本帖最后由 橄榄Chan 于 2022-12-23 12:25 编辑


Here come the coppers!

Back in the middle of 2021, we gave you some great advice on how to dig up copper ore and turn it into ingots. But then we left you hanging – what are you supposed to do with all the ingots filling up your chests? Well, that's up to you, really, But I do have a personal favorite. Also, I would be out of a job if I didn't tell you about ALL THE ITEMS, so today, we’re aiming our high-powered item-of-the-month laser at copper ingots! ZAP!
2021 年年中,我们教过你如何开采铜矿石并冶炼成铜锭,不过当时没告诉你下一步该干什么⸺这满箱子的铜锭都拿来做什么好呢?说实话,这得看你的想法,而我也有我的想法。要是不把所有物品都跟你讲一遍,我的饭碗可就不保了。那么今天,我们就把每月物品牌高能激光炮对准铜锭!嘭!

Copper ingots were added to Minecraft alongside azalea and amethyst in the first part of the Caves & Cliffs update, released back in June 2021. Copper is the first new ore to be added to Minecraft in a surprisingly long time since Nether Quartz ore was included as part of the Redstone update in 2013.
铜锭是在 2021 年 6 月发布的《洞穴与山崖》第一部分更新中加入 Minecraft 的,与之一同加入的还有杜鹃和紫水晶。它是自 2013 年《红石更新》加入下界石英矿后  Minecraft 的首样新矿物,时间间隔之久令人感叹。

If you’re into fighting and combat, then the easiest way to get hold of copper ingots is to find some water and start hunting drowned. For every one of these soggy foes that you slay, there’s slightly more than a one in ten chance that you’ll get a copper ingot – with the chance rising to more than one in six with a Looting III weapon.
如果你乐于战斗,那么获取铜锭最快捷的方法是找寻水域、猎杀溺尸。每倒下一个湿漉漉的溺尸,你都有十分之一的概率拿到一块铜锭,如果击杀时用附有掠夺 III 魔咒的武器,这个概率可以提高到六分之一。

If you prefer to avoid trouble, then head down your mine – but not too far! Copper ore is largely found near the surface. Put some of the raw copper that you get from breaking the ore into a furnace or blast furnace, and you’ll be overflowing with ingots before long.

There are three things you can do with copper ingots at the time of writing. Put nine of them in a crafting grid, and you’ll get a block of copper that starts out orange but oxidizes into green over time. You can also craft a lightning rod with three ingots or a spyglass with two ingots and an amethyst shard.

Image Credit: Micahmn // CC BY 2.5
图片来源: Micahmn // 知识共享 署名 2.5

In the real world, copper has been a vital part of human history and still plays an enormous role in today’s society. It has been mined by humans since about 8000 BC and was the first metal to be smelted (in 5000 BC), the first to be molded (in 4000 BC), the first to be alloyed (in 3500 BC) – but not the first item to be covered here on Minecraft.net (2022 AD).
现实世界中,铜在人类历史上的地位举足轻重,且在当今社会依然是不可或缺的角色。人类在公元前 8000 年就开始采铜,是首样被拿来冶炼的金属(公元前 5000 年)、首样被拿来浇筑的金属(公元前 4000 年)、首样被拿来制成合金的金属(公元前 3500 年)⸺可惜不是首样被我们 Minecraft.net 介绍的物品(公元 2022 年)。

Today, copper is used in all kinds of situations – in electronics for its powers as a good conductor of both heat and electricity, in alloys like bronze, cupronickel, and sterling silver, in cooking materials for its antimicrobial properties, and also in buildings for its durable, weatherproof qualities – if you see a green roof on a building, you can bet that it’s copper.

You might be surprised to learn that it’s also a vital ingredient of all living organisms. Your body contains something like two milligrams of copper for every kilogram of body weight – primarily stored in the liver, muscle, and bone, and used to regulate metabolic processes and the proper functioning of organs. It’s available in plenty of foods though, so you don’t need to munch down on it – keep a balanced diet and you’ll be fine.
铜在生物体内同样是不可或缺的物质,意不意外?你身体的每千克体重都含有 2 毫克铜,铜主要存在于肝脏、肌肉和骨骼中,用于调节新陈代谢、维持器官正常功能。很多食物都含有铜,所以只要均衡饮食,就没什么可担心的,也没必要特地补充。

Back in Minecraft, you definitely don’t need to eat any copper to stay alive. But you will need it if you want to avoid a lightning strike or build a spyglass. So head out and get yourself some ingots!
Minecraft 中当然不需要吃铜来保持身体健康,不过在有避免雷击或者制作望远镜的需求时,还是要用到的。所以请出发去整点铜锭吧!

【橄榄Chan(aka Olvcpr423译自官网 2022 年 12 月 22 日发布的 Taking Inventory: Copper Ingot;原作者 Duncan Geere】
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专刀你 发表于 2022-12-23 21:22

laser应该特指激光(Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation)

专刀你 发表于 2022-12-23 21:22



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