

With the holidays upon us, many are going on some lovely, well-deserved vacations – some even inside Minecraft! You never know what adventures and sights await, especially if traveling to exotic locations.
假日季就要到了,很多人都想犒劳自己,去度个愉快的假⸺有些人甚至打算到 Minecraft 里去!你永远也猜不到前方有什么样的冒险与景色在等着你,到异域旅行就更不必说了。

That’s why we asked our community to submit their most spectacular vacation themed creations! Builds were to be of decent size and players had to work by themselves. There were so many gorgeous submissions that it was hard for us to choose the top three.

Read on to see which ones had us reaching for our passports!

1st place: 4___

Taking us to a gorgeous tropical getaway is this submission from 4___ . Lush palm trees and greenery surround a multi-spired and domed building, and there’s even the threat of an active volcano lurking in the background!
4___ 的这件作品把我们带到了热带度假胜地。在那里,郁郁葱葱的棕榈树和绿植环绕着尖塔圆顶建筑,背景里还有一座活火山,似乎马上就要喷薄而出!

2nd place: C

This submission is titled “John, Craig, and Jeremiah on holiday” and it was created by C, complete with a pencil building, general store, and ice cream shop. John is upstairs on the bicycle with Craig and Jeremiah taking in the sights down below on the sand.
这件作品名为《约翰、克雷格和杰里迈亚的假日》,由 C 创作。地图中有铅笔式建筑、杂货铺,还有一家冰淇凌店。约翰在楼上骑着自行车,克雷格和杰里迈亚则在下边的沙滩上看风景。

3rd place: iTriplet

iTriplet’s build is said to be “a simple spa in the middle of a wonderful place”. Giving visitors the ability to take a relaxing bath next to a cherry tree, this looks like a magical location perfect for a restorative vacation.
iTriplet 打造的这座建筑,据说是“如画般环境中一间简朴的 SPA”,游客可以在樱桃树下美美地泡澡。这奇妙的地方似乎很适合作为疗养身心的假日去处。

Interested in joining the next challenge? Check out our Discord server and learn what the next theme is!
有兴趣参加下一期挑战吗?请加入我们的 Discord 服务器,了解下期主题!

【橄榄Chan(aka Olvcpr423译自官网 2022 年 12 月 16 日发布的 Build Challenge: Vacation;原作者 Lindsey S.】
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