本帖最后由 橄榄Chan 于 2022-9-30 13:54 编辑


A portal to another world?

Doors! Where would we be without them? In a cold and draughty house, that’s where. But there’s no cold or draughts in Minecraft, so you’d be fair to ask why there are doors in the game. Honestly, we’re not totally sure. But it didn’t feel right to give people a way to build a house without also giving them the ability to add a door.
要是我们起居的地方没有门作遮蔽,会是什么样子的呢?恐怕就变成凛冽寒风穿堂而过的房子了。可是你在 Minecraft 里并不曾觉得冷,也没有吹过什么穿堂风呀。这么看来,问及为什么要往游戏里加入门这种物品,倒也情有可原。说真的,原因我们也不是很确定。但是既然让玩家建房子,但又不让他们给房子装门,总不尽如人意。

Doors have, as you might imagine, been a part of Minecraft for a very long time. Since June 2010, to be specific, and they’ve barely changed at all since! But the good news is that there are now many different kinds of doors that you can install. Using a different material to construct a door lets you create ten different visually distinct doors.
你可能想到,门在 Minecraft 中已经有着相当久远的历史了,准确来说是在 2010 年 6 月加入的,而且打那以后几乎就没有改动过!好消息是,现已有林林总总的门可供安装。使用不同的材料,可以制造出十种外观各异的门。

Ah yes, constructing a door. Grab six planks of matching wood, or six iron ingots, and arrange them in crafting grid into the shape of a door – two wide and three high. Hey presto – you get a door! You can also steal doors from villages (you monster), from shipwrecks, strongholds, and woodland mansions.

To install a door, place it on the top surface of any full-sized block or upside-down slab or stairs. The exact placement of the door and hinge will depend on the direction that you place it from, so experiment a little if it doesn’t immediately go where you want it to.

Once installed, you can open and close a wooden door by aiming at it and pressing the use button. Players, villagers, and some mobs can open wooden doors, and they can also be broken down by some mobs in Hard difficulty. Redstone will open a door too – a pressure plate or switch next to a door is a nice way of doing this, and the pressure plate even looks a little like a doormat. Iron doors can only be opened with a redstone pulse.

Jorge Láscar // CC BY 2.0
Jorge Láscar // 知识共享 署名 2.0

The earliest recorded doors show up in the paintings in Egyptian tombs, but they seem to have been in wide use across the ancient world. Archaeologists have unearthed a 5,000-year-old door in Switzerland, and the Bible mentions a few examples too.

The earliest automatic door, incredibly, dates back to the first century AD, built by Greek scholar Heron of Alexandria. The first automatic door operated by a foot sensor was created in China in the 7th century, and was installed in the royal library of Emperor Yang of Sui. Gates powered by water are also featured in illustrations of the automatons of the Arab inventor Al-Jazari.
世界上最早的自动门由希腊学者海伦打造,可以追溯到公元 1 世纪,真是不可思议!第一扇通过脚踏板控制的自动门则于 7 世纪在中国诞生,安装在观文殿内(隋炀帝的书室中)。阿拉伯发明家 Al-Jazari 曾绘制过水力驱动的门的设计图。

The largest doors in the world, though, belong to the Vehicle Assembly Building at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Each of its four doors are 139 meters high, large enough to move the enormous Saturn launch vehicles through. They take 45 (!) minutes to open and close.
世界上最巨大的门位于美国佛罗里达###州肯尼迪航天中心的航天器装配大楼,由四扇门组成,每扇都高达 139 米,足以使土星探测器运载火箭这种庞然大物自由通过。这扇门需要花上足足 45 分钟(!)才能完成启闭。

So next time you’re waiting for a door to open at the Vehicle Assembly Building, consider fitting in a little Minecraft while you wait. You’ll undoubtedly be glad you did!
所以下次在航天器装配大楼等待那扇门开启时,不妨边玩 Minecraft 边等吧。你会由衷感到高兴的!

【橄榄Chan(aka Olvcpr423译自官网 2022 年 09 月 29 日发布的 Taking Inventory: Door;原作者 Duncan Geere】
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