本帖最后由 橄榄Chan 于 2022-12-5 12:21 编辑


The Great Barrier block!

Ahhh, mornings. Enjoying the beautiful sunrise, crafting some delicious breakfast, collecting your equipment out of your chests, and leaving your home for a long day of mining, crafting, and dig straight-downing. Yes I know, I can be very rebellious during the early hours!

But just outside your front door, a surprise awaits; during the night, a creeper wandered out of the nearby woods, and now your house will soon have a big hole in it. If only this tragedy could have been avoided! But wait – it could! If only you’d spend a little time getting to know our block of the month. Meet: the fence – a Minecraft player's best de...fence!
不过这时,正门外边有个“惊喜”正候着你呢!夜里有一只苦力怕从房子旁的树林里溜了出来,很快就会把你的房子炸出一个大洞。这幕惨剧如果能避免就好了!诶,等等,确实可以!请花些时间来了解我们的本月方块,来看看栅栏吧,Minecraft 玩家的首选防⋯⋯护栏!

Fences became a part of Minecraft in August 2010 as part of the eighth Seecret Friday update. They were a necessary addition, because the update also added the spider jockey, a mob you don’t want anywhere near you. No siree.
栅栏是在 2010 年 8 月发布的第八个“秘密周五更新”中加入 Minecraft 的,同时加入的还有蜘蛛骑士,你绝对不愿意让它出现在身边,这就使加入栅栏变得十分有必要。

They’re crafted out of planks and sticks (fences, not spider jockeys) using any type of plank, including warped and crimson. You can also make them out of Nether bricks and Nether brick blocks if you want to construct a Nether Fortress of your very own.

Fences are extremely good at one thing – keeping two areas separated from each other. Players and mobs, both friendly and hostile, can’t jump over them unless they have a jump boost enchantment. This makes fences perfect for keeping hostile entities out of your base area, as well as keeping sheep, chickens, and other animals in a pen for easy breeding and harvesting.

But fences can do so much more! You can hitch another creature (often a horse) to them with a lead, so that they don’t escape – which is a much more wood-efficient way of keeping one creature contained than building a whole enclosure for them. Did I mention you can also use it as furnace fuel, and they’ll make a “bass” sound when placed under a note block?

The word "fence" comes from the 14th-century word “fens” meaning protection, which is also where we get the word “defence”. In the real world, fencing likely emerged around the same time as agriculture and the idea of private property. The earliest fences were probably made of stone, though the Anglo-Saxons developed “worm fences” – stacking rough wooden rails at an angle so they support each other.
Fence 一词来源于 14 世纪词汇 fens,意为“防护”,defence 一词也是这么来的。在现实世界中,栅栏或许是随农耕文明和私有制观念一同出现的。最早的栅栏可能是用石头制成,不过盎格鲁撒克逊人做出了“蛇形栅栏”,把粗糙的木条搭在一起,形成夹角,使木条间可以互相支撑。

Today, you can make a fence out of almost anything – though brick and stone fences are more often called “walls”. You see them everywhere – in both highly populated and sparsely populated areas. There are usually fences around fields, construction sites, schools, gardens, and even nature reserves. Honestly, the world probably has too many.

Minecraft, though, is another matter. So feel free to build as many fences as you like. Anything to keep the creepers from ambushing you first thing in the morning. Speaking of which, I have a house to repair...
但 Minecraft 世界里又是另一回事了,所以请随心建造栅栏吧,只要别大清早出门被苦力怕偷袭就行。说起这个,我得去修房子了⋯⋯

【橄榄Chan(aka Olvcpr423译自官网 2022 年 12 月 01 日发布的 Block of the Month: Fence;原作者 Duncan Geere】
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