7/27/2022, 3:47:12 AM
本帖最后由 sky_tianle 于 2022-8-13 13:05 编辑
Minecraft Legends, anupcoming unique action strategy game, has finally been unveiled to the worldand we couldn’t be more excited. Of course, you know we just had to askthe community to share fan art inspired by this legendary announcement. Wereceived so many amazing entries we had to split it into two articles!
Minecraft Legends,这一款即将推出的独特动作策略游戏,终于面向世界展开了他的面目,我们很兴奋。当然,你知道我们不得不分享社区受这个传奇的预告片启发并提交的的粉丝艺术作品。我们收到了这么多令人吃惊的艺术作品,我们不得不将它分成两篇文章!
We loved seeing allthe submissions from the community and are thrilled to share, in no particularorder, **s we thought stood out.
Kicking things off isSnub F. Sploinkus with this adorable golem.
开场是 Snub F,Sploinkus 和这个非常可爱的傀儡。
Byron delivered this colorful scene complete with allays and piglins.
Byron 发表了这个五颜六色的内部含有悦灵和猪灵的景观。
Caterpillar899took to Minecraft to build one of their favorite scenes from the announcementtrailer.
Caterpillar899 用 Minecraft 来建造他在预告片中的最喜欢的场景之一。
Accnt went andrecreated some of the combat scenes shown in the announcement trailer.
Accnt 重现了在预告片中展示的一些战斗场景。
4-FX gave usthis smashing piglin drawing.
4-FX 发给了我们这个带有铁锤的猪灵画。
Quillagercreated a mashup of elements from the trailer into this singleimage.
Quillager 将预告片中的元素混搭到这个单一的图像中。
Lue’ssubmission has an amazing, ethereal quality to it with a piglin emerging from aportal.
Lue 提交的作品中,猪灵从传送门中出现,感觉惊人又空灵。
Oblixoidrecreated the mysterious symbols that appear in thetrailer(around the 1:33 mark for those of you who might want to take a look).
Oblixoid 重制了预告片中出现的神秘符号(对于那些可能想看的人来说,可能是 1:33 标记?)。
We love the inspiringmessage included in Toast’s entry.
我们喜欢 Toast 提交的作品中包含的这能鼓舞人心的文字。
Keeping the bannertrend going, The Dancing Parrot submitted this glorious duck.
The Dancing Parrot 提交的作品是一只光荣的鸭子,上面还有一幅旗帜在飘摇。
Azumax556291seemed really captured by this little cutie from the trailer.
Azumax556291 似乎真的被预告片中的这个小可爱深深吸引。
Bello666 gaveus these adorable allay faces.
Bello666 提交给我们这些可爱的悦灵脸。
Firefang gaveus a bit of sunshine with impending doom and gloom in this recreation of ascene from the trailer.
Firefang 在再现的这个预告片中的场景中,我们能看到一点阳光和铺天盖地席卷而来的厄运和阴霾。
Finally,Fundud10381 showed some love to one of the villagers from the trailer.It’s so cute!
最后,Fundud10381 从预告片中向一位村民表达了一些爱。它太可爱了呢!
We were trulyastounded by the variety of submissions sent in as well as the passion andexcitement for Minecraft Legends, so thank you to everyone whoparticipated.
我们真的被收到的各种各样的作品以及对 Minecraft Legends 的热情和兴奋所震惊,所以感谢所有参与的人!
Want to share yourcreations? Use the hashtag #FeatureMeMinecraft on Twitter, or keep an eye onour Discordserver for future community and fan art features!!
想分享你的作品吗?在 Twitter 上使用 #FeatureMeMinecraft 标签,或者关注我们的Discord 服务器,了解未来的社区和粉丝艺术!
【Tianle译自官网 2022 年 07 月 19 日发布的 Minecraft Legends Community Roundup: Fan Art Part1;原作者 Lindsey S. 】
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