本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2022-11-26 22:39 编辑

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2022/11/26 21:09
因为原贴和插件已经存在了很大的区别,故我需要单独开贴翻译 Wiki 来为此插件的用户提供更好的使用体验。
今天上线看到 AureliumSkills 已经把自己的英文维基做的很完善了,那就来顺势翻译一波。
Crowdin 的汉化也是如此。

原贴地址:https://www.spigotmc.org/resourc ... ies-and-more.81069/

Welcome 欢迎界面
Configuation 配置文件
   Main Config 主配置
     MySQL 数据库配置
   Messages 消息配置
   Rewards 奖励配置
   Loot 战利品配置
   Sources 经验获取源配置
   Abilities 技能配置
   Menus 菜单配置
      Menu Format Changes
   XP Requirements 经验要求配置
Gameplay 游戏体验
   Stats 属性
      Stat Modifiers 属性翻倍
      Health 生命值
   Mana Abilities 魔法技能
   Multipliers 增幅
   Requirements 限制
Usage 插件用法
   Commands 命令
   Permissions 权限
   Placeholders 变量
Other 其他
   FAQs 常被问到的问题
   Incompatibilities 不兼容内容

欢迎你来到 Aurelium Skills 的插件维基!
Here you will find documentation on how to set up, configure, and use the plugin. Navigate pages using the sidebar on the left (top left icon on mobile). Please note that not everything about the plugin is covered, and some information may be out of date.

If you are new to the plugin or are looking to download it, visit the SpigotMC Page.
If you have any other questions, please join the Discord server and ask in the support channel. There you can also give suggestions, report bugs, get notified about updates and announcments, and access developmental builds.

若你是初次使用本插件,并且正在寻找它的下载途径,点击这里来访问本插件在 SpigotMC 上的资源介绍页。
若你有任何想问的其他问题,你可以加入我们的 Discord 服务器 并在 支持 子频道内询问相关事宜。你也可以在这个服务器里给出建议以及提交漏洞,获悉有关插件的公告与更新,甚至是获取插件的最新开发版构建。

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-1-12 15:05 编辑
配置文本 (config.yml) 的相关教程
This is a guide to the config.yml file found in the plugins/AureliumSkills folder.
If an option you see in the config is missing, this page may not have been updated yet or the option may have been removed. You can find any config additions and changes in the full plugin .

这是本插件的配置文件详解,它(config.yml)位于你服务器中的 plugins/AureliumSkills
Last Updated Version: Beta 1.2.6

本配置文件最后更新对照版本: Beta 1.2.6

MySQL 数据库设置
enabled - Whether MySQL should be used for data storage (requires a restart to enable)
host - MySQL hostname
port- Port (must be number)
database - Database name (must be created already)
username - MySQL username
password - MySQL password
load-delay - Number of ticks to delay loading data after a player joins, useful for syncing multiple servers to a single database
always-load-on-join - If true, player data will always be loaded from the database when a player joins, regardless if it is already in memory
ssl - Whether to use SSL

  enabled - 是否启用该模块以使用数据库同步数据 (需要重启服务器)
  host - MySQL 地址
  port - 端口号 (必须是数值)
  database - 数据库名称 (必须已经创建)
  username - MySQL 用户名
  password - MySQL 密码
  load-delay - 玩家加入后载入数据的延迟时间, 对多服务器使用统一数据库时很有帮助
  always-load-on-join - 若设置为 true, 玩家加入时总是加载数据库的内容, 无论其此前是否已被载入服务器缓存中
  ssl - 是否启用 SSL 加密
default-language - The default language for players; must have a file that matches (ex: messages_en.yml for en)
try-detect-client-language - If set to true, the plugin will try to use the client's language, if available and valid. This is only for players who have not set a language using commands, or if their language was reset after a server restart. If the client language is not a valid plugin language, it will use the default-language. If set to false, all unset players will use the default-language.
languages - A list of languages players can switch to using /skills lang <language>; must also have a file that matches. Custom language files are defined here.

default-language - 玩家使用的默认语言; 必须有对应的消息文件 (例如: 此项为 en 时需要有名为 messages_en.yml 的文件存在)
  try-detect-client-language - 若设置为 true,插件会尝试使用客户端使用的语言,前提是此语言有效且存在对应的文件. 此选项仅适用于没有使用指令选择语言的玩家,或者在服务器突然重启后丢失已选择语言设置的玩家。若客户端使用了Aurelium Skills没有的语言文件,则默认使用 default-language 项设置的语言。 若设置为 false,所有未设置语言的玩家都将使用 default-language 项设置的语言作为自己的默认语言。
  languages - 可供玩家使用指令 /skills lang <语言> 切换的语言文件列表; 须有对应的语言文档与之对应,可以在此处设置自定义语言。
Action Bar
enabled - Whether the action bar should be enabled/disabled (Must be set to true to have any action bars; setting to false disables all action bar types)
idle - Controls the idle action bar (not gaining xp). Enable this if you want the action bar to always display.
ability - Controls the action bar for ability messages (raise/lower, activate, etc.). If set the false, the ability messages will be sent through chat instead.  
xp - Controls the action bar for gaining xp (not maxed)
maxed - Controls the action bar when xp is gained in a maxed skill
update-period - How often the action bar should update, in ticks (Increase this value if action bar is causing lag)
round-xp - If enabled, current xp will be rounded to an integer.
placeholder-api - Whether PlaceholderAPI placeholders should be replaced in the action bar, given that you have PlaceholderAPI

  enabled - 是否启用/禁用此功能 (若要显示 ActionBar 内容则必须启用此模块; 设置为 false 会禁用任意的 ActionBar 消息显示)
  idle - 决定无操作时 ActionBar 显示的内容 (并不是收集经验时显示的那一部分!). 若你想要 ActionBar 一直显示消息,那么你需要启用这个模块。
  ability - 决定准备或触发技能时 ActionBar 显示的内容 (准备/取消准备, 激活技能时显示的消息, 等等。)。 若设置为 false, 技能消息将只会通过聊天栏发出。  
  xp - 决定获得技能经验时的 ActionBar 消息 (并不是满级显示的消息)
  maxed - 决定满级技能收集经验时的 ActionBar 消息
  update-period - ActionBar 更新时间,单位为 刻(ticks, 20 ticks = 1秒) (若 ActionBar 造成服务器卡顿,尝试增加这个值)
  round-xp - 若启用,当前经验值将会被四舍五入为整数.
  placeholder-api - 是否在 ActionBar 内启用 PlaceholderAPI 从而允许使用变量,若要启用你需要先安装 PlaceholderAPI。
Boss Bar
enabled - Whether boss bars should be enabled for xp gains
mode - Can be either single or multi. multi means multiple boss bars will display if gaining XP from different types of skills, single is only one at a time.
stay-time - How long the boss bar should stay up after not gaining xp, in ticks
update-every - Controls how often the boss bar should update when gaining xp consecutively, increase if having lag issues
round-xp - If enabled, the current xp will be rounded to an integer.
format - The format list allows you to change the boss bar color and style for each skill:
Format: '[SKILL] [COLOR] [STYLE]'
Available colors are BLUE, GREEN, PINK, PURPLE, WHITE, RED, and YELLOW
Available styles are SOLID, SEGMENTED_6, SEGMENTED_10, SEGMENTED_12, and SEGMENTED_20
base-mana - The base amount of mana players should have at 0 Wisdom
enable-roman-numerals - Whether Roman numerals should be used for skill levels

  enabled - 是否启用 BossBar 用于显示经验收集进度
  mode - 可被设置为 single/multi 两个值。当设置为 singles,本插件最多将只占用一个 BossBar 用于显示收集经验显示,而 multi 则会占用多个 BossBar
  stay-time - BossBar 显示完毕后停留的时间
  update-every - 连续收集经验时 BossBar 的显示刷新间隔,若出现卡顿问题,请尝试将该值提高
  round-xp - 是否在 BossBar 上显示四舍五入后的经验值
  format - BossBar 的信息显示格式
      Format:'[技能名] [颜色] [BossBar 样式]'
      - 可用的颜色有 BLUE(蓝), GREEN(绿), PINK (粉)), PURPLE(紫), WHITE(白), RED(红) 和 YELLOW(黄)
      - 可用的 BossBar 样式有 SOLID(无分隔), SEGMENTED_6(分隔最多), SEGMENTED_10(分隔较多), SEGMENTED_12(分隔较少), SEGMENTED_20(分隔最少)
  base-mana - 玩家尚未收集智慧经验时初始魔法值上限
  enable-roman-numerals - 显示等级时使用罗马数字而非阿拉伯数字

damage-holograms - Enable/disable damage holograms (requires HolographicDisplays)
damage-holograms-scaling - Whether the damage displayed on holograms should be scaled according to health.hp-indicator-scaling
display-when-less-than: - Display decimals in damage holograms when less than a specified damage
decimal-max-amount - The maximum amount of decimal digits to display
x - X coordinate offset
y - Y coordinate offset
Z - Z coordinate offset
enabled - Whether random hologram positions should be enabled
x-min - Minimum X coordinate offset
x-max - Maximum X coordinate offset
y-min - Minimum Y coordinate offset
y-max - Maximum Y coordinate offset
z-min - Minimum Z coordinate offset
z-max - Maximum Z coordinate offset

damage-holograms - 是否启用本模块 (需安装 HolographicDisplays)
  damage-holograms-scaling - 是否根据 health.hp-indicator-scaling 选项修改显示的攻击力数值
    display-when-less-than: - 小于特定值时在伤害显示中显示小数
    decimal-max-amount - 显示的小数最大位数
  x - X 轴偏移量
  y - Y 轴偏移量
  z - Z 轴偏移量
  enabled - 是否启用随机位置攻击显示
  x-min - 最小 X 轴偏移量
  x-max - 最大 X 轴偏移量
  y-min - 最小 Y 轴偏移量
  y-max - 最大 Y 轴偏移量
  z-min - 最小 Z 轴偏移量
  z-max - 最大 Z 轴偏移量

update-period - How often leaderboards should be updated, in ticks
update-delay - How long after server startup should the leaderboards be updated, in ticks (does not include the immediate update on startup)

  update-period - 排行榜刷新时间,单位为刻
  update-delay - 在服务器开启多少时间后排行榜会被立刻刷新,单位为刻 (不包括开启初的排行榜内容刷新)

enable-skill-commands - Whether skill name commands should be enabled such as /farming or /mining (Requires restart to have an effect)
check-block-replace - Whether blocks placed by players should not give xp; keep true unless you are having plugin compatibility issues

enable-skill-commands - 技能名称是否被用于做成命令以打开各自的子菜单,例如 /farming 或 /mining (重启后有效)
check-block-replace - 被玩家重复放置的方块是否可以再次获得经验;。默认应当保持为 true,除非你在使用过程中出现了兼容性问题。

blocked-check-block-replace-worlds - Worlds on this list will not be checked for block replaces, allowing placing and breaking of blocks to gain xp.
blocked-check-block-replace-regions - WorldGuard regions on this list will not be checked for block replaces (requires 1.13+).
blocked-worlds - Players in worlds on this list will not be able to gain xp naturally in any skill.
blocked-regions - Players in regions on this list will not be able to gain xp naturally in any skill (requires 1.13+).
disabled-worlds - Most of the plugin's gameplay functionality will be disabled in worlds on this list, including but not limited to stats, abilities, gaining xp, and the action bar (commands and menus will still be available)
disable-in-creative-mode - Whether players should not be able to gain xp while in creative mode

blocked-check-block-replace-worlds - 在该列表中的世界不会被插件检测重复放置,这意味着玩家可以在这些世界中重复放置并破坏方块来获得对应的技能经验。
blocked-check-block-replace-regions - 在该列表中的 WorldGuard 区域中不会被插件检测重复放置 (该功能需要 1.13+ 版本)
blocked-worlds - 在该列表世界中的玩家将不能通过正常方式获取技能经验。
blocked-regions - 在该列表 WorldGuard 区域中的玩家将不能通过正常方式获取技能经验。
disabled-worlds - 插件的大部分功能在该列表中的世界将会被禁用,包括但不限于属性/技能/收集经验/ActionBar信息显示(菜单和其他命令仍然可用)
disable-in-creative-mode - 是否禁用玩家在创造模式下的经验获取

enabled - Whether data for online players should save periodically instead of just when they log out. This is useful if you experience skill data losses due to server crashes.
interval-ticks - How often (in ticks) to auto-save

  enabled - 是否定时保存,或只是在玩家退出的时候保存他们的数据?当你正在遭受因服务器崩溃而导致的经验与技能数据丢失问题时这个选项很有效。
  interval-ticks - 自动保存间隔(单位为刻)

enabled - Whether players should gain money for leveling up skills (requires Vault)
base - The base amount of money players gain at level 2
multiplier - The multiplier (money = base + multiplier * level * level)

  enabled - 玩家在升级时是否可以获得金币奖励 (需要安装 Vault)
  base - 在第二级时玩家获得的金币基数
  multiplier - 倍率 (获得的金币数 = 基数 + 倍数 * 等级的平方)

enabled - Whether a title should be displayed to players on skill level up
fade-in - Title fade in time, in ticks
stay - How long the title should last, in ticks
fade-out - Title fade out time, in ticks
enabled - Whether a sound should be played to players on skill level up
type - The name of the sound that should be played (must be a valid sound name)
category - The sound category the sound should be played in
volume - Sound volume
pitch - Sound pitch
double-check-delay - The level up check delay for large xp gains at once, in ticks (lower is faster)

    enabled - 当玩家升级时是否启用标题提醒
    fade-in - 淡入时间,单位为刻
    stay - 标题文字保持显示的时间
    fade-out - 淡出时间,单位为刻
    enabled - 当玩家升级时是否启用音效提醒
    type - 声音种类(必须为有效声音名称)
    category - 声音的子种类
    volume - 声音的音量
    pitch - 声音的音调
    double-check-delay - 对于一次收集到大量经验而升级的检查延迟,单位为刻 (数值越小代表越快)

equip-blocked-materials - A list of blocks that should not grant stats of armor when right-clicked; add to this list when stats are given but armor is not equipped.
check-period - How often, in ticks, the item held in a player's hand should be checked for stat item modifiers (increase if you have lag)
enable-off-hand - Whether stat modifiers should work in the off hand
auto-convert-from-legacy - Whether the old modifier nbt format should be converted to the new one. Set to false if you are having performance issues and all your items have been converted.

    equip-blocked-materials - *右键装备时不会获得装备原版属性的物品列表;当你需要只获得盔甲上的属性而不需要原版的防御数值等属性的时候,你就可以将他们添加至这个地方。
    check-period - 检查玩家手中的物品是否有属性提升的lore间隔,单位为刻。当服务器出现卡顿时考虑提升该值。
    enable-off-hand - 物品属性是否在扶手持有时生效。
    auto-convert-from-legacy - 旧的属性 NBT 格式是否要在新版本环境下被自动转换。当你的所有物品已被转换并可以正确工作或服务器出现性能问题时,你可以将该项禁用。

enabled - Whether requirements should be checked at all. If you do not use requirements, disabling will improve performance.
prevent-tool-use - Whether block breaking should be blocked when a player does not meet a requirement
prevent-weapon-use - Whether attacking entities should be blocked when a player does not meet a requirement
prevent-block-place - Whether block placing should be blocked when a player does not meet a requirement
global - Define item requirements that should apply to every item of that type. Format: - '[material] [skill_1]:[level_1] [skill_2]:[level_2] ...'
prevent-armor-equip - Whether armor should be unable to be equipped when a player does not meet a requirement
global - Define armor requirements that should apply to every item of that type. Format: - '[material] [skill_1]:[level_1] [skill_2]:[level_2] ...'

  enabled - 决定装备的条件限制模块是否启用。若你没有用到这一块功能,关闭该模块将会提升服务器性能。
    prevent-tool-use - 玩家没有达到工具的使用条件时是否阻止玩家使用该工具破坏方块。
    prevent-weapon-use - 玩家没有达到武器的使用条件时是否阻止玩家使用该武器攻击其他实体。
    prevent-block-place - 玩家没有达到物品的使用条件时是否阻止玩家放置该物品。
    global - 决定默认添加至物品的条件限制。 格式为: '[材料名称] [技能名称]:[技能等级] [技能名称]:[技能等级] ...'
    prevent-armor-equip -

base-multiplier - The base damage multiplier for critical hits
enabled - Options in this category control whether that item type should be able to deal critical hits. (hand is for empty fist, other is for holding any other item not on the list)

placeholder-api - Whether PlaceholderAPI placeholders should be used in menus.

  placeholder-api - 是否在菜单中允许使用 PlaceholderAPI 的变量

check-for-updates - Whether the plugin should check for new updates on startup and when a player with the aureliumskills.checkupdates permission joins
enabled - Whether automatic backups should be taken on server shutdown
minimum-interval-hours - The minimum interval, in hours, between automatic backups. Automatic backups will only be taken at least this amount of hours after the last one.
Skill Options
All Skills Options
enabled - Whether this skill should be enabled. Disabled skills will be invisible from menus and unable to be leveled. The abilities and mana abilities of disabled skills will not work.
max-level - The max level obtainable naturally for this skill
check-cancelled - An option on most skills that controls whether block break events should be checked for cancellation (only disable if there are plugin compatibility issues)
check-multiplier-permissions - Whether to check for permission based XP multipliers when a player gains XP in a skill. If you do not use multiplier permissions, setting this to false can improve performance.
Archery and Fighting Options
damage-based - Option to grant XP every time a player attacks per damage dealt instead of killing the mob. WARNING: This still uses the values in sources_config.yml as the XP granted PER VANILLA DAMAGE for each type of mob. You should significantly lower and equalize the archery and fighting values in sources_config.yml if you want to keep the progression similar to before.
spawner-multiplier - Option to change the XP gained from mobs spawned from spawners. Set to 0 to disable XP from mob spawners; set to 1 to match regular mobs (1 by default). The XP gained is the spawner-multiplier value multiplied by the XP a normal mob of that type would give.
Defense Options
max - The maximum amount of XP that can be gained at once
min - The minimum amount of XP/damage required to gain any XP
allow-shield-blocking - Allow Defense XP gain when blocking with a shield (false by default)
Endurance Options
xp-gain-period - How often Endurance XP should be gained, in ticks
Alchemy Options
give-xp-on-takout - Alchemy option to reward XP when the potion is taken out of the brewing stand.
give-xp-on-potion-combat - Give alchemy XP when using splash/lingering potions to kill/damage mobs (follows Archery options and XP source values)
exclude-negative-potions - Disable options that give negative effects from giving Healing XP

exclude-negative-potions - 负面药水不增加治愈经验
Stat Options
modifier - How much vanilla hp should be given for every Health level (2 = 1 vanilla heart). By default it is 0.5, which means players will gain half of half a heart (0.25 of a heart) for every Health level. This is not affected by hp-indicator-scaling.
health-scaling - If enabled, hearts are scaled at high enough hps (purely visual), maxing out at 20 hearts. (This option is to prevent hearts taking up a large portion of the screen, however this means that 1 heart at low hps will not be worth the same as 1 heart at high hps)
hp-indicator-scaling - How much vanilla hp should be multiplied by for display on the action bar and menus (Does not affect actual health, purely visual)
update-delay - How many ticks the plugin should wait before updating health on world switches (keep at 0 unless you are having plugin compatibility issues)
force-base-health - If enabled, base health will be forced to 20 every time health updates (only enable if you are having plugin compatibility issues)
hearts - This section is used to change the hearts shown for different health ranges. The key is the number of hearts and the value is the minecraft health that amount of hearts is unlocked at.
For example, if two entries are '12': 29 and '13': 37, this means the player will have 12 hearts shown on their screen when their minecraft health is from 29 (inclusive) to 37 (exclusive).
The values are not the HP shown on the action bar. To find the HP from the action bar the value is, multiply it by the health.hp-indicator-scaling option (default is 5).
This supports hearts below 10 and hearts above 20, just add entries with the key as the number of hearts.
The order of keys and values should be sequential, otherwise higher heart entries will override lower ones.
This is purely cosmetic, changing these options does not change the actual hp you have.
This only works if you have health.health-scaling set to true.
keep-full-on-increase - If enabled, a player with full health that has a health stat increase will keep full health. Players will not need to regenerate extra health if they were already at full health before their max health increased.
modifier - How much vanilla damage should be added for every Strength level (2 = 1 vanilla heart of damage). If use-percent is set to true, the new damage is damage = originalDamage * (1 + (strength * modifier) / 100).
hand-damage - Whether strength should work on fists and items that aren't tools or weapons)
bow-damage - Whether strength should apply for bows
display-damage-with-health-scaling - Whether the Strength descriptors in the stats menu should display damage with health.hp-indicator-scaling
use-percent - Whether strength should be calculated on a percentage basis, rather than adding. This will make the base damage more important so waiting for the attack cooldown and using a better weapon will be more important. If this is true, the recommended modifier is 0.63.
new-modifier - Controls the power of the Toughness stat in reducing damage (See  for more info)
custom-regen-mechanics - Whether custom regeneration mechanics should be enabled (allows the control of regen delays but doesn't feel as vanilla)
base-regen - The base amount of vanilla health regenerated when Regeneration is 0
saturated-modifier - How much addition health should be regenerated per Regeneration level when the player has saturation
hunger-full-modifier - How much additional health should be regenerated per Regeneration level when the player is at full hunger but does not have saturation
hunger-almost-full-modifier - How much additional health should be regenerated per Regeneration level when the player is above 14 hunger points but below 20
saturated-delay - How fast health should regenerate when the player has saturation, in ticks, if custom-regen-mechanics are enabled
hunger-delay - How fast health should regenerate when the player does not have saturation, in ticks, if custom-regen-mechanics are enabled
mana-modifier - How much additional mana should be regenerated per second per Wisdom level
base-mana-regen - The base amount of mana regenerated when Regeneration is 0
modifier - How much luck attribute should be given per Luck level
double-drop-enabled - Whether the luck double drop functionality is enabled
double-drop-modifier - The chance modifier for double drop per Luck level
double-drop-percent-max - The maximum percent chance for double drops
anvil-cost-modifier - The anvil XP cost reduced per Wisdom level
experience-modifier - The increase in vanilla experience gain per Wisdom level
allow-over-max-mana - Whether mana should stay when the Wisdom stat decreases so that the max mana goes below the current mana
max-mana-per-wisdom - How much the max mana should increase per wisdom level

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