本帖最后由 橄榄Chan 于 2022-10-5 13:39 编辑


Taiga taiga burning bright!

Roaming the taiga forests of Minecraft is a deeply relaxing experience. The ferns, the foxes, the... OW! Oh yes, the sweet berry bushes. But there’s one biome where the ancient evergreen trees reach even higher into the sky. It’s the old growth taiga, and it’s our biome of the month.
在 Minecraft 的针叶林间散步可以很好地放松身心。那里有蕨类、有狐狸……噢!还有甜浆果丛。但是其中有一个生物群系,里面生长着古老长青的参天大树。那就是原始针叶林,我们的本月群系。

The first sighting players got of the old growth taiga biome was in 2013, in a tweet from Jens, and it was added to the game in the Update That Changed the World later that year – initially called “Mega Taiga”. Mega taiga then got renamed to giant tree taiga in 2018, and finally in late 2021 we renamed it again – to old growth taiga.
在 2013 年 Jens 发的一条推文中,广大玩家第一次领略到原始针叶林的风光。这片生物群系后随同年晚些时候发布的“改变世界的更新”加入到了游戏,最开始时被称为 Mega Taiga,2018 年改名为 giant tree taiga(巨型针叶林)。最终我们于 2021 年末将其改名为 old growth taiga(原始针叶林)。

The name isn’t really important, though. What’s important is what you can find there. Most of the landscape is covered by magnificent spruce trees, many of which are 2x2 blocks wide. These enormous spruces sit in a soil of podzol and coarse dirt, dotted with mossy cobblestone boulders, mushrooms, sweet berry bushes, grass and ferns. One variant of the biome contains pointier pines, rather than standard spruce.
名字其实不是重点,重要的是这里面能找到些什么东西。这个群系的绝大部分地表密布着 2x2 格宽的大型云杉。巨大的云杉木在灰化土和砂土组成的土壤之上生长,周围还遍布着生苔的巨石、蘑菇、甜浆果丛、草丛和蕨等。它还有一个变种,但里面生长着的不是普通的云杉,而是尖顶的松树。

Wolves, foxes and rabbits roam between the trees, and you’ll also find many of the regular passive mobs – sheep, pigs, chicken and cows. This, combined with the widespread availability of wood and food makes it a great place to set up home. Unfortunately, you’ll also come across spiders, zombies, skeletons, creepers, and various other nasties at night. Keep an eye out!

In the real world, most forests are actively harvested for wood and there are very few places where evergreen trees have lain undisturbed for the centuries it takes for them to reach full size. Most of these untouched trees can be found in two countries – Canada and Russia, which both have large areas of forest without any human disturbance.

These old-growth forests tend to be a wild mix of large trees, dead trees – both standing and fallen – and plenty of debris on the forest floor. Many are vulnerable to forest fires, which is an increasing problem, though a few tree species actually require frequent surface fires to clear out the underbrush and free up valuable nutrients.

Most importantly, though, is the role that these ancient forests play in ecosystems. Old-growth forests are often home to many rare and threatened species, with high biodiversity. They also store huge amounts of carbon – both in the trees and below ground – making them a vital tool in preventing climate change.

So let’s try to keep them around, yeah?

【橄榄Chan(aka Olvcpr423译自官网 2022 年 07 月 28 日发布的 Around the Block Old Growth Taiga;原作者 Duncan Geere】
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