本帖最后由 橄榄Chan 于 2022-11-24 10:48 编辑


Read it! Ribbit!

Minecraft’s swamps might feel like a place you don’t want to hang out in. There’s water everywhere, and witches abound. But this dank environment is rich in resources and unique plant and animal life – including the meme sensation and mob of the month, the frog.
你也许都不屑于走进 Minecraft 里的沼泽,那里处处都是水,处处都有女巫。但这片潮湿的环境同样盛产各类资源和珍奇动植物,当然也少不了我们的本月生物兼梗王⸺青蛙

Frogs are an extremely recent addition to Minecraft, joining the party in the Wild update in June 2022, which – among other features – included an extensive reworking of the swamp biome where frogs are found.
青蛙是近段时间才出现在 Minecraft 中的,加入于 2022 年 6 月发布的《荒野更新》,此次更新还对青蛙出没的沼泽生物群系进行了大翻修,也带来了其他新特性。

The frog is a passive mob, meaning that they’ll just chill out most of the time and not bother you. They generate naturally in swamp and mangrove swamp biomes, where they enjoy the moisture and the foliage, and that’s where you’ll find them.

While they're instantly recognizable through their charismatic and carefree appearance, frogs haven't always looked the way they do today. Mojang Studios' 3D artist Chi Wong has more to share!
虽然很容易就能通过那魔性的外貌和无忧无虑的神态认出它们,但它们可不是一开始就长这样的。Mojang Studios 的立体艺术家 Chi Wong 还有一些故事想跟你分享!

While working on the frog, our initial model was larger than what we currently have in-game. We thought that what we made looked fine, but when we finally imported the model into Minecraft it just looked too large! It couldn't fit on a lily pad and looked too derpy and less cute. We needed it to be equally cute as it is derpy!

The art team sat together to tweak the proportions, squishing down the frog to a cute side while keeping the big eyes. We ended up with the cute and derpy frog that everyone knows and loves.

⸺ Chi Wong

Really, now? I wonder what could have looked li... oh my!

Frogs have the ability to jump up to eight blocks in a single bound, and take less damage from falling than other mobs. They love eating small slimes, so much so that they can be bred using a slimeball in the same way that you breed other animals.

But unlike other animals, frogs don’t give birth to baby frogs – their reproductive process is a bit more complicated. When two frogs are bred together, one of them will seek out a water block to lay frogspawn. After a while, this frogspawn becomes a tadpole which will then finally grow slowly into a frog, adapting to its environment in the process. Depending on where that tadpole grows up, you’ll get a different-looking frog. Try raising tadpoles in many different biomes.

Given how much frogs like eating slimes, I wonder what would happen if you fed one a magma cube, slimes’ Nether cousin? Maybe that’s a story for another day...

In the real world, frogs represent a huge group of amphibians with short bodies and no tail. They evolved about 265 million years ago, and live in all parts of the world – from the tropics to the subarctic.
现实世界中,青蛙是一大类体短、无尾的两栖动物。它们在 2.65 亿年前进化完成,从热带地区到亚北极区,世界各地均有分布。

The whole frogspawn/tadpole thing generally happens in the real world too, though there are a few species that skip it. Tadpoles have tails and gills, like fish do, but they eventually shed these when they metamorphose into their adult form.

Frogs play an important role in many ecosystems – eating both plants and other animals, and being eaten by predators in turn. They’re so important, in fact, that the decline of frog populations is often a key warning sign of environmental damage. Today, more than a third of living species are threatened with extinction, and more than 120 frog species are thought to have gone extinct since the 1980s - including the golden toad pictured above, which hasn’t been seen since 1989.
青蛙在许多生态系统中都起着举足轻重的作用,它们吃植物和其他动物,也被更高级的捕食者捕食。青蛙种群数量的减少常可看作环境破坏的警示标。如今,超过三分之一的现存青蛙品种面临着灭绝的风险。人们认为,自 1980 年以来已有超过 120 个品种的青蛙灭绝,这里面就有上图中所展示的金蟾蜍,1989 年以后就没人发现过它们的踪影了。

So next time you see a bunch of frogs hopping about, either in Minecraft or the real world, that’s a good sign that you’re in a relatively happy and healthy ecosystem.
所以不管是在 Minecraft 世界也好,在现实世界也罢,下次如果见到一群青蛙跳来跳去,那就说明你正身处一个祥和而健康的生态系统。

【橄榄Chan(aka Olvcpr423译自官网 2022 年 11 月 22 日发布的 Mob Menagerie: Frog;原作者 Duncan Geere】
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