本帖最后由 橄榄Chan 于 2022-11-8 16:54 编辑


Kaizen87 shows us around his Miyazaki-inspired city!
Kaizen87 带着我们游览了他受宫峻崎启发而建造的城市!

I think everyone who’s seen a Studio Ghibli film has wanted to step inside and be surrounded by that wonderful fantasy feeling. And thanks to Kaizen87, now you can! He’s built a whole city inspired by the work and ideas of Ghibli co-founder Hayao Miyazaki.
我相信,看过吉卜力工作室出品的电影的人都会希望能走入电影里的场景,亲身体验那种美妙的感受。幸得 Kaizen87 潜心创作,现在你终于能如愿以偿了!他受吉卜力工作室联合创始人宫峻崎作品与思想的启发,建造了一整座城市!

The city mixes big and small, natural and man-made, to bring out the feeling of the beautiful animated movies. Narrow streets wind around details like flowerbeds, fountains, and statues. Boats float gently in the harbor. And the large defensive walls are slowly being absorbed by greenery growing up and over them. It’s the kind of place you could get lost wandering for hours and still find something new to see around every corner!

“I spent about two weeks on this build,” says Kaizen. As well as being inspired by Miyazaki’s movies, he was inspired by his words. One famous quote from the animator is that “the creation of a single world comes from a huge number of fragments and chaos.” That’s something that Kaizen tried to reflect in his city, with all kinds of bright colors and different elements mixed together to create the final product.
“我建这座建筑用了两星期。”Kaizen 说。宫峻崎影响他的不止电影,更有他说过的话。这位动画师有一段名言:“要创造一个世界,你要从海量碎片和混沌中取材。”Kaizen 希望将这个理念用到城市的建设中。纷呈的颜色与元素交相辉映,构成了这件作品。

That led to an unplanned, creative building style. “I just built what I felt,” he says. He tried not to worry about whether anyone else would like it but just stuck to what he felt worked well. Of course, it turns out that quite a lot of people agree, including us here at Minecraft.net!
这个理念所催生出的建筑风格,大多未曾设想,充满奇思妙想。他说:“我只是把我想要建的东西给建出来。”他不在乎别人喜不喜欢,只要觉得这样建是行得通的,他就这样建。结果当然是他收获了很多人的赞许,当中就包括了我们 Minecraft.net 的诸位编辑!

Kaizen invites people to create their own stories using the city as a backdrop, just like Studio Ghibli does with their movies. But he did give a hint as to the history of the city as he imagines it. “I tried to make sure that the streets of the city had a lot of vegetation, so that people lived in harmony with nature,” he says. That’s my favourite part – the plants everywhere. Pink blossom trees, little parks with ducks on the pond, and even some melons stacked up in the square. A cool slice of fruit would definitely be welcome after exploring this city!
Kaizen 邀请大家以这座城市为背景,书写他们自己的故事⸺就像吉卜力工作室用他们的电影所做的那样。不过他也提供了他所构想的城市历史供大家参考。“我尽力让街道旁边都长满植物,让居民与自然和谐共生。”他这样说道。处处都有植物,这正是我最欣赏的部分。粉红娇花满枝头,公园小鸭池中游。广场上还堆着西瓜。游完城市,精疲力竭,这时看见一片冰凉多汁的西瓜,试问有谁能拒绝?

What kind of film could you imagine springing out from that starting point? Maybe something went wrong, and it’s up to you to bring balance between plants and people back to the streets! Or maybe you want to get up to the big castle at the top of the mountain? What’s that mysterious tower in the distance? How many different colours and secret details can you spot? Or maybe you just want to have fun walking around and smelling the flowers! With so much to see, you can really let your imagination run wild.

Kaizen also wanted to use Miyazaki as inspiration because of the director’s history as well as his creative approach. Although Miyazaki creates beautiful animations, he didn’t learn to do that in school. Instead, he studied politics and economics. But that didn’t stop him from becoming an incredible artist! That’s a lesson that Kaizen keeps in mind whenever he’s building. “You don't have to be educated to create,” says Kaizen. “Anyone can create their own world.”
Kaizen 也以宫峻崎为榜样,这位导演的履历与创作方式同样充满传奇。尽管宫峻崎创作出了精美的动画作品,但他在求学时学的是治与经济学,并没有学过动画制作。然而,这并不妨碍他成为一位伟大的艺术家!Kaizen 建造城市时,心里总是怀揣着这一事例。“创造能力是与生俱来的,”Kaizen 说,“人人都能开创自己的一片天地。”

And Kaizen certainly has created many of his own worlds. He’s built everything from giant mansion houses to cities like this one and even survival bunkers. And he has more planned! He tells me that his next city might be based on New York and draw inspiration from Pixar movies this time. What kind of differences might come from that animation style?
Kaizen 确实创造出了很多自己的小天地。他建造过大豪宅,建造过今天介绍的这座城市,甚至建造过生存地堡。但他不愿就此止步!他告诉我,他建造的下一座城市将以纽约为原型,并从皮克斯电影中汲取灵感。这种类型的动画又将带来怎样的不同呢?我们拭目以待!

He hopes that by showing the world what he has learned himself, he can encourage others to get out there and create something, too. “It might inspire people not to be afraid to build big works,” he says. You might be nervous about trying your hand at something as grand as one of Kaizen’s builds. But he reminds us that his own skill didn’t come right away. Instead, he gained experience over time by sticking to building what he found fun and beautiful. “The main thing is not to give up,” he says.
他希望,通过向世界展示自己学到的东西,能够鼓励更多人尝试自己动手去创造。“也许这可以触动人们,告诉他们建造宏大工程并不是件遥不可及的事。”他说道。要建造像 Kaizen 这样的大工程可能会让你倍感压力,但 Kaizen 也提醒我们,他的技巧不是一朝炼成的,而是不断去建造自己觉得有趣和好看的建筑,并从中汲取经验。“最要紧的是不抛弃不放弃。”他这样说道。

I’ve got to go – I can feel the rush of motivation to start creating my own city!

【橄榄Chan(aka Olvcpr423译自官网 2022 年 11 月 07 日发布的 From up on blocky hill;原作者 Jay Castello】【欢迎将本帖收录到博文录,但请不要给予本帖任何宝石奖励】
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