins playing curiously with items, and drowned gurgling aggressively as they swim after you with raised tridents in hand! It’s calm given liquid form! 

Alas, the process of obtaining the proper equipment to enjoy life beneath the ocean is a tough and time-consuming one in Minecraft. It’s during these times that we’re blessed with modern technology, when perfection is captured in the form of a perfect loop that puts you in the perfect mood for the holidays. Trade the pressures of daily life for some much-preferred water pressure and enjoy this tranquil scenery! 
嗐,在 Minecraft 里面,想要备齐适宜的装备来享受海底生活可是相当困难的。但如今,幸赖现代技术辅助,我们可以将这完美的景观以完美的循环形式记录下来,为你的假期带来完美的好心情。把平常生活的重压置换成更合心意的水压,享受这幅平静的景致吧!

⸺Per Landin


Greetings from the rainy swamp! I have made myself comfortable beneath a big mangrove tree and have been dozing in and out since I got here. The steady sound of the falling rain coupled with the watchful eyes of the frogs have put me in a state of such comfort, I may never leave. I always suspected it was my destiny to become a swamp creature, and I am very content to lean fully into this lifestyle. This swamp is big enough for the both of us, so make yourself comfortable and enjoy the pitter patter.

⸺Sofia S’womp womp Sound Dankis[1]


Finally, with the writers out of our hair, the rest of the studio could also get some rest and relaxation. This beach is big enough for all of us. But please…don’t tell the Editorial Team where we are. From all of us at Mojang Studios, we want to wish you a happy holiday season and happy new year!
最后,工作室里的其他成员终于把这班编辑摆脱开,可以好好休息放松了。这片海滩也挺大的,足够我们这么多人游玩。不过⋯⋯请不要跟编辑团队他们透露我们的位置。Mojang Studios 全体成员祝您圣诞快乐、新年如意!

⸺Mojang Studios

You can find all of the soothing scenes in a playlist on our YouTube page! Enjoy them and have a relaxing holiday season.
欢迎到我们的 YouTube 主页获取全套怡人风光的播放列表,然后请尽情享受吧!也祝你假日季快乐。

[1] womp womp 是一段音效名称,用来表达失败或失望。|(Wiktionary

【橄榄Chan(aka Olvcpr423译自官网 2022 年 12 月 16 日发布的 Scenes from the Overworld;原作者 Sofia Dankis】
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